Kiera Hess: Objective

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Kiera Hess

204 E 21st St Austin, TX 75075 214.!"7.!### Objective$ %y as&irations are to 'ork as a (ourna)ist *or a ne's or+ani,ation s&ecia)i,in+ in &o)itics. Education$ -ni.ersity o* Texas at Austin /antici&ate0 to +ra0uate S&rin+ 20171 23A$ 4."454.0, 6eans 7ist 2ra0uate0 *ro 3)ano East Senior Hi+h 2014 Employment$ S&rin+ 8reek 9ar:e;ue 2012<2014 Skills: 3ro*icient in Au0acity, A0o:e 3hotosho&, an0 S&anish =orkin+ Kno')e0+e in >ina) 8ut an0 HT%7 %oti.ationa))y 0ri.en Attention to 0etai) 7ea0ershi& ski))s ?r+ani,e0 Extensi.e Ti e %ana+e ent ski))s =orks 'e)) 'ith others Community Service: Su er 2012 .o)unteere0 as 8a & 8ounse)or at Herita+e >ar Stea0 3)ano >oo0 3antry 2012<2014 Assiste0 teachers at 3)ano @n0e&en0ent Schoo) 6istrict Activities: @ntra ura) Ao))ey:a)) Bationa) Honors Society Hi+hschoo) 8hoir >resh an 7ea0ershi& ?r+ani,ation %e :er References: An+ie %i))er )a:@+ ai).co "72.75411"1 Erin Cens:y erin.( 214.54!.!157

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