Michael Koziarski Pro Dev Plan

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INTERN: Michael Koziarski AGENCY SPONSOR (supervisor): Becky Turco ORGANIZATION: The Heritage Foundation ACADEMIC INSTITUTION: Coastal Carolina University

PROFESSIONAL PHILOSOPHY (One paragraph stating the kind of professional you strive to be)
I want to be a professional known for his integrity, honesty, and diligence. While it is nice to be the smartest person in a room and known as brilliant, I would much rather be seen or known as the most trustworthy. If you command respect everything else will follow. I believe adherence to principle is a virtue and provides a greater sense of self-respect. JOB DESCRIPTION: I will be interning in the Training and Recruitment center at the Heritage Foundation. There I will be assisting with the development of a new training database as well as the development of training packages. My job also allows me to work with every other department at the Foundation, and allows me to attend all sorts of book events, symposia, speeches, etc.


I would love to earn my MA/PhD and teach at the University level.


II. Objective: Become computer literate and efficient A. Activities: Used a number of programs daily at work B. Evidence: I operate Raisers Edge, ESO and Google Analytices daily at my internship and without a

C. Target Date: May, 10 III. Objective: Meet Dr. Edwards A. Activities: Speak with Dr. Lee Edwards about the fusion of Political Philosophy and History in
scholarship. B. Evidence: I borrowed his work on Goldwater for my January reading list, he was very forthcoming about his experience writing the book and encouraged me to continue pursuing my dreams. C. Target Date: May, 10 IV. Objective: Attend SCOTUS orals A. Activities: I did not; however, I did attend a rally outside of during the Hobby Lobby procedings. C. Evidence: My picture was on the news. D. Target Date: April, 1

V. Objective: A. Activities: Watch a Senate session to understand the intricacies of the process

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Michael Koziarski Spring 2014 B. Evidence: I have received several gallery passes for this purpose. C. Target Date: May, 10

VI. Network effectively: A. Activities: Made at least five contacts per week B. Evidence: I have made at least five per week since Ive been here and probably more than that. C. Target Date: May 10 VII. Mold relationships at work: A. Activities: attended group meetings, policy briefs and frequently visited the water cooler. B. Evidence: living outside of Johnson Building has made this difficult but I have gone out several
times with co-workers.

C. Target Date: May 10


VIII. A. B. C.

Become a more efficient at typing: Activities: Typed a lot, roughly 5 hours per day. Evidence: I type like a rabbit runs, I tested out at 60 WPM Target Date: May 10

IX. Consume less caffeine: A. Activities: Give up Redbull B. Evidence: I havent done anything. C. Target Goal: May 10 X. Write thesis: A. Activities: I did not finish. B. Evidence: I actually had to cancel this class as it costs too much. C. Target Goal: May 10

XI. Expand my horizons culturally: A. Activities: I have gone out and met tons of people all over, including in Chinatown, Capitol Hill, etc. B. Evidence: I have met so many people from all over. My roommate is from the islands, speaks French
as his first language and was a marine. C. Target Date: May 10

XII. Meet a nice woman: A. Activities: Went to a number of political events and book events. B. Evidence: Nothing to show for it. C. Target Date: May 10 XIII. Become a better Catholic: A. Activities: Attend church at least bi-weekly

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Michael Koziarski Spring 2014 B. Evidence: I have only missed twice and I joined a young Catholics group C. Target Date: May 10 XIV. A. B. C.
Figure out my future : Activities: Asked a number of people who have studied and are interested in similar things. Evidence: I am currently applying to several think tanks and non-profits Target Date: May 10


XV. Eat more foreign foods: A. Activities: Ate Afghani food at the kabob house weekly. B. Evidence: My dresser is full of Kabob Palace receipts. C. Target Date: February 10 XVI. Meet people who live different lifestyles: A. Activities: met new people from a wide array of ethnicities and persuasions and had conversations. B. Evidence: I really have met more people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. For someone
who has lived all over the country I really do come from a homogenous background. I have met and made friends with so many people from the LGBT community, as well as people who practice Islam, Buddhism or dont practice anything at all. It is great getting to meet people who come from so many different backgrounds far different than your own and become friends. Its refreshing, exciting and probably the best part of my internship. C. Target Date: May 10

XVII. A. B. C.

Become familiar with an Asian language: Activities: I tried but this was not possible Evidence: Nothing yet. Target Date: May 10

XVIII. Adapt to cold: A. Activities: Just dealt with it. B. Evidence: Not so successful, but I survived. C. Target Date: May 10

XIX. Volunteer work: A. Activities: went to CPAC and volunteered at national harbor and at the Kirby Center B. Evidence: I have the name tags. C. Target Date: May 10 XX. Attend a protest: A. Activities: I was out front of the Supreme Court before and during the Hobby Lobby Case. B. Evidence: I froze my butt off and I am on newsbusters.org. C. Target Date: May 10. XXI. Get interviewed by reporter: A. Activities: I wasnt able to.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Michael Koziarski Spring 2014 B. Evidence: My work does not allow us to be interviewed while employed by them, it is a PR issue and
we represent them all of the time.

C. Target Date: May 10

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