Sec 300 Unit Plan Inquiry

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Solving Multi-Step Inequalities (Inquiry)

Author: Mandy Benner Date Created: 4/6/14 Subject(s): Algebra 1 (Math 1) opic or !nit o" Study ( itle): 5-3: Solving Multi-Step ne!ualitie" #rade $evel: #igh S$hool (%th and 1&th) Materials: S'artboard( )o'puter"( *e+tboo, Su%%ary (and Rationale): n thi" le""on( "tudent" -ill be learning ho- to "olve linear ine!ualitie" involving 'ore than one operation( in$luding the di"tributive property. Student" -ill need to deter'ine on their o-n the pro$e"" o/ 'ulti-"tep ine!ualitie". ne!ualitie" are u"ed all the ti'e in real--orld "ituation". Senten$e" and proble'" $an be tran"lated into 'ulti-"tep ine!ualitie" and then $an be "olved u"ing the propertie" o/ ine!ualitie". I& 'ocus and (evie) (*stablish +rior ,no)ledge): 05 'in"1 Be/ore the le""on( "tudent" "hould re/re"h their 'e'ory on ho- to "olve 'ulti-"tep e!uation". 2ar'-up !ue"tion" on S'artBoard 3e""on along -ith pull-out an"-er". II& State%ent o" Instructional -bjective(s) and Assessments: -bjectives When given nume r o u s que s tion s to ans w e r on their own, stud e n t s will ma k e conn e c tion s to prior knowle dg e of similar topics and use their book as a tool to find ans w e r s to the multistep inequ ality proble m s in the SMAR !oard lesson with "#$ efficienc y% Assess%ents 1. A""e"" i/ they $o'e up -ith a$$eptable an"-er" to the in!uiry !ue"tion". 4. n group"( they "hould have $o'pleted the e+a'ple" given on the SMA5* Board 3e""on and gotten at lea"t 6&7 $orre$t. 3. *he "tep" to "olve a 'ulti-"tep ine!uality "hould be a$$urate on the /inal $la"" -i,i page. 4. #o'e-or, !ue"tion" "hould be atte'pted /ully and 6&7 a$$urate. State the ob8e$tive: 01 'inute1 A""e""'ent: 05& 'in"1 III& eacher Input (+resent tas.s/ in"or%ation and guidance): 05 'in" at beginning and guidan$e throughout1 1. n"tru$t "tudent" to "tart -ar'-up 4. State ob8e$tive 3. 9re"ent in!uiry !ue"tion"( -al, around during partner -or,. 4. A""e"" an"-er" 5. :uide "tudent" through e+tra e+a'ple"( have "tudent" $o'e up to "'artboard to -or, out proble'".

6. :ive $orre$tive /eedba$, ;. 9re"ent ho'e-or, I0& #uided +ractice (*licit per"or%ance): 045 'in"1 #ave "tudent" -or, in pair" or group" o/ three to an"-er the in!uiry !ue"tion" and pra$ti$e the e+a'ple". So'e "tudent" $an $o'e up to the board -hen they have de'on"trated $o'pletion. #ave $la"" 'a,e a -i,i page together. V. Closure (+lan "or %aintenance): 05 'in"1 5evie- the "tep" /or a 'ulti-"tep ine!uality. Su''ari<e the ,ey $on$ept". n/or' $la"" o/ ho'e-or, proble'". 5e'ind "tudent" that there i" a !ui< to'orro-. Study )hapter 5-1 to 5-3 VI. Independent +ractice: 03& 'in"- 1 hour o/ ho'e-or,1 9age 4%% =1-4& odd S A1DA(DS:

&&SS%Math%&ont e n t %'SA%R()%!%* Solve linear equ a tio n s and inequ alitie s in one variabl e, including equ a tio n s with coefficient s repr e s e n t e d by letter s % &&SS%Math%&ont e n t %'SA%&(+%A%, &reat e equ a tio n s and inequ alitie s in one variable and use the m to solve proble m s % Include equa tio n s arising from linear and quadratic functions , and sim ple rational and expo n e n tial functions % &&SS%Math%&ont e n t %'SA%&(+%A%* Repr e s e n t cons tr ain t s by equ a tio n s or inequ alities, and by syst e m s of equ a tio n s and-or inequ alities , and interpr e t solutions as viable or nonviable options in a mod eling cont e . t% For exa m pl e , repres e n t inequ alities describing nutritional and cost cons traint s on com bina tio n s of differ e n t foods % 'S% %,%/ 0se appropriate technology tools and other resources to organi1e information 2e%g% online note-taking tools, collaborative wikis3%
+lans "or Individual Di""erences: / there are "tudent" -ho are intere"ted in "$ien$e( then point out that there are 'any natural "etting" that $an be $onne$ted to linear ine!ualitie". #ave "tudent" -rite ob"ervation" about po""ible $onne$tion" in their noteboo," and then "hare their ob"ervation" -ith the $la"". Sandra - #ave Sandra -or, a" a tutor or 'entor -ith another "tudent -here "he 'u"t e+plain in/or'ation to the'( "u$h a" ho- to "olve a 'ulti-"tep ine!uality. >i//erential #o'e-or, option" li"ted in te+tboo, /or di//erent level" (ba"i$( $ore( advan$ed) (e"erences (A+A style):

&arter, 4% A%, 5uevas, 5% 4%, +ay, R%, 6 Malloy, &% 2/#,,3% Algebra 1% 2 eacher ed%3% Mc5raw 'ill 5lencoe% Common core state standards initiative% 2/#,73% Retrieved from http8--www%corestandards%orgSmartboard 9esson adapted from http8--e.change%smarttech%com-details%html: id;,d<f<ac/-=a<>-7>d*-b<ba-=>#f??#f<fdd

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