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A Pastoral Journal for Congregation & Community ! Volume 16, Number 5 Pilgrims United Church of Christ !

Fruitland Park, Florida ! May 2014

A Note of Thanks
Joyce and I wish to say Thank You to everyone who helped make Easter Eve and our Holy Union such a special time. The work put into the planning, decorating, setting up, leading and assisting in worship, serving and the after-reception cleanup was significant and so appreciated. We had many first-time guests, and a number of old friends who returned, to share the joy. They all were impressed and intrigued by our Meeting House and the experience. As part of our Thank You to our Church Family, Joyce and I have given a pair of new Airpots for use in the coffee service. These will help provide a ready source of coffee while the next pot is brewing. Our lives have been richly and deeply blessed by your love and support. We will never forget.

Moderators Musings

Carol Dodd

So what happens now? Not to worry! Our By-Laws have it covered. As Pastoral Assistant, Rev Camille will provide pulpit supply until the end of June when Rons service at PUCC officially ends. Council will meet again on Monday, May 5. 10:00 a.m., to get to know Rev Camille better and understand some of her background and her plans for the summer and fall. You are all invited. I hope to see you there. Our Regional Minister, Rev. Sarah Lund, told us last Monday that the new official title of a temporary pastoral position is Designated Pastor and that how we are proceeding is now considered a best practice for ministry transition. So at our May 19 Council Meeting, I will be recommending that Rev Camille become our Designated Pastor beginning July 1, and Council will vote on that recommendation. By-Law 8.1.2: When a vacancy in the Office of Pastor occurs, the Moderator recommends and the Church Council approves a Pastor to serve in the Interim. In the fall, when the majority of our members and our lay leadership have returned; and if we determine a full Search is desirable, I will appoint a Pastoral Search Committee. By-Law 8.1.2: The Moderator then recommends and the Church Council approves a Pastoral Search Committee of no less than five nor more than seven members. The Pastoral Search Committee will nominate a successor at a meeting of the church called for the purpose of acting on such nomination. Election or termination of the Pastor must be by at least twothirds of those active members of the church present and casting ballots. In the meantime, I ask that you keep all of us in your prayers: Pastor Ron, Rev. Camille, your Council members, and the congregation of Pilgrims United Church of Christ.

a Pastor Ron

Ministers Phone Email Web site

All Members of the Congregation 352-365-2662

May Birthdays
2 Dick Zulauf 5 Mae Louise Zeise 6 Shirley Dean 18 James McArthur III 23 Ben & Max Taylor-Hazel 24 Beth Romans-Corsi 25 Dee Armstrong 26 Marilyn Wilcox 27 Anna Winegar 30 Sherry Brinkman

STAFF Pastor Ronal K. F. Nicholas, OSL Home Office: 540-650-TREE Pastoral Assistant Camille F. Gianaris Office: 352-365-2662 Church Secretary and Custodian Mary Cavanagh Choir Director Dr. Catherine Thiedt Pianist A. Kay Carlson ELDERS Moderator Vice Moderator Clerk Acting Financial Secretary Assistants Acting Treasurer Assistant Caring Communications Fellowship Missions Spiritual Formation Worship Resource Board Carol Dodd Catherine Thiedt Virginia Stiles Fred Marra Anne Zulauf, Ken Owens Margaret Lindsay Donna Fielding

Sunday Events Choir/Musicians meet at 8:30 a.m. Welcome and Worship at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour follows Worship, except for the Dinner on May 18. Other Events in May 5 Special Council Meeting, 10 a.m. 17 Florida Conference Spring Meeting, Jacksonville 19 Regular Council Meeting, 10 a.m.

Directory Update for Pastor Ron

Though Pastor Ron is officially on vacation May 1-June 30, here is the directory data update for him and Joyce: Ron Nicholas & Joyce Gordon 85 Little Mountain Drive Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151 Rons Cell (after May 1): 540-750-6390 Rons Office: 540-650-TREE Joyces Cell: 540-493-2133

Dorothy Owens Sue Patrick Betsy Lawson MaryAlice Morris Fred Marra

Pilgrims United Church of Christ is a welcoming, inclusive, biblically responsible, theologically progressive church. Our members worship joyfully and grow intellectually and spiritually as we express Jesus love and concern to our community and the world. Pilgrims Progress is published monthly, though some issues may be combined, and distributed by the 1st of the month. Copies may be transmitted by email, regular mail, Sunday pickup, or the Newsletter page on the website at . Items submitted for publication should be sent by email to no later than the day following Church Council. Inquiries should be directed to Pastor Camille or Jelenne Wimmer.

Stewardship Update

Greg Stiles

At the close of our Annual Stewardship Emphasis, we received Giving Estimates of over $68,000 for the General Fund (against a goal of $75,000); over $4,600 for the Dome Renovation, and over $2,000 for Missions. We know that there are those who give but do not pledge, so we know that actual giving will be higher than the pledged estimates. Thanks to all those who were able to make estimates, which greatly helps our ability to plan and budget our expenses during the year.


Worship Ministry

MaryAlice Morris

Missions Update

Sue Patrick

Most of our duties are behind-the-scene. Making sure everything is ready for Communion, getting the flowers up front on the altar every week, whether fresh due to a donation, or the artificial ones used as a back-up. Did you get a bulletin as you entered the sanctuary? That's us. The ushers who help with handing them out, or taking the offering, or passing out the communion, that's us. The liturgist who reads the weekly Scripture readings, we recruit them. So many things that we take for granted in our worship service are things that our ministry makes happen. However, there is one thing which is glaringly obvious and different. That is the "living water" display coming down from the Cross and Orb up front. This is something which we have been promising for a while. Something to add a little interest to the starkness. Something, we hope, to make you think about spiritual renewal, rejuvenation, reinvention, transformation. Jesus showed us the way. It's the season, folks!

We received a Thank You from The Haven for recent donations of $80 worth of clothing and miscellaneous items. In March we collected 41 pounds of food for the Leesburg Food Bank. Our May Missions Partner is the Leesburg Food Bank. During this offering we continue to receive donations of food, but our focus will be on cash/money contributions. For each $1 we give, the Bank is able to purchase $9 worth of food. The Food Bank has moved into their new facility, which is greatly improving the ability to service needs of local families.

Grounds Care

Greg Stiles

Our lawn service continues the monthly cutting of the lawn and removal of debris. Restoration Fellowship assists with a monthly trim of the area near the front entrance. We have been using the churchs own riding mower for more regular cutting of the fringe areas, but the mower, due to age, has needed repair, and now needs help for a broken drive shaft. If there is something you can do, please let me know.

Resource Board

Fred Marra

Though we are entering the summer months when things move at a slower pace, the Resource Board is at work. We wear two hats: Personnel Committee, dealing with staff and staffing issues, and Nominating Committee, finding and proposing candidates for elective office. In a small congregation, folks often wear more than one hat, but we do try to keep that to a minimum. We also try to help rotate jobs, so a person isnt locked in to the same job forever. But, in order to keep things working we do need a high percentage of participation. So, whether we come to ask you about taking a job or if you consider your talents, skills and interests and step up on your own, please consider what you can do. At the moment, we are temporarily covered in our financial positions with an Acting Financial Secretary and Acting Treasurer, but we need people who can take on these positions on a full-term basis. We also need Elders for Caring and Communications.

Building Care

Donna Fielding

The connector building between the domes has been pressure washed. The grease trap in the kitchen has been emptied, but needs to be cleanedwhich may need to be done monthly (rather than quarterly). The septic tank has been pumped. With the completion of the Dome renovation, we continue to monitor the curing of the new surface. If you see something that needs attention inside the meeting house, please obtain and complete a work order. These are on the shelf in the office.

This is the last issue of Pilgrims Progress for the summer. Communications will continue through Church Mouse, by email and on the Narthex Table. -3-

Pilgrims United Church of Christ 509 County Road 468 Fruitland Park, Florida 34731

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