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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


MEDIA AND PRESS KIT international

204 Pages - Seiten (Language / Sprachen: English, German, French – Englisch, deutsch, französisch)

Redaktion / Managing Editor: Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, French-German Journalist, broadcast

journalist, author, TV- Radio and Film-Producer (since 1984), nurse (R.N.), paramedic, news
correspondent, missionary and director of the Branch for the United Kingdom, Branch for
Germany, international JEWISH-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo.

Founder And President: Evangelist Yawovi Nyonato, Lome, Togo, WEST-AFRICA

Die internationale Jüdisch-Messianisch-Christliche John Baptist Mission KENNT keine

Zwangs-Konvertierungen, denn ZWANG ist KEIN Glaube !

John Baptist Mission of Togo – Mission Jean Baptiste


This is the international service in the ENGLISH, FRENCH and GERMAN language of the JEWISH-
CHRISTIAN international John Baptist Mission of Togo – Mission Jean Baptiste which has

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

been founded by EVANGELIST YAWOVI NYONATO, in the city of LOME in TOGO, in WEST
Mission Jean Baptiste, Togo, Afrique
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Founder of John Baptist Mission of Togo
13 P.O.BOX:79 Lome-Togo
Cell:(00228) 931 93 20 / (228) 9467150 / 963 27 85
Fax/Phone: 00228 225 02 49
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
international news and mission magazine
international editors – FOR EDITIORIAL ENQUIRIES ONLY !

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414

John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch for Germany
Branch for the United Kingdom
Andreas Klamm, French-German Journalist, broadcast journalist,
news correspondent and author, missionary and director,
registered nurse (R.N., RGN)
Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802
Tel. 0049 6236 48 90 44

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, online edition
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
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IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
IBS Television Liberty
(founded in 1986) (founded in 1984)
IFN International Family Network d734,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

international faith ministry (founded in 1984)
Bible in English:
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About The Bible

What today’s Christian needs to know about

The Greek New Testament
By – G. W. Anderson


In recent years there has been much confusion concerning modern translations and editions of the
Greek New Testament. Some people make claims regarding the Greek New Testament without
having information and facts to support their claims. Many people claim that their translations are
accurate because those translations are based upon the best available Greek texts. Some claim that
their translations are better than the Authorised Version (KJV) because the Authorised Version
(KJV) and its underlying Greek Textus Receptus add variants and extra readings to the text. Others,
however, claim that the Greek text of the New Testament is not important because their favourite
translation is better that any Greek text. Still others say that the Greek text is not important
because most people cannot read the Greek of the New Testament era. However, the Greek text
upon which a translation is based will have an impact upon both a Christian’s reading of Scripture
devotionally and the proclaiming of the Word of God in bearing witness to the saving grace of Jesus
Christ. It is necessary that today’s Christian understands the importance of the Traditional Greek
text (Textus Receptus) in his Christian life.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

The Traditional Text

First of all it is necessary to understand what is meant by the term ‘Traditional text’. During the 1st
century following the resurrection of Christ, God moved men to pen His Word (2 Peter 1.21). The
result was a group of letters and books, written in Koine Greek (called the ‘original autographs’).
These letters and books were copied and recopied throughout the centuries and distributed
throughout the world. These copies comprise the manuscripts of the New Testament. Over 5,000
of these Greek manuscripts have survived to this day. The great number of these Greek
manuscripts supports what is called the Byzantine textual tradition, Byzantine because it came
from all over the Greek-speaking world at that time. These Byzantine manuscripts make up what is
called the Traditional Text of the New Testament. The best printed representation of this Byzantine
text-type is the Textus Receptus (or Received Text). In addition to the manuscripts, we also have
available many works in which numerous Church Fathers quoted from the manuscripts. The work
of John Burgon has established that the basic text used by numerous Church Fathers is the same as
the text now known as the Byzantine Text.
The Textus Receptus, was compiled from a number of Byzantine manuscripts, by numerous editors
from the early 1500s. There were editions from textual editors such as Erasmus, Stephens, Beza,
the Elzevirs, Mill and Scrivener. These editions differ slightly from one another but still are regarded
as the same basic text. Certain editions were popular in different countries and provided the basis
for New Testament translations. The Textus Receptus (as it later became known) was the text used
by Tyndale and in turn by the translators of the English Authorised (King James) Version of 1611
and other Reformation era translations.
The Critical Text
During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, another form of Greek New Testament has come
into the forefront and is used for most modern New Testament translations. This Critical Text, as it
is called, differs widely from the Traditional Text in that it omits many words, verses and passages
which are found in the Received Text and translations based upon it.
The modern versions are based mainly upon a Greek New Testament which was derived from a
small handful of Greek manuscripts from the 4th century onwards. Two of these manuscripts,
which many modern scholars claim to be superior to the Byzantine, are the Sinai manuscript and
the Vatican manuscript (c. 4th century). These are derived from a text type known as the
Alexandrian text (because of its origin in Egypt); this text type was referred to by the textual
critics Westcott and Hort as the ‘Neutral text’. These two manuscripts form the basis of the Greek
New Testament, referred to as the Critical Text, which has been in widespread use since the late
19th century. In recent years there has been an attempt to improve this text by calling it an
‘eclectic’ text (meaning that many other manuscripts were consulted in its editing and evolution),
but it is still a text which has as its central foundation these two manuscripts.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Problems in the Critical Text

There are many problems of omission which characterize this Greek New Testament. Verses and
passages which are found in the writings of Church Fathers from around 200 to 300 A.D. are
missing in the Alexandrian Text manuscripts which date from around 300 to 400 A.D. In addition,
these early readings are found in manuscripts in existence from 500 A.D. onwards. An example of
this is Mark 16.9-20: this passage is found in the writings of Irenaeus and Hippolytus in the 2nd
century, and is in almost every manuscript of Mark’s Gospel from 500 A.D. onwards. It is missing in
two Alexandrian manuscripts, the Sinai and the Vatican.
This is but one of many examples of this problem. There are many words, verses and passages
which are omitted from the modern versions but which are found in the Traditional or Byzantine
Text of the New Testament, and thus in the Textus Receptus. The Critical Text differs from the
Textus Receptus text 5,337 times, according to one calculation. The Vatican manuscript omits 2,877
words in the Gospels; the Sinai manuscript 3,455 words in the Gospels.
These problems between the Textus Receptus and the Critical Text are very important to the
correct translation and interpretation of the New Testament. Contrary to the contention of
supporters of the Critical Text, these omissions do affect doctrine and faith in the Christian life.
Several examples of doctrinal problems caused by the omissions from the Critical Text follow. This
is by no means an exhaustive list. The modern reconstructed Critical Text
omits reference to the Virgin Birth in Luke 2.33
omits reference to the deity of Christ in 1 Timothy 3.16
omits reference to the deity of Christ in Romans 14.10 and 12
omits reference to the blood of Christ in Colossians 1.14
In addition, an error is created in the Bible in Mark 1.2; in this passage in the Critical Text Isaiah is
made the author of the book of Malachi. In numerous places in the New Testament the name of
Jesus is omitted from the Critical Text; seventy times ‘Jesus’ is omitted and twenty-nine times
‘Christ’ is omitted.(1)
Another problem with the modern Critical Text is that the two main manuscripts upon which this
text is constructed, the Sinai and the Vatican, disagree between themselves over 3,000 times in the
Gospels alone. Thus, the Alexandrian text presents itself as a text type which is characterized in
many places by readings which are not common to the manuscripts of their own tradition. The
Critical Text is characterized by wording which in the original language is difficult, abrupt or even
impossible. It appears that no matter how peculiar or aberrant the variant reading is, it must have
been in the original autographs because (as is sometimes claimed) a scribe would never make a
change which disagrees with other manuscripts; he would, instead, make a change which would
make a passage read more smoothly.
Much is said about the Alexandrian manuscripts being very old. This is true, but the emphasis in the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

study of textual criticism should not be upon how old the manuscript is but upon how many
copies removed from the original it is. A manuscript which is dated as having been copied during
the 10th century could have been the fifth in a line of copies originating with the original
autograph, whilst a manuscript dated as having been copied during the 3rd century could have been
the one hundredth in the line of copies. Since it is difficult to tell the genealogy, the family of any
given manuscript, it is important to note that age is relative in the sense that you could have a
corrupt 3rd century manuscript or a faithful 10th century manuscript.
A good illustration would be to suppose that, in the year 3000, a copy of the English Bible was
found which dated from the 1970s. Suppose this Bible happened to be the oldest existing Bible
available, and this Bible happened to differ in hundreds of places from the Bible that was in use by
Christians in the year 3000. One could well imagine the scientific critics, with their methodology,
extolling the virtues of the ancient age of this Bible, the page design showing quality, careful care in
the layout and the paper of this particular volume, the binding and so on. But their arguments
would tend to fall apart when, after beginning to translate Bibles into modern languages on the
basis of this ancient book, Christians discovered that this version of the Scriptures was the New
World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Providential Preservation
The Traditional Text of the New Testament is understood by conservative Bible-believing Christians
to have been providentially preserved by God. God has promised in His Word that He would not
only preserve His Word for generations to come, but that His Word was permanent and would be
kept free from corruption.
Matthew 5.18 states “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.
Isaiah 59.21 says “As for me, this is My covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon
thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of
the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth
and for ever”. John 10.35 says “and the scripture cannot be broken”.
These verses demonstrate that God has not left His church for centuries without an authoritative
copy of the Word of God, but that God’s people down through the ages have faithfully copied and
recopied copies of the original autographs. The church all over the world has used the Traditional
Text in all of its various forms, and God has seen fit to multiply multitudes of copies and has
brought salvation to many generations through this preservation process. This doctrine of
providential preservation is succinctly stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapter 1,
paragraph VIII:
“The Old Testament in Hebrew, which was the native language of the people of God of old, and the
New Testament in Greek, which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

nations, being immediately inspired by God and by His singular care and providence kept pure in all
ages, are therefore authentical; so as, in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal
unto them.”
This precious doctrine of the providential preservation of the Scriptures has been all but forgotten
by modern textual scholars. Many of them treat the Word of God as just another book that can be
submitted to the whims and changing norms of modern scientific methods. Many of the destructive
forms of higher criticism of the 19th century have come from a lack of belief that the Bible is a
supernatural book. The Bible has the marks of inspiration which clearly can be seen by believing
eyes, but which can be trampled under the feet of men rushing headlong toward destruction. But,
in spite of this, God has raised up His people who love and cherish His Word and recognize the
marks of inspiration that the early believers recognized, and that these copies which have been
handed down through the ages represent well what God has intended to be used. This does not
mean that any particular printed edition of the Greek New Testament today is perfect, but what it
does mean is that the New Testament that we have today is essentially the same as that passed
down through the ages through various groups of believers who have loved and kept His Word.
The strength of this preservation in the Old Testament comes in the quality of scribe that copied
the Old Testament Hebrew. In the New Testament this is seen in the abundance of manuscripts
which we possess today. This has been God’s method for keeping His Word pure. This preservation
provides that no one local text, such as the one from Alexandria, Egypt, would become the
dominant text. It took liberalism and unbelief to challenge this preservation process. It has never
been proven that these few Alexandrian manuscripts ever existed outside of Alexandria, Egypt.
Many of God’s people around the world reject the Critical Text in all of its forms. The practical
application of providential preservation is that the believer today must choose between a modern
reconstructed text based essentially upon two manuscripts from the 4th century, which omits the
deity of Christ in many places and is estimated by some to leave out approximately 200 verses (the
equivalent of 1 and 2 Peter), or that he must choose as a text one which God has used through
the centuries. Do we use the text which God has blessed, and which best honours and glorifies the
Lord Jesus, or do we not?
The printed editions of the Greek New Testament which were published during the 1500s and
1600s were produced by men who understood what the glory of God meant and the importance
of having accurate copies of the Bible. From the work known as the Complutensian Polyglot to the
various editions of Erasmus, to the four editions of Robert Stephens (the best known of which is
the 1550 text and which is the basis for what is called the Berry Interlinear or the Englishman’s
Greek New Testament), to the work of the great critic. Theodore Beza in his five editions, to the
editions of the Elzevirs in 1624 and 1633, and ultimately to the work of F. H. A. Scrivener in the
1870s and ’80s, we have scholarship in textual criticism and the most faithful and careful attitude
toward the manuscripts that one can imagine.
The Traditional Text of the New Testament was the text of the Reformation period, so that

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

whether it was the work of Erasmus or of Stephens, Luther’s own translation or that of the heirs
of the Reformation such as the Westminster Divines and the translators of the Authorised Version
in English, this text has been widely used and tremendously blessed by God.
The Responsibility of Believers Today
The textual critic J. Harold Greenlee has said, “New Testament textual criticism is, therefore, the
basic Biblical study, a prerequisite to all other Biblical and theological work”.(2) This is not an
overstatement of the importance of this issue. As believers we have the responsibility in our day
and age of proclaiming the Gospel, the pure Gospel, the undiluted Gospel. We also have the right
and privilege of being the next in the line of protecting God’s Word and proclaiming it. Each
individual Christian will make a decision on this matter, of which text is correct. Unmistakably, this
decision will be made, consciously or unconsciously, by every single believer. This decision is made
when the believer decides which edition of the Bible he will use to read and study; and if he
chooses a translation based upon corrupted manuscripts which reflect views which omit the deity
of Christ, His blood atonement, His virgin birth, then the decision has been made to extend this
error to the next generation. If, however, today’s Christian chooses a translation of the Word of
God which is translated from the Traditional Text of the New Testament, the decision has been
made to continue to see God working through His providence in providing His Word in its
complete form, for not only this generation but for those to come.
(1) See “The Great Omission”, The Quarterly Record (London, England: The Trinitarian Bible
Society, no. 524, July-September 1993).
(2) J. Harold Greenlee, Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (Grand Rapids, MI, USA:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1964), p. 17.
A Bibliography In Support of The Traditional Text of the New Testament
“The Ancient Manuscripts of the New Testament”, Quarterly Record London, England: The
Trinitarian Bible Society, no. 510, January-March 1990.
Anderson, G. W. and D. E. “A Textual Key to the New Testament”. London, England: The Trinitarian
Bible Society, 1992.
“The Authenticity of the Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel according to Mark demonstrated by the
evidence of the ancient manuscripts”, Article No. 16. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society,
“The Authorised Version: What today’s Christian needs to know about the AV”, Article no. 75.
London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Burgon, John William. The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels.
London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

________. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark. Oxford: J. Parker and Co.,
________. The Revision Revised. Fort Worth, TX, USA: A. G. Hobbs Publications, 1983.
________. The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels. London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.
Clark, Gordon H. Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. Jefferson, MD. USA: The Trinity Foundation,
Dabney, Robert L. “The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek”, Discussions of
Robert Lewis Dabney, vol. 1. Carlisle, PA, USA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.
________. “The Revised Version of the New Testament”, Discussions of Robert Lewis Dabney, vol.
1. Carlisle, PA, USA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.
“The English Bible: Its Origin, Preservation and Blessing”, Article no. 101. London, England: The
Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Fuller, David Otis. Counterfeit or Genuine. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International
Publications, 1978.
________. True or False. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International Publications, 1983.
________. Which Bible? Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International Publications, 1970.
“God was Manifest in the Flesh”, Article No. 103. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Hills, Edward Freer. The King James Version Defended. DesMoines, IO, USA: The Christian Research
Press, 1984.
“The New International Version: What today’s Christian needs to know about the NIV”, Article no.
74. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
The New Testament, The Greek Text Underlying the English Authorised Version of 1611 (Textus
Receptus). London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Pickering, Wilbur N. The Identity of the New Testament Text. Nashville, TN, USA: Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1977.
Scrivener, F. H. A. The Authorised Edition of the English Bible (1611): Its Subsequent Reprints and
Modern Representatives. Cambridge, England: The University Press, 1884.
________. A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament for the Use of Biblical
Students, third edition. Cambridge, England: Deighton, Bell and Co., 1883.
Sturz, Harry A. The Byzantine Text-Type and New Testament Textual Criticism. Nashville, TN, USA:
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Van Bruggen, Jakob. The Ancient Text of the New Testament. Winnipeg, Ont., Canada: Premier, 1976.
________. The Future of the Bible. Nashville, TN, USA: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1978.
“What is Wrong With the Modern Versions of the Holy Scriptures?” Article No. 41. London,
England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
“Why 1 John 5 vs. 7-8 is in the Bible”, Article No. 102. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society,
Wisse, Frederik, The Profile Method for Classifying and Evaluating Manuscript Evidence. Grand
Rapids, MI, USA: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1982.
“The Word of God Among All Nations: An Introduction to the Society’s Principles”. London,
England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
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MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Abraham Lincoln

American President Abraham Lincoln: “I know that liberty is right”

Washington. / Documentation Of Statements/- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),
sixteenth American president (1860-1865) said: “The philosophy of the school room
in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. We have been
receipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved, these many
years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no
other nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten GOD.
We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and
strengthened us; and we vainily imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings
were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbrocken
success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving
grace, too proud to pray to the GOD that made us !
It is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of
GOD and to recognize the sublime truth annouced in the HOLY SCRIPTURES and proven by
all history, that those nations only are blessed whose GOD is the LORD. I am profitably
engaged in reading the Bible. Take all of this book upon reason that you can, and the balance by
faith, and you will live and die a better man…But for this book we could not know right from
wrong. I believe the Bible is the best gift GOD has ever given to man. The Bible is suited to
men in all conditions of life and includes all the duties they owe to their Creator, to
themselves and to their fellowman.
I know that liberty is right, for CHRIST teaches it, and CHRIST is GOD.”
Statement made by Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America (U.S.A.).

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mission Jean Baptiste BURUNDI (AFRICA)

John Baptist Mission BURUNDI (Africa)
MJB Mission Jean Baptiste Burundi
John Baptist Mission
Branch of Burundi
Pastor Felix Niyongabo

The Servants Of GOD

Pastor Felix Niyongabo

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Legal representative

Evangelist Jerome
Deputy Legal Representative

Mrs. Esperen
Deputy of coordinator of the women

Pastor Michael
Pastor Supervisor of NORD

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Pastor Supervisor Deo

Pastor Supervisor of the WESTERN area

Mrs. Joselyne
General treasurer

Mrs. Marie Chantal

Coordinator of compassion

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mrs. Renild
Coordinator of the evangelization

Mrs. Frederique
Secretary-general and coordinator of the women

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Coordinator of Youth and Praise

Pastor Ferdinand

Pastor George

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Church of KAMENGE

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

(c) ALL PHOTOGRAPHS by John Baptist Mission, Branch of Burundi

John Baptist Mission – Branch of Burundi

and John Baptist Mission Church
1) Seminars and crusades,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

2) planting 17 churchs in urban and rural milieu

3) Help to poors
4) Leaders seminars
5) To build a dispensary
6) Support to windows and orphans and street children
7) To built office for the co-ordination
8 ) To plant a technical school for training the youth who didn’t follow their studies
9) To plant Primary and secondary school
10) Visit and evangelisation to prisons and hospitals
11) seminars on HIV/AIDS and support to people living with HIV/AIDS
12) Seminars on peace and reconciliation , conflicts resolution
13) to assister financially and materially the person enweaves some in deters


I) We need orphan home center for forty orphan children and supporting them in the materiel
and food for living this orphan
II) We need some materials such as clovers food shoes culinary materials to assist the poorest
person, the prisons and the sicks in the hospitals.


I) We have a church in BUJUMBURA town the capital of Burundi but we can’t build because we
rent the ground plots are expensive and we are unable to buy it .we d’ like ask you to help us to
buy that ground plot .
- We need itself the support financial to establish 17 churches in 17 province of Burundi.
II) WE need the help in order to get sonolisation instruments for our evangelization works , our
crusades and prayers churches
1) Amplifying mixer (1unite complete of 18 tracks)
2) Piano sympethise ( 1 pc)
3) Electric guitar (3pces)
4) Generator (1PIECE)
5) Drum (1 unite complete)
6) The speak out (6 pieces)
Our ministry is recognized by the administration of BURUNDI it is on the list of the non-
profit-making association which works within our country it is approved by ordinance

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

ministerial NO/530/204/OF15/12/2007.
Burundi is located in the Africa heart of 27834km.
Surface population are 6 500 000 in habitant.
We find Rwanda in the north Tanzania.
In the east and south; and Democratic REPUBLIC of Congo (DRC) the west
Burundi is among the poor countries of the world because of civilian wars.
The population is composed with three ethnics today the county tries to go out
Of the war and security all over the country the people of Burundi are thirsty
Of God’s word and have promises from God that one day Burundi will become the
source Of the spiritual revival in the area of the large lakes , for the accomplishment of
that God’s promise.
Our vision is: To harvest for the kingdom of Jesus.

John Baptist Mission Burundi

About Pastor and Missionary FELIX NIYONGABO
By Felix Niyongabo
The name of our Missionary is NIYONGABO Felix, I am Burundian born in 1971 up country I am
married wife and have three children.
I grew in a power family as an orphan because my father died in 1972 one year after my Birth ;
by civilian war. When my father died; my mother was 25 years.
She was not saved and saved and got married to another man already married and she became the
second wife my brother and sisters and stayed with our grandfather.
After that civilian war; It come in grand-father was not able to feed us. I started to feed myself with
food taken from different bins of the village.
I had heard that there will be the end of the world where all sinners will go to perish eternally.
I was thinking about my didn’t know how to escape the last judgement at the end of the world.
I didn’t know what to do; One day; I went to the church where they were preaching and received
Jesus in my life as my personal saviour and my lord.
Since that day; Things started to change. I have been baptized by immersion.
Some years later; My mother come back to our home to take care of us and brought me to the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

school when I was ten years-I was beyond the normal age of registration Children in the first class
of primary studies by the national exam which brought me to the secondary in techniques.
I was studying in difficulty conditions because we were very poor without school fees, uniforms,
school material, act…¨¨For all my needs ;I focused my look to the Lord and got help from God’s
The money burned by my mother was spent for her alcoholic drinks. I followed, techniques in a
school where I met a prayer group with which I shared the gospel and the prayer.
I have been baptized in spirit in a bible teaching organized by the bible reading league.
The spirit of God divert in me the need of praying for my family in order to bring.
Them to Jesus-I took that commitment and today the whole family are converted even with my
After my secondary studies in techniques the Lord sent me to a bible Institute.
I’ve just passed four years in that Institute and God has greatly manifested his power through me.
After my studies biblical God called me in his ministry to take part in the harvest because it is time
in our country it is in this vocation that I Have pray and I come a representative of Christian
ministry named John Baptist Mission in BURUNDI M.J.B.BU and the Founder is NYONATO
For more information contact :

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Church planting


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mission Jean Baptiste au Togo, Afrique

John Baptist Mission of Togo, AFRICA

Mission Jean Baptiste, Togo, Afrique

John Baptist Mission of Togo
Founder of John Baptist Mission of Togo
13 P.O.BOX:79 Lome-Togo
Cell:(00228) 931 93 20 / (228) 9467150 / 963 27 85
Fax/Phone: 00228 225 02 49

Reverend Evangelist Yawovi Nyonato, Founder of the international and world-wide

service John Baptist Mission of Togo. Photos: MJB

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Cameroun

Mission Jean Baptiste (MJB) Cameroun

John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch of Cameroun
Mission Jean Baptiste Cameroun
Tel. 00237 99 30 70 18 (French language, only)
For ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS, only, please dial:
Tel. 00237 96 17 37 18
Bp 07 Bonanjo

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Notre vision est de batir un grand centre missionnaire ici à Douala et atteindre
aussi toute la republique du cameroun, c’est à dire implanter la mission Jean
Baptiste dans les dix provinces du Cameroun.

Que Dieu vous bénisse.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

(c) ALL PHOTOSGRAPHS by John Baptist Mission Branch of Cameroun, Africa.

Welcome to the Cameroun Branch of
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Douala (Cameroun) /Lome (Togo). – On June 11, 2008 the
Cameroun Branch of John Baptist Mission has been founded. The founder and
president of John Baptist Mission, Evangelist and Reverend Yawovi Nyonato was happy
to annouce “the birth of John Baptist Mission Cameroun”. Since 2007 he is in close
contact with Pasteur CESAR KATEHE OKITO in the city of Douala. The Cameroun
Branch of John Baptist Mission will be led by Pasteur Cesar Katehe Okito as pastor
and director of John Baptist Mission Cameroun in Africa.
The John Baptist Mission Cameroun Branch will be located in the Cameroun city of Douala. If you
need to contact John Baptist Mission Cameroun by phone, feel free to call, Tél: 00237 99 30 70 18
or by regular mail write to: Pasteur Cesar Katehe Okito, Bp 07 Bonanjo, Douala / Cameroun,
Africa, by email:
More information about John Baptist Mission and its international mission services will be issued as
soon as possible from the Communication and information department (CID) of John Baptist
Mission, Togo, Branch United Kingdom and Branch of Germany. Get more information about John
Baptist Mission on or in the FRENCH language on .

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mission Jean Baptiste (France)

John Baptist Mission (France)
Mission Jean Baptiste FRANCE (Europe)

Claude et sa femme que nous ne cesserons de remercier assez pour les nombreuses actes
benevoles qu’ils accomplissent dans nos vie.puisse le Seigneur tout puissant le leur rendent au

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Yoann VALLAUNEY un de nos donateurs; qui retse presents a chaque étape importantes de notre
mision. Grace a lui beaucoup a été fait et nous lui temoignons toute notre gratitudes.Que la la
Grace du Tout Puissant veille sur toi Amen.
Nos amis de YWAM PERTH d’Australie; qui ne cessent de prier pour nous tous les jours.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mission Jean Baptiste CANADA

John Baptist Mission CANADA

Mission Jean Baptiste CANADA

John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch of CANADA
1892 marchand
Ville de Laval
Province de Québec
h7g 4v6
Email :
Phone : (450) 967 121 5 (home)
(515) 2128649 (Mobile)

Evangéliste-Missionnaire SERGE GRAVEL
Responsable de l’Oeuvre “Mission Jean-Baptiste CANADA”

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Pastor Serge Gravel, MJB Canada. Photograph: MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
Bonjour je m’appelle Serge, Je suis né le 4 novembre 1949 au Cap de la Madeleine la ville dédiée à
la Vierge Marie dont la ville fête tous les 15 août.
Je fus dédié à Marie et je voulais devenir prêtre depuis mon jeune âge et je voulais être
missionnaire en Afrique ou Haïti. Mes parents étaient catholiques et mon oncle magicien, il était
guérisseur et voulait que je sois son successeur dans la magie.
J’ai refusé et j ai continué mes études pour devenir prêtre et à cause de la bible j’ai quitté le
monastère et les ordres et j’ai refusé l’ordination à cause de la bible et la perversité du clergé. Je
me suis convertie en 1970 et j’ai quitté l’église catholique en 1975 et la j’ai cherché à savoir ce que
Dieu voulait de moi et il m’a poussé à aller faire l’évangélisation dans la rue, les hôpitaux, les
prisons et être au service des jeunes drogués et prisonniers, homosexuels pour la Gloire de Dieu
seul car il ne partage pas sa gloire avec personne, à lui la Gloire et l’Honneur.
Majesté. Puissance, honneur et gloire amen! Je suis née d’une famille catholique, et mon oncle était
guérisseur, il a envoyé chez-moi des esprits impur pour frapper au plafond de notre maison et mon
père le sachant pas, il a mis du poison pour les rats et les souris rien mais tout autour de l’entrée
au plafond il y avait des traces de griffes d’animal voulant entrer chez moi. Nous vivions dans la
peur d’être étouffer par cette bête que mon oncle avait envoyé pour détruire ma mère. Ma maman
était sa sur mais elle avait peur de lui et elle a toujours eu peur ` cause de la magie car il faisait des
combats dans la nuit et faisait des pactes avec Satan. Il n’a jamais manqué d’argent.. J’avais 15 ans
quand mon père a frappé ma mère a coup de poing dans estomac et elle fut hospitalisé ` l’hôpital
Sainte-Marie de Trois Rivières. Il l’a place en deux fois en psychiatrie ` saint Charles de Borromie et
Saint-Jean de Dieu a Québec. J’ai pleuré et j’ai cherche maman et papa ne voulait pas me dire ou
elle était maman. J’ai pleuré dans la rue j’ai cherché de l’aide et personne est venue ` mon secours
et même, j’ai demandé` un prêtre de prier pour moi et n’a pas voulu et de m’imposer les mains sur
la tête. Je voulais naître de nouveau il a refusé, j ai pleuré dans la rue j’ai senti mes entrailles se
décoller et personne pour venir en aide. J’ai crié à Dieu pour qu’il me prouve sa parole si elle était
la Vraie. J’ai fait des actes de bienfaisances dans mon quartier avec les A.A. Je n ai jamais bu je suis

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

aller dans les clubs voir les danseuses nues. J’étais perdu dans ma tête et dans ma foi. Un jour mon
oncle m’a offert de la drogue, la boisson, les hommes, une maison, des femmes, de l’argent et de
faire de la magie j’ai refusé à cause de la bible et la crainte de Dieu. Je suis entré au monastère de la
plus stricte observance a OK .
Je voulais devenir prêtre depuis mon jeune âge mais je suis tombe malade j’ai fais une dépression
ou marque d’énergie ( burn-out). Un jour le lecteur au monastère a lu la croix et le poignard et j’ai
reçu dans le cœur le poignard que j’appelle aujourd’hui la parole de Dieu.
J’ai senti et entendu que je devais sortir du monastère et aller prêcher la parole dans les parcs et
dans les rues partout donc j’ai demande au père Abbé Dom Sauvageon de sortir il m’a dit pas
avant 6 mois car mon état était critique, je devais me refaire une santé. Ils m’ont bien soigné et dit
de faite attention a moi car il m’aimait bien.
Mon nom était frère- Serge. Je suis entré au séminaire des Saint Apôtres a Rivière des prairies, là,
j’ai commencé a étudier et le monastère a payé pour mes études cette année là. Un ami m’a
demande d’aller a l’oratoire Saint-Joseph pour une rencontre ralliement pour Christ. Jean-Paul
Regimbal et David Wilkerson, M. Pentectte et bien autre. Je fus inviter de Cowansville pour aller
rencontrer Jésus, par Marie un groupe fanatique de la vierge Marie et des signes religieux. J’ai
rencontré Jean-Paul Regimbal et il m’a dit que Dieu te dis que la parole est inspirer de Dieu bon
pour enseigner et corriger et instruire l’homme.
Cela m a projeté à l’âge de 15 ans quand j’ai pleuré dans la rue. Je me suis senti comme un oiseau
après avoir accepter Jésus comme mon sauveur personnel et maître. J’ai quitte l’église catholique a
l’âge de 24 ans pour aller dans les rues prêcher la parole de Dieu. Dieu m’a donné une épouse
après 5 ans de prière et de grandes tribulations. Dieu m’a sauve de la mort sur la route. Il m’a
donne 4 enfants deux garçons et deux filles. Un travail et une maison. Je vous remercie, j’aurai pus
continuer mais je sais que l’essentiel est là. Serge Gravel


1892 marchand
Ville de Laval
Province de Québec
h7g 4v6
Email :
Phone : (450) 967 121 5 (home)
(515) 2128649 (Mobile)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Mission Jean Baptiste - United States of America

John Baptist Mission of Togo – United States of America

Mission Jean Baptiste

John Baptist Mission of Togo
FIELD OFFICE for the United States of America
Bettinan Stevens
Director of U.S.A. Field Office
John Baptist Mission of Togo
P.O.Box 135
Monson, Me.
United States of America
Tel. 001 207-997-3753
IF you are calling from outside of the U.S.A, PLEASE dial 001 as country code.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

BETTINAN STEVENS au Etats Unis est notre principal partenaires; elle nous soutien dans tous
les activités. Que la Grace du Seigneur lui soit accordée pour toujours.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

John Baptist Mission of Togo

Branch for the UNITED KINGDOM

John Baptist Mission of Togo, Mission Jean Baptiste, United Kingdom

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch for Germany
Branch for the United Kingdom
Andreas Klamm, French-German Journalist, broadcast journalist,
news correspondent and author, missionary and director,
registered nurse (R.N., RGN)

Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802
Tel. 0049 6236 48 90 44

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

United Kingdom
160 Greenford Road
Sudbury Hill – LONDON
Tel. 0044 703 5924 865
Fax 001 503 212 6883


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 (print / PDF)
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, online edition
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
international media project for Human Rights (founded in 2006)
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
IBS Television Liberty
(founded in 1986) (founded in 1984)
IFN International Family Network d734,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

international faith ministry (founded in 1984)
Bible in English:
Bible in French:
Bible in German:
Bible in Spanish:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

John Baptist Mission of Togo

Vertretung für Deutschland
Branch for Germany

Mission Jean Baptiste

John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch for Germany
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Branch for Germany – Vertretung für Deutschland
Branch for the United Kingdom – Vertretung für Groß Britannien
Andreas Klamm, Französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist,
Nachrichten-Korrespondent und Autor, Missionar und Missions-Leitung,
staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger (Staats-Examen 1993)

Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Tel. 0049 6236 416 802
Tel. 0049 6236 48 90 44

United Kingdom / Groß Britannien

160 Greenford Road
Sudbury Hill – LONDON
Tel. 0044 703 5924 865
Fax 001 503 212 6883


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 (print / PDF)
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, online edition
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
international media project for Human Rights (founded in 2006)
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
IBS Television Liberty
(founded in 1986) (founded in 1984)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414
IFN International Family Network d734,
international faith ministry (founded in 1984)
Bible in English:
Bible in French:
Bible in German:
Bible in Spanish:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Clinic Of Hope
Clinic Of Hope
Friends & Partners

Nos partenaires, Afrique

Nos Amis de CLINICS OF HOPE de New Hope Church qui eux aussi nous soutient dans
nos differentes activités sutout sur le plan médical par la distribution de medicaments et

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

traitements des malades dans les villages.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Pasteur Koara Elysee Ministry

Pasteur Koara Elysee Ministry
Cote- d’ivoire, Abidjan, AFRICA

Le nom de notre ministère c’est le MINISTERE FOI APOSTOLIQUE EN ACTION .

Nous sommes installer en Cote- d’ivoire, Abidjan et nous avons pour but premiere
l’evangelisation le reveil spirituel, formation de missionnaires et de prophètes.
Ce ministère à été fondé en Septembre 2006 par le Reverand Prophète missionnaire
KOARA ELYSEE, un homme de Dieu et que Dieu utilise beaucoup dans le domaine prophetique
par des miracles de guérisons, de délivrances des ames perduent par la prédication de la parole de
l’évangile selon la recommendation du Seigneur .
Le Prophete KOARA cest un homme de Dieu qui repond à toutes les invitations concernant
l’oeuvre du Seigneur ; il se déplace beaucoup afin d’apporter l’evangile partout ou il ya des brebis
du notre Seigneur Jesus Christ et dans ces differents croisades, le Seigneur se glorifie à travers de
son Nom Actes 1 v 8.
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous lançons un appel aux différents seviteurs et servantes du
Seigneur et les frères et soeurs dans la seigneur par la compassion et l’amour de DIEU, à soutenir
cette oeuvre qui est un canal du Seigneur selon votre moyen que ce soit spirituel dans la priere, ou
aussi matériel comme les intruments de musiques pour nos campagnes de croisades, ou financiers
ou meme en nature car nous savons que toute chose concourant au bien de ceux qui aiment Dieu;
Romain 8 v28.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

La mission oeuvre dans le domaine social qui aide des orphelins, les veuves , les malades , et qui
visitent aussi les prisonniers et leurs prettons assistance tant morale spirituel et matériels.
Nos contacts e-mails: ;;;

Tel: (00225) 06 42 29 40; (00225) 01 72 00 09

IFN International Family Network d734, international faith ministry
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

ISRAEL – A story on Israel
“I say then, Hath God cast away His people? [The Jews] God forbid. For I also
am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2God hath not
cast away His people which He foreknew. (Romans 11:1-2) 5Even so then at
this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.”

(Romans 11:5, New Testament, Bible )

Israel And The Jewish People

The Apostle Paul, under Divine inspiration, wrote that:
1″I say then, Hath God cast away His people? [The Jews] God forbid. For I also am an
Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2God hath not cast away
His people which He foreknew. (Romans 11:1-2) 5 Even so then at this present time
also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” (Romans 11:5 )
The Jewish people, are still “His people”, chosen according to the election of grace. The Apostle
Paul wrote to Gentile Christians, that through “the fall” of the Jewish people, the salvation of God
came to the Gentiles:
11″I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their
fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. 12Now if the
fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how
much more their fullness? 13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the
Gentiles, I magnify mine office: 14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my
flesh, and might save some of them. 15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the
world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” (Romans 11:11-12)
“One day, God’s mystery will be fully revealed: “ All Israel shall be saved “
25 “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in
your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the
Gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall
come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: 27For this

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” (Romans 11:25-27)
Gentile Christians are commanded to love the Jewish people, because they are beloved of
God “for the fathers’ sake” – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the Patriarchs. This is not
optional. Gentile Christians are not to boast about their salvation, (Romans 11:19-22) as if the
Jewish people were rejected by God. According to the Bible, the Jewish people are not
rejected by God:
28 “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they
are beloved for the fathers’ sakes. 29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 30
For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their
unbelief: 31 Even so have these also now not believe , that through your mercy they
also may obtain mercy. 32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that He might
have mercy upon all.” (Romans 11:25-27)
Therefore, Anti-Semitism, of any kind, is completely and totally against the will of God
according to the Bible. The Jewish people are still the elect and “beloved” by God, who will
one day completely fulfill His promise to Abraham and his descendants. (Genesis 15:1-7,
18-21; and Genesis 17:1-22; Genesis 22:16-18). God Almighty will one day judge all nations on
their attitude towards Israel and the Jewish people – “On account of My people, My
heritage Israel.” (Joel 3:2)
What the Nazi regime did to the Jewish people in “the name of God” is so horrible and
abominable, that it is beyond description.
The pain, suffering, and anguish caused to the Jewish people is really beyond description.
Let us all pray for God’s forgiveness for the unspeakable crimes that have been committed in
Germany against the Jewish people, and others, during the Holocaust under the Nazi regime of
Adolf Hitler.
Let us pray for His infinite mercy and forgiveness. Amen.
Andrew Palo, Evangelist ( Canada ) and Andreas Klamm, French-German Journalist, broadcast
journalist and author of seven books( Germany / United Kingdom )
NOTE: Some relative of Andrew Palo became victims of the German Nazi Holocaust
from 1933 to 1945.
Some of the relatives of Andreas Klamm became victims of the German Nazis in 1944
to 1950.The full name of Andreas Klamm is Andreas Sabaot-Klamm. The grandfather
of Andreas Klamm is the FRENCH citizen and former FRENCH Lieutenant Mr. Haedi
Sabaot which is born in the capital city of Tunis in Tunesia, North of AFRICA. He is
missing since 1945. The grandmother Mrs. Martha Maier-Kolacz of Andreas Sabaot-
Klamm has left Germany in 1950 forever. She became in the city of MELBOURNE,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Altona North, Australia in the State of Victoria an AUSTRALIAN citizen.

FIRST PUBLISHED in 2003/2004 while Andrew Palo was on a mission journey in Europe.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB EDUCATION (Ausbildung)

MJB Edcuation EDU Services international

John Baptist Mission, Togo, Africa and its international services wants to OFFER FREE
education for children, many of them are orphans in Africa.
The service will be provided in the English, French and German language such as
* Basic skills in reading and writing
* Bibical teaching, making these children, pastors, doctors, teachers, prophets, decaons,
opinion leaders
* Ensure schooling for up to 300** (**project for the future) destitute children and
especially orphans abandoned
* Increase of 20 % enrolment and achievement among disadvantaged
Founder and president of John Baptist Mission in Lome-Togo, Africa is Reverend Yavowi
Responsible leader for the Ministry for Orphans and Students (MOS) is Mrs. (Madame)
Essozimna Bouyo (Africa).
MJB Education EDU service is funded by donations and supporters of the education service, only.
More information you will find also in the FRENCH language on the internet:

MJB Edcuation EDU Services international

Bildungs- und Studien-Dienste
John Baptist Mission in Togo, Afrika und die internationalen Dienste der Mission plant für Kinder,
viele dieser Kinder sind Waisen-Kinder, eine KOSTENFREIE Bildung, schulische Bildung und

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Ausbildung zu bieten.
Die Angebote sollen in englischer, französicher und deutscher Sprache geboten werden, wie
* Grundlegende Kenntnisse im Lesen und Schreiben
* Biblische Unterrichtung, religiöse Studien. Wir planen den Kindern, Pastoren, Lehrer,
Propheten, Diakone und Meinungs-Führer zu werden.
* Wir planen die Förderung und sichern in Afrika die schulische Bildung und
Ausbildung für 300** Kinder in Not zu helfen (** in einem Projekt in der Zukunft),
speziell auch von Waisen-Kindern, die viel Leid erlitten haben.
* Tragen dazu bei, dass etwa 20 Prozent der Absolventen, sich in Bildungs-Programme
einschreiben können und diese auch mit Erfolg abschliessen können.
Gründer und Präsident von John Baptist Mission in Lome, Togo, Afrika it Reverend Evangelist Yawovi
Die verantwortliche Leitung des Dienstes für Waisen-Kinder und Schüler / Studenten liegt bei Frau
(Madame) Essozimna Bouyo (Afrika).
MJB Education EDU Dienst ist finanziert durch Spenden und Unterstützern der Bildungs-
Weitere Informationen in FRANZÖSISCHER SPRACHE sind auch im Internet erhältlich:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Madame Essozimna Bouyo, John Baptist Mission, Togo, Africa. Photo: MJB
Lome, Togo, Africa
Ministry for Orphans and Students (MOS), John Baptist Mission, Lome, Togo, Africa
Addresses / Adressen:
John Baptist Mission, Togo, Africa
Founder and President: Reverend Yawovi Nyonato
13. P.O.BOX: 79 Lome – Togo, Africa,
Tel. (00228) 228 907 66 63
Tel. (00228 228 963 27 85

John Baptist Mission, Togo, Africa

BP :61844 Lomé-Togo
Email :
Tél. (00228) 9319 320

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Chérs frére et soeur,

Rev. Evangelist NYONATO Yawovi Elisha, President and founder of the John Baptist Mission.
Photograph: MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
Chèrs frère et sœur,
Bienvenue sur le site Mission Jean Baptiste . Le comité d’organisation de Mission Jean Baptiste saisit
l’occasion pour vous accueillir chaleureusement à cet important rendez -vous sur son site.
Nous apprécions votre détermination et sacrifice que vous avez consenti afin de pouvoir etre là.
Nous avons la ferme conviction que le Seigneur est entrain d’accomplir de grandes choses dans
nos différents pays en ces jours. Malgré les nouvelles alarmentes et découragements que les médias
ne cessent de nous faire parvenir.
Nous restons convaincus que le dessin éternel de DIEU sera accompli dans notre bienheureux
continent avant le glorieux retour du Prince des princes et roi des rois Jésus roi des nations.
L’Afrique notre Afrique a de l’avenir, et cet avenir repose sur les épaules de la Jeneusse chrétienne
du continent. Le Seigneur a encore besoin de l’Afrique pour la dernière moisson. Dans l’histoire de
l’humanité, notre contnent a joué un role très important dans le plan rédempteur de DIEU.
Simon de sirène de l’Africain qui à aider Jésus sur la route de golgotha où le Seigneur souffrait ,
tombait, le sang coulait par terre à cause de nous en transportant sa croix au lieu du crane où le

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

seigneur a été crucifié et sur la croix, il a dit : tout est accomplir pour toi et pour moi souvenez
-vous que lors de la naissance de notre sauveur Jésus dans cette chaleur où on tuait les enfants , on
a fuit avec lui pour venir se réfugier en Afrique ?
Le moment est encore venu où le continent est appelé une fois encore pour aider dans
l’accomplissement de la vision de Dieu Mission Jean Baptiste se veut de nous rappeler tous de ce
grand appel et nous encourager à prendre une part actif dans le plan de Dieu. Comme l’a dit le
père de la mission moderne, « Attenter de grandes choses pour Dieu, espérer de grandes chose de
Dieu. L’heure a sonné pour la jeunesse d’attendre de grandes choses pour Dieu et surtout de nous
réjouir dans les grandes choses que le Seigneur va faire dans nos pays à travers nous. »
Jeunesse Chrétiènne d’Afrique, mobilisons-nous pour proclamer haut et fort la victoire de notre
seigneur dans nos nations.
Avons-nous une responsabilité envers les inconvertis ? Pouvons-nous considérer les inconvertis
autour de nous, lesquels se dirigent sans s’en rendre compte vers la destruction, sans etre touchés?
Pouvons-nous penser à la ruine qui guette un monde impie sans pleurer sur celui-ci ? Si Jésus a
pleuré sur une ville, ne devions-nous pas avoir compassion pour le monde entier qui démeure dans
la méchanceté et se dirigé vers le jugement ? Ne devions -nous pas utiliser chaque occasion pour
avertir les incroyants et les persuader instamment, comme Paul l’a fait, d’etre réconciliés avec
Dieu ?
Dieu nous dit qu’il «ne veut pas qu’aucun périsse, mais que tous viennent à la
repentance » (2pierre 3 :9).
La meme grâce de Dieu qui nous a sauvés, leur est offerte (ephesien 2 : 8-9) .Sans
l’évangile, ils sont destinés à la damnation éternelle par Dieu (jean3 :18)
Est-il possible de jouir égoïstement de notre propre sécurité et de permttre que l’amour, et la
grâce du père soient non proclamés, sans avertir les pécheurs du jugement prochain ? « Celui qui
aura ramené un pécheur de l’égarement de son chemin,sauvera une âme de la mort »
(jacque 5 :20) Dieu s’attend à ce que nous portions la semance à d’autre, et il nous
tient même responsable voir ézéchiel 3 :18,20.
Puissions-nous être incités à prier, à surveiller et à travailler pour Christ et les âmes ! Jeunesse
chrétienne d’Afrique, mobilisons-nous pour proclamer haut et fort la victoire de notre seigneur
dans nos nations.
Rêvons donc ensemble ! prions,planifions,travaillons,ensemble de sorte que le grand
commandement du seigneur jésus soit réalise dans nos nations pour lesquelles nous sommes
Très sincèrement en Jésus-Christ

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

International Ministries
A fine selection of some international ministries.
Internationale Glaubens-Dienste
Eine Auswahl sorgfältig ausgewählter Dienste.

Emmaus Road Ministries International
Jesus Loves You by Hans-Jürgen Graf
the Road to EMMAUS
Hope of Israel Baptist Mission
Hope of Israel
Laigles Forum

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Evidence that the Bible is a Unique Book
We believe that the Bible, word by word, is divinely inspired by God. Other than the Bible, only
two books claim divine authorship: the Koran and the Book of Mormon. Leaving these aside, as we
do not believe them to be divinely inspired, we are left with the Bible. When the Christian claims
that the Bible is divinely inspired, he immediately ushers it out of the company of other great
literary works into a category of its own. Standing alone, it is and always has been the object of
intense scrutiny. In this we quite agree with Bernard Ram, professor of theology at American
Baptist Theological Seminary of the West, when he writes.
No other book has been so chopped, knived, sifted, scrutinized, and vilified. What book on
philosophy or religion or psychology or belles lettres of classical or modern times has been subject
to such a mass attack as the Bible? with such venom and skepticism? with such thoroughness and
erudition? upon every chapter, line, and tenet?
And through all of this… it still remains.
It is with this in mind that we present the following section. It draws heavily from the works of
others who are eminently more qualified than we, and who have devoted their lives to the field of
study commonly known as apologetics. To them we defer, but their material we present.
As anyone laboring in this field would agree, faith in Christ rests solely in that—faith in Christ. No
man was ever led to Christ through intellect alone. The purpose of this section should not distract.
Instead, it is presented to strengthen our faith; it is intended to demonstrate that ours is a most
sound faith. If the critic of the Bible will not agree with our claim of divine authorship, he must, at
the very least, admit that the Bible is a unique book. We simply present some of the facts that make
it so. When weighed and considered we believe that the preponderance of evidence proves this
book to be being something other than just the work of man.
Unique in its Unity and Continuity
The Bible, at first sight appears to be a collection of literature mainly Jewish. If we inquire into the
circumstances under which the various Biblical documents were written, we find that they were
written at intervals over a space of nearly 1400 years. The writers wrote in various lands, from Italy
in the west to Mesopotamia and possibly Persia the east. The writers themselves were a
heterogeneous number of people, not only separated from each other by hundreds of years and

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

hundreds of miles, but belonging to the most diverse walks of life. In their ranks we have kings,
herdsmen, soldiers, legislators, fisherman, statesmen, courtiers, priests, and prophets, a tent-making
Rabbi and a Gentile physician, not to speak of others of who we know nothing apart from the
writings they have left us. The writings themselves belong to a great variety of literary types. They
include history, law (civil, criminal, ethical, ritual, sanitary), religious poetry, didactic treatises, lyric
poetry, parable and allegory, biography, personal correspondence, personal memoirs and diaries, in
addition to distinctively Biblical types of prophecy and apocalyptic.
For all that, the Bible is not simply an anthology; there is a unity which binds the whole together. An
anthology in compiled by an anthologist, but no anthologist compiled the Bible.
F.F. Bruce, Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester
Writers of Varied Backgrounds
Kings—David, Solomon
Political leader—Moses
Military general—Joshua
Tax collector—Matthew
Fisherman—Peter, James, and John
Written in a Variety of Literary Genres
Historical narrative
Didactic treatise
Personal correspondence

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Unique in its Influence of Western Civilization

The influence of the Bible and its teaching in the Western world is clear for all who study history.
And the influential role of the West in the course of world events is equally clear, Civilization has
been influenced more by the Judeo-Christian Scriptures than by any other book or series of books
in the world. Indeed, no greater moral or religious work in the world exceeds the depth of
morality in the principle of Christian love, and none has a more lofty spiritual concept than the
biblical view of God. The Bible presents the highest ideals known to men, ideals that have molded
- Norman Geisler, former professor of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary
Our next task is to attempt an understanding of the Christian belief system. Any recapitulation of
our cultural and intellectual history must address this task with care, for Christianity has presided
over Western culture for most of the latter’s existence, not only bearing its central spiritual
impulse for the last two millenia but also influencing its philosophical and scientific evolution well
on through the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Even now, in less obvious but no less significant
ways, the Christian world view still affects—indeed permeates—the Western cultural psyche, even
when the latter is most apparently secular in disposition.
- Richard Tarnas in his introductory paragraph from the chapter entitled “The Christian World
View” in his book The Passion of the Western Mind
Did you know…
That the source most often cited by the founding fathers of the United States in their public
political writings was the Bible.?
Two professors, Donald S. Lutz and Charles S. Hyneman, reviewed an estimated 15,000 items,
closely analyzing 2,200 books, pamphlets, newspaper articles, and monographs with explicitly
political content printed between 1760 and 1805. They reduced this number to 916 items,
encompassing about one-third of all public political writings longer than 2,000 words.
For these items, Lutz and Hyneman identified 3,154 references to other sources. The source most
often cited by the founding fathers was the Bible, which accounted for 34% of all citations. The fifth
book of the Bible, Deuteronomy, because of its heavy emphasis on biblical law, was frequently
referred to.
Unique in its Availability
No other book has known anything approaching this constant circulation.
- Lawrence Greenslade in Cambridge History of the Bible
The Bible was the first book to be translated—in 250 B.C., when the Hebrew Scriptures were
translated into Greek (the Septuagint). The Bible has been translated into more languages than any
other book. Encyclopedia Britannica states that as of 1966, parts of the Bible had been translated

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

into over 1,300 languages, and the Bible in its entirety had been translated into 240 languages and
The way in which the Bible has been passed down to us from generation to generation—intact and
uncompromised—is as significant as the Bible itself. There is more manuscript evidence for the
Bible than for any other classical book. In fact, there were whole classes of men in Jewish culture
throughout their long history whose sole aim was to preserve and transmit these manuscripts.
The Bible is unique in its circulation. No other book in History has sold more copies than the
Bible. Bestsellers usually sell a few hundred thousand copies; even fewer sell into the millions. It is
staggering to consider that the Bible has sold into the billions.
The World Service Center of the United Bible Societies (UBS) reports that 627 million Scriptures
were distributed last year alone.
The Bible, or portions of it, have been translated into 22,2000 languages, representing
approximately one-third of the world’s 65,000 known languages. These 22,000 represent well over
90% of all the languages of the world.
Unique in its Survival of Persecution
Many of those who toiled to preserve the Scripture did so at great personal cost. Many others
have tried their best to snuff out the Bible by prohibiting its reproduction. In the early history of
the church, Roman emperors such as Diocletian tried to destroy copies of the Scriptures (303 AD).
Even in recent times, Communism has attempted to prevent the publishing and printing of Bibles.
Unique in its Manuscript Evidence
The works of several ancient authors are preserved to us by the thinnest possible thread of
transmision…. In contrast…the textual critic of the New Testament is embarrassed by the wealth
of his material.
- Bruce Metzger, Princeton professor, one of the world’s leading Biblical text critics
…be skeptical of the resultant text of the New Testament Books is to allow all of classical antiquity
to slip into obscurity, for no documents of the ancient period are as well attested bibliographically
as the New Testament.
- John Warwick Montgomery
Jews preserved it as no other manuscript has ever been preserved. With their massora (parva,
magna, and finalis) they kept tabs on every letter, syllable, word and paragraph. They had special
classes of men within their culture whose sole duty was to preserve and transmit these
documents with practically perfect fidelity—scribes, lawyers, massoretes. Who ever counted the
letters and syllables and words of Plato or Aristotle? Cicero or Seneca?
- Bernard Ramm speaking on the accuracy and number of biblical manuscripts
The Bible is unique among all ancient books in the sheer quantity of its historical attestation.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Homer’s Iliad, which ranks second to the Bible in number of existing historical manuscripts, has
643 copies, while the New Testament has over 24,000.
800 B.C.
c. 400 B.C.
c. 400 yrs.
480—425 B.C.
c. A.D. 900
c. 1,350 yrs.
460—400 B.C.
c. A.D. 900
c. 1,300 yrs.

400 B.C.
c. A.D. 900
c. 1,300 yrs.

300 B.C.
c. A.D.1100
c. 1,400 yrs.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Gallic wars
100—44 B.C.
c. A.D. 900
c. 1,000 yrs.
History of Rome
59 B.C.—A.D. 17
4th cent. (partial)
mostly 10th cent.
c. 400 yrs.
c. 1,000 yrs
1 partial
19 copies
A.D. 100
c. A.D. 1100
c. 1,000 yrs.
Pliny Secundus
Natural History
A.D. 61—113
c. A.D. 850
c. 750 yrs.
New Testament

A.D. 50—100
c. 114 (fragment)
c. 200 (books)
c. 250 (most of N.T)
c. 325 (complete N.T.)
+ 50 yrs.
100 yrs.
150 yrs.
225 yrs.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Unique in the Fulfillment of its Prophecies
…whatever one may think of the authority of and the message presented in the book we call the
Bible, there is world-wide agreement that in more ways than one it is the most remarkable volume
that has ever been produced in these five thousand years of writing on the part of the human race.
It is the only volume ever produced by man, or a group of men, in which is to be found a large
body of prophecies relating to individual nations, to Israel, to all the peoples of the earth, to certain
cities, and to the coming of One who was to be the Messiah. The ancient world had many different
devices for determining the future, known as divination, but not in the entire gamut of Greek and
Latin literature, even though they use the words prophet and prophecy, can we find any real
specific prophecy of a great historic event to come in the distant future, nor any prophecy of a
Savior to arise in the human race….
- Wilbur Smith, professor of English Bible at Fuller Theological Institute
The Proof of Prophecy
The Messiah
There are 322 prophecies regarding the Messiah in the Old Testament. The following describes the
Messiah only from Old Testament prophecy.
The Messiah will descend from Shem [1], Abraham [2], Isaac [3] Jacob [4], Judah [5], Jesse [6], and
King David [7]. He will be born in the city of Bethlehem in the county of Ephrathah [8] when a
bright star appears [9]. It will be a miraculous, virgin birth [10].
The Messiah will be unique, having pre-existed His birth [8]. He will perform many miracles:
calming the sea [11] and causing the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame to walk, and the mute
to talk [12]. He will be referred to in many ways including: God with us [10], wonderful counselor,
mighty God, everlasting Father and prince of peace [13]. One day He will rule over everything-all
nations will bow down to Him [14], [21].
The Messiah, however, will come to save mankind [15]. He will become man’s sin offering [15]. and
present Himself to Jerusalem as both the anointed king [17] and the Passover lamb [15]. This will
occur exactly 173,880 days after the decree by Artaxerxes to rebuild both Jerusalem and the
Temple [16]. So, four days before passover, the Messiah will present Himself to a rejoicing Jerusalem
riding on a donkey [17]. But then He will suffer greatly [5]. He will be rejected by many including
His friends [15]. He will be betrayed by a friend [24] for 30 pieces of silver [18]. Later that money
will be thrown on the floor of the temple [18] and will eventually go to a potter [18]. At His trial
He will not defend Himself. He will say nothing [15] except as required by law. Israel will reject
Him. [19]
The Messiah will be taken to a mountaintop identified by Abraham as “the Lord will provide [20].”
There He will be crucified with His hands and feet pierced [21]. His enemies will encircle Him [21],
mocking Him, and will cast lots for His clothing [21]. He will call to God asking why He was

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“forsaken [22].” He will be given gall and wine [22]. He will die with thieves [15]. But unlike the
thieves, none of His bones will be broken [21]. His heart will fail [21]…as indicated by blood and
water spilling out [21] when He is pierce with a spear [23]. He will be buried in a rich man’s grave
[15]. In three days He will rise from the dead [15],[21].
Location of Prophecy
[1] Genesis 9,10 [2] Genesis 22:18 [3] Genesis 26:2-4 [4] Genesis 28:14 [5] Genesis 49:10 [6]
Isaiah 11:1-5 [7] Samuel 7:11-16 [8] Micah 5:2 [9] Numbers 24:17 [10] Isaiah 7:14 [11] Psalm
107:29 [12] Isaiah 35: 4-6 [13] Isaiah 9:6 [14] Isaiah 45:23 [15] Isaiah 53 [16] Daniel 9:20-27 [17]
Zechariah 9:9 [18] Zechariah 11:12, 13 [19] Isaiah 8:14 [20] Genesis 22 [21] Psalm 22 [22] Psalm
69:20-22 [23] Zechariah 12:10 [24] Psalm 41:9

What People Have Said about the Bible

“If he [the biblical critic] tells me that something in a Gospel is legend or romance, I want to know
how many legends and romances he has read, how well his palate is trained in detecting them by
the flavour; not how many years he has spent on that Gospel….Read the dialogues [in John]: that
with the Samaritan woman at the well, or that which follows the healing of the man born blind.
Look at its pictures: Jesus (if I may use the word) doodling with his finger in the dust; the
unforgettable “and it was night” (John 13:30). I have been reading poems, romances, vision-
literature, legends, myths all my life. I know what they are like. I know that not one of them is like
– C.S. Lewis, professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge University

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Touis sommesnous

Qui-sommes-nous ?
La Mission Jean-Baptiste est l’oeuvre d’une entreprise d’une longue recherche de l’Evangéliste
Missionnaire NYONATO Yawovi afin de mieux connaitre les methodes & strategies pour apporter
la Bonne Nouvelle aux non-atteints qui vivent dans la vallée des ossements (Ezechiel 37).
Pour entreprendre et remplir cette mission de Résurrection et de repentance à l’exemple de Jean
Baptiste envers les Israélites non pas pour préparer le chemin de la Venue du Seigneur mais cette
fois ci le retour inattendu du Seigneur Jésus Christ.
La Mission à pour objectif :
*Annoncer l’Evangile du Salutaux delinquants et bandits aussi bien en rassemblant ou
*Annoncer l’Evangile du Salut aux prostituées sur le modéle de ce qui vient d’etre ennoncer au 1er
*Annoncer l’Evangile du Salut aux enfants de la rue et aux enfants delaissés en leur apportant aide
& assistance
* Construire une ecole privée du primaire au lycée pour delivrer les enfants des enseignements
pollués et mondains qui les pervertissent
* Construire un centre missionnaire et d’evangélisation
*Organiser des seminaires sur les formes des maladies notamment sur le SIDA et les autres M.S.T.
a la lumiére de la Bible et de la science.
*Atteindre les non-atteints
*Cooperer avec les missions chretiennes a construire des eglises locales
Comment atteindre ces objectifs ?
Pour atteindre ces objectifs nous avons besoin :
*des financements nationaux et internationaux
*des sponsors nationaux et internationaux
*des materiels d’evangelisation :piano-instruments de musique
*des moyens de deplacements:velos,motos(motos adaptés pour les terrains)
*une voiture pour le transport du materiel d’evangelisation
N.B. Ayant compris nos visions et nos objectifs, nous pensons que vous ferez plus que nous l’avons

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Pour tout contact s’adresser au Missionnaire l’Evangéliste NYONATO Yawovi Elisée: 13 BP
79 Lomé-Togo
e mail : /
Atteindre les non-atteints qui vivent dans la vallée des ossements (Ezechiel 37)
Et comment y aura t il des predicateurs s’ils ne sont pas envoyés ? (Apotre Paul)

Kehrt um und glaubt
Rettung ( im BIBLISCHEN SINNE, deutsche Sprache)
“Denn es ist hier kein Unterschied: sie sind allzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes,
den sie bei Gott haben sollten,” Römer 3:23
“Denn der Tod ist der Sünde Sold; aber die Gabe Gottes ist das ewige Leben in
Christo Jesu, unserm HERRN.” Römer 6:23
“Darum preiset Gott seine Liebe gegen uns, daß Christus für uns gestorben ist, da wir
noch Sünder waren.” Römer 5:8
“Sie sprachen: Glaube an den HERRN Jesus Christus, so wirst du und dein Haus selig!”
Apostelgeschichte 16:31
“Denn “wer den Namen des HERRN wird anrufen, soll selig werden.” Römer” 10:13
“Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand
kommt zum Vater denn durch mich.” Johannes 14:6
“Und ist in keinem andern Heil, ist auch kein andrer Name unter dem Himmel den
Menschen gegeben, darin wir sollen selig werden.” Apostelgeschichte 4:12
“Ich sage: Nein; sondern so ihr euch nicht bessert, werdet ihr alle auch also
umkommen” Lukas 13:3
“Wie viele ihn aber aufnahmen, denen gab er Macht, Kinder Gottes zu werden, die an
seinen Namen glauben;” Johannes 1:12

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Das Reich Gottes und die Fragen von Nikodemus

Jesus Christus: “Wenn jemand nicht von neuem geboren wird, so kann er das Reich Gottes nicht
sehen !”
“Es war aber ein Mensch unter den Pharisäern, namens Nikodemus, ein Oberster der Juden.
Dieser kam des Nachts zu Jesus und sprach zu ihm: Rabbi, wir wissen, daß du ein Lehrer bist, von
Gott gekommen; denn niemand kann diese Zeichen tun, die du tust, es sei denn Gott mit ihm!
Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage dir, wenn jemand nicht von neuem
geboren wird, so kann er das Reich Gottes nicht sehen!
Nikodemus spricht zu ihm: Wie kann ein Mensch geboren werden, wenn er alt ist? Er kann doch
nicht zum zweitenmal in seiner Mutter Schoß gehen und geboren werden?
Jesus antwortete: Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage dir, wenn jemand nicht aus Wasser und Geist geboren
wird, so kann er nicht in das Reich Gottes eingehen!
Was aus dem Fleische geboren ist, das ist Fleisch, und was aus dem Geiste geboren ist, das ist
Laß dich’s nicht wundern, daß ich dir gesagt habe: Ihr müßt von neuem geboren werden!
Der Wind weht, wo er will, und du hörst sein Sausen; aber du weißt nicht, woher er kommt, noch
wohin er fährt. Also ist ein jeder, der aus dem Geist geboren ist.
Nikodemus antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Wie kann das geschehen?
Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihm: Du bist der Lehrer Israels und verstehst das nicht?
Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage dir: Wir reden, was wir wissen, und wir bezeugen, was wir gesehen
haben; und doch nehmt ihr unser Zeugnis nicht an.
Glaubet ihr nicht, wenn ich euch von irdischen Dingen sage, wie werdet ihr glauben, wenn ich euch
von den himmlischen Dingen sagen werde?
Und niemand ist in den Himmel hinaufgestiegen, außer dem, der aus dem Himmel herabgestiegen
ist, des Menschen Sohn, der im Himmel ist.
Und wie Mose in der Wüste die Schlange erhöhte, also muß des Menschen Sohn erhöht werden,
auf daß jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht verloren gehe, sondern ewiges Leben habe.
Denn Gott hat die Welt so geliebt, daß er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der an ihn
glaubt, nicht verloren gehe, sondern ewiges Leben habe.
Denn Gott hat seinen Sohn nicht in die Welt gesandt, daß er die Welt richte, sondern daß die Welt
durch ihn gerettet werde.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Wer an ihn glaubt, wird nicht gerichtet; wer aber nicht glaubt, der ist schon gerichtet, weil er nicht
geglaubt hat an den Namen des eingeborenen Sohnes Gottes.
Darin besteht aber das Gericht, daß das Licht in die Welt gekommen ist, und die Menschen liebten
die Finsternis mehr als das Licht; denn ihre Werke waren böse.”
Aus dem Johannes-Evangelium, Kapitel 3, Vers 1 bis 19, Neues Testament, Bibel

Die Kinder Gottes und Kinder des Teufels

“Daran sind die Kinder Gottes und die Kinder des Teufels offenbar: Wer nicht Gerechtigkeit übt,
der ist nicht von Gott, ebenso wer seinen Bruder nicht liebt.
Denn das ist die Botschaft, die ihr von Anfang an gehört habt, daß wir einander lieben sollen; nicht
wie Kain, der von dem Argen war und seinen Bruder erschlug! Und warum erschlug er ihn? Weil
seine Werke böse waren, die seines Bruders aber gerecht.
Verwundert euch nicht, Brüder, wenn euch die Welt haßt!”
1. Brief, Johannes, Kapitel 3, Verse 10 bis 13, Neues Testament, Bibel
Alle Zitate aus der Bibel, Neues Testament, in den Übersetzung nach Martin Luther, Elberfelder
Übersetzung, zeitweise auch nach der Übersetzung von Franz Eugen Schlachter, siehe: www.pfarre- ,

Bibel Studium: Prüfen Sie die Informationen

Um die gemachten Angaben zu prüfen, sollten Sie vielleicht einen Vergleich und eine
Suche (Recherche) mit der Kopie einer Bibel, auch bekannt als dem inspirierten
WORT von GOTT, machen.
Sollten Sie Zweifel haben, so können Sie jederzeit an ALLEN Orten G-TT auch selbst im Gebet
und im Geist und in der Wahrheit um Führung, Leitung und Antworten bitten.
Zitate aus der Bibel, dem WORT GOTTES.
Bitte lesen Sie die Bibel, das WORT GOTTES, taeglich.
Wort-Erklärung: “selig” = meint gerettet werden, vergleiche Übersetzung nach Franz Eugen
Beten = für etwas bitten oder fragen
So lasst uns nun, wo wir Gelegenheit haben, an jedermann Gutes tun, besonders aber
an den Hausgenossen des Glaubens“. Galater, 6,10, Die Bibel, Neues Testament
First published in 2003
Höre Israel und das vornehmste Gebot

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Jesus sprach zu ihnen: Irret ihr nicht darum, weil ihr weder die Schrift kennet noch die Kraft
Denn wenn sie von den Toten auferstehen, so werden sie weder freien, noch sich freien lassen,
sondern sie sind wie die Engel im Himmel.
Was aber die Toten anbelangt, daß sie auferstehen, habt ihr nicht gelesen im Buche Moses, bei [der
Geschichte von] dem Busch, wie Gott zu ihm sprach: «Ich bin der Gott Abrahams und der Gott
Isaaks und der Gott Jakobs»?
Er ist aber nicht ein Gott der Toten, sondern der Lebendigen. Darum irret ihr sehr.
Und es trat einer der Schriftgelehrten herzu, der ihrem Wortwechsel zugehört hatte, und da er
sah, daß er ihnen gut geantwortet hatte, fragte er ihn: Welches ist das vornehmste Gebot unter
Jesus aber antwortete ihm: Das vornehmste aller Gebote ist: «Höre, Israel, der Herr, unser Gott, ist
alleiniger Herr; und du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott, lieben mit deinem ganzen Herzen und mit
deiner ganzen Seele und mit deinem ganzen Gemüte und mit aller deiner Kraft!» Dies ist das
vornehmste Gebot.
Und das andere ist ihm gleich: «Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst!» Größer als
diese ist kein anderes Gebot.
Und der Schriftgelehrte sprach zu ihm: Recht so, Meister! Es ist in Wahrheit so, wie du sagst, daß
nur ein [Gott] ist und kein anderer außer ihm; und ihn zu lieben von ganzem Herzen und mit
ganzem Verständnis und von ganzer Seele und mit aller Kraft und den Nächsten zu lieben wie sich
selbst, ist mehr als alle Brandopfer und Schlachtopfer.
Und da Jesus sah, daß er verständig geantwortet, sprach er zu ihm: Du bist nicht fern vom Reiche
Gottes! Und es unterstand sich niemand mehr, ihn weiter zu fragen.”
Markus-Evangelium, Kapitel 12,Verse 24 bis 34, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
Geliebte und ein Bekenntnis von Jesus Christus:
Die Geister prüfen und lieben
“Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es
sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
Daran erkennet ihr den Geist Gottes: Jeder Geist, der bekennt: «Jesus ist der im Fleisch
gekommene Christus», der ist von Gott; und jeder Geist, der Jesus nicht bekennt, der ist nicht von
Und das ist der Geist des Antichrists, von welchem ihr gehört habt, daß er kommt; und jetzt schon
ist er in der Welt.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Kindlein, ihr seid aus Gott und habt jene überwunden, weil der in euch größer ist als der in der
Sie sind von der Welt; darum reden sie von der Welt, und die Welt hört auf sie.
Wir sind aus Gott. Wer Gott kennt, hört auf uns; wer nicht aus Gott ist, hört nicht auf uns. Daran
erkennen wir den Geist der Wahrheit und den Geist des Irrtums.
Geliebte, lasset uns einander lieben! Denn die Liebe ist aus Gott, und wer liebt, der ist aus Gott
geboren und kennt Gott.
Wer nicht liebt, kennt Gott nicht; denn Gott ist Liebe.
Darin ist die Liebe Gottes zu uns geoffenbart worden, daß Gott seinen eingeborenen Sohn in die
Welt gesandt hat, damit wir durch ihn leben möchten.
Darin besteht die Liebe, nicht daß wir Gott geliebt haben, sondern daß Er uns geliebt und seinen
Sohn gesandt hat als Sühnopfer für unsre Sünden.
Geliebte, wenn Gott uns so geliebt hat, so sind auch wir schuldig, einander zu lieben.
Niemand hat Gott je gesehen; wenn wir einander lieben, so bleibt Gott in uns, und seine Liebe ist
in uns vollkommen geworden.
Daran erkennen wir, daß wir in Ihm bleiben und Er in uns, daß er uns von seinem Geiste gegeben
Und wir haben gesehen und bezeugen, daß der Vater den Sohn gesandt hat als Retter der Welt.
Wer nun bekennt, daß Jesus der Sohn Gottes ist, in dem bleibt Gott und er in Gott.
Und wir haben erkannt und geglaubt die Liebe, die Gott zu uns hat; Gott ist Liebe, und wer in der
Liebe bleibt, der bleibt in Gott und Gott in ihm.
Darin ist die Liebe bei uns vollkommen geworden, daß wir Freimütigkeit haben am Tage des
Gerichts, denn gleichwie Er ist, so sind auch wir in dieser Welt.
Furcht ist nicht in der Liebe, sondern die völlige Liebe treibt die Furcht aus, denn die Furcht macht
Pein; wer sich aber fürchtet, ist nicht vollkommen geworden in der Liebe.
Wir lieben, weil er uns zuerst geliebt hat.
Wenn jemand sagt: Ich liebe Gott, und seinen Bruder [doch] haßt, so ist er ein Lügner; denn wer
seinen Bruder nicht liebt, den er sieht, der kann Gott nicht lieben, den er nicht sieht!
Und dieses Gebot haben wir von ihm, daß, wer Gott liebt, auch seinen Bruder lieben soll.”
1. Brief Johannes, Kapitel 4, Verse 1 bis 21
Der König und die Gerechten

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Da wird dann der König sagen zu denen zu seiner Rechten: Kommt her, ihr Gesegneten meines
Vaters ererbt das Reich, das euch bereitet ist von Anbeginn der Welt!
Denn ich bin hungrig gewesen, und ihr habt mich gespeist. Ich bin durstig gewesen, und ihr habt
mich getränkt. Ich bin Gast gewesen, und ihr habt mich beherbergt.
Ich bin nackt gewesen und ihr habt mich bekleidet. Ich bin krank gewesen, und ihr habt mich
besucht. Ich bin gefangen gewesen, und ihr seid zu mir gekommen.
Dann werden ihm die Gerechten antworten und sagen: Wann haben wir dich hungrig gesehen und
haben dich gespeist? oder durstig und haben dich getränkt?
Wann haben wir dich als einen Gast gesehen und beherbergt? oder nackt und dich bekleidet?
Wann haben wir dich krank oder gefangen gesehen und sind zu dir gekommen?
Und der König wird antworten und sagen zu ihnen: Wahrlich ich sage euch: Was ihr getan habt
einem unter diesen meinen geringsten Brüdern, das habt ihr mir getan.”
Matthäus-Evangelium, Kapitel 25, Verse 34-40, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
Liebe, Herzen und Brüder die Not leiden
” Wer aber die Güter dieser Welt hat und seinen Bruder Not leiden sieht und sein Herz vor ihm
verschließt ? Wie bleibt die Liebe GOTTES in ihm? Meine Kinder, laßt uns nicht mit Worten lieben
noch mit der Zunge, sondern in der Tat und Wahrheit! ”
1. Johannes, Kapitel 3,Verse 17-18, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
Warnung vor Gotteslästerung
“Wer den Schwachen unterdrückt der lästert seinen Schöpfer, wer IHN aber ehren
will, der erbarmt sich über den Armen”.
Sprüche, Kapitel 14, Vers 31, Altes Testament, Die Bibel

Freiheit statt Unterdrückung

“Für die Freiheit hat uns Christus befreit; so stehet nun fest und lasset euch nicht wieder in ein
Joch der Knechtschaft spannen!
Siehe, ich Paulus, sage euch: Wenn ihr euch beschneiden lasset, wird euch Christus nichts nützen.
Ich bezeuge abermals einem jeden, der sich beschneiden läßt, daß er schuldig ist, das ganze Gesetz
zu halten.
Ihr seid losgetrennt von Christus, die ihr durchs Gesetz gerecht werden wollt, ihr seid aus der
Gnade gefallen.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Wir aber erwarten im Geiste durch den Glauben die Hoffnung der Gerechtigkeit; denn in Christus
Jesus gilt weder Beschneidung noch Unbeschnittensein etwas, sondern der Glaube, der durch Liebe
wirksam ist.
Ihr liefet fein, wer hat euch aufgehalten, daß ihr der Wahrheit nicht gehorchet?
Die Überredung kommt nicht von dem, der euch berufen hat.”
1. Brief, Galater, Kapitel 5, Verse 1 bis 8, Neues Testament, Bibel

Ist es erlaubt am Sabbat-Tag zu heilen und Gutes zu tun?

“Zu jener Zeit ging Jesus am Sabbat durch die Saaten; seine Jünger aber hungerten und fingen an,
Ähren abzustreifen und zu essen.
Als aber das die Pharisäer sahen, sprachen sie zu ihm: Siehe, deine Jünger tun, was am Sabbat zu tun
nicht erlaubt ist!
Er aber sagte zu ihnen: Habt ihr nicht gelesen, was David tat, als ihn und seine Gefährten hungerte?
Wie er in das Haus Gottes hineinging und sie die Schaubrote aßen, welche weder er noch seine
Gefährten essen durften, sondern allein die Priester?
Oder habt ihr nicht im Gesetz gelesen, daß am Sabbat die Priester im Tempel den Sabbat
entweihen und doch ohne Schuld sind?
Ich sage euch aber: Hier ist ein Größerer als der Tempel!
Wenn ihr aber wüßtet, was das heißt: «Ich will Barmherzigkeit und nicht Opfer», so hättet ihr die
Unschuldigen nicht verurteilt.
Denn des Menschen Sohn ist Herr über den Sabbat.
Und er ging von dort weiter und kam in ihre Synagoge.
Und siehe, da war ein Mensch, der hatte eine verdorrte Hand. Und sie fragten ihn und sprachen:
Darf man am Sabbat heilen? damit sie ihn verklagen könnten.
Er aber sprach zu ihnen: Welcher Mensch ist unter euch, der ein Schaf hat und, wenn es am Sabbat
in eine Grube fällt, es nicht ergreift und herauszieht?
Wieviel besser ist nun ein Mensch, denn ein Schaf! Darum darf man am Sabbat wohl Gutes tun.
Dann sprach er zu dem Menschen: Strecke deine Hand aus! Und er streckte sie aus, und sie wurde
gesund wie die andere.
Da gingen die Pharisäer hinaus und hielten Rat wider ihn, um ihn umzubringen.
Jesus aber, da er es merkte, zog sich von dort zurück; und es folgten ihm viele nach, und er heilte

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

sie alle.
Und er gebot ihnen, ihn nicht offenbar zu machen, damit erfüllt würde, was durch den Propheten
Jesaja gesagt ist:
«Siehe, mein Knecht, den ich erwählt habe, mein Geliebter, an dem meine Seele Wohlgefallen hat.
Ich will meinen Geist auf ihn legen, und er wird den Heiden das Recht verkündigen.
Er wird nicht zanken noch schreien, und niemand wird auf den Gassen seine Stimme hören.
Ein geknicktes Rohr wird er nicht zerbrechen, und einen glimmenden Docht wird er nicht
auslöschen, bis daß er das Gericht zum Sieg ausführe.”
Matthäus-Evangelium, Kapitel 12, Verse 1 bis 20, Neues Testament, Bibel
So wichtig, dass GOTT die Gebote selbst schrieb:

Die 10 Gebote aus dem alten Testament

aus dem alten Testament, Bibel, EXODUS 20:3-17

“3 Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben.

4 Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis machen, weder des, das oben im
Himmel, noch des, das unten auf Erden, oder des, das im Wasser unter der Erde ist.
5 Bete sie nicht an und diene ihnen nicht. Denn ich, der HERR, dein Gott, bin ein
eifriger Gott, der da heimsucht der Väter Missetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und
vierte Glied, die mich hassen;
6 und tue Barmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich liebhaben und meine Gebote
7 Du sollst den Namen des HERRN, deines Gottes, nicht mißbrauchen; denn der HERR
wird den nicht ungestraft lassen, der seinen Namen mißbraucht.

8 Gedenke des Sabbattags, daß Du ihn heiligest.

9 Sechs Tage sollst du arbeiten und alle dein Dinge beschicken;

10 aber am siebenten Tage ist der Sabbat des HERRN, deines Gottes; da sollst du kein
Werk tun noch dein Sohn noch deine Tochter noch dein Knecht noch deine Magd noch
dein Vieh noch dein Fremdling, der in deinen Toren ist.
11 Denn in sechs Tagen hat der HERR Himmel und Erde gemacht und das Meer und
alles, was darinnen ist, und ruhte am siebenten Tage. Darum segnete der HERR den
Sabbattag und heiligte ihn.
12 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren, auf daß du lange lebest in dem
Lande, daß dir der HERR, dein Gott, gibt.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

13 Du sollst nicht töten.

14 Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.
15 Du sollst nicht stehlen.
16 Du sollst kein falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nächsten.
17 Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines Nächsten Hauses. Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines
Nächsten Weibes, noch seines Knechtes noch seiner Magd, noch seines Ochsen noch
seines Esels, noch alles, was dein Nächster hat.”

EXODUS 20:3-17, Altes Testament, Bibel, Übersetzung nach Franz Eugen Schlachter


Repent and believe

Salvation (English language)

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord.” Romans 6:23
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us.” Romans 5:8
“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy
house.” Acts 16:31
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me.” John 14:6
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven
given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” Luke 13:3
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name:” John 1:12
Quotations from the Bible, New Testament, King James Version, 1611, United Kingdom, England

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

The Kingdom And How to Enter Into The Kingdom

Jesus Christ: “I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into
the kingdom of God.”
“There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come
from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time
into his mother’s womb, and be born?
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it
cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye
receive not our witness.
If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of
man which is in heaven.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him
might be saved.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather
than light, because their deeds were evil.”
From The Gospel of John, Chapter 3, Verses 1 – 19, New Testament, Bible, King James Version 1611,

The Children of God And The Chidren Of The Devil

“In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not
righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him?
Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.
Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.”
From 1 John, Chapter 3, verses 10-13, New Testament, King James Version, 1611, England


Salvation (French language)

“Car tous ont péché et sont privés de la gloire de Dieu;” Romains 3:23

“Car le salaire du péché, c`est la mort; mais le don gratuit de Dieu, c`est la
vie éternelle en Jésus Christ notre Seigneur.” Romains 6:23

“Mais Dieu prouve son amour envers nous, en ce que, lorsque nous étions
encore des pécheurs, Christ est mort pour nous.” Roamains 5:8

“Paul et Silas répondirent: Crois au Seigneur Jésus, et tu seras sauvé, toi et

ta famille.” Actes 16:31

“Car quiconque invoquera le nom du Seigneur sera sauvé.” Romains 10:13

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Jésus lui dit: Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que
par moi.” Jean 14:6

“Il n`y a de salut en aucun autre; car il n`y a sous le ciel aucun autre nom qui
ait été donné parmi les hommes, par lequel nous devions être sauvés.”
Actes 4:12

“Non, je vous le dis. Mais si vous ne vous repentez, vous périrez tous
également.” Luc 13:3

“Mais à tous ceux qui l`ont reçue, à ceux qui croient en son nom, elle a
donné le pouvoir de devenir enfants de Dieu, lesquels sont nés,” Jean 1:12


Salvation (Spanish language)

“Por cuanto todos pecaron, y están distituídos de la gloria de Dios;”
Romanos 3:23

“Porque la paga del pecado es muerte: mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna
en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.” Romanos 6:23

“Mas Dios encarece su caridad para con nosotros, porque siendo aún
pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.” Romanos 5:8

“Y ellos dijeron: Cree en el Señor Jesucristo, y serás salvo tú, y tu casa.”

Hechos 16:31

“Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor, será salvo.” Romanos

“Jesús le dice:Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida: nadie viene al Padre,

sino por mí.” Juan 14:6

“Y en ningún otro hay salud; porque no hay otro nombre debajo del cielo,
dado á los hombres, en que podamos ser salvos.” Hechos 4:12

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“No, os digo; antes si no os arrepintiereis, todos pereceréis igualmente.”

Lucas 13:3

“Mas á todos los que le recibieron, dióles potestad de ser hechos hijos de
Dios, á los que creen en su nombre:” John 1:12

Salvation (Scots Gaelic)

Salvation (Scots Gaelic)
“Agus boirionnach, air an robh siubhal-fala fad da bhliadhna dhiag, `S a dh`
fhuilig moran bho iomadh lighich, `sa chosg a cuid uile, `s nach deach dad
am feobhas, ach an aite sin a dh`fhas nas miosa.

A cluinntinn mu Iosa, thainig i, am measg an t-sluaigh, air a chulaobh, agus

bhean i dha eideadh; Oir thuirt i: Ged nach dian mi ach beantuinn dha
aodach, bithidh mi slan.

Is thiormaich san uair a siubhal-fala, agus dh` fhairich i air a coluinn gun
robh a h- eucail air a leigheis.

Agus dh` aithnich Iosa sa cheart uair ann fhein, gun deach feartan a mach
bhuaithe, agus thionndaidh e ris an t-sluagh, is thuirt e: Co bhean dham

Is thuirt a dheisciopuil ris: Tha thu faicinn domhlachd an t-sluaigh `s an abair

thu: Co bhean dhomh?

Agus sheall e mun cuairt a dh` fhaicinn na te a rinn so.

Ach am biorionnach a tuigsinn na rinneadh innte, thainig i fo fhiamh `s air

chrith, agus thuit i sios air a bhialaobh, is dh` innis i dha an fhirinn gu leir.

Is thuirt esan rithe: A nighean, rinn do chreideamh slan thu: falbh ann an
sith, is bi air do leigheas bho d` eucail.

Nuair a bha e fhathast a labhairt, thainig feadhainn bho riaghladair an t-

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

sinagoig, ag radh: Chaochail do nighean: carson a tha thu cur tuilleadh dragh
air a mhaighistir?

Nuair a chuala Iosa an comhradh a bh`aca, thuirt e ri riaghladair an t-

sinagoig: Na gabh eagal: ach a mhain creid.”

Matthew 5:25-36


Salvation (Swahili language)

“Watu wote wametenda dhambi na wametindikiwa utukufu wa Mungu.”
Romans 3:23

“Kwa maana mshahara wa dhambi ni kifo; lakini zawadi anayotoa Mungu ni

uzima wa milele katika kuungana na Kristo Yesu, Bwana wetu.” Romans 6:23

“Lakini Mungu amethibitisha kwamba anatupenda, maana wakati

tulipokuwa bado wenye dhambi, Kristo alikufa kwa ajili yetu.” Romans 5:8

“Wao wakamjibu, “Mwamini Bwana Yesu nawe utaokolewa pamoja na

jamaa yako yote.”" Acts 16:31

“Maana Maandiko Matakatifu yasema: “Kila mtu atakayeomba kwa jina la

Bwana, ataokolewa.”" Romans 10:13

“Yesu akamjibu, “Mimi ni njia, na ukweli na uzima. Hakuna awezaye kwenda

kwa Baba ila kwa kupitia kwangu.” John 14:6

“Wokovu haupatikani kwa mtu mwingine yeyote, kwa maana duniani pote,
binadamu hawakupewa jina la mtu mwingine ambaye sisi tunaweza
kuokolewa naye.”" Acts 4:12

“Nawaambieni hakika sivyo; lakini nanyi, hali kadhalika, msipotubu,

mtaangamia kama wao.” Luke 13:3

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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“Lakini wale wote waliompokea na kumwamini, hao aliwapa uwezo wa

kuwa watoto wa Mungu.” John 1:12

The Power Of The Blood

The Power of the Blood of JESUS CHRIST

“I believe that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of GOD.”
Acts 8:37
“And they overcame him by the BLOOD of the LAMB, and by the word of their testimony; and
they loved not their lifes unto death.” Revelation 12:11
Jusitification by Faith: “ Being justified by his grace through the redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS:
Whom GOD hat set forth to be a propitiation through faith in HIS BLOOD to declare his
righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of
“But if we walk in the light, as HE is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the
BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST HIS SON cleanseth us from all sin”. 1 John 1:7
“THEREFORE being justified by faith, we have peace with GOD through our LORD JESUS
CHRIST”. Romans 5:1
“Much more then being now justified by HIS blood, we shall be saved, from wrath through
HIM”. Romans 5:9
“The LORD gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” Psalm 68:11
“For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in
HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.”John 3:16
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GOD. Not of
works, lest any man should boast. “ Ephesians 2:8/9
“But ye shall receive power, after that the HOLY GHOST is come upon you: and ye shall be
witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part
of the earth.” Acts 1:8
“I believe that JESUS CHRIST is the SON of GOD.” Acts 8:37
“For HE hath said: I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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“But as many as received HIM, to them gave HE power to become sons of GOD, even to
them that believe on HIS name.” John 1:12
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
“But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” Psalm 22: 3
Psalm 23
A Psalm of David
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with
me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with
oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of
the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23
1 (Ein Psalm Davids.) Der HERR ist mein Hirte; mir wird nichts mangeln.
2 Er weidet mich auf grüner Aue und führet mich zum frischen Wasser.
3 Er erquicket meine Seele; er führet mich auf rechter Straße um seines Namens willen.
4 Und ob ich schon wanderte im finstern Tal, fürchte ich kein Unglück; denn du bist bei mir, dein
Stecken und dein Stab trösten mich.
5 Du bereitest vor mir einen Tisch im Angesicht meiner Feinde. Du salbest mein Haupt mit Öl und
schenkest mir voll ein.
6 Gutes und Barmherzigkeit werden mir folgen mein Leben lang, und ich werde bleiben im Hause
des HERRN immerdar.
Psaume 23
1 Cantique de David. L`Éternel est mon berger: je ne manquerai de rien.
2 Il me fait reposer dans de verts pâturages, Il me dirige près des eaux paisibles.
3 Il restaure mon âme, Il me conduit dans les sentiers de la justice, A cause de son nom.
4 Quand je marche dans la vallée de l`ombre de la mort, Je ne crains aucun mal, car tu es avec moi:
Ta houlette et ton bâton me rassurent.
5 Tu dresses devant moi une table, En face de mes adversaires; Tu oins d`huile ma tête, Et ma coupe
6 Oui, le bonheur et la grâce m`accompagneront Tous les jours de ma vie, Et j`habiterai dans la

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

maison de l`Éternel Jusqu`à la fin de mes jours.

Salmo 23

1 JEHOVA es mi pastor; nada me faltará.

2 En lugares de delicados pastos me hará yacer: Junto á aguas de reposo me pastoreará.
3 Confortará mi alma; Guiárame por sendas de justicia por amor de su nombre.
4 Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, No temeré mal alguno; porque tú estarás conmigo:
Tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento.
5 Aderezarás mesa delante de mí, en presencia de mis angustiadores: Ungiste mi cabeza con aceite:
mi copa está rebosando.
6 Ciertamente el bien y la misericordia me seguirán todos los días de mi vida: Y en la casa de
Jehová moraré por largos días.
„Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by
me.“ John 14:6
“Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater
als nur durch mich!” Johannes-Evangelium 14:6
All references are used of KJV of the Copy of the Bible, the WORD of GOD.
Quotations from the Bible, the WORD of GOD.
Zitate aus der Bibel, dem WORT GOTTES.
Please read the copy of the Bible, the WORD of GOD, daily.
Bitte lesen Sie die Bibel, das WORT GOTTES, taeglich.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

The Power Of The Blood (2)

Andrew Palo
November 2001
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have
confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.2” (1Timothy 6:12)
“They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and
they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For
we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
( Ephesians 6:11-12)
The Bible clearly teaches that during our entire earthly life, until the Lord returns, we are engaged
in a constant battle against our adversary Satan, the devil, and his demons. The Bible teaches: “For
we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
(Ephesians 6:12). “Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may
devour. (1 Peter 5:8-9).
The Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, chose the particular word “wrestle” to
describe our warfare (1Tim. 1:18; 2Tim. 2:4; 2Corinth. 10:3-4), our fight (1Tim. 6:12), against Satan
and his demons. By human analogy, this implies, some form of concentrated warfare at ‘close range’,
a form of ‘hand-to-hand’ combat, as in wrestling matches. However, this analogy becomes
inadequate, when confronted by the reality in the Scriptures, that Satan and his demons, are
invisible spirit beings, possessing ‘extra-natural’ (non-human) powers and abilities. Only God is
Almighty, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. Satan and his demons are not. They are created spirit
beings, but they do possess supernatural powers. (Job 1:7; 1:16-2:8; Zech. 3:1-3; 1Thess. 2:18).
Witchcraft, sorcery and magic are a common manifestation of these supernatural powers. (Exodus

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

7:10-22; 8:7-19; Acts 8:9-11; 19:16-19), Their ability to overpower, cripple, torment, inflict disease,
and enter [inhabit] humans and animals is also recorded in the Bible. (Genesis 3:1; Matthew 9:32;
Mark 5:8-12; Luke 8:30-33; 22:3; Acts 8:7; 16:16).
The Bible also describes several visible phenomena as being “according to the working of Satan,
with all power, signs, and lying wonders”. (2Thess. 2:9). One day, in the future, the coming false
prophet will “perform great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth
in the sight of men.” (Rev. 13:13). ). The Lord Jesus prophesied that in the last days “false christs and
false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the
elect.”(Mat. 24:24).
Throughout the Bible, we see that God’s whole invisible angelic host, are also involved in this
warfare with the devil and his demons. The prophet Elisha was “surrounded by horses and chariots
of fire” (2Kings 6:16-17). “King David lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the LORD standing
between the earth and heaven, having in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem.”
(1Chron. 21:16). In the book of Daniel we see the angel sent to him (Daniel 9:21) involved in a
struggle with “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” [A spirit being ruling over a principality]. The
archangel Michael had to come and help him out (Daniel 10:13). Michael, the archangel “when
contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him
a reviling accusation, but said,’The Lord rebuke you”(Jude 9)
From the beginning of time, in the book of Genesis, to the end of time, in the book of Revelation,
we see Satan, the devil, as the deadly adversary of God’s people, the Accuser, who commands a
host of wicked angels and demons. In the book of Job we allowed to witness how serious and
dramatic this conflict can become . Satan is a fallen angel who was once called “Lucifer – son of the
morning ” (Isaiah 14:12-15). God created him at some point in the past to be an anointed cherub
(Ezekiel 28:12-17). “He was perfect in his ways till iniquity was found in him – his heart was lifted
up because of his beauty, and he desired to be like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:14). The sin of pride
caused his downfall. God cast him out, and he became the adversary of God, and His people.
The Lord Jesus Christ described the devil, as “a murderer, a liar , and the father of all lies. He does
not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him”. (John 8:44). He is “the great dragon that
serpent of old, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world”(Rev.12:7-9).
During His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ spent a considerable portion of His time casting
out “unclean spirits”, and healing the sick. (Matthew 8:16; Luke 6:18; 13:16). When He died on the
cross, the Lord Jesus Christ completely defeated the devil, thus fulfilling the Scriptures. He bruised
(crushed) the serpent’s head, fulfilling Genesis 3:15. He satisfied the requirements of God’s Law by
His perfect obedience to it. “Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us,
which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having
disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in
it.” (Colossians 1:14-15). Through His death on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ destroyed “him

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

who had the power of death, that is the devil.” (Hebrews 2:14). Death could not hold Him, and
coming out of the grave He declared: “Behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. I have the keys of
Hades and Death.” (Revelation 1:18). The victory was total and complete. We share in that victory
by faith. “The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17)
Yet in the New Testament Scriptures, we are often reminded, and warned, about the need to be
watchful, sober, vigilant, because our Adversary, the Devil, “walks about like a roaring lion seeking
whom he may devour” Our conflict with him is not over yet.Yes, the Lord Jesus has completely
triumphed over the devil. He was victorious and we share in His victory by faith.(1John 5:4). But,
until He physically returns, gives us new bodies, and takes us to be with Him (1Thess. 4), our
conflict with the Satan, and the flesh, will go on unceasingly. The Apostle Peter exhorts all followers
of Christ to:
“Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking
whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are
experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (1 Peter 5:8-9).
“Submit to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
The Apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Ephesians wrote to all believers of all ages the following
exhortation. “Take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all to stand”, and “ above all, take up the shield of faith with which you will be able
to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” (Ephesians 6:13,16). The Apostle James exhorts
disciples to “submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). The Apostle
John in his first Epistle, commends those who “have overcome the wicked one” (1John 2:13,14),
because ”the whole world lies under the sway [control] of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19; Rev.
12:9). The Lord Jesus Christ, in his letters to the seven Churches, made it clear that His promises
apply only to those who “overcome”. The word “overcome” is repeated seven times, and therefore
is intended to have very special significance. (Revelation 1:7; 1:11; 1:17; 2:26; 3:5; 3:12). The Lord
Jesus Christ also specifically commanded the Apostle John to write the following message, which
applies to all the Church ages:
“Write, for these words are true and faithful… It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the
Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He
who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son.” (Revelation


The eternal blessings promised in the Word of God will be inherited by those who overcome “the
world, the flesh, and the devil.” (1John 2:13-17; 4:4). According to the clear teaching of the Bible,
Salvation is a free gift of God, we cannot earn it by good works: “For by grace you have been saved

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should
boast.” (Eph.2:8-9).Yet the Word of God also states: “work out your salvation with fear and
trembling”. (Phil. 2:12). Although we are Justified by grace through faith, we all still have ‘the flesh’,
the ‘old nature’ to deal with:
“For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one
another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” (Galatians 5:17)
Satan, has a great ally inside each one of us – the flesh, or ‘indwelling sin’. This problem of ‘indwelling
sin’ is universally acknowledged by all who sincerely desire to follow the Lord Jesus. (Romans 7:18).
The only remedy provided is the cross:
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow
Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save
it.” (Luke 9:23-24; Mat. 10:38; 16:24; Mark 8:34; 10:21)
Self-denial was the condition laid down by the Lord Jesus for true discipleship. “Those who are
Christ’s have crucified the flesh with it’s passions and desires.” (Galatians 5:24) “And He [Jesus]
died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for
them and rose again.” (2Corinth. 5:15). “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who
are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1Corinth. 1:18). “I have been
crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live
in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians
2:20) “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” (Galatians 6:14).
The Apostle Paul, chosen by God to instruct the Church, outlines for us in his Epistles, the spiritual
warfare strategy that we need in order to “overcome” the devil, his demons, and false doctrines.
The weapons of our warfare are not fleshy (carnal)
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments
and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into
captivity to the obedience of Christ.” (2Corinthians 10: 3-5)
“Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and
having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the
breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench the fiery darts of the
wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of
God.” (Ephesians 6:13-17)
“The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to
the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

intents if the heart ” (Heb. 4:12).

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
equipped for every good work.” (2Tim. 3:16-17)
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have
confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. ” (1Tim. 6:12)
“Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of
our confession, Christ Jesus.” (Hebrews 3:1)/
“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…” (Hebrews 12:2)
We are look to Jesus, to consider Him, as the perfect example for everything we do. We can do no
better than to follow Him in all things. He is the Living Word of God who declared: “The words I
speak to you are spirit and life ” (John 1:1; 6:63; 14:6). The Bible teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Living Word of God, at the beginning of His earthly ministry, following His baptism, was led by
the Spirit of God into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, Satan. The Lord Jesus Christ used
the Written Word of God, the Scriptures, against the devil by quoting the appropriate Scripture
against him:
“It is Written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth
of God.’” (Matthew 4:4).
“It is Written: “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” (Matt. 4:7).
“It is Written: ‘You shall worship the Lord you God, and Him only you shall serve.”(Matt. 4:10).
Our Lord Jesus Christ resisted all the temptations of the devil with the written Word.. He knew
the Word, and could always quote the appropriate Scripture to defeat the devil . The Lord Jesus
Christ described Satan, the devil, as “ a murderer, a liar , and the father of all lies. He does not stand
in the truth, because there is no truth in him (John 8:44). We are to follow His example. We cannot
improve upon His methods. We can defeat Satan every time by speaking the appropriate Scripture.
just like Him who said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he
will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father.” (John 14:12).
Our only protection against the devil and his lies is the Word of God, which is Truth (John 1:17;
5:46-47; 7:17 ;8:32 ). The Word of God provides us with the necessary defensive armor with which
we can resist the temptations and attacks of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18; James 4:7). Knowing and
understanding the Word of God is our only defence against Satan and his false doctrines. The
battlefield is in the mind, where Satan will attempt to build strongholds (2Corinth. 10:3-5). The
devil and his emissaries will always attempt to suppress the truth, (John 3:19,20 ; Romans 1:8),
because “he is the father of all lies”. “He does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in
him.” (John 8:44). Our only protection against the devil and his lies, is the Word of God, which is
Truth (John 1:17; 5:46-47; 7:17 ;8:32 ). We are to bring every thought into captivity to the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

obedience of Christ. (2 Corinth. 10:5).

The Word of God not only provides our defensive armor, the Word of God is also our offensive
weapon. The sword of the Spirit (Eph.6:17), with which we can always defeat the devil, his false
doctrines is Word of God. The Living Word of God (Rev. 19:13), came to destroy the works of the
devil (1 John 3:8). When we know and abide in His Word, (John 15:5), the Truth sets us free from
the power of sin (John 8:32), and we are able to resist (James 1:7) and overcome the the devil (Rev.
2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21). Sound Biblical, Scriptural doctrine is the only weapon with which we can
overcome the power of satan, and his lies. (1 Tim. 4:6,13,16; Revelation 12:11)
It is essential, however, to realize that in the Greek text, the Scripture passage, written by the
Apostle Paul, which identifies the sword of the Spirit with the Word of God reads as follow: “the
sword of the Spirit which is God’s word [rhema]. In the Greek, ‘rhema’ is a spoken word. The Word
of God must be spoken – confessed. That is why the Apostle Paul used the Greek word
“homologia”, meaning “confession” when referring (1 Tim. 6:12) to matters of faith:
“For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto
salvation. (Romans 10:10).
“So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word [rhema] of God.” (Romans 10:17)
All the Words that God has spoken are Eternal. The Word of God declares:
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” (Matt 24:35)
“Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God
which lives and abides forever, .The grass withers and its flower falls away. But the word of the
LORD endures forever.” Now this is the word which by the Gospel was preached to you.” (1Peter
God has declared that His Word shall not return to Him without accomplishing His purpose:
“ So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall
accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11)
“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth
of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63) “If
you continue in my word then you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the
truth shall set you free. (John 8:31-32)
“ the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in My name, He will teach you all things
and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)
“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.” (John 17:17)“that He [Christ] might sanctify it
and cleanse it [the Church] with the washing of water by the word.” (Eph. 5:26) “the sword of the
Spirit which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:18) “the Word of God is living, and powerful, and

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

sharper than any two-edged sword “ (Heb. 4:12). Jesus Christ is the Word of God. (Rev. 19:13)
“Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of
His creatures. (James 1:18).
We are to use the spoken word (rhema) of God as the “Sword of the Spirit” to defeat the devil, his
demons and their lies, just as the Lord Jesus Christ did, when He confronted the devil in the
wilderness. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit teach us how to overcome Satan:
“They [followers of Jesus] overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
The word of our testimony is the spoken word [rhema] of God applied to a particular situation,
false doctrine, or spiritual stronghold. The written Word of God when spoken in faith, becomes
quickened – “the Word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents if the heart “ (Heb. 4:12).
We are to confess, proclaim, and plead the benefits of the Blood of the Lamb; “Jesus, the Mediator
of the New Covenant”, “ the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.”
(Hebrews 12:24). The Blood of Christ is alive. This is a great mystery, however it is true. The Spirit
of God dwelt in that precious blood. (Acts 20:28). It “speaks better things than the blood of Abel”-
it pleads mercy, forgiveness, and peace. Bible teaches that: “The Life is in the blood” (Leviticus
17:11; Acts 20:28). After Cain had killed his brother Abel, God said to him: “What have you done?
The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.” (Genesis 4:10). Surely this is a
mystery, but truth nevertheless. In Hebrews 12:24, it is written that: “the blood of Jesus speaks
better things than that of Abel.” The Lord Jesus Christ is High Priest and Minister of the sanctuary
and true tabernacle in heaven. He “entered into the Most Holy Place, with His own blood once for
all”. (Hebrews 8:2; 9:12). “Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us”. (1Corinth. 5:7). As the Lamb
of God He offered His precious blood, and as High Priest He “always lives to make intercession for
them.” (Heb. 7:25). Proclaiming what the Word says about the blood of Jesus releases the power of
God, through the High Priestly ministry of Christ. We overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of our testimony.
Spoken words have tremendous power! They have the power to release God’s anointing, blessing,
and healing. We can use them to bless, encourage, exhort, and edify. They can also be used to hurt,
destroy, offend, and curse others. The Word of God declares:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat it’s fruit.” (Proverbs
“I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
(Matthew 12:36-37)
“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it
defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. For every
kind of beast and bird and reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by
mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless
our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out
of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.
(James 3:6-10)
The primary way in which God heals is through His Word:
“He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:20)
“My son, give attention to My words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from
your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and
health to all their flesh.” (Proverbs \4:20-22)
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, “Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”
(Matthew 8:17) “By whose stripes you were healed.” (Isaiah 53:4-5; 1Peter 2:24). We are healed by
the Word of God. “I am the Lord who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26). Thousands have testified to that
The Scriptures teach that “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ
Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:1). The Lord
Jesus Christ, the Word of God, is Eternal Life (John 8:51,52; 10:27-30;11:25). He is God and Eternal
Life (1John 20). He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. ( Rev 1:8), the First and
the Last (Rev. 1:11, Ps. 119:160), the Almighty, I AM (John 8:58). He spoke the most comforting
words ever recorded in the Scriptures:
“For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor
the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father
who sent Him.” (John 5:22-23)
“If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge
the world but to save he world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that
which judges him – the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” (John 12:47-48)
We are at peace with God. Neither the Father, nor the Son judge us. Surely these are some of the
most comforting words recorded in the Bible. The written Word of God, the Bible, is our Judge. On
the day of Judgment we will be judged according to the Word. (Romans 14:10-12). How important
it is then, to study, memorize, and meditate upon the Word of God. (2Timothy 2:15)
The devil, the accuser of the brethren, is constantly trying to plant strongholds of doubt in the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

minds of believers. The Lord Jesus Christ stated that the devil “was a muderer from the beginning,
and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks
from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44). Since he is the father of
lies, it is his constant strategy to plant doubts, in the minds of believers about God’s grace, love, and
mercy towards us – “has God really said:….” (Genesis 3:1). With that strategy he decieved Eve. The
devil uses the same strategy. We must put on the whole armor of God, and use the sword of the
Spirit against him. We must proclaim God’s Truth, His Word. We have an Everlasting Covenant in
the Blood of Jesus. God has sworn, taken an Oath that Jesus Christ is our High Priest forever.
God’s desire is that we have strong consolation, great encouragement by this.truth. (Heb. 6:17-20).
Jesus Christ, our High Priest ” always lives to make intercession for us” (Heb. 7:25). Oh, the
precious blood of Jesus. It speaks infinitely better things!
“If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of
Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and
the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.(1 John 1:7-9). Repentance, changing one’s mind, is an on-going
process. The way to defeat the devil is to beat him at his own game. We must come to the cross,
every day, as though it is our first. (1 John 1:10).
We are exhorted in the Bible “ to be diligent to make our calling and election sure so that we will
never have to stumble “ (2Peter 1:3-11) God warns us in His Word that “My people are destroyed
for a lack of knowledge. [of the Word]” (Hosea 4:6).
“Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:5-6)
It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of
God.’” (Mat. 4:4)
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and
they are life. (John 6:63)
“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our
salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore
let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” (Rom 13:11-12)
“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son
of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize
with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore
come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of
need.” (Hebrews 4:14-16)
“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an
evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”.
(Hebrews 10:22-23)
“….Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus; the author and finisher of our faith, who
for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at
the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2)
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
“May the God of peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the
sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every work to do His
will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be the
glory forever and ever. Amen.
“They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
I am redeemed from the curse of the law. Christ has redeemed from the curse of the law, having
become a curse for me, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon me. I was redeemed not
with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ. With His own blood He entered the
Most Holy Place “once for all”, having obtained eternal redemption for me. The debt for my sins
has been paid in full – “once for all”, for all eternity. Thank you Father that you have purchased me
from the kingdom of darkness with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I am free. I praise You
Heavenly Father.
(Galatians 3:13,14; Ephesians 1:7; 1Peter 1:18-19; Acts 20:28; Hebrews 9:10-14; Revelation 5:9)
I am justified by faith in the blood of Jesus, and I have peace with God. His wrath against my past
sins was extinguished forever by the precious Blood of Jesus. I am clothed with the perfect
righteousness of Jesus Christ. God imputes (or accounts) to me the perfect righteousness of His
Son. He sees me “Just-as-if” I had never sinned. God declares in His Word that He does not
remember my sins and my lawless deeds anymore. The Blood of Jesus has become my breastplate
of righteousness. Thank you Father, for declaring in Your Word, that I am Justified by faith in the
precious Blood of Jesus, and for clothing me with His righteousness. Hallelujah! Glory be to God!
(Romans 3:23; 5:1; 5:9; John 3:36; Isaiah 53:11; 54:9-10; Romans 4:5-6; 4:22-25; Hebrews 8:10-12;
1Peter 1:18; Ephesians 6:14)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

I am cleansed from all the defilement of my past sins by the blood of Jesus. My conscience is
cleansed from dead works to serve the living God. Because I walk in the light as He is in the light,
the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses me from all sin. Father, I thank you that though my sins
were like scarlet, they have been made as white as snow, by the blood of the Lamb. (Hebrews 9:14;
1John 1:7; Isaiah 1:18)
I am reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, and I am at peace with God through the blood of His
cross. God has granted me the ministry of reconciliation. Father I thank you for reconciling me to
Yourself, and for giving me the honor to partake in the ministry of reconciliation. I praise You
Father for Your everlasting love. Hallelujah!
(2Corinth. 5:18-19; Colossians 1:20; Romans 5:10-11; John 12:26)
I am no longer under condemnation. I am in Christ Jesus, and I no longer walk according to the
flesh, but according to the Spirit. Father I thank you that because Jesus Christ is my Substitute, I am
no longer under any condemnation. I praise You Father for Your great love, kindness, and mercy to
me. (Romans 5:18; 8:1)
I am sanctified by the Blood of Jesus, set apart for good works, which God prepared beforehand
that I should walk in them. Father, I thank you that Your Son shed His blood for me outside the
gate in order to sanctify me, that I may present my body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to
You. Halleujah!
(Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 13:12; Romans 12:1-2)
I am a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus. The Spirit Himself bears witness with my spirit
that I am a child of God. I have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the Spirit of
adoption. I am a joint heir with Jesus Christ, and I am seated with Him in the heavenly places.
Father, I thank you that you made me Your child, a co-heir with Jesus Christ Your Son, and that by
Your Spirit I can call You “Abba, Father”. I praise You Father. (Galatians 3:26; 4:6-7; Romans 8:15,16;
Ephesians 2:5-6)
I am at peace with God and have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Father, I thank you for
Your Word which promises that You will keep me in perfect peace if my mind is stayed on You,
because I trust in You. I thank You for Your Word which declares that You “have sworn not be angry
with me nor rebuke me. That the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, but that Your
kindness shall not depart from me, nor shall Your covenant of peace be removed”. I thank You

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Father, for commanding me not to be anxious about anything, but to let my requests be made
known to You through prayer; and that Your peace which surpasses all understanding, will guard my
heart and mind through Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:13; Colossians 1:20; Isaiah 54:9-10; Philippians
The Lord Jesus bore on His body on the tree all my sins, sicknesses, and infirmities, that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the Prophet By His stripes I was healed. Sin and sickness have
no more dominion over me, because I am under God’s grace. Father, I thank you that it pleased you
to bruise Your Son on the cross, and put Him to grief so that I could be healed. Surely He has
borne my sicknesses and my infirmities, He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised
for my iniquities; the chastisement for my peace was upon Him, and by His stripes I am healed. I
praise You Father for Your infinite grace, mercy, and kindness. Thank You Lord Jesus. Hallelujah!
(Isaiah 53:4-12; Matthew 8:17; 1Peter 2:24; Romans 6:14)
I am not afraid because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a
sound mind. I have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the Spirit of adoption. The
Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom
shall I be afraid? God is for me, who can be against me? I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge
and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust.” Father, I thank you that you have not given me a spirit
of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. I thank you for Your Word which promises that
if I trust in You with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding; and that if I acknowledge
You in all my ways, You will direct my paths. I praise You Father for Your Truth. (2Timothy 1:7;
Romans 8:15; 8:31; Psalm 27:1; Psalm 91: Proverbs 3:5-6)
I am in a new creation in Christ. Old things have passed away, and all things have become new in
my life according to the Word of God. I count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of
Christ Jesus my Lord. I look to Jesus. I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus
has also laid hold of me. One thing I do, is to forget those things which are behind and reach
forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of
God in Christ Jesus. Father, I thank you have made me a new creation in Christ, and that all things
have become new in my life. Thank You that I can forget the past, and look ahead to the glorious
future You have prepared for me. Hallelujah! Praise, and Glory to God. (2Corinth. 5:17; Philippians
3:8; 3:12-14; Hebrews 12:2)
I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me. According to the Word of God,
nothing shall be impossible to me. Father, I thank You for Your Word which declares that with You

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

all things are possible. I praise You Father, that You are always faithful to Your Word. (Philippians
4:13; Matthew 17:20; Mark 9:23; 10:27)
I am eternally secure because the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, the Blood of the New
Testament, was shed for me by, my Passover, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, slain from the
foundation of the world. The Living Word of God, who is my Shepherd, declares that He gives me
eternal life, that I shall never perish; that no one can snatch me out of His hand. (John 10:27-30).
Father I thank You for the gift of everlasting life that You given me in Your Son through the
Everlasting Covenant in the Blood of Jesus. I thank You Father, that You hold me in Your hand, and
no one can snatch me out of Your hand. I praise You for Your faithfulness and love to me. (John
10:27-30; Hebrews 6:17-20; 13:20)
I am bold to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated
for me, through the veil, that is, His flesh. Having a High Priest over the House of God, I draw near
with a true heart in full assurance of faith. My heart is sprinkled with the blood of Jesus from an
evil conscience. I hold fast to the confession of my hope without wavering, because God is faithful
to His promise. Father, I thank you that through Your Word you have given me full assurance of
salvation and eternal life. I praise You Father for Your Son. (Hebrews 6:11; 17-20; 10:19-23; 1John
2:25; 5:20)
I am born again, and I have overcome the wicked one. I overcome the world, the flesh, and the
devil, by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of my confession. The Blood of Jesus speaks
better things than the blood of Abel. I believe the Word of God, and it works effectively in me.
Because I overcome, the Lord Jesus Christ has promised to grant me the right to eat from the tree
of life, which is in the paradise of God. I shall receive a new name and the morning star. My name
shall not be erased from the Lamb’s Book of Life, and I shall be clothed in white garments. Christ
Jesus has promised to make me a pillar in the temple of God, and to make me sit with Him on His
throne. I overcome evil with good. “I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord.”
Thank you Father for saving me and giving me exceedingly great and precious promises in Your
Word. I praise You Father for Your Word and Spirit. (1John 2:13,14; 1John 5:4; Rev.12:11; 1Thess.
2:13, Rom. 12:21; Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:26; 3:5; 3:12; 3:21; 2Peter 1:4; Psalm 118:17)
I am more than a conqueror through Jesus who loved me and gave Himself for me. I have been
crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. I love the Jesus Christ who has
promised me the crown of life, and made me to become more than a conqueror. I praise You
Father for all Your goodness to me. (Romans 8:37; Gal. 2:20; James1:12; 1Peter 5:4; Hebrews 12:2)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

I am the Temple of God. My body is the temple of God the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. I am
bought with a price – the precious blood of Jesus, and therefore I glorify God in my body, and in
my spirit. My body belongs to God. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I thank You Father for
creating me in Your image, and I praise You for all your wonderful works of Creation. (1Corinthians
3:16-17; 6:19-20; Psalm 139; Psalm 145)
I am seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms. God, by His Grace, has made me alive
together with Him, and raised me up and seated me with Him. I thank You Father for your infinite
love, grace, and mercy. (Ephesians 2:6 )
I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. The Life of God dwells in me. I am given eternal life as a free gift
purchased by the precious blood of Jesus. (Ephesians 1:7; Philippians 2:2; Colossians 2:2 )
I am God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared
beforehand that I should walk in them. I acknowledge that without Jesus I can do nothing. Thank
You Father that You have plans to prosper me, to give a future and a hope. You are glorified when
we bear much fruit. (John 15; Ephesians 2:10; Jeremiah 29:11)
I am the salt of the earth, and the light of the world. Father God, grant me an undivided heart to
love You, and to follow Jesus in everything according to Your Will by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You Father for this great privilege that You have given me.
(Psalm 51; Matthew 5:13-14)
I am an ambassador for Christ. I am in Christ Jesus, who became for me wisdom from God-and
righteousness and sanctification and redemption. Thank You Father for this wonderful privilege You
have given me. I pray that Your will be done in my life. Amen.
(1Corinthians 1:30; 2Corinthians 5:18-20)
“I AM” – “THE WORD OF GOD” (Rev. 19:13)
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
“And God said to Moses: “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:9)
“Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (John 8:58)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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“Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the Government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6).
“ I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was
and who is to come, the Almighty. ” (Revelation 1:8).
“ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John14:6)
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”
John 10:9-11)
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The
thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life,
and that they may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His
life for the sheep.” (John 10:9-11)
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall
never thirst.” All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by
no means cast out.” (John 6:35,37)
“I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live
forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” (John
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of
life.” (John 8:12)
“I Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and the
offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (Rev. 22:16)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


“I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore.
Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death. (Rev. 1:17-18)
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Omega the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of
the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be
His God and He shall be My son.” (Rev 21:6-7)
“Behold the Lamb of God” (John 1: 36)
“Blessed are those called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” ( Revelation 19:9)
“He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called the Word of God.” (Rev.
“And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF
LORDS.” (Rev 19:16)
“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though He may die, he shall live. And
whoever lives and believes In Me shall never die. Do you believe this? (John 11:2-26)
First published 2003 / 2004 with FRIENDLY PERMISSION BY Andrew PALO,
CANADA on IFN International Family Network d734

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Trost in schweren Tagen der Trübsal

und in Zeiten von Drangsal
Redaktion: Zusammenstellung und Ausarbeitung von
Andreas Sabaot – Klamm, Französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist und Autor

„Weil kein Mensch auf Erden so gerecht ist, dass er Gutes tut, ohne zu sündigen,…“
Prediger 7:20, Altes Testament, Die Bibel
„Kommt doch, wir wollen miteinander rechten ! spricht der HERR. Wenn eure Sünden, wie
Scharlach sind, sollen sie weiß werden wie der Schnee; wenn sie rot sind wie Karmesin, sollen sie
[weiß] wie Wolle werden.“ Jesaja 1:18, Altes Testament, Die Bibel
„…und er erkannte sie nicht, bis sie ihren erstgeborenen Sohn geboren hatte, und er gab
ihm den Namen JESUS.“ Matthäus 1:24, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Und als JESUS in das Haus des Petrus kam, sah ER, dass dessen Schwiegermutter daniederlag und
Fieber hatte. Und ER berührte ihre Hand; und das Fieber verliess sie, uns sie stand auf und diente
ihnen.“ Matthäus 8:14-15, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Ist dieser nicht der Sohn des Zimmermanns ? Heißt seine Mutter Maria, und seine Brüder

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

[ heißen ] Jakobus und Joses und Simon und Judas ? Und sind nicht seine Schwestern alle bei uns ?
Matthäus 13:55-56, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Ihr aber sollt euch nicht Rabbi nennen lassen, denn einer ist euer Meister; der CHRISTUS;
ihr aber seid alle Brüder. Nennt auch niemand auf Erden euren Vater; denn einer ist euer
Vater, der im Himmel ist. Auch sollt ihr euch nicht Meister nennen lassen: denn einer ist
euer Meister, der CHRISTUS. Matthäus 23:8,9-10, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Und Maria sprach: Meine Seele erhebt den HERRN und mein Geist freut sich über GOTT,
meinen Retter, dass er angesehen hat die Niedrigkeit seiner Magd;” Lukas 1:46,47-48, Neues
Testament, Die Bibel
„Und als die Tage ihrer Reinigung nach dem Gesetz Moses vollendet waren, brachten sie ihn nach
Jerusalem, um ihn dem HERRN darzustellen, wie im Gesetz des HERRN geschrieben steht: „Alle
männliche Erstgeburt soll dem HERRN geheiligt heißen,“ und um ein Opfer darzubringen, wie es
im Gesetz des HERRN geboten ist, ein Paar Turteltauben oder zwei junge Tauben.“ Lukas
2:22,23-24, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Und am dritten Tag war eine Hochzeit in Kana in Galiläa, und die Mutter JESU war dort. Aber
auch JESUS wurde samt seinen Jüngern zur Hochzeit eingeladen. Und als es an Wein mangelte,
spricht die Mutter JESUS zu ihm: Sie haben keinen Wein ! JESUS spricht zu ihr: Frau, was habe ich
mit dir zu tun ? Meine Stunde ist noch nicht gekommen ! Seine Mutter spricht zu den
Dienern: Was ER euch sagt, das tut !“ Johannes 2:1-5, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Nein sage ich euch; sondern wenn ihr nicht Buße tut, werdet ihr alle auch so
umkommen ! Lukas 13:3, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Zachäus aber trat hin und sprach zu dem HERRN: Siehe, HERR, die Hälfte meiner Güter gebe
ich den Armen, und wenn ich jemand betrogen habe, so gebe ich es vierfältig zurück !
Und JESUS sprach zu ihm: Heute ist diesem Haus Heil widerfahren, weil auch er ein Sohn
Abrahams ist, denn der Sohn des Menschen ist gekommen, um zu suchen und zu retten, was
verloren ist.“ Lukas 19:8,9-10, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Und der Zöllner stand von ferne, wagte nicht einmal seine Augen zum Himmel zu erheben,
sondern schlug an seine Brust und sprach: O GOTT, sei mir Sünder gnädig !” Lukas 18:13,
Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Nun aber ist außerhalb des Gesetzes die Gerechtigkeit GOTTES geoffenbart worden, die von
dem Gesetz und den Propheten bezeugt wird, nämlich die Gerechtigkeit GOTTES durch den
Glauben an JESUS CHRISTUS, die zu allen und auf alle [ kommt ], die glauben. Denn
es ist kein Unterschied; denn alle haben gesündigt und verfehlen die Herrlichkeit, die
sie bei GOTT haben sollten, so dass sie gerechtfertigt werden ohne Verdienst durch
seine Gnade aufgrund der Erlösung, die in CHRISTUS JESUS ist.” Römer 3:21-23, Neues
Testament, Die Bibel

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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„Gott aber beweist SEINE Liebe zu uns dadurch, dass CHRISTUS für uns gestorben ist, als wir
noch Sünder waren. Wieviel mehr nun werden wir, nachdem wir jetzt durch SEIN BLUT
gerechtfertigt worden sind, durch IHN vor dem Zorn errettet werden !“ Römer 5:8-9,
Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Denn es ist [nur] ein GOTT und ein Mittler zwischen GOTT und den Menschen, der
Mensch CHRISTUS JESUS, der sich selbst als Lösegeld für alle gegeben hat.“ 1. Timotheus 2-3,
Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Allen aber, die IHN aufnahmen, denen gab er das Anrecht, Kinder GOTTES zu
werden, denen, die an seinen Namen glauben; die nicht aus dem Blut, noch aus dem Willen
des Fleisches, noch aus dem Willen des Mannes, sondern aus GOTT geboren sind.“ Johannes
1:12, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Denn so sehr hat GOTT die Welt geliebt, dass ER seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der
an ihn glaubt, nicht verloren geht, sondern ewiges Leben hat. Denn GOTT hat SEINEN SOHN
nicht in die Welt gesandt, damit er die Welt richte, sondern damit die Welt durch IHN
gerettet werde. Wer an ihn glaubt, wird nicht gerichtet; wer aber nicht glaubt, der ist schon
gerichtet, weil er nicht an den Namen des eingeborenen Sohnes GOTTES geglaubt hat.“ Johannes
3:16-18, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Nun hat zwar GOTT über die Zeiten der Unwissenheit hinweggesehen, jetzt aber gebietet ER
allen Menschen überall, Buße zu tun, weil ER einen Tag festgesetzt hat, an dem er den
Erdkreis in Gerechtigkeit richten wird durch einen Mann, den ER dazu bestimmt hat
und den ER für alle beglaubigte, indem ER ihn aus den Toten auferweckt hat.“
Apostelgeschichte 17:30-31, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Und so gewiß es dem Menschen bestimmt ist, einmal zu sterben, danach aber das Gericht, so
wird CHRISTUS, nachdem ER sich einmal zum Opfer dargebracht hat, um die Sünden
vieler auf sich zu nehmen, zum zweitenmal, denen erscheinen, die auf IHN warten,
nicht wegen der Sünde, sondern zum Heil.“ Hebräer 9:27-28, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Es ist ja kein Unterschied zwischen Juden und Griechen: alle haben denselben HERRN, der
reich ist für alle, die IHN anrufen, denn: Jeder, der den NAMEN des HERRN anruft,
wird gerettet werden.“ Römer 10:12-13, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Denn wen du mit deinem Mund JESUS als den HERRN bekennst und in deinem
HERZEN glaubst, dass GOTT IHN aus den Toten auferweckt hat, so wirst du gerettet.
Denn mit dem Herzen glaubt man, um gerecht zu werden, und mit dem Mund bekennt man, um
gerettet zu werden; denn die Schrift spricht: „Jeder der an IHN glaubt, wird nicht zuschanden
werden !“. Römer 10:9-11, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Sie aber sprachen: Glaube an den HERRN JESUS CHRISTUS, so wirst du gerettet
werden, du und dein Haus ! Und sie sagten ihm das WORT des HERRN und allen, die in seinem

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Haus waren.“ Apostelgeschichte 16:31-32, Neues Testament, Die Bibel

„Als sie aber auf dem Weg weiterzogen kamen sie zu einem Wasser, und der Kämmerer sprach:
„Siehe hier ist Wasser ! Was hindert mich, getauft zu werden? Da sprach Philippus: „Wenn
du von ganzem Herzen glaubst, so ist es erlaubt!“ Er antwortete und sprach: „Ich glaube, dass
JESUS CHRISTUS der SOHN GOTTES ist ! Und er liess den Wagen anhalten, und sie
stiegen beide in das Wasser hinab, Philippus und der Kämmerer, und er taufte ihn.“
Apostelgeschichte 8:36-38, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Daher ihr heiligen Brüder, die ihr Anteil habt an der himmlischen Berufung, betrachtet den
Apostel und Hohenpriester unseres Bekenntnisses, CHRISTUS JESUS, welcher dem
treu ist, der IHN eingesetzt hat…“ Hebräer 3,1-2, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„ Da wir nun einen großen Hohenpriester haben, der die Himmel durchschritten hat,
JESUS den SOHN GOTTES, so lasst uns festhalten an dem Bekenntnis! Denn wir haben
nicht einen Hohenpriester, der kein Mitleid haben könnte mit unseren Schwachheiten, sondern
einen, der in allem versucht worden ist in ähnlicher Weise [ wie wir ], doch ohne Sünde. So lasst
uns nun mit Freimütigkeit hinzutreten, zum Thron der Gnade, damit wir Barmherzigkeit erlangen
und Gnade finden zu rechtzeitiger Hilfe !” Hebräer 4:14-16, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„In IHM haben wir die Erlösung durch SEIN BLUT, die Vergebung der Sünden nach
dem Reichtum SEINER Gnade, die ER uns überströmend widerfahren lies in aller
Weisheit und Einsicht.“ Epheser 1:7-8, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Wenn wir sagen, dass wir Gemeinschaft mit IHM haben, und doch in der Finsternis wandeln, so
lügen wir und tun nicht die Wahrheit; wenn wir aber im Licht wandeln, wie ER im Licht ist, so
haben wir Gemeinschaft miteinander, und das BLUT JESU CHRISTI, seines Sohnes reinigt
uns von aller Sünde. Wenn wir sagen, dass wir keine Sünde haben, so verführen wir uns
selbst, und die Wahrheit ist nicht in uns. Wenn wir aber unsere Sünde bekennen, so ist ER treu
und gerecht, dass ER uns die Sünden vergibt und uns reinigt von aller Ungerechtigkeit.” 1 Johannes
1:6-9, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
Und JESUS sprach zu ihm: “Du sollst den HERRN deinen GOTT lieben mit deinem
ganzen Herzen und mit deiner ganzen Seele und mit deinem ganzen Denken. Das ist
das erste und größte Gebot. Und das zweite ist ihm zu vergleichen: Du sollst deinen
Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst. An diesen zwei Geboten hängen das ganze Gesetz
und die Propheten.“ Matthäus 22:37-40, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Dies ist meine Verteidigung denen gegenüber, die mich zur Rede stellen: Sind wir nicht
berechtigt, zu essen und zu trinken? Sind wir nicht berechtigt eine Schwester als
Ehefrau mit uns zu führen, wie auch die anderen Apostel und die Brüder des HERRN
und Kephas? 1 Korinther 9:3-4, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
„Die Diakone sollen jeder Mann einer Frau sein , ihren Kindern und ihrem Haus gut vorstehen; …“

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

1 Timotheus 3:12, Neues Testament, Die Bibel

„Gelobt sei der GOTT und VATER unseres HERRN JESUS CHRISTUS, der aufgrund seiner großen
Barmherzigkeit wiedergeboren hat zu einer lebendigen Hoffnung durch die Auferstehung
JESUS CHRISTI aus den Toten, zu einem unvergänglichen und unbefleckten und
unverwecklicklichen Erbe, das im Himmel aufbewahrt wird für uns, die wir in der Kraft
GOTTES bewahrt werden durch den Glauben zu dem Heil, das bereit ist, geoffenbart
zu werden in der letzten Zeit.“ 1 Petrus 1:3, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
“Und ist in keinem andern Heil, ist auch kein andrer Name unter dem Himmel den
Menschen gegeben, darin wir sollen selig werden.” Apostelgeschichte 4:12, Neues Testament,
Die Bibel
Selig = gerettet werden sollen…
Rettung ist möglich:
Der Notruf…

Stellen sie sich vor, es brennt. Vermutlich werden sie dann um Hilfe rufen. Die Feuerwehr, Notarzt
und Polizei werden kommen um zu retten, was noch zu retten ist.
In der Beantwortung der Frage, wo sie die Ewigkeit nach ihrem Tod verbringen; ohne GOTT im
ewigen Feuersee, in der Hölle oder mit GOTT im Himmel , sollten sie noch jetzt in ihrem Leben
den entscheidenden Notruf machen: Beim HERRN JESUS CHRISTUS, im Gebet mit ihren eigenen
Worten im Gespräch mit GOTT. Zu Beten bedeutet GOTT um Rettung oder andere Dinge zu
bitten. Bitten sie um Rettung, bekennen Sie frei dem HERRN, dass sie gesündigt haben, Danken Sie
dem HERRN. Beenden Sie ihr Gebet: etwa mit „…In Jesu´ Namen. Amen.“
„Es ist ja kein Unterschied zwischen Juden und Griechen: alle haben denselben
HERRN, der reich ist für alle, die IHN anrufen, denn: Jeder, der den NAMEN des
HERRN anruft, wird gerettet werden.“ So steht es im Römer-Brief, Kapitel 10, Verse 12-13,
Neues Testament in der Bibel.
JESUS CHRISTUS sprach: „Alles was mir der Vater gibt, wird zu mir kommen; und wer zu
mir kommt, den werde ich nicht hinausstossen.“ Johannes-Evangelium 6:37-38, Neues
Testament, Die Bibel.
Ein Notruf, der sich lohnt und der ihr Leben verändern wird und das Leben anderer Menschen
verändern kann. Auch ich war eines Tages in einer sehr schweren Notlage und aus GOTTES Gnade,
durfte ich diesen Notruf bei meinem HERRN JESUS CHRISTUS machen und Rettung und Gnade
erfahren ohne jeglichen Verdienst.
Andreas Klamm (Sabaot)
Zitate: Aus der Bibel, dem inspirierten WORT GOTTES:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Die ganze Schrift ist von GOTT eingegeben und nützlich zur Belehrung, zur
Überführung, zur Zurechtweisung, zur Erziehung in der Gerechtigkeit, damit der
Mensch GOTTES ganz zubereitet sei, zu jedem guten Werk völlig ausgerüstet.” 2.
Timotheus 3:16-17, Die Bibel, Neues Testament
nach der Übersetzung von Franz Eugen Schlachter…Prüfen und vergleichen Sie diese
Informationen in der Bibel. Ich persönlich kann in der Regel die Übersetzungen nach Martin Luther,
Franz Eugen Schlachter oder Elberfelder Version empfehlen. Welches für
Sie die geeignete und eine gute Übersetzung ist, sollten Sie für sich herausfinden und entscheiden.
Bitte lesen Sie die Bibel, das WORT GOTTES täglich. Danke !

Der König und die Gerechten

“Da wird dann der König sagen zu denen zu seiner Rechten: Kommt her, ihr Gesegneten meines
Vaters ererbt das Reich, das euch bereitet ist von Anbeginn der Welt!
Denn ich bin hungrig gewesen, und ihr habt mich gespeist. Ich bin durstig gewesen, und ihr habt
mich getränkt. Ich bin Gast gewesen, und ihr habt mich beherbergt.
Ich bin nackt gewesen und ihr habt mich bekleidet. Ich bin krank gewesen, und ihr habt mich
besucht. Ich bin gefangen gewesen, und ihr seid zu mir gekommen.
Dann werden ihm die Gerechten antworten und sagen: Wann haben wir dich hungrig gesehen und
haben dich gespeist? oder durstig und haben dich getränkt?
Wann haben wir dich als einen Gast gesehen und beherbergt? oder nackt und dich bekleidet?
Wann haben wir dich krank oder gefangen gesehen und sind zu dir gekommen?
Und der König wird antworten und sagen zu ihnen: Wahrlich ich sage euch: Was ihr getan habt
einem unter diesen meinen geringsten Brüdern, das habt ihr mir getan.”
Matthäus-Evangelium, Kapitel 25, Verse 34-40, Neues Testament, Die Bibel
Liebe, Herzen und Brüder die Not leiden
“Wer aber die Güter dieser Welt hat und seinen Bruder Not leiden sieht und sein
Herz vor ihm verschließt ? Wie bleibt die Liebe GOTTES in ihm? Meine Kinder, laßt
uns nicht mit Worten lieben noch mit der Zunge, sondern in der Tat und Wahrheit !”
1. Johannes, Kapitel 3,Verse 17-18, Neues Testament, Die Bibel

Warnung vor Gotteslästerung

“Wer den Schwachen unterdrückt der lästert seinen Schöpfer, wer IHN aber ehren

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

will, der erbarmt sich über den Armen“.

Sprüche, Kapitel 14, Vers 31, Altes Testament, Die Bibel
Die 10 Gebote aus dem alten Testament

aus dem alten Testament, Bibel, EXODUS 20:3-17

“3 Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben.

4 Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis machen, weder des, das oben im
Himmel, noch des, das unten auf Erden, oder des, das im Wasser unter der Erde ist.
5 Bete sie nicht an und diene ihnen nicht. Denn ich, der HERR, dein Gott, bin ein
eifriger Gott, der da heimsucht der Väter Missetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und
vierte Glied, die mich hassen;
6 und tue Barmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich liebhaben und meine Gebote
7 Du sollst den Namen des HERRN, deines Gottes, nicht mißbrauchen; denn der HERR
wird den nicht ungestraft lassen, der seinen Namen mißbraucht.

8 Gedenke des Sabbattags, daß Du ihn heiligest.

9 Sechs Tage sollst du arbeiten und alle dein Dinge beschicken;

10 aber am siebenten Tage ist der Sabbat des HERRN, deines Gottes; da sollst du kein
Werk tun noch dein Sohn noch deine Tochter noch dein Knecht noch deine Magd noch
dein Vieh noch dein Fremdling, der in deinen Toren ist.
11 Denn in sechs Tagen hat der HERR Himmel und Erde gemacht und das Meer und
alles, was darinnen ist, und ruhte am siebenten Tage. Darum segnete der HERR den
Sabbattag und heiligte ihn.
12 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren, auf daß du lange lebest in dem
Lande, daß dir der HERR, dein Gott, gibt.
13 Du sollst nicht töten.
14 Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.
15 Du sollst nicht stehlen.
16 Du sollst kein falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nächsten.
17 Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines Nächsten Hauses. Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines
Nächsten Weibes, noch seines Knechtes noch seiner Magd, noch seines Ochsen noch
seines Esels, noch alles, was dein Nächster hat.”

EXODUS 20:3-17, Altes Testament, Bibel, Übersetzung nach Franz Eugen Schlachter
Bibel im Internet:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

People About The Bible

Menschen und ihre Aussagen über die

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchchill, 1874-1965, British prime minister, and “the greatest statesman of the the
“Must every thing in our age be predigested? Does the BIBLE have to be reduced to pablum?
I refuse to believe that modern man, who split the atom and is exploring space, is unable to cope
with the grandeur and glory of the KING JAMES VERSION. We reject with scorn all those learned
and labored myths that Moses was but a legendary figure…We believe that the most scientific
view, the most up-to-date and rationalistic conception, will find its fullest statisfaction in taking the
BIBLE story literally…
We may be sure that all these things happened just as they are set out according to HOLY
WRIT…We may believe that they happened to people not so very different from ourselves, and
that the impressions those people received were faithfully recorded and have been transmitted
across the centuries with far more accurary than many of the telegraphed accounts we read of
goings on today.”
Winston Churchchill, 1874-1965, britischer Premierminister und “der größte Staatsmann des
“Muss jedes Ding in unserem Zeitalter vorverdaut werden? Muß die BIBEL in ihren Aussagen…
reduziert werden?
Ich weigere mich, zu glauben, daß der moderne Mensch, der das Atom teilte und den Weltraum

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

erkundet, außerstande ist, mit der Erhabenheit und dem Ruhm der VERSION
( Übersetzung ) nach KÖNIG JAMES zurechtzukommen.”
“Wir weisen mit Verachtung all jene wissenschaftlichen und strapazierten Mythen zurück, die
Moses als eine legendäre Figur begreifen …, Wir glauben, dass die wissenschaftlichste Ansicht, am
meisten aktuelle und rationalistische Vorstellung ihre vollste Befriedigung findet, wenn wir die
Geschichte in der BIBEL wörtlich nehmen.
Wir können uns sicher sein, daß es sein kann, daß all diese Dinge sich genau so ereigneten,
entsprechend der HEILIGEN SCHRIFT… wir alle können glauben, daß diese Dinge genauso
Menschen gegenüber geschahen, nicht so sehr anders als wir, und die Eindrücke, die jene Menschen
erhielten, von diesen wahrheitsgetreu dokumentiert und durch die Jahrhunderte mit weit mehr
Genauigkeit übermittelt wurden als, viele der telegrafierten* Berichte die wir von aktuellen
Geschehen lesen.” *(Fernschreiben).
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, 1642-1727, English mathematician and physicist; “the greatest scientist of all time”.
“I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatsoever.”
Isaac Newton, 1642-1727, englisher Mathematiker und Physiker; “der größte Wissenschaftler aller
“Ich finde mehr sichere Zeichen von Authentizität in der Bibel als an jeder profanen Geschichte,
was auch immer.”
Saint Paul (of the Jewish household of faith)
“All SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly
furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 2:16-17, The Bible, New Testament
“Denn alle Schrift, von GOTT eingegeben, ist nütze zur Lehre, zur Strafe, zur Besserung, zur
Züchtigung in der Gerechtigkeit, daß ein Mensch GOTTES sei vollkommen, zu allem guten Werk
geschickt” . 2. Timotheus 2:16-17, Die Bibel, Neues Testament
Johann Gutenberg
Johann Gutenberg, 1400?-1468, German inventor of the moveable type printing press.
“Let us give wings to the truth that it may fly with the Word, no longer prepared at vast expense,
but multitudes everlastingly by a machine which never wearies – to every soul which enters life.”
Johannes Gutenberg, 1400? -1468, deutscher Erfinder von der beweglichen Druckerpesse.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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“Lassen Sie uns der Wahrheit Flügel geben, dass sie mit dem Wort fliegen kann, vorbereitet nicht
mehr auf gewaltige Kosten, von einer Maschine, die nie ermüdet, zu jeder Seele, die ins Leben
Martin Luther
Martin Luther, 1483-1546, German-born Roman Catholic Priest, Founder of the Protestant
Reformation and of Protestantism;
“I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in
explaining the HOLY SCRIPTURES, engraving them in the hearth of youth. I advise no one to place
his child where the SCRIPTURES do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not
increasingly occupied with the WORD OF GOD must become corrupt.
The SCRIPTURES are divine; in them GOD speaks, and they are HIS WORD. To hear or read the
SCRIPTURES is nothing less than to hear GOD.”
Martin Luther, 1483-1546, in Deutschland geborener römisch-katholischer Priester, Gründer der
protestantischen Reformation und des Protestantismus;
“Ich bin sehr ängstlich (besorgt über), daß Schulen sich erweisen als die großen Tore von der Hölle
zu sein, es sei denn, sie arbeiten eifrig beim Erklären in der Heiligen Schrift und gravieren sie in die
Herzen der Jugend ein.
Ich rate niemandem dazu, sein Kind unterzubringen, wo die HEILGE SCHRIFT nicht an höchster
Stelle herrscht.
Jede Institution, in der Menschen sich nicht zunehmend mit dem WORT GOTTES beschäftigten,
muss korrupt werden.
Die HEILIGE SCHRIFT ist göttlich; in ihnen spricht GOTT, und sie sind SEIN WORT. Die HEILIGE
SCHRIFT zu hören oder zu lesen, ist nichts weniger als GOTT zu hören.”
Noah Webster
Noah Webster, 1758-1843; American educator and author of the first American dictionary,
considered; “Education useless without the Bible.”
Noah Webster, 1758-1843; Amerikanischer Pädagoge und Autor des ersten amerikanischen
Wörterbuchs bedachte: “Bildung, ist ohne die Bibel nutzlos.”
JESUS CHRIST, The living, eternal creator of all that is, was or shall be; the only Saviour who is able
to save from the terrible fate that awaits all by definition according to the NEW TESTAMENT:
“Search the SCRIPTURES: for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testiy
of me. And ye will not come to me that ye might have life.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath
everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” ( John
5:39-40, 5:24 )
JESUS CHRISTUS, der lebendige, ewige Schöpfer von allem, das ist, was war oder sein wird; der
einzige RETTER, dem es möglich ist zu retten von dem schrecklichen Schicksal, das alle erwartet,
nach der Definition des NEUEN TESTAMENTES in der Bibel.:
“Suchet in der SCHRIFT; denn ihr meinet, ihr habet das ewige Leben darin; und sie ist’s, die von mir
zeuget; und ihr wollt nicht zu mir kommen, daß ihr das Leben haben möchtet. Wahrlich, wahrlich,
ich sage euch: Wer mein Wort hört und glaubt dem, der mich gesandt hat, der hat das ewige Leben
und kommt nicht in das Gericht, sondern er ist vom Tode zum Leben
hindurchgedrungen.” (Johannes-Evangelium 5:39-40, 5:24)
Quotation from the Bible, New Testament, Zitat aus der Bibel, Neues Testament
Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630, German astronomer who discovered the laws of planetary motion
called JESUS CHRIST …”the SON of GOD, that true light which ligtheth every man coming into
this world.”
Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630, deutscher Astronom, der die Gesetze planetarischer Bewegung
entdeckte, nannte JESUS CHRISTUS …”der SOHN GOTTES, das wahre Licht, das jedem
Menschen sichtbar wird, der in diese Welt kommt.”
Joseph Lister
Joseph Lister, 1827-1912, English surgeon and medical scientist; developed antisepetic surgery. “I am
a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.” [ the Bible ]
Joseph Lister, 1827-1912, englischer Chirug und medizinischer Wissenschaftler; entwickelte die die
antiseptische Chirugie. “Ich bin ein Gläubiger in der fundamentalen Lehre des Christentums.” [ die
Bibel ].
Galileo, 1564-1642, Italian mathematician, astronomer, and physicist, developed the astronomical
“I believe that the intention of HOLY WRIT was to persuade men of the truths necessary to
salvation; such as neither science or other means could render credible, but only the voice of the
Galileo, 1564-1642, italienischer Mathematiker, Astronom und Physiker; entwickelte das
astronomische Teleskop;

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Ich glaube, dass die Absicht der HEILIGEN SCHRIFT ist, Menschen von den zur Rettung
notwendigen Wahrheiten überzeugen sollte; wie keine Wissenschaft oder kein anderes Mittel es
glaubwürdig wiedergeben konnte, als (aber) nur die Stimme des Heiligen Geistes.”
Victoria, 1819-1901, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1837-1901:
During her reign the empire climbed to its zenith in world influence. When asked by a foreign
prince in the secret of her country´s greatness Victoria replied, “the Bible, my lord.”
Victoria, 1819-1901, Königin des Vereinigten Königreiches von Großbritannien und Irland,
Während ihrer Herrschaft stieg das Imperium zu seinem Zenit in Welteinfluss. Als ein ausländischer
Prinz, die Königin nach dem Geheimnis der Größe ihres Landes fragte, antwortete Victoria: “die
Bibel, mein Herr.”
Elizabeth I., 1533-1603, Queen of England and Ireland:
“I walk many times into the pleasant field of the HOLY SCRIPTURES…that so having and tasted
their sweetness I may the less perceive the bitternis of this miserable life.”
Elizabeth I., 1533-1603, Königin von England und Irland:
“Ich gehe oft in das angenehme Feld der Heiligen Schrift … so habe ich und schmeckte ihre
Liebenswürdigkeit, daß ich die Bitterkeit diesen erbämlichen Lebens desto weniger wahrnehme.”
King David, first serving as a shepherd boy, later King over Israel
1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.
6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
9 O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.
10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any
good thing.
11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good?
1 Pet 3:10
13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.
1 Pet 3:10

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

14 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
1 Pet 3:11
15 The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.
1 Pet 3:12
16 The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from
the earth.
1 Pet 3:12
17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.
22 The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be
Psalm 34,The Bible, Old Testament
1 Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
2 O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
3 Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
4 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all
the day.
6 Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of
7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember
thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD.
8 Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
9 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his
11 For thy name’s sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.
12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.
13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.
14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
15 Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.
16 Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
18 Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

19 Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
20 O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Psalm 25,The Bible, Old Testament

König David, diente als Schäferjunge, später als König über Israel
1 (Ein Psalm Davids, da er seine Gebärde verstellte vor Abimelech, als der ihn von sich trieb und er
wegging.) Ich will den HERRN loben allezeit; sein Lob soll immerdar in meinem Munde sein.
2 Meine Seele soll sich rühmen des HERRN, daß es die Elenden hören und sich freuen.
3 Preiset mit mir den HERRN und laßt uns miteinander seinen Namen erhöhen.
4 Da ich den HERRN suchte, antwortete er mir und errettete mich aus aller meiner Furcht.
5 Welche auf ihn sehen, die werden erquickt, und ihr Angesicht wird nicht zu Schanden.
6 Da dieser Elende rief, hörte der HERR und half ihm aus allen seinen Nöten.
7 Der Engel des HERRN lagert sich um die her, so ihn fürchten, und hilft ihnen aus.
8 Schmecket und sehet, wie freundlich der HERR ist. Wohl dem, der auf ihn traut!
9 Fürchtet den HERRN, ihr seine Heiligen! denn die ihn fürchten, haben keinen Mangel.
10 Reiche müssen darben und hungern; aber die den HERRN suchen, haben keinen Mangel an
irgend einem Gut.
11 Kommt her, Kinder, höret mir zu; ich will euch die Furcht des HERRN lehren:
12 Wer ist, der Leben begehrt und gerne gute Tage hätte?
13 Behüte deine Zunge vor Bösem und deine Lippen, daß sie nicht Trug reden.
14 Laß vom Bösen und tue Gutes; suche Frieden und jage ihm nach.
15 Die Augen des HERRN merken auf die Gerechten und seine Ohren auf ihr Schreien;
16 das Antlitz aber des HERRN steht gegen die, so Böses tun, daß er ihr Gedächtnis ausrotte von
der Erde.
17 Wenn die Gerechten schreien, so hört der HERR und errettet sie aus all ihrer Not.
18 Der HERR ist nahe bei denen, die zerbrochnes Herzens sind, und hilft denen, die ein
zerschlagen Gemüt haben.
19 Der Gerechte muß viel Leiden; aber der HERR hilft ihm aus dem allem.
20 Er bewahrt ihm alle seine Gebeine, daß deren nicht eins zerbrochen wird.
21 Den Gottlosen wird das Unglück töten; und die den Gerechten hassen, werden Schuld haben.
22 Der HERR erlöst die Seele seiner Knechte; und alle, die auf ihn trauen, werden keine Schuld

Psalm 34, Die Bibel, Altes Testament

1 (Ein Psalm Davids.) Nach dir, HERR, verlangt mich.
2 Mein Gott, ich hoffe auf dich; laß mich nicht zu Schanden werden, daß sich meine Feinde nicht

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

freuen über mich.

3 Denn keiner wird zu Schanden, der dein harret; aber zu Schanden müssen sie werden, die
leichtfertigen Verächter.
4 HERR, zeige mir deine Wege und lehre mich deine Steige;
5 leite mich in deiner Wahrheit und lehre mich! Denn du bist der Gott, der mir hilft; täglich harre
ich dein.
6 Gedenke, HERR, an deine Barmherzigkeit und an deine Güte, die von der Welt her gewesen ist.
7 Gedenke nicht der Sünden meiner Jugend und meiner Übertretungen; gedenke aber mein nach
deiner Barmherzigkeit um deiner Güte willen!
8 Der HERR ist gut und fromm; darum unterweist er die Sünder auf dem Wege.
9 Er leitet die Elenden recht und lehrt die Elenden seinen Weg.
10 Die Wege des HERRN sind eitel Güte und Wahrheit denen, die seinen Bund und seine
Zeugnisse halten.
11 Um deines Namens willen, HERR, sei gnädig meiner Missetat, die da groß ist.
12 Wer ist der, der den HERRN fürchtet? Er wird ihn unterweisen den besten Weg.
13 Seine Seele wird im Guten wohnen, und sein Same wird das Land besitzen.
14 Das Geheimnis des HERRN ist unter denen, die ihn fürchten; und seinen Bund läßt er sie
15 Meine Augen sehen stets zu dem HERRN; denn er wird meinen Fuß aus dem Netze ziehen.
16 Wende dich zu mir und sei mir gnädig; denn ich bin einsam und elend.
17 Die Angst meines Herzens ist groß; führe mich aus meinen Nöten!
18 Siehe an meinen Jammer und mein Elend und vergib mir alle meine Sünden!
19 Siehe, daß meiner Feinde so viel sind und hassen mich aus Frevel.
20 Bewahre meine Seele und errette mich, laß mich nicht zu Schanden werden; denn ich traue auf
21 Schlecht und Recht, das behüte mich; denn ich harre dein.
22 Gott, erlöse Israel aus aller seiner Not!
Psalm 25, Die Bibel, Altes Testament

Werner von Braun

Werner von Braun, 1912-1977, German born American space scientist and author, Director of
N.A.S.A., USA United States of America
“Man can know GOD only by his self-revelation in the person of JESUS CHRIST, as witnessed by
Scripture”…”In our search to know GOD…JESUS CHRIST should be focus of our efforts, and our
I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior
rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would
deny the advances of science.”

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Werner von Braun, 1912-1977, in Deutschland geborener amerikanischer Weltraum-

Wissenschaftler, Autor und Direktor der N.A.S.A., USA Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
“Der Mensch kann GOTT nur durch seine Selbst-Offenbarung (Enthüllung) in der Person von
JESUS CHRISTUS kennen, wie von der Heiligen Schrift bezeugt;…In unserer Suche, um GOTT zu
kennen, … sollte JESUS CHRISTUS, Fokus unserer Bemühungen und unsere Inspiration sein.
Ich finde es so schwierig, einen Wissenschaftler zu verstehen, der die Gegenwart eines überlegenen
klaren Verstands hinter der Existenz des Universums nicht bestätigt, wie es schwierig ist, einen
Theologen zu verstehen, der die Weiterentwicklungen der Wissenschaft leugnen würde.“
Chiang Kai-Shek
CHIANG KAI-SHEK, 1887-1975, president or chairman of Chinese Nationalist, Government or
Republic of China (Taiwan), 1928-1975
“The Bible is the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT.”
CHIANG KAI SHEK, 1887-1975, Präsident oder Vorsitzender chinesischer Nationalisten oder
Regierung der Republik von China (Taiwan), 1928-1975
“Die Bibel ist die Stimme des HEILIGEN GEISTES.”
Samuel F. B. Morse
Samuel F. B. Morse, 1791-1872, American artist and inventor of the telegraph;
“The nearer I approach to the end of my pilgrimage, the clearer, is the evidence of the divine origin
of the BIBLE…”
Samuel F. B. Morse, 1791-1872, amerikanischer Künstler und Erfinder des Fernschreibers:
“Je näher ich an das Ende meiner Pilgerreise (Wallfahrt) gelange, desto klarer wird mir der Beweis,
des göttlichen Ursprungs der Bibel …”
H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells, 1866-1946, English novelist, journalist and historian;
“The Bible has been the book that held together the fabric of western civilization…The civilization
we possess could not have come into existence and could not have been sustained without it.”
H. G. Wells, 1866-1946, englischer Romanautor, Journalist und Historiker;
Die Bibel ist das Buch gewesen das die Struktur westlicher Zivilisation zusammenhielt … die
Zivilisation, die wir besitzen, hätte nicht zur Entstehung kommen können und hätte nicht ohne es
aufrechterhalten werden können.”
William Lyon Phelps

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

William Lyon Phelps, 1865-1943, American author and Yale professor. “You an learn more about
human nature by reading the Bible than by living in New York.
…Knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without
the Bible.”
William Lyon Phelps, 1865-1943, amerikanischer Autor und Professor an der Yale Universität. “Sie
können mehr über die menschliche Natur durch das Lesen der Bibel lernen, als durch ein Leben in
New York.
Wissen der Bibel ohne Studium ist mehr wertvoller, als ein Studium ohne Bibel.”
Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant, 1748-1804, German philosopher.
“The existence of the Bible as as book for the people is the greatest benefit which the human
race has ever experienced.”
Immanuel Kant, 1748-1804, deutscher Philosoph.
“Die Existenz der Bibel als Buch für die Menschen ist der größte Nutzen, den das
Menschengeschlecht jemals erfahren hat.”

Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662, French scientist, philosopher and writer, “father” of the science of
hydrostatics and one of the founders of hydrodynamics.
“Should a man happen to err in supposing the Christian religion to be true, he could not be a loser
by mistake. But how irreparable is his loss, and how inexpressible his danger, who should err in
supposing it to be false.
There is a GOD-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which only GOD can fill through HIS
Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662, französischer Wissenschaftler, Philosoph und Schriftsteller, “Vater” der
Wissenschaft von Hydrostatik und einer der Gründer der Hydrodynamik.
“Sollte ein Mensch zufällig damit irren, anzunehmen, dass die christliche Religion wahr ist, könnte er
nicht versehentlich ein Verlierer sein. Aber wie irreparabel ist sein Verlust, und wie unsagbar seine
Gefahr, desjenigen der damit irren sollte, anzunehmen, dass die christliche Religion falsch ist.
Es gibt ein GOTT-förmiges Vakuum im Herzen jedes Menschen, das nur GOTT durch SEINEN
SOHN, JESUS CHRISTUS füllen kann”.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Thomas H. Huxley
Thomas H. Huxley, 1825-1895, English Biologist;
“Throughout the history of the western world, the SCRIPTURES…have been the greatest
instigators of revolt against the worst forms of clerical and political despotism. The Bible has been
the Magna Carta* of the poor and oppressed!” (*charter of liberties)
Thomas H. Huxley, 1825-1895, englischer Biologe;
“Überall in der Geschichte der westlichen Welt ist die Heilige Schrift … die größte Anstiftung von
Aufstand gegen die schlechtesten Formen von geistlicher und politischer Despotie gewesen. Die
Bibel ist die Magna Carta* der Armem und Unterdrückten gewesen!” (*Charter [ Satzung ] von
HARVARD UNIVERSITY, United States of America (U.S.A.)
Harvard University, Rules and precepts, 1646;
“Everyone shall consider the main end of his life and studies to know GOD and JESUS CHRIST
which is eternal life, seeing the LORD gives wisdom, everyone shall seriously by prayer in secrect
seek wisdom of HIM. Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the SCRIPTURES twice a day
that they be ready to give an account of their proficiency therein…”
Harvard Universität, Regeln und Grundsätze, 1646:
“Jeder soll bedenken, die Hauptsache des Ende seines Lebens und studieren, zu wissen, zu kennen
GOTT und JESUS CHRISTUS, welcher das ewige Leben ist, zu sehen den HERRN, der Weisheit
gibt. Jeder soll ernsthaft durch Gebet im Geheimen, GOTTES Weisheit suchen.
Jeder soll selbst sich so üben, durch das Lesen der HEILIGEN SCHRIFT, zweimal am Tag, bereit zu
sein, einen Bericht über seine Tüchtigkeit hierin zu geben.”
John Calvin
John Calvin, 1509-1564, French-born Swiss Protestant Reformation leader;
“We owe to the scripture the same reverence which we owe to GOD.”
Johann Calvin, 1509-1564, in Frankreich geborener Schweizer protestantischer Reformations-Leiter
“Wir schulden der Heiligen Schrift dieselbe Verehrung, die wir GOTT schulden.”

Karl Carstens, Bundespräsident a. D. und Ehefrau Dr. Veronika Carstens

„Die Ursache allen Übels auf unserer Erde ist der Abfall des Menschen von GOTT.“
Karl Carstens

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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Alt-Bundespräsident, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

“The cause of all evil on our earth is the falling away of man from God.”
Karl Carstens,
former President Federal Republik of Germany
„Ich bin immer wieder voller Dankbarkeit über das Wunder, das durch CHRISTUS vollbracht
wurde; dass uns durch SEIN Leiden die Vergebung unserer Sünden und die Hoffnung auf ein Leben
nach dem Tod geschenkt wurde.“
Dr.Veronika Carstens
Frau des Alt-Bundespräsidenten
” I am always full of gratitude about the miracle which was accomplished through JESUS CHRIST
by his suffering; that the forgiveness (pardon) of our sins and the hope for a life after the death
was given the free gift to us.”
Dr.Veronika Carstens
wife of the former German President Carl Carstens
So wichtig, dass GOTT die Gebote selbst schrieb:

Die 10 Gebote aus dem alten Testament

aus dem alten Testament, Bibel, EXODUS 20:3-17

“3 Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben.

4 Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis machen, weder des, das oben im
Himmel, noch des, das unten auf Erden, oder des, das im Wasser unter der Erde ist.
5 Bete sie nicht an und diene ihnen nicht. Denn ich, der HERR, dein Gott, bin ein
eifriger Gott, der da heimsucht der Väter Missetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und
vierte Glied, die mich hassen;
6 und tue Barmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich liebhaben und meine Gebote
7 Du sollst den Namen des HERRN, deines Gottes, nicht mißbrauchen; denn der HERR
wird den nicht ungestraft lassen, der seinen Namen mißbraucht.

8 Gedenke des Sabbattags, daß Du ihn heiligest.

9 Sechs Tage sollst du arbeiten und alle dein Dinge beschicken;

10 aber am siebenten Tage ist der Sabbat des HERRN, deines Gottes; da sollst du kein

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Werk tun noch dein Sohn noch deine Tochter noch dein Knecht noch deine Magd noch
dein Vieh noch dein Fremdling, der in deinen Toren ist.
11 Denn in sechs Tagen hat der HERR Himmel und Erde gemacht und das Meer und
alles, was darinnen ist, und ruhte am siebenten Tage. Darum segnete der HERR den
Sabbattag und heiligte ihn.
12 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren, auf daß du lange lebest in dem
Lande, daß dir der HERR, dein Gott, gibt.
13 Du sollst nicht töten.
14 Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.
15 Du sollst nicht stehlen.
16 Du sollst kein falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nächsten.
17 Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines Nächsten Hauses. Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines
Nächsten Weibes, noch seines Knechtes noch seiner Magd, noch seines Ochsen noch
seines Esels, noch alles, was dein Nächster hat.”

EXODUS 20:3-17, Altes Testament, Bibel, Übersetzung nach Franz Eugen Schlachter

10 Commandments [ English ]

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is
in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God
am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third
and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not
hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy
cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed
12 Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15 Thou shalt not steal.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,
nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is
thy neighbor’s

EXODUS 20:3-17

Redaktion, Übersetzungen und Zusammenstellung (editor, translations and

composition): Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist
und Autor.
Erst-Veröffentlichungen: 2003 / 2004
IFN International Family Network d734,
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414,
John Baptist Mission of Togo,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

What today’s Christian needs to know

The Greek New Testament
By – G. W. Anderson


In recent years there has been much confusion concerning modern translations and editions of the
Greek New Testament. Some people make claims regarding the Greek New Testament without
having information and facts to support their claims. Many people claim that their translations are
accurate because those translations are based upon the best available Greek texts. Some claim that
their translations are better than the Authorised Version (KJV) because the Authorised Version
(KJV) and its underlying Greek Textus Receptus add variants and extra readings to the text. Others,
however, claim that the Greek text of the New Testament is not important because their favourite
translation is better that any Greek text. Still others say that the Greek text is not important
because most people cannot read the Greek of the New Testament era. However, the Greek text
upon which a translation is based will have an impact upon both a Christian’s reading of Scripture
devotionally and the proclaiming of the Word of God in bearing witness to the saving grace of Jesus
Christ. It is necessary that today’s Christian understands the importance of the Traditional Greek
text (Textus Receptus) in his Christian life.
The Traditional Text
First of all it is necessary to understand what is meant by the term ‘Traditional text’. During the 1st
century following the resurrection of Christ, God moved men to pen His Word (2 Peter 1.21). The
result was a group of letters and books, written in Koine Greek (called the ‘original autographs’).
These letters and books were copied and recopied throughout the centuries and distributed
throughout the world. These copies comprise the manuscripts of the New Testament. Over 5,000
of these Greek manuscripts have survived to this day. The great number of these Greek
manuscripts supports what is called the Byzantine textual tradition, Byzantine because it came
from all over the Greek-speaking world at that time. These Byzantine manuscripts make up what is
called the Traditional Text of the New Testament. The best printed representation of this Byzantine
text-type is the Textus Receptus (or Received Text). In addition to the manuscripts, we also have
available many works in which numerous Church Fathers quoted from the manuscripts. The work
of John Burgon has established that the basic text used by numerous Church Fathers is the same as
the text now known as the Byzantine Text.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

The Textus Receptus, was compiled from a number of Byzantine manuscripts, by numerous editors
from the early 1500s. There were editions from textual editors such as Erasmus, Stephens, Beza,
the Elzevirs, Mill and Scrivener. These editions differ slightly from one another but still are regarded
as the same basic text. Certain editions were popular in different countries and provided the basis
for New Testament translations. The Textus Receptus (as it later became known) was the text used
by Tyndale and in turn by the translators of the English Authorised (King James) Version of 1611
and other Reformation era translations.
The Critical Text
During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, another form of Greek New Testament has come
into the forefront and is used for most modern New Testament translations. This Critical Text, as it
is called, differs widely from the Traditional Text in that it omits many words, verses and passages
which are found in the Received Text and translations based upon it.
The modern versions are based mainly upon a Greek New Testament which was derived from a
small handful of Greek manuscripts from the 4th century onwards. Two of these manuscripts,
which many modern scholars claim to be superior to the Byzantine, are the Sinai manuscript and
the Vatican manuscript (c. 4th century). These are derived from a text type known as the
Alexandrian text (because of its origin in Egypt); this text type was referred to by the textual
critics Westcott and Hort as the ‘Neutral text’. These two manuscripts form the basis of the Greek
New Testament, referred to as the Critical Text, which has been in widespread use since the late
19th century. In recent years there has been an attempt to improve this text by calling it an
‘eclectic’ text (meaning that many other manuscripts were consulted in its editing and evolution),
but it is still a text which has as its central foundation these two manuscripts.

Problems in the Critical Text

There are many problems of omission which characterize this Greek New Testament. Verses and
passages which are found in the writings of Church Fathers from around 200 to 300 A.D. are
missing in the Alexandrian Text manuscripts which date from around 300 to 400 A.D. In addition,
these early readings are found in manuscripts in existence from 500 A.D. onwards. An example of
this is Mark 16.9-20: this passage is found in the writings of Irenaeus and Hippolytus in the 2nd
century, and is in almost every manuscript of Mark’s Gospel from 500 A.D. onwards. It is missing in
two Alexandrian manuscripts, the Sinai and the Vatican.
This is but one of many examples of this problem. There are many words, verses and passages
which are omitted from the modern versions but which are found in the Traditional or Byzantine
Text of the New Testament, and thus in the Textus Receptus. The Critical Text differs from the
Textus Receptus text 5,337 times, according to one calculation. The Vatican manuscript omits 2,877
words in the Gospels; the Sinai manuscript 3,455 words in the Gospels.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

These problems between the Textus Receptus and the Critical Text are very important to the
correct translation and interpretation of the New Testament. Contrary to the contention of
supporters of the Critical Text, these omissions do affect doctrine and faith in the Christian life.
Several examples of doctrinal problems caused by the omissions from the Critical Text follow. This
is by no means an exhaustive list. The modern reconstructed Critical Text
omits reference to the Virgin Birth in Luke 2.33
omits reference to the deity of Christ in 1 Timothy 3.16
omits reference to the deity of Christ in Romans 14.10 and 12
omits reference to the blood of Christ in Colossians 1.14
In addition, an error is created in the Bible in Mark 1.2; in this passage in the Critical Text Isaiah is
made the author of the book of Malachi. In numerous places in the New Testament the name of
Jesus is omitted from the Critical Text; seventy times ‘Jesus’ is omitted and twenty-nine times
‘Christ’ is omitted.(1)
Another problem with the modern Critical Text is that the two main manuscripts upon which this
text is constructed, the Sinai and the Vatican, disagree between themselves over 3,000 times in the
Gospels alone. Thus, the Alexandrian text presents itself as a text type which is characterized in
many places by readings which are not common to the manuscripts of their own tradition. The
Critical Text is characterized by wording which in the original language is difficult, abrupt or even
impossible. It appears that no matter how peculiar or aberrant the variant reading is, it must have
been in the original autographs because (as is sometimes claimed) a scribe would never make a
change which disagrees with other manuscripts; he would, instead, make a change which would
make a passage read more smoothly.
Much is said about the Alexandrian manuscripts being very old. This is true, but the emphasis in the
study of textual criticism should not be upon how old the manuscript is but upon how many
copies removed from the original it is. A manuscript which is dated as having been copied during
the 10th century could have been the fifth in a line of copies originating with the original
autograph, whilst a manuscript dated as having been copied during the 3rd century could have been
the one hundredth in the line of copies. Since it is difficult to tell the genealogy, the family of any
given manuscript, it is important to note that age is relative in the sense that you could have a
corrupt 3rd century manuscript or a faithful 10th century manuscript.
A good illustration would be to suppose that, in the year 3000, a copy of the English Bible was
found which dated from the 1970s. Suppose this Bible happened to be the oldest existing Bible
available, and this Bible happened to differ in hundreds of places from the Bible that was in use by
Christians in the year 3000. One could well imagine the scientific critics, with their methodology,
extolling the virtues of the ancient age of this Bible, the page design showing quality, careful care in
the layout and the paper of this particular volume, the binding and so on. But their arguments
would tend to fall apart when, after beginning to translate Bibles into modern languages on the

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

basis of this ancient book, Christians discovered that this version of the Scriptures was the New
World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Providential Preservation
The Traditional Text of the New Testament is understood by conservative Bible-believing Christians
to have been providentially preserved by God. God has promised in His Word that He would not
only preserve His Word for generations to come, but that His Word was permanent and would be
kept free from corruption.
Matthew 5.18 states “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.
Isaiah 59.21 says “As for me, this is My covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon
thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of
the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth
and for ever”. John 10.35 says “and the scripture cannot be broken”.
These verses demonstrate that God has not left His church for centuries without an authoritative
copy of the Word of God, but that God’s people down through the ages have faithfully copied and
recopied copies of the original autographs. The church all over the world has used the Traditional
Text in all of its various forms, and God has seen fit to multiply multitudes of copies and has
brought salvation to many generations through this preservation process. This doctrine of
providential preservation is succinctly stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapter 1,
paragraph VIII:
“The Old Testament in Hebrew, which was the native language of the people of God of old, and the
New Testament in Greek, which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the
nations, being immediately inspired by God and by His singular care and providence kept pure in all
ages, are therefore authentical; so as, in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal
unto them.”
This precious doctrine of the providential preservation of the Scriptures has been all but forgotten
by modern textual scholars. Many of them treat the Word of God as just another book that can be
submitted to the whims and changing norms of modern scientific methods. Many of the destructive
forms of higher criticism of the 19th century have come from a lack of belief that the Bible is a
supernatural book. The Bible has the marks of inspiration which clearly can be seen by believing
eyes, but which can be trampled under the feet of men rushing headlong toward destruction. But,
in spite of this, God has raised up His people who love and cherish His Word and recognize the
marks of inspiration that the early believers recognized, and that these copies which have been
handed down through the ages represent well what God has intended to be used. This does not
mean that any particular printed edition of the Greek New Testament today is perfect, but what it
does mean is that the New Testament that we have today is essentially the same as that passed

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

down through the ages through various groups of believers who have loved and kept His Word.
The strength of this preservation in the Old Testament comes in the quality of scribe that copied
the Old Testament Hebrew. In the New Testament this is seen in the abundance of manuscripts
which we possess today. This has been God’s method for keeping His Word pure. This preservation
provides that no one local text, such as the one from Alexandria, Egypt, would become the
dominant text. It took liberalism and unbelief to challenge this preservation process. It has never
been proven that these few Alexandrian manuscripts ever existed outside of Alexandria, Egypt.
Many of God’s people around the world reject the Critical Text in all of its forms. The practical
application of providential preservation is that the believer today must choose between a modern
reconstructed text based essentially upon two manuscripts from the 4th century, which omits the
deity of Christ in many places and is estimated by some to leave out approximately 200 verses (the
equivalent of 1 and 2 Peter), or that he must choose as a text one which God has used through
the centuries. Do we use the text which God has blessed, and which best honours and glorifies the
Lord Jesus, or do we not?
The printed editions of the Greek New Testament which were published during the 1500s and
1600s were produced by men who understood what the glory of God meant and the importance
of having accurate copies of the Bible. From the work known as the Complutensian Polyglot to the
various editions of Erasmus, to the four editions of Robert Stephens (the best known of which is
the 1550 text and which is the basis for what is called the Berry Interlinear or the Englishman’s
Greek New Testament), to the work of the great critic. Theodore Beza in his five editions, to the
editions of the Elzevirs in 1624 and 1633, and ultimately to the work of F. H. A. Scrivener in the
1870s and ’80s, we have scholarship in textual criticism and the most faithful and careful attitude
toward the manuscripts that one can imagine.
The Traditional Text of the New Testament was the text of the Reformation period, so that
whether it was the work of Erasmus or of Stephens, Luther’s own translation or that of the heirs
of the Reformation such as the Westminster Divines and the translators of the Authorised Version
in English, this text has been widely used and tremendously blessed by God.
The Responsibility of Believers Today
The textual critic J. Harold Greenlee has said, “New Testament textual criticism is, therefore, the
basic Biblical study, a prerequisite to all other Biblical and theological work”.(2) This is not an
overstatement of the importance of this issue. As believers we have the responsibility in our day
and age of proclaiming the Gospel, the pure Gospel, the undiluted Gospel. We also have the right
and privilege of being the next in the line of protecting God’s Word and proclaiming it. Each
individual Christian will make a decision on this matter, of which text is correct. Unmistakably, this
decision will be made, consciously or unconsciously, by every single believer. This decision is made
when the believer decides which edition of the Bible he will use to read and study; and if he
chooses a translation based upon corrupted manuscripts which reflect views which omit the deity

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

of Christ, His blood atonement, His virgin birth, then the decision has been made to extend this
error to the next generation. If, however, today’s Christian chooses a translation of the Word of
God which is translated from the Traditional Text of the New Testament, the decision has been
made to continue to see God working through His providence in providing His Word in its
complete form, for not only this generation but for those to come.
(1) See “The Great Omission”, The Quarterly Record (London, England: The Trinitarian Bible
Society, no. 524, July-September 1993).
(2) J. Harold Greenlee, Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (Grand Rapids, MI, USA:
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1964), p. 17.
A Bibliography In Support of The Traditional Text of the New Testament
“The Ancient Manuscripts of the New Testament”, Quarterly Record London, England: The
Trinitarian Bible Society, no. 510, January-March 1990.
Anderson, G. W. and D. E. “A Textual Key to the New Testament”. London, England: The Trinitarian
Bible Society, 1992.
“The Authenticity of the Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel according to Mark demonstrated by the
evidence of the ancient manuscripts”, Article No. 16. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society,
“The Authorised Version: What today’s Christian needs to know about the AV”, Article no. 75.
London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Burgon, John William. The Causes of Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels.
London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.
________. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark. Oxford: J. Parker and Co.,
________. The Revision Revised. Fort Worth, TX, USA: A. G. Hobbs Publications, 1983.
________. The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels. London: George Bell and Sons, 1896.
Clark, Gordon H. Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. Jefferson, MD. USA: The Trinity Foundation,
Dabney, Robert L. “The Doctrinal Various Readings of the New Testament Greek”, Discussions of
Robert Lewis Dabney, vol. 1. Carlisle, PA, USA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.
________. “The Revised Version of the New Testament”, Discussions of Robert Lewis Dabney, vol.
1. Carlisle, PA, USA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1967.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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“The English Bible: Its Origin, Preservation and Blessing”, Article no. 101. London, England: The
Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Fuller, David Otis. Counterfeit or Genuine. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International
Publications, 1978.
________. True or False. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International Publications, 1983.
________. Which Bible? Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Grand Rapids International Publications, 1970.
“God was Manifest in the Flesh”, Article No. 103. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Hills, Edward Freer. The King James Version Defended. DesMoines, IO, USA: The Christian Research
Press, 1984.
“The New International Version: What today’s Christian needs to know about the NIV”, Article no.
74. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
The New Testament, The Greek Text Underlying the English Authorised Version of 1611 (Textus
Receptus). London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
Pickering, Wilbur N. The Identity of the New Testament Text. Nashville, TN, USA: Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1977.
Scrivener, F. H. A. The Authorised Edition of the English Bible (1611): Its Subsequent Reprints and
Modern Representatives. Cambridge, England: The University Press, 1884.
________. A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament for the Use of Biblical
Students, third edition. Cambridge, England: Deighton, Bell and Co., 1883.
Sturz, Harry A. The Byzantine Text-Type and New Testament Textual Criticism. Nashville, TN, USA:
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984.
Van Bruggen, Jakob. The Ancient Text of the New Testament. Winnipeg, Ont., Canada: Premier, 1976.
________. The Future of the Bible. Nashville, TN, USA: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1978.
“What is Wrong With the Modern Versions of the Holy Scriptures?” Article No. 41. London,
England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.
“Why 1 John 5 vs. 7-8 is in the Bible”, Article No. 102. London, England: The Trinitarian Bible Society,
Wisse, Frederik, The Profile Method for Classifying and Evaluating Manuscript Evidence. Grand
Rapids, MI, USA: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1982.
“The Word of God Among All Nations: An Introduction to the Society’s Principles”. London,
England: The Trinitarian Bible Society, n.d.

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“And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of
cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no
wise lose his reward.”

Matthew 10:42 (KJV), New Testament, Bible on presents with


MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Auschwitz – The Death camps – Auschwitz – Die Todeslager

AUSCHWITZ — 62 Years Later Deception Continues

OPINION, Jan. 26 /Christian Newswire/ — Sixty-two years after the liberation of

Auschwitz, on the second International Day of Commemoration, the world
remembers and mourns the victims of the Holocaust. In standing with those who say
“never again,” the following is submitted for publication:
AUSCHWITZ — 62 Years Later Deception Continues
By Gary McCullough
The whistle bellowed and the tracks creaked, as we slowed, then stopped. Shaking
from the cold, I knew my anxiety would soon pass. Folded in my vest pocket was my
future, my family’s future. The deed to a dairy farm, complete with four cows. We had
sold most everything in order to secure our peace; to purchase this deed and the train
tickets my wife, my two bundles-of-joy and I were now traveling on.
We brought with us our remaining precious belongings, including my father’s watch, safely tucked in
my suitcase. Monica and Teresa each had their suitcases, stuffed with clothing, most of which their
mother had hand-sewn, and assorted treasures my four and six-year-olds had stowed away. Each
held tightly a doll from their Aunt Olga. My family was ready to start our new life. Here, far from
the war, far from the anger and bitterness that had come with the war. Here in our new home in
…Life is so good here. Just as they promised. Not a free ride, but with work, comes freedom. The
winters, they are not so bad, not as they were back home. Both Margaret and I, we do love it so…
My beautiful wife was reading aloud the letter for the hundredth time. A letter written by Ben, the
grocer from our neighborhood. He and his family had come to Oswiêcim about this time last year.
Six months ago he had written this letter to his parents. When word went about town that we
would be leaving, Ben’s parents made a present of the letter. Over and over she read it to the girls,
to encourage them on the long trip, to encourage me as well I suppose.
The doors strained open and the cold damp air flushed my face as I stepped on to the station
“Leave your suitcases on the platform. Mark your name, age, and nationality on your baggage. To fail
to do so will delay the return of your belongings.” The announcement was made again in another,
and then another language.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Train yard. Photograph: CHRISTIAN NEWSWIRE, America

“THOU SHALT NOT KILL” – 10 Commandments, Bible, WORD OF GOD
I gathered my family and we walked with the others through a courtyard, then through an iron
gate. Across the gate in bold black painted iron letters “WORK BRINGS FREEDOM”. A twenty-
five piece band was playing a familiar tune, one that my mother used to hum. The cheery flower
boxes looked strange next to the double-barbed wire fence. Still it was all quite an unexpectedly
comforting welcome. A distinguished looking man in a physician’s smock approached our growing
group and picked a few men and myself, most all the young-and-healthy sort, for a chore he said.
Just for a few minutes, he said, then we would be back with our families. Well, I have made it this
far by getting along with everyone. “I’ll be back in a minute honey! ”
Walking away, I glanced back to see my wife and girls walking into the hospital building. The
building with a big red cross painted on it. Some kind of disinfectant shower, someone mentioned.
Attention: “Everyone, the shower here is simple disinfectant, not to worry, it’s not too strong even
for your youngest children. Please remove your clothing and fold them in neat stacks. Your co-
operation is greatly appreciated.”
The other men and I walked down some steps, through a tunnel, then waited, and waited. We
were given uniforms and wooden clogs and told to wait in another line. As I changed my clothes, I

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

slipped the deed into the lining of my cap. I would just feel more at ease knowing exactly where it
was. It represented years of scrimping and all our savings.
Finally, we are going somewhere. Down more steps, another tunnel. I was impressed by the
sturdy construction of the walls. And in front of us now were two narrow gauge rail carts, small
enough for one man to push empty. We pushed the carts up to where the tracks came to a
double wide steel door. Locked at the moment.
An official looking gentleman unlocked and swung open the doors. Without warning my eyes
flooded with tears and I dropped to my knees, a cloud of blue-gray haze escaped the through the
doorway. As my eyes adjusted and cleared, I was kicked in the back. “Get up, to work now! ”
“Doing what?” I began to twist around only to be booted once more. The other men from the
train were as perplexed as I. We stumbled into the room. I tripped, as my eyes were still watering,
and I landed on something soft, something warm. It was some, some person, an old man, he was
limp. I looked up, no words came to my lips. As in a dream as you step off a cliff, you try and yell,
but no words come out. No sound ever comes out.
Another and another and another body, no blood, no wounds. There was a young woman,
younger than my wife. Next to her, a baby boy, not a year old, still clutching a brightly painted toy
car, as I looked at him, such a beautiful healthy boy, the toy escaped his tiny little grasp, his fingers
slowly growing cold. The vast room was filled with hundreds of naked bodies. Some of them still
hugging each other, others piled on one another. Each one still warm, yet not one breathing. Who
are these people!? Who were these people!? What happened? I looked up, screaming at God, and
recognized a round, cone shaped, shower head.
In 1992 I visited three death camps in Poland. On the walls of a building in Stuthoff and several
building in Auschwitz, hang the portraits of over a hundred of the millions of victims of the gas
chambers. At both death camps, you can gaze upon piles of shoes, thousands of pairs of shoes, in
all sizes. And literal bales of women’s hair, stacked like some many bales of hay. And next to the
hair-bales are bolts of fabric that had been manufactured from the hair shaved from the heads of
thousands of dead, murdered young women. And suitcases, piled to the ceiling, marked with white
paint, the name, year of birth, and nationality of the owner. Many of the suitcases were of children;
five, six, and seven years old. Another room was full of eye glasses, the next, brushes and combs,
the next room, stacked wall to wall, floor to ceiling, were prosthesis all every sort, legs and arms,
and wheel-chairs and crutches.
This collection, this shrine to “Never- Again,” displayed what was but a fraction of the booty
gathered from the killing of millions of mothers, sisters and brothers, husbands and grandparents
and children over the years we now call the Holocaust. These were the items that had not yet
been packaged for shipment. These glasses, shoes, clothing, etc. were to be shipped to people in

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

need, taken from useless non- persons, to go to the sustenance of the higher race. A guard, would
pick through the belongings of the still warm non-person for something to send home to his family;
perhaps a needed pair of pants, or a Sunday’s-best dress that his bride would wear about town
with him on his next leave, a pair of glasses that would be of use to his mother, she has needed a
better pair for oh so long.
Of all these exhibits screaming of man’s inhumanity toward man, one moved me to tears, a small
pile of children’s toys.
As our tour group exited the building, I approached our guide. Why didn’t someone stop this?
Why did the townspeople blow the place up? Why didn’t our allied forces obliterate the death
Her response was one well thought out. As a guide at Auschwitz for seven years, she is asked that
most everyday. She stated, “Many people for years, much wiser than I, have debated that exact
question. Survivors of this camp have said they would have gladly given their lives to see this place
destroyed and the killing stopped. One thing that most all agree on though, is in regard to the
three sets of railroad tracks coming to the camp. They should have been destroyed. They knew
where the killing was being done. They had the ability, and even if the tracks would have been
rebuilt in a matter of days, thousands of lives would have been saved, thousands of lives!
Immediately I responded, “You know, that’s what we do.” Up to this point, she did not know that
the entire group touring Auschwitz that day were part of a group in the USA called Operation
Rescue. I went on to explain to her, and to myself at the same time, that when we rescue, we take
out the tracks. We don’t destroy the clinic/death-camp, we don’t kill the butchers. But for a short
period of time we keep the non-persons/the babies, from getting to the death-camp. We buy a
little time for the innocent.
Two weeks later, while hand-cuffed, from the back of a paddy-wagon, I found myself preaching to
nine of San Antonio’s Finest. While these officers were arresting and carrying away one limp
rescuer after another I began to tell them of my recent trip to the death-camps of Auschwitz,
Birkenau and Stuthoff.
Officer, did you know…

At the Auschwitz death- camp:

Many Jews, Poles and others believed going to Oswiêcim was an investment in their

The Cyclon-B nerve gas was delivered in train cars marked with the Red-Cross as

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

A heart injection was sometimes used to terminate the non- person.

Many of the bodies were burned in crematoriums, at the death- camp.

The availability of healthy, live bodies drew many researchers for experimentation and

They disguised the gas-chambers as hospitals and medical clinics.

The Nazis dressed up in the clothing of priests, and mocked God.

Gruesome experimentation was performed, often simply for the sick entertainment of
so called doctors.

Body parts were used for decoration and jewelry.

Many, because of their health condition, it was considered dignified and more humane
to end their life.

All that remains are the ashes of millions of innocent people.

Most Christians purchased their freedom by co-existing with the killing.

Only a small segment of the Church took a stand against the killing and they were
easily dealt with.

Most of the world could not, or would not believe that such a holocaust was

Judges, Police, Guards, all said they were just, doing their jobs.

The Church said they were just obeying the law.

At the San Antonio death- camp:

Many women come here believing that this is an investment in their future.

The killing devices are sold and delivered, and even tax-deductible as medical

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

A heart injection is sometimes used to terminate the baby.

Many of the bodies are burned in crematoriums, at the death- camp.

The availability of healthy, live bodies draws many researchers for experimentation and

They disguise the abortion-chambers as hospitals and medical clinics.

Pro-abortion advocates dress up in the clothing of priests, and mock God.

Gruesome experimentation is performed, often simply for the sick entertainment of so

called doctors.

Body parts are used for decoration and jewelry.

Many, because of their health condition, it is considered dignified and more humane to
end their life.

All that remains are the ashes of millions of innocent people.

Most Christians purchase their freedom by co-existing with the killing.

Only a small segment of the Church takes a stand against the killing and they are easily
dealt with.

Most of the world can not, or will not believe that such a holocaust is happening.

Judges, Police, Guards, all say they were just, doing their job.

The Church says they are just obeying the law.

We have simply become more efficient in the disposing of our non-persons. In part, the job is
much easier today because the bodies are smaller and more easily disposed of.
Then the paddy-wagon door shut and a truck load of Christian men finding themselves on their
way to jail began to pray.
Others prayed aloud, for the mother waiting to enter the soon to be opened clinic, for God to
rescue the children who would be killed there that day. Then it was my time, before God, to open

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

my heart…
Dear Lord, I remember how angry I was, and still am over that pile of children’s toys at Auschwitz.
How these harmless steps we were taking this morning don’t seem to be a match to the violent
death awaiting our holocaust victims.
How could even a brain-washed Nazi death- camp guard take a toy off the still warm body of a
dead child and give it to his child?! In that sentence, God answered my question with His question:
“How is it that you, my son, washed by me, give your children toys taken from the children killed at
the abortion death-camps? ”
My crushing anger was now, full-weight on me. How can this be, Lord? I am about to go to jail…
again. I am doing all I know to do!
“For each child that is killed; his toys will instead be enjoyed by your children.”
Like it or not I have to face the fact that each day I find something more important to do than
saving an unborn child’s life, I have chosen that my job, my comforts, my wife’s clothing and yes,
even my children’s toys were more important than the life of an unborn child.
There is no “feel-good” end to this story; no secret solution. We have gone too far down the road
to Auschwitz. We have a thousand Dachaus, Treblinkas, and Auschwitz in America, advertising in
the yellow-pages.
As the death-camps reared their ugly heads in World War II. Some of America’s citizens
recognized the threat and rose to the challenge. They didn’t wait for our nation to enter the war,
they went to Canada, enlisted, and went to fight Hitler and the Nazi War Machine. However, most
of the nation waited for an official declaration of war.
But when war was declared, every able-bodied, clear thinking man entered the fight. If a young
man was not serving his country, his courage and manhood was called into question. Men and
women came from the countryside to the cities to work in the factories as part of the war effort.
Factories that produced automobiles and appliances re-tooled to make items needed to win a
war. Housewives conserved everything from nylons to rubber-bands to help beat the Nazis. And
still the ashes of millions of burned bodies testified that we did too little, too late.
When will the time has come for us to do our duty before God and country in regard to the
holocaust of abortion? When will it be time for every able-bodied, clear-thinking Christian to
enter the fight? If a young man is not saving the lives of innocent children, is his courage and
manhood should be called into question?
As in Nehemiah, chapter three, everyone from merchants to shepherds set aside their usual job for
a time, to rebuild the wall. Every Christian ministry, God ordained and set apart for a particular
need, must re-tool to win this war. To continue to do business as usual while there are death-
camps operating down the street is an insult to our Creator.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

And still the ashes of millions of burned bodies will testify that we did too little, too late.
In the story, Ben’s letter to his parents was forced and censored. It was common practice to keep
a few Jews, Poles, and others alive for six months. They would be forced to write home and lie to
their friends or relatives about the conditions at Auschwitz. After the letter was written they
would be taken to the gas chamber and killed like the others, then cremated.
Hanging on the wall today in Auschwitz is a fragment of an actual uncensored letter
from Monika Dombke, born 1920, to her mother. That letter reads:
“Electric wires, high and double

Won’t let you Mom – you won’t see your daughter

So don’t believe those censored letters of mine

cause the truth is different; but don’t cry, Mom.

And if you would like to seek out your child’s trace

Don’t ask anyone, don’t knock anywhere:

look for the ashes in the fields of Auschwitz

It will be there. But don’t cry – enough of bitterness here.

And if you would like to discover your child’s trace

look for the ashes in the fields of Birkenau

They’ll be there – so look for the ashes

In the fields of Auschwitz, in the woods of Birkenau,

Mom, look for the ashes – I’ll be there!”

An der Mauer von Auschwitz, ist heute ein Fragment eines nicht-zensierten Briefes
von Monika Dombke, geboren 1920, einer Tochter an ihre Mutter zu finden. Dort steht

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Elektrokabel, hoch und doppelt

Werden Dich nicht, Mama – Dich nicht sehen lassen, …werden Dich nicht sehen
lassen Deine Tochter !

Deshalb glaube NICHT den zensierten Briefen von mir,

weil die Wahrheit eine andere ist; doch weine nicht, Mama.

Und wenn Du nach den Spuren Deiner Tochter suchen möchtest !

Frage NIEMANDEN, klopfe an keine Türe !

Suche in der Asche der Felder von Auschwitz.

Es wird dort sein. Doch weine NICHT – genug Traurigkeit ist hier.

Und wenn Du die Spuren Deines Kindes aufdecken willst,

suche in der Asche der Felder von Birkennau.

Sie werden dort sein – so suche nach der Asche!

In den Feldern von Auschwitz, in den Wäldern von Birkenau,

Mama, suche nach der Asche – Ich werde dort sein !”

Brief von Monika Dombke, geboren 1920, an ihre Mutter,

Opfer von Nazi-Verbrechern, Kinder-Mördern und Mördern von Frauen, Menschen jüdischen
Glaubens, Menschen christlichen Glaubens, Roma, Sinti, Männern, behinderte Menschen,
Andersdenkende, poltisch andersdenke Menschen in Auschwitz, während des Holocaust 1933 bis
1945 und der NAZI-Terror-Diktatur. Monika Dombke wird seit 1945 vermisst.
Übersetzung von Andreas Klamm, Journalist
3mnewswire on

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

“Death camps can be located at any other place in this world. What do we
do to save the lifes of people? This is our duty ! LOVE ONE ANOTHER,
LOVE YOUR ENEMIES! SAVE the life of others – no matter if, unborn child,
baby, young, old, unemployed, disabled or whatsoever – no matter what
colour of skin – no matter what they do believe, just SAVE a life and
TOGETHER we can SAVE A LIFE TODAY ! This is our duty ! We all are
brothers (brethren) and sisters.”

Andreas Sabaot-Klamm, French-German Journalist, broadcast journalist and author of seven books,
nurse (RGN), paramedic, Founder and editor of British Newsflash Magazine, Liberty and Peace
NOW! Human Rights Reporters, IFN International Family Network d734, IBS Independent
Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS TV Liberty, and, London, United Kingdom.
10 Commandments [ English ]

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any
thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD
thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD
will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt
not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in
them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12 Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15 Thou shalt not steal.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his
ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s

EXODUS 20:3-17

10 Gebote [ German ]

3 Du sollst keine anderen Götter neben mir haben.

4 Du sollst dir kein Bildnis noch irgend ein Gleichnis machen, weder des, das oben im
Himmel, noch des, das unten auf Erden, oder des, das im Wasser unter der Erde ist.
5 Bete sie nicht an und diene ihnen nicht. Denn ich, der HERR, dein Gott, bin ein
eifriger Gott, der da heimsucht der Väter Missetat an den Kindern bis in das dritte und
vierte Glied, die mich hassen;
6 und tue Barmherzigkeit an vielen Tausenden, die mich liebhaben und meine Gebote
7 Du sollst den Namen des HERRN, deines Gottes, nicht mißbrauchen; denn der HERR
wird den nicht ungestraft lassen, der seinen Namen mißbraucht.
8 Gedenke des Sabbattags, daß Du ihn heiligest.
9 Sechs Tage sollst du arbeiten und alle dein Dinge beschicken;
10 aber am siebenten Tage ist der Sabbat des HERRN, deines Gottes; da sollst du kein
Werk tun noch dein Sohn noch deine Tochter noch dein Knecht noch deine Magd noch
dein Vieh noch dein Fremdling, der in deinen Toren ist.
11 Denn in sechs Tagen hat der HERR Himmel und Erde gemacht und das Meer und
alles, was darinnen ist, und ruhte am siebenten Tage. Darum segnete der HERR den
Sabbattag und heiligte ihn.
12 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren, auf daß du lange lebest in dem
Lande, daß dir der HERR, dein Gott, gibt.
13 Du sollst nicht töten.
14 Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.
15 Du sollst nicht stehlen.
16 Du sollst kein falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nächsten.
17 Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines Nächsten Hauses. Laß dich nicht gelüsten deines
Nächsten Weibes, noch seines Knechtes noch seiner Magd, noch seines Ochsen noch
seines Esels, noch alles, was dein Nächster hat.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

EXODUS 20:3-17

Les 10 commandments [ French ]

3 Tu n`auras pas d`autres dieux devant ma face.

4 Tu ne te feras point d`image taillée, ni de représentation quelconque des
choses qui sont en haut dans les cieux, qui sont en bas sur la terre, et qui
sont dans les eaux plus bas que la terre.
5 Tu ne te prosterneras point devant elles, et tu ne les serviras point; car
moi, l`Éternel, ton Dieu, je suis un Dieu jaloux, qui punis l`iniquité des pères
sur les enfants jusqu`à la troisième et la quatrième génération de ceux qui
me haïssent,
6 et qui fais miséricorde jusqu`en mille générations à ceux qui m`aiment et
qui gardent mes commandements.
7 Tu ne prendras point le nom de l`Éternel, ton Dieu, en vain; car l`Éternel
ne laissera point impuni celui qui prendra son nom en vain.
8 Souviens-toi du jour du repos, pour le sanctifier.
9 Tu travailleras six jours, et tu feras tout ton ouvrage.
10 Mais le septième jour est le jour du repos de l`Éternel, ton Dieu: tu ne
feras aucun ouvrage, ni toi, ni ton fils, ni ta fille, ni ton serviteur, ni ta
servante, ni ton bétail, ni l`étranger qui est dans tes portes.
11 Car en six jours l`Éternel a fait les cieux, la terre et la mer, et tout ce qui
y est contenu, et il s`est reposé le septième jour: c`est pourquoi l`Éternel a
béni le jour du repos et l`a sanctifié.
12 Honore ton père et ta mère, afin que tes jours se prolongent dans le pays
que l`Éternel, ton Dieu, te donne.
13 Tu ne tueras point.
14 Tu ne commettras point d`adultère.
15 Tu ne déroberas point.
16 Tu ne porteras point de faux témoignage contre ton prochain.
17 Tu ne convoiteras point la maison de ton prochain; tu ne convoiteras
point la femme de ton prochain, ni son serviteur, ni sa servante, ni son
boeuf, ni son âne, ni aucune chose qui appartienne à ton prochain.

EXODE 20:3-17

10 Commandments [ Spanish ]

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

3 No tendrás dioses ajenos delante de mí.

4 No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza de cosa que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo
en la tierra, ni en las aguas debajo de la tierra:
5 No te inclinarás á ellas, ni las honrarás; porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, fuerte, celoso,
que visito la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos, sobre los terceros y sobre los
cuartos, á los que me aborrecen,
6 Y que hago misericordia en millares á los que me aman, y guardan mis mandamientos.
7 No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano; porque no dará por inocente
Jehová al que tomare su nombre en vano.
8 Acordarte has del día del reposo, para santificarlo:
9 Seis días trabajarás, y harás toda tu obra;
10 Mas el séptimo día será reposo para Jehová tu Dios: no hagas en él obra alguna, tú,
ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu siervo, ni tu criada, ni tu bestia, ni tu extranjero que está
dentro de tus puertas:
11 Porque en seis días hizo Jehová los cielos y la tierra, la mar y todas las cosas que en
ellos hay, y reposó en el séptimo día: por tanto Jehová bendijo el día del reposo y lo
12 Honra á tu padre y á tu madre, porque tus días se alarguen en la tierra que Jehová
tu Dios te da.
13 No matarás.
14 No cometerás adulterio.
15 No hurtarás.
16 No hablarás contra tu prójimo falso testimonio.
17 No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo, no codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su
siervo, ni su criada, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo.

Redaktion: Andreas Klamm, Französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor von

sieben Bücher, Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, IFN International Family Network d734, British
Newsflash Magazine, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds), Liberty and Peace
NOW! Human Rights Reporters,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Art projects

Grafik und Illustration by Andreas Klamm, London, July 2008.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Grafik und Illustration by Andreas Klamm, London, July 2008.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Illustration und Grafik by Andreas Klamm, London, July 2008.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

BIBLE – Bibel ( EN, FR, DE, ES)


Bible in English:

Bible in French:
Bible in German:
Bible in Spanish:
New Testament Swahili:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


A lpha
B ravo
C oca
D elta
E cho
F oxtrott
G olf
H otel
I ndia
J uliet
K ilo
L ima
M emo
N ew York
O slo
P apa
Q uebec

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

R omeo
S ierra
T ango
U nion
V ictor
W hiskey
X tra
Y ankee
Z ulu

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

A lpha
B ravo
C harlie
D elta
E cho
F oxtrot
G olf
H otel
I ndia
J uliet
K ilo
L ima
M ike
N ovember
O scar
P apa
Q uebec
R omeo
S ierra

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

T ango
U niform
V ictor
W hiskey
X – Ray
Y ankee
Z ulu

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

A ._
B _…
C _…
D _..
F .._.
H ….
I ..
J ._ _ _
K _ ._ _
L ._ ..
P ._ _ .
Q _ _ ._
R ._ .
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

U .. _
V …_
W ._ _
X _ .._
Y _ ._ _
Z _ _ ..

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Nos Evangélisations

Du 1er au 3er Décembre 2003 campagne d’évangélisation dans un village de 15 000 habitants . le
plus grand nombre de ce village sont des féticheurs, des sorciers, des cultivateurs et des jeunes
fument beaucoup le drogue et l’adultère, la fornication , la pauvreté bat son plein là .c’est dans le
village natif du Président de la Mission Jean Baptiste.

En 1990 à 1993, le fondateur était en ce temps sans Christ et c’est dans ce village qu’il menait de
mauvaises vies avant sa conversion. Il courait les jeunes filles, jouant de gamme, des cartes , des dés
et vendait de la drogue dans des cimetières ou les morts sont enterrer où se réunissait les bandits
pour fumer et planifier le vol et faisait des compagnies des artistes mondains. Quand il s’est donner
à Christ, le Seigneur a mis sur son cœur d’y aller prêcher la parole de Dieu qui a donner vie au
fondateur et révéler l’amour de Dieu dans ce village.
Le Seigneur a œuvré beaucoup par sa grâce. Le premier jour de la campagne , il y avait 23 âmes qui
sont sauvés. Le deuxième jour 17 âmes et le troisième jour 46 âmes sauvés. Tout le village lorsque
l’homme de Dieu prêchait sur l’amour de Dieu en donnant son témoignage, les jeunes féticheurs le
tentaient en envoyant des pouvoirs démoniaques contre lui mais cela ne l’atteignant pas. Il y a des
pouvoirs quand on t’envoûte avec ça, tu vas mourir le troisième jour où le septième jour . l’homme
de Dieu a défié tout ce village suite à une révélation qu’il a reçu que les gens le tente . les frères et
sœurs et certaines Pasteurs qui sont parmi la foule écoutait, regardait comment les gens envoûte
l’homme de Dieu. Ils pria . L’homme de Dieu a défié et a dit : si vous me tué au troisième jour , il

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

faut que tout le publique qui sont ici ne ce donne pas à Jésus car leur Dieu est fort. Les gens
étaient étonner d’attendre cette parole sortir de l’homme de Dieu.
Les gens n’adorent pas bien Dieu dans ce village parce que quand ils sont venue à Christ, quand ils
tombent malade, les devins, les sorciers, les charlatans les trompent que quand ils ont quitter
l’adoration des ancêtres c’est ce qui a emmener sur eux les malédictions, et les maladies et ils
retournent dans le monde. L’homme de Dieu a donner une prophétie et a expliquer beaucoup sur
la puissance de Dieu en donna le droit que nous avions en Jésus.

Quand quelqu’un viole une loi donner dans ce village ou mange des interdit dans ce village, ce
dernier meurent si on ne fais pas des cérémonies. Souvent on prend un petit poussin ou un agneau
sans défaut comme dans le levitique pour faire le sacrifice et la malédiction retombe sur ça. On
n’emmène après que ce coupable met ses mets sur le poussin et confesse sur ça les fautes
commise et on n’emmène le poussin ou l’agneau dans un carrefour et on le tue là bas ou on prend
un bâton et on trou le poussin et on plante ça au carrefour que tout les maladies, la mort, les
problèmes qui vont venir sur ce coupable ou le village, le poussin prend ça. Après il a dit que quand
Jean baptiste qui est le dernier sacrificateur dans la bible a baptiser Jésus, il a mis tout nos maladies,
malédictions, les problèmes etc sur Jésus et Jésus a payer le prix en mourant en notre place.
Il a été enterrer dans une tombe qui signifie, il a enterrer nos maladies, nos craintes etc et il est
ressusciter le troisième jour en nous donnant un nouveau vie. Dans le village, il y a plein des
fétiches fabriquer par du sable et de l’argile. il y a les têtes, les yeux mais ne parlent pas. Le
prédicateur a dit : dans le moyen âge, il y a arrivait que les animaux féroces rentraient dans des
maisons quand ces dernières vont au champs, les animaux gâtent des choses dans la maison avant
leurs retour . Donc les vieux à leurs départ pour les champs, ils prennent des habits déchirer, des
bâtons et l’argile et fabrique un homme très grand et le place à la devanture de leur maisons et
quand un animal féroce arrive, de loin quand il voit ça il fut croyant que c’est un homme fusil à
main. Au retour les villageois disent il m’a garder la maison aujourd’hui et communément ils
appellent ces monte de terre : ( LEGBA) qui veut dire en français ( il m’a garder la maison
aujourd’hui . Tout le village qui étaient présent au lieu ont crié et ont dit : ah ah ah c’est vraie. Ils
ont cru à Dieu.
Le troisième jour, après la campagne, une grande sorcière que les gens venaient de part le monde
consulter est morte et le village nous font encore l’appel mais nous manquons de l’argent et des

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

instruments pour y aller. Les âmes gagner est confié à l’Eglise Baptiste de Mission -Tové qui est
dirigée par le vice Président de la Mission Jean Baptiste Pasteur BELLO Yawo. Nous avions besoins
de vos soutiens financiers, morale pour atteindre d’autres villages qui sont dans ce canton.
Cette campagne est financer par notre sœur BETTINAN STEVENS des USA.
Nous vous demandons de prier pour elle.
Je vous remercie.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Education: Human Rights,

proclaimed in 1948 in New York City, United States of America (U.S.A.)
“Slavery is worldwide forbidden…” and “…you have the right to choose your profession…” (see
Article 4 and Article 23)
Are these just common dream of a better society in the future far far away or some hope of some
proclaimed in 1948 by the United Nations in New York City, United States of America (U.S.A.)
It is very important to know your human rights and how to claim these human rights which are
VALID for every woman or man on the entire planet, earth, world, actually in the entire

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members
of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have
outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy
freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest
aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in
fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of
men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United
Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for
the full realization of this pledge,
Now, therefore,
The General Assembly,
Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all
peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this
Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these
rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their
universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States
themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and
conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction
of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or
international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be
independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all
their forms.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Article 6
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the
law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration
and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 8
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating
the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
Article 9

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial
tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 11
1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not
constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.
Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal
offence was committed.

Article 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or
correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the
protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 13
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 14
1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political
crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 15
1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his

Article 16
1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the
right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during
marriage and at its dissolution.
2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by
society and the State.

Article 17
1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom
to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in
public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Article 21
1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely
chosen representatives.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

2. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be
expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall
be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization,
through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and
resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and
the free development of his personality.

Article 23
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions
of work and to protection against unemployment.
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and
his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of
social protection.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and
periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself
and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services,
and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or
other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born
in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.
Article 26
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and
fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education
shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis
of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Article 27
1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts
and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any
scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth
in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29
1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his
personality is possible.
2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as
are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the
rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and
the general welfare in a democratic society.
3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations.
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right
to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
freedoms set forth herein.
English Version
Source: United Nations Department of Public Information

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Bildung: Menschenrechte, Allgemeine Menschenrechte,

Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen aus dem Jahr 1948
“Sklaven-Arbeit ist weltweit verboten…” und “Die freie Wahl des Berufes ist ein
Sind dies leere Behauptungen, Wunschgedanken einer besseren Welt oder gültige Rechte?
Richtig, es sind UNIVERSELL gültige ALLGEMEINE MENSCHENRECHTE. Das bedeutet die
Allgemeinen Menschenrechte sind WELTWEIT gültig. Rund 65 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Welt-Krieg
kennen viele Menschen allerdings nicht die grundlegendsten und doch so wichtigen Allgemeinen
Im Rahmen des kostenfreien Bildungs-Dienstes von GewerkschafterInnen gegen Rechts finden Sie
hier die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte der United Nations (UN,Vereinte Nationen,
Quelle, ), die im Jahr 1948 in New York City in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
(U.S.A.) verkündet wurden.
Vergleiche hierzu Artikel 4 und Artikel 23 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Die
Seiten können und dürfen ausgedruckt und verteilt werden.
Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte kann sehr gut als internationale Grundlage auch für
die internationale Arbeit von engagierten Menschen dienen.

Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte

Resolution 217 A (III) vom 10.12.1948
Da die Anerkennung der angeborenen Würde und der gleichen und unveräußerlichen Rechte aller
Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft der Menschen die Grundlage von Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Frieden
in der Welt bildet,
da die Nichtanerkennung und Verachtung der Menschenrechte zu Akten der Barbarei geführt
haben, die das Gewissen der Menschheit mit Empörung erfüllen, und da verkündet worden ist, daß

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

einer Welt, in der die Menschen Rede- und Glaubensfreiheit und Freiheit von Furcht und Not
genießen, das höchste Streben des Menschen gilt,
da es notwendig ist, die Menschenrechte durch die Herrschaft des Rechtes zu schützen, damit der
Mensch nicht gezwungen wird, als letztes Mittel zum Aufstand gegen Tyrannei und Unterdrückung
zu greifen,
da es notwendig ist, die Entwicklung freundschaftlicher Beziehungen zwischen den Nationen zu
da die Völker der Vereinten Nationen in der Charta ihren Glauben an die grundlegenden
Menschenrechte, an die Würde und den Wert der menschlichen Person und an die
Gleichberechtigung von Mann und Frau erneut bekräftigt und beschlossen haben, den sozialen
Forschritt und bessere Lebensbedingungen in größerer Freiheit zu fördern,
da die Mitgliedstaaten sich verpflichtet haben, in Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinten Nationen auf
die allgemeine Achtung und Einhaltung der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten hinzuwirken,
da ein gemeinsames Verständnis dieser Rechte und Freiheiten von größter Wichtigkeit für die volle
Erfüllung dieser Verpflichtung ist,
verkündet die Generalversammlung
diese Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte als das von allen Völkern und Nationen zu
erreichende gemeinsame Ideal, damit jeder einzelne und alle Organe der Gesellschaft sich diese
Erklärung stets gegenwärtig halten und sich bemühen, durch Unterricht und Erziehung die Achtung
vor diesen Rechten und Freiheiten zu fördern und durch fortschreitende nationale und
internationale Maßnahmen ihre allgemeine und tatsächliche Anerkennung und Einhaltung durch die
Bevölkerung der Mitgliedstaaten selbst wie auch durch die Bevölkerung der ihrer Hoheitsgewalt
unterstehenden Gebiete zu gewährleisten.

Artikel 1
Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und
Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
Artikel 2
Jeder hat Anspruch auf die in dieser Erklärung verkündeten Rechte und Freiheiten ohne
irgendeinen Unterschied, etwa nach Rasse, Hautfarbe, Geschlecht, Sprache, Religion, politischer
oder sonstiger Überzeugung, nationaler oder sozialer Herkunft, Vermögen, Geburt oder sonstigem
Des weiteren darf kein Unterschied gemacht werden auf Grund der politischen, rechtlichen oder
internationalen Stellung des Landes oder Gebiets, dem eine Person angehört, gleichgültig ob dieses
unabhängig ist, unter Treuhandschaft steht, keine Selbstregierung besitzt oder sonst in seiner

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Souveränität eingeschränkt ist.

Artikel 3
Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Sicherheit der Person.
Artikel 4
Niemand darf in Sklaverei oder Leibeigenschaft gehalten werden; Sklaverei und Sklavenhandel sind
in allen ihren Formen verboten.
Artikel 5
Niemand darf der Folter oder grausamer, unmenschlicher oder erniedrigender Behandlung oder
Strafe unterworfen werden.
Artikel 6
Jeder hat das Recht, überall als rechtsfähig anerkannt zu werden.
Artikel 7
Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich und haben ohne Unterschied Anspruch auf gleichen
Schutz durch das Gesetz. Alle haben Anspruch auf gleichen Schutz gegen jede Diskriminierung, die
gegen diese Erklärung verstößt, und gegen jede Aufhetzung zu einer derartigen Diskriminierung.
Artikel 8
Jeder hat Anspruch auf einen wirksamen Rechtsbehelf bei den zuständigen innerstaatlichen
Gerichten gegen Handlungen, durch die seine ihm nach der Verfassung oder nach dem Gesetz
zustehenen Grundrechte verletzt werden.
Artikel 9
Niemand darf willkürlich festgenommen, in Haft gehalten oder des Landes verwiesen werden.
Artikel 10
Jeder hat bei der Feststellung seiner Rechte und Pflichten sowie bei einer gegen ihn erhobenen
strafrechtlichen Beschuldigung in voller Gleichheit Anspruch auf ein gerechtes und öffentliches
Verfahren vor einem unabhängigen und unparteiischen Gericht.

Artikel 11
1. Jeder, der wegen einer strafbaren Handlung beschuldigt wird, hat das Recht, als unschuldig zu
gelten, solange seine Schuld nicht in einem öffentlichen Verfahren, in dem er alle für seine
Verteidigung notwendigen Garantien gehabt hat, gemäß dem Gesetz nachgewiesen ist.
2. Niemand darf wegen einer Handlung oder Unterlassung verurteilt werden, die zur Zeit ihrer
Begehung nach innerstaatlichem oder internationalem Recht nicht strafbar war. Ebenso darf keine
schwerere Strafe als die zum Zeitpunkt der Begehung der strafbaren Handlung angedrohte Strafe

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

verhängt werden.
Artikel 12
Niemand darf willkürlichen Eingriffen in sein Privatleben, seine Familie, seine Wohnung und seinen
Schriftverkehr oder Beeinträchtigungen seiner Ehre und seines Rufes ausgesetzt werden. Jeder hat
Anspruch auf rechtlichen Schutz gegen solche Eingriffe oder Beeinträchtigungen.
Artikel 13
1. Jeder hat das Recht, sich innerhalb eines Staates frei zu bewegen und seinen Aufenthaltsort frei
zu wählen.
2. Jeder hat das Recht, jedes Land, einschließlich seines eigenen, zu verlassen und in sein Land
Artikel 14
1. Jeder hat das Recht, in anderen Ländern vor Verfolgung Asyl zu suchen und zu genießen.
2. Dieses Recht kann nicht in Anspruch genommen werden im Falle einer Strafverfolgung, die
tatsächlich auf Grund von Verbrechen nichtpolitischer Art oder auf Grund von Handlungen erfolgt,
die gegen die Ziele und Grundsätze der Vereinten Nationen verstoßen.
Artikel 15
1. Jeder hat das Recht auf eine Staatsangehörigkeit.
2. Niemandem darf seine Staatsangehörigkeit willkürlich entzogen noch das Recht versagt werden,
seine Staatsanghörigkeit zu wechseln.
Artikel 16
1. Heiratsfähige Frauen und Männer haben ohne Beschränkung auf Grund der Rasse, der
Staatsangehörigkeit oder der Religion das Recht zu heiraten und eine Familie zu gründen. Sie haben
bei der Eheschließung, während der Ehe und bei deren Auflösung gleiche Rechte.
2. Eine Ehe darf nur bei freier und uneingeschränkter Willenseinigung der künftigen Ehegatten
geschlossen werden.
3. Die Familie ist die natürliche Grundeinheit der Gesellschaft und hat Anspruch auf Schutz durch
Gesellschaft und Staat.
Artikel 17
1. Jeder hat das Recht, sowohl allein als auch in Gemeinschaft mit anderen Eigentum innezuhaben.
2. Niemand darf willkürlich seines Eigentums beraubt werden.

Artikel 18

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Jeder hat das Recht auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht schließt die
Freiheit ein, seine Religion oder Überzeugung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine Religion oder
Weltanschauung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, öffentlich oder privat durch Lehre,
Ausübung, Gottesdienst und Kulthandlungen zu bekennen.
Artikel 19
Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die
Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht
auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.

Artikel 20
1. Alle Menschen haben das Recht, sich friedlich zu versammeln und zu Vereinigungen
2. Niemand darf gezwungen werden, einer Vereinigung anzugehören.

Artikel 21
1. Jeder hat das Recht, an der Gestaltung der öffentlichen Angelegenheiten seines Landes
unmittelbar oder durch frei gewählte Vertreter mitzuwirken.
2. Jeder hat das Recht auf gleichen Zugang zu öffentlichen Ämtern in seinem Lande.
3. Der Wille des Volkes bildet die Grundlage für die Autorität der öffentlichen Gewalt; dieser Wille
muß durch regelmäßige, unverfälschte, allgemeine und gleiche Wahlen mit geheimer Stimmabgabe
oder in einem gleichwertigen freien Wahlverfahren zum Ausdruck kommen.
Artikel 22
Jeder hat als Mitglied der Gesellschaft das Recht auf soziale Sicherheit und Anspruch darauf, durch
innerstaatliche Maßnahmen und internationale Zusammenarbeit sowie unter Berücksichtigung der
Organisation und der Mittel jedes Staates in den Genuß der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und
kulturellen Rechte zu gelangen, die für seine Würde und die freie Entwicklung seiner Persönlichkeit
unentbehrlich sind.
Artikel 23
1. Jeder hat das Recht auf Arbeit, auf freie Berufswahl, auf gerechte und befriedigende
Arbeitsbedingungen sowie auf Schutz vor Arbeitslosigkeit.
2. Jeder, ohne Unterschied, hat das Recht auf gleichen Lohn für gleiche Arbeit.
3. Jeder, der arbeitet, hat das Recht auf gerechte und befriedigende Entlohnung, die ihm und seiner
Familie eine der menschlichen Würde entsprechende Existenz sichert, gegebenenfalls ergänzt durch
andere soziale Schutzmaßnahmen.
4. Jeder hat das Recht, zum Schutz seiner Interessen Gewerkschaften zu bilden und solchen

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Artikel 24
Jeder hat das Recht auf Erholung und Freizeit und insbesondere auf eine vernünftige Begrenzung
der Arbeitszeit und regelmäßigen bezahlten Urlaub.
Artikel 25
1. Jeder hat das Recht auf einen Lebensstandard, der seine und seiner Familie Gesundheit und
Wohl gewährleistet, einschließlich Nahrung, Kleidung, Wohnung, ärztliche Versorgung und
notwendige soziale Leistungen gewährleistet sowie das Recht auf Sicherheit im Falle von
Arbeitslosigkeit, Krankheit, Invalidität oder Verwitwung, im Alter sowie bei anderweitigem Verlust
seiner Unterhaltsmittel durch unverschuldete Umstände.
2. Mütter und Kinder haben Anspruch auf besondere Fürsorge und Unterstützung. Alle Kinder,
eheliche wie außereheliche, genießen den gleichen sozialen Schutz.

Artikel 26
1. Jeder hat das Recht auf Bildung. Die Bildung ist unentgeltlich, zum mindesten der
Grundschulunterricht und die grundlegende Bildung. Der Grundschulunterricht ist obligatorisch.
Fach- und Berufsschulunterricht müssen allgemein verfügbar gemacht werden, und der
Hochschulunterricht muß allen gleichermaßen entsprechend ihren Fähigkeiten offenstehen.
2. Die Bildung muß auf die volle Entfaltung der menschlichen Persönlichkeit und auf die Stärkung
der Achtung vor den Menschenrechten und Grundfreiheiten gerichtet sein. Sie muß zu Verständnis,
Toleranz und Freundschaft zwischen allen Nationen und allen rassischen oder religiösen Gruppen
beitragen und der Tätigkeit der Vereinten Nationen für die Wahrung des Friedens förderlich sein.
3. Die Eltern haben ein vorrangiges Recht, die Art der Bildung zu wählen, die ihren Kindern zuteil
werden soll.
Artikel 27
1. Jeder hat das Recht, am kulturellen Leben der Gemeinschaft frei teilzunehmen, sich an den
Künsten zu erfreuen und am wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und dessen Errungenschaften
2. Jeder hat das Recht auf Schutz der geistigen und materiellen Interessen, die ihm als Urheber von
Werken der Wissenschaft, Literatur oder Kunst erwachsen.
Artikel 28
Jeder hat Anspruch auf eine soziale und internationale Ordnung, in der die in dieser Erklärung
verkündeten Rechte und Freiheiten voll verwirklicht werden können.
Artikel 29
1. Jeder hat Pflichten gegenüber der Gemeinschaft, in der allein die freie und volle Entfaltung
seiner Persönlichkeit möglich ist.
2. Jeder ist bei der Ausübung seiner Rechte und Freiheiten nur den Beschränkungen unterworfen,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

die das Gesetz ausschließlich zu dem Zweck vorsieht, die Anerkennung und Achtung der Rechte
und Freiheiten anderer zu sichern und den gerechten Anforderungen der Moral, der öffentlichen
Ordnung und des allgemeinen Wohles in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft zu genügen.
3. Diese Rechte und Freiheiten dürfen in keinem Fall im Widerspruch zu den Zielen und
Grundsätzen der Vereinten Nationen ausgeübt werden.
Artikel 30
Keine Bestimmung dieser Erklärung darf dahin ausgelegt werden, daß sie für einen Staat, eine
Gruppe oder eine Person irgendein Recht begründet, eine Tätigkeit auszuüben oder eine Handlung
zu begehen, welche die Beseitigung der in dieser Erklärung verkündeten Rechte und Freiheiten zum
Ziel hat.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Flüchtlinge aus dem IRAN in Deutschland

* Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran, die zum christlichen Glauben konvertiert sind
* Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran, moslemischen Glaubens
* Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran, jüdischen Glaubens
* Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran, ohne Konfession
Aktuelle Informationen – UPDATED am 24. September 2009
Die internationale Jüdisch-Christliche John Baptist Mission of Togo, Vertretung
für Deutschland und Vertretung für Groß Britannien betreut seit rund 14 Tagen mehrere
Flüchtlinge aus dem IRAN, die zum christlichen Glauben konvertiert sind.
Einer der Flüchtlinge ist bereits im Iran zum christlichen Glauben konvertiert. Der Pastor seiner
Kirche (*Name der Kirche ist der Redaktion bekannt) wurde bereits ermordet.
Ebenso ermordet wurde ein weiterer Gläubiger christlichen Glaubens.
Die Kirche im Iran wird vom Iranischen Geheimdienst überwacht. Der Kirche droht die Gefahr
der Schliessung und Verfolgung für die Situation, dass der Name der Kirche bekannt werden sollte.
Daher veröffentlichen wir an dieser Stelle den Namen der Kirche aus Sicherheits-Gründen nicht.
Den Flüchtlingen aus dem Iran die wir betreuen, die sich zur Zeit in Deutschland in Baden-
Württemberg befinden, droht die Abschiebung obgleich bekannt ist, dass den Hilfe- und
Asyl-suchenden Menschen die TODESSTRAFE droht.
In einem Fernseh-Interview mit dem internationalen Medien-Projekt für die Menschenrechte
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters ( konnten die zum
christlichen Glauben konvertierten Menschen aus dem Iran glaubhaft und eindrucksvoll versichern,
dass diesen die TODESSTRAFE im Iran droht.
In Deutschland sind die Christen aus dem Iran Mitglied der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
(EKD), vielmehr der zuständigen Landeskirche in Baden-Württemberg und werden dort
seelsorgerisch von einem Pfarrer der evangelischen Kirche betreut.
Das Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge und Migrationen in Karlsruhe begründet die Ablehnung des Asyl-
Gesuchs in einem Protokoll: “…eine Entschuldigung bei der Regierung der Islamischen Republik des
Irans…” sei möglich.
Schon die Aufforderung des Bundesamt für Flüchtlinge und Migration steht im GRASSEN
WIDERSPRUCH zur Allgmeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte der Vereinten Nationen,
proklamiert im Jahr 1948, welche universell und auch in Deutschland gültig ist. Die Allgemeine
Erklärung der Menschenrechte wurde von Deutschland ratifiziert.
In den Artikel 18 und 19 wird unter anderem Meinungs- Presse- und Informations-Freiheit

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

GARANTIERT und zu dem die Gedankens- Gewissens- und Religions-Freiheit.

Wie können deutsche Behörden erwarten, dass sich Menschen, die den christlichen Glauben
annehmen, bei der Regierung der Islamischen Republik von Iran dafür entschuldigen sollen, dass
diese von ihren Menschenrechten und Glaubens- Gewissen- und Religions-Freiheit Gebrauch
Es gibt zahlreiche weitere gute Gründe, dass ich mich als Pate in der SAVE ME Heidelberg
Kampagne, die von Pro Asyl e. V. unterstützt wird, engagiere.
Eine erste kurze Zusammenfassung: Die Situation von Flüchtlingen aus dem Irak und im Iran, die
sich in Deutschland befinden und mit der TODESSTRAFE für die Inanspruchnahme der
Religionsfreiheit und des christlichen Glaubens, bedroht werden ist in Deutschland leider
katastrophal und verheerend.
Schon aus diesen Gründen bittet die internationale Jüdisch-Christliche John Baptist Mission of Togo,
Vertretung für Deutschland, Vertretung für Groß Britannien Schutz-suchenden Flüchtlingen aus
dem Iran, Irak und anderen Ländern auch unseren Brüdern und Schwestern der Roma und Sinti,
die von Abschiebung bedroht werden zu helfen.


Ein Lied aus Mannheim der Soldiarität für Kinder, Flüchtlinge
und Menschen in Not:
Radio IBS Liberty, Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters,
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
Das kreative Musik-Hilfs-Projekt hat am 23. September 2009 begonnen.

Radio IBS Liberty:

Ein Lied aus Mannheim für Solidarität für Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran,

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Kinder und Menschen in Not…

A song from MANNHEIM for solidarity for REFUGEES (from Iran), children and people in need
Musik – Produktion – Music production:
Wolfgang Leng, Musik-Produzent, Kunstmaler
Titel 1: If The Life Tells You a History
Musik: Wolfgang Leng
Produktion: 2008
the city of Mannheim. Der Text für das Lied wird von Flüchtlingen und Stundent der Stadt
Mannheim zur Zeit geschrieben.
3.34 min/sec.
Titel 2: For The Children Of This Earth
Musik: Wolfgang Leng
Produktion: 2008
6.00 min /sec.
Die Musik-Produktionen für das Hilfs-Projekt “Ein Lied aus Mannheim der Solidarität für Kinder,
Flüchtlinge und Menschen in Not” wurden von Wolfgang Leng zur Verfügung gestellt
(Vielen Dank !)
The music productions for the AID AND RELIEF project “A song from Mannheim for the
SOLIDARITY For REFUGEES, Children And People in Need” have been contributed by the
musician and artist Wolfgang Leng. VERY SPECIAL THANKS.
Die Musik-Rechte bleiben bei Wolfgang Leng
the city of Mannheim. Der Text für das Lied wird von Flüchtlingen und Studenten der Stadt
Mannheim zur Zeit geschrieben.
Wir suchen DRINGEND Lied-Texter / Song writers, Solo-Sänger und Solo-Sängerinnen und
Chöre / Kirchen-Chöre, die an der FERTIGSTELLUNG des Liedes für Solidarität helfen.
We are looking in URGENCY for song writers, musicians, vocals, choirs and church choirs which

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

PEOPLE IN NEED will be a success for many people.
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802, email:, Radio IBS Liberty, international serivce
Ein Projekt der John Baptist Mission of Togo,
Vertretung für Deutschland
Vertretung für Groß Britannien
Liberty and Peace NOW ! Human Rights Reporters
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
MJB Media Education Network
IBS TV Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Grace MEDCARE Ltd. London, United Kingdom (Mediendienstleistungen und

PETITION und offener Brief and Oberbürgermeister Peter Kurz, Ehefrau, Wolfgang
Raufelder, Musiker, Studenten und Menschen in der Stadt Mannheim, Chöre, Kirchen-
Chöre, Musik-Interessierte und Menschen, die helfen wollen..
Folgende Petitionen wurden eingereicht durch die Jüdisch-Christliche John Baptist
Mission of Togo, Vertretung für Deutschland und Vertretung für Groß Britannien:
Die Petition stehen als PDF zum DOWNLOAD und AUSDRUCKEN zur Verfügung:
Petition beim Deutschen Bundestag, ABSCHIEBE-STOPP für Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran vom 14.
September 2009

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Petition beim Landtag in Baden-Württemberg vom 20. September 2009
Petition beim Bundesverfassungs-Gericht in Karlsruhe vom 20. September 2009
Petition an Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, alle demokratischen
Parteien und Hilfs-Organisationen in Deutschland

Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte, proklamiert durch die Vereinten

Nationen, 1948 in New York City, United States of America, ratifiziert durch
Zur freien Internet-Petition “ABSCHIEBE-STOPP für Flüchtlinge aus dem Iran”, die noch
mitgezeichnet werden kann, geht es hier:
Petition und Diskussion: Allgemeiner Abschiebe-Stopp für Menschen aus dem Iran
Berlin / London. (and). 14. September 2009. Die internationale Jüdisch-Christliche John
Baptist Mission of Togo, Vertretung für Deutschland, Vertretung für Groß Britannien
und das internationale Projekt für die Menschenrechte Liberty and Peace NOW!
Human Rights Reporters haben heute beim Deutschen Bundestag in Berlin eine
Petition für einen Allgemeinen Abschiebe-Stopp für Menschen aus dem Iran, die
aufgrund ihres Engagement von Verfolgung und Lebensgefahr bedroht sind,
eingereicht. Wie eine Mitarbeiterin des Deutschen Bundestags informierte, müsse die
Petition für rund drei Wochen geprüft werden, ob die Petition zum Schutz von
Menschen und deren Leben als eine öffentliche Petition in Deutschland zugelassen
werden kann.
Ein Sprecher der John Baptist Mission of Togo, Vertretung für Deutschland erklärte: „Wir glauben,
dass wir ganz dringend eine öffentliche Diskussion brauchen über geplante Abschiebungen von
Menschen in Ländern, in denen diese die Todesstrafe aufgrund des politischen Engagements für
Freiheit, Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden droht. Dazu zählt zur Zeit ganz ohne Zweifel
der Iran. Wir bitten um freundliche Unterstützung für einen generellen, genauer allgemeinen,
Abschiebe-Stopp von Studenten und Menschen aus dem Iran, die sich in Deutschland befinden und

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

aufgrund ihrer oppositionellen, politischen Friedens-Arbeit sich in zum Teil in größte Gefahren für
Leib, Seele, Gesundheit, Verfolgung, Gefängnis bis hin zur Todesstrafe begeben.“
Eine öffentliche Diskussion und ein allgemeiner Abschiebe-Stopp sei dringend notwendig. Gut wäre
es wenn beispielsweise vielleicht auch die Richter und Richterinnen am Bundesverfassungs-Gericht
in Karlsruhe eine allgemeine Empfehlung zum Schutz von Asyl-suchenden Menschen aussprechen
könnten, denen aufgrund ihrer politischen oppositionellen Friedens-Arbeit im Iran oder auch
anderen Ländern, Verfolgung und die Todesstrafe droht.
Im Iran sind zur Zeit mehrere Hundert Stundenten, politisch oppositionelle Aktivisten,
Journalistinnen, Journalisten, Männer, Frauen und Menschen inhaftiert, die sich für Frieden, Freiheit,
internationale Völkerverständigung, Menschenrechte und Demokratie engagierten, etwa die
französische Studentin und Journalistin Clotilde Reiss und die iranische Journalistin und
Menschenrechts-Reporterin Shiva Nazarahari, um nur zwei mutige Frauen im Beispiel zu nennen.
„Wir glauben, dass eine Abschiebung von engagierten Menschen, die sich für Frieden und
Demokratie engagieren, vor allem im Einklang mit der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte,
universell gültig und im Jahr 1948 von den Vereinten Nationen proklamiert nicht zu verantworten
ist, angesichts der drohenden ernsten Gefahren und Lebensgefahr für Schutz- und Asyl-suchende
Menschen.“, ergänzte ein Sprecher der John Baptist Mission of Togo.
Eine alternative und öffentliche Petition, die an alle demokratischen Parteien in Deutschland,
Frieden- und Menschenrechts-Aktivisten- und Organisationen in Deutschland adressiert ist, kann
öffentlich gelesen, unterstützt und mit gezeichnet werden bei:
Sollte in rund drei Wochen die heute beim Deutschen Bundestag eingereichte Petition zum Schutz
von Menschen aus dem Iran zugelassen werden, werden die Informationen zur Mitzeichnung der
Petition beim Deutschen Bundestag bekannt gegeben.
Die Jüdisch-Christliche John Baptist Mission of Togo versucht zur Zeit einem Flüchtling aus dem
Iran zu helfen, der aufgrund seines Engagements für Frieden, Demokratie und gegen Atomkrieg, mit
einer möglicherweise geplanten Abschiebung in den Iran, konkret mit Verfolgung und der
Todesstrafe im Iran bedroht ist.
Ausführliche und weitere Informationen zur Jüdisch-Christlichen John Baptist Mission of Togo und
dem internationalen Medienprojekt für die Menschenrechte Liberty and Peace NOW! Human
Rights Reporters sind bei und bei zu finden.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

International Social And Medical Outreach Team


EMERGENCY Medical Service (EMS)

Die Einsatz-Leitstelle ist besetzt mit staatlich geprüften Krankenschwestern oder Krankenpflegern
(Gesundheits- und KrankenpflegerInnen) und Rettungs-Dienst-MitarbeiterInnen.

Bei komplizierten Lage werde Ärzte, Kinder-Ärzte oder Notärzte nachgefordert.

Die Aufgabe konzentriert sich in der Hilfe-Vermittlung.

In besonderen Notlagen ist jedoch möglich dass Angehörige des ISMOT der John Baptist Mission of
Togo direkt vor Ort tätig werden.

The Operation And Command Center is operated by registered nurses (R.N., RGN) and
paramedics. In case of serious threats for safety or health of people physicians and emergency
doctors are called for assistances.

The main duty is to co-ordinate rescue, aid and help efforts.

In special circumstane of live and emergencies ISMOT – member crew of John Baptist Mission of
Togo are able to help people in need at many different places.

The ISMOT service is provided FREE for people in NEED.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

MJB Education Media Network

Das MJB Education Media Network ist ein NICHT-kommerzielles Ausbildungs-Netzwerk für
Journalisten und Medien-Schaffende aller Art in aller Welt.

MJB Education Media Network is a non-commercial MEDIA NETWORK for EDUCATIONAL

PURPOSE and EDUCATION for journalists and media producers around the world.

Nachrichten- und Mailing-Verteiler-Liste:

News and mailing list

Chef-Redaktion / Managing Editor:

Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, French-German Journalist, Broadcast journalist, author, nurse (R.N.),

paramedic, news correspondent, missionary and director of the Branch for the United Kingdom,
Branch for Germany, John Baptist Mission of Togo. (Französisch-deutscher Journalist, Rundfunk-
Journalist, Autor, staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, Rettungsdienst-Mitarbeiter,
Nachrichten-Korrespondent, Missionar und Missions-Leitung, Vertretung für Groß Britannien,
Vertretung für Deutschland, der internationalen Jüdisch-Christlichen John Baptist Mission of Togo).

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Imprint – Impressum –
Editiorial, international
John Baptist Mission of Togo, international service,
Mission Jean Baptiste, Togo, Afrique
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Founder of John Baptist Mission of Togo
13 P.O.BOX:79 Lome-Togo
Cell:(00228) 931 93 20 / (228) 9467150 / 963 27 85
Fax/Phone: 00228 225 02 49
John Baptist Mission of Togo, Branch for Germany
John Baptist Mission of Togo Branch for the United Kingdom
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot, journalist, broadcast journalist, author, news correspondent, missionary
and director of the Branch forted Kingdom and the Branch for Germany
Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802
Tel. 0049 6236 48 90 44
United Kingdom / Groß Britannien
160 Greenford Road
Sudbury Hill – LONDON

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Tel. 0044 703 5924 865

Fax 001 503 212 6883
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 (print / PDF)
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, online edition
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
international media project for Human Rights (founded in 2006)
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty
Radio IBS Liberty
IBS Television Liberty
(founded in 1986) (founded in 1984)
IFN International Family Network d734,
international faith ministry (founded in 1984)
Bible in English:
Bible in French:
Bible in German:
Bible in Spanish:
Medien-Netzwerk – media network

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Andreas Klamm-Sabaot Journalist

Andreas Klamm Journalist Communications
Radio IBS Liberty (Leeds)
IBS Television Liberty
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds)
British Newsflash Magazine::est. 1986
BNM British Newsflash Magazine
IFN International Family Network d734, faith ministry
Blickpunkt Neuhofen
Blick in die Zeit
Vorderpfalz aktuell, Radio- und Fernseh-Magazin, seit 1984
XXL-info. Gesundheit
XXL-info. EmmanueL
XXL-info. Pflege & Soziales
XXL-info. News
XXL-info. Das Magazin für Rhein-Main-Neckar
XXL-info. Events
XXL-info. Reitsport
XXL-info. Reitsport extra
Stadtmagazin Ludwigshafen, Radio- und Fernseh-Magazin, seit 1984
3 m newswire
3 m news – Die Nachrichten
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 / RegionalAid
These publications, magazines, monthly periodicals, weekly periodicals, internet presentations,
printed services, radio programmes and television programmes and service are an authorized
unofficial publication for members of
BRITISH NEWSFLASH MAGAZINE, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, IFN
International Family Network d734 and Jewish and Christian friends and people which want to
have access to news which make a difference.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

The responsible managing editors and publisher for content of these websites, publications, radio
programmes and television programmes are:
Managing Editors & Publishers
Andreas Klamm – (and)
Andrew P. Harrod – (aph)
Andrew Joy* (artist name) – (aj)
Reverend Yawovi Nyonato (nyon)
Hans-Jürgen Graf (hjg)
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds) has been founded in 1986 in Leeds, West
Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom and in Speyer am Rhein, Germany and is operated as
international media association to support disabled people, journalists, media producers and
international understanding.
IFN International Family Network d734 is operated as an non-commerical international faith
ministry, which publishes in different countries, printed publications, publications on the internet,
radio, television, CD, DVD and other media tools.
IFN International Family Network d734 is not a company but an international faith ministry.
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds and London, England, United Kingdom, IFN
International Family Network d734, British Newsflash Magazine and all publications and media
releases of this organizations are registered
® / Copyrights © 1984 – 2009
IFN International Family Network d734
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds, London, United Kingdom, New York, United
States of America)
British Newsflash Magazine
Andreas Klamm, Journalist
All rights reserved.
Printed + Produced in the United States of America, in the United Kingdom, Great Britain,
Germany, Denmark and Belgium.
Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of these publications may be
reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any
means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written
permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of the magazines and services.
The appearance of advertising in our publications and our extented services, including inserts and
supplements, does not constitute endorsement by of the products or services advertised. First

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

published + printed
June 1984/2000/2005/2006/2007/2008/2009 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Stuff Crew/ The Editors/ Freelancing Editors, Executive Producers, Supervising Producers, Sound
Editors, Director, Camera Operators, Script Writers, Music Editors, Supervisiors, Multimedia
Operators, Videographers, Photographers, nurses, medical doctors and all others.
The area is the process of being updated.
Andreas Klamm – (and)
Andrew P. Harrod – (aph)
Tina Green – (teen)
All authorities, organizations, associations and private persons are requested to support the
editors, photographers, videographers, directors, producers, SAR-Units, medical doctors, nurses
and the stuff crew fulfilling their duties.
Please, report us any abuse or incident.
Media Project Realisation:
This media project and support for disabled journalists, people and media producers comes from
Grace MedCare Ltd., MEDIA AND HEALTH CARE SERVICE, London, England, United Kingdom
BITTE um Unterstützung:
An alle Behoerden,Unternehmen, Privatpersonen
Alle Privatpersonen, Firmen, Insitutionen und Behörden werden gebeten, unsere Redakteure,
Produzenten, Photographen, Videographen, Mitarbeiter, SAR-Teams, Gesundheits- und
Krankenpflegerinnen, Ärzte und Mitglieder bei der Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben zu unterstützen.
Berichten Sie uns bitte ueber Probleme, Zwischenfälle und Missbrauch.
email: news 247@
Kim Trujillo and her Family,
from United Kingdom (UK) for helping me in Leeds, United Kingdom, in 1987, making British
Newsflash Magazine (BNM) more interesting and nice.
Sy Tutleman
from the United States of America, for his friendship and adivse which he has given.
The mother of Andreas Klamm
for all of her support !

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Hans-Juergen Graf, author

from Germany
for the co-operation, counseling and adivse
Amy Goodman
from the United States of America
for all she is doing for many people in this world
Don & Gigi Schulz
from the United States of America
for friendship and giving me a very great time in the United States of America
Abgail Boatgen and Mary Curran
from the United Kingdom
for being great colleagues, nurses and leaders
Shirley McGordon
from the United Kingdom
a GREAT MUSICIAN for her instruction how to sing
Victims Of Tourture in Canada
from Canada for their encouragement while being tortured
and many other people.
The magazine provides special coverages on the issues of social activities, international
understanding and support of disabled people worldwide, both in the English and the German
Non of the members of the international media network is able to make finanical donations at this
Non of the members of the international media network is interested in “special financial
BRITISH NEWSFLASH MAGAZINE is an independent, free, international media project in
association with IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, BRITISH NEWSFLASH
MAGAZINE, IBS Television Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty (Leeds) operated by disabled journalists and
free media producers from different countries, founded in 1986 by journalist Andreas Klamm,
which got after three accidents disabled (or handicapped).
* disabled = handicapped

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Radio IBS Liberty and IBS TV Liberty, international understanding since 1986.
Impressum – Ergänzung für Deutschland
Ergänzungen des Impressums für Deutschland
Verantwortlich im Sinne des Presse- Medienrechtes-und Teledienst-Gesetzes,
Verantwortlich nach § 6 Abs. 2 MDStV und Inhaber von **der zuvor genannten Medien-Dienste
und Medien-Publikationen.
Andreas Klamm, Journalist
Schillerstr. 31
D 67141 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 6236 48 90 44
Tel. 0049 6236 416802
Fax 001 503 212 6883
Steuernummer: Umsatz-Steuer-Ident-No. DE 258678726, (Tax ID number), Finanzamt Ludwigshafen
am Rhein, Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Gesundheits- und Krankenpfleger, nurse (RGN, R.N.),
Deutschland (Germany) – TAX ID number (Germany)
Die Veröffentlichungen auf diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen, englischen, amerikanischem
und internationalem Urheberrecht.
Beiträge Dritter sind als solche gekennzeichnet. Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung und jede Art der
Verwertung ausserhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes bedürfen der schriftlichen Zustimmung
von Andreas Klamm, IFN International Family Network d734, christian charity ministry, British
Newsflash Magazine oder des jeweiligen Verfassers.
Downloads und Kopien dieser Seite sind nur für den privaten, nichtkommerziellen Gebrauch
Haftung für Inhalte
Die Inhalte dieser Seiten werden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Für Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und
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Einige auf dieser Seite enthaltenen Links führen zu Inhalten fremder Anbieter. Für diese Inhalte ist
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MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

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MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

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MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

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Redaktion und Realisierung des Medienprojektes, international
Andreas Klamm, Journalist,
Berlin, Juli 2007, Deutschland
London, August 2007, England, United Kingdom
New York, July 2007, USA United States of America
Berlin, April 2008, Deutschland
London, April 2008, England,United Kingdom
New York, April 2008, United States of America (USA)
Berlin, March 2009, Deutschland
London, England, United Kingdom, March 2009, United Kingdom
New York, New York, March 2009, United States of America
British Newsflash Magazine
IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Leeds
IFN International Family Network d734
© 1984 – 2009 by
Andreas Klamm, Journalist, editor and founder of BRITISH NEWSFLASH MAGAZINE (Leeds, West
Yorkshire, United Kingdom)

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

British Newsflash Magazine

British Newsflash Magazine was founded in 1986. The international news and travel magazine is
associated with Leeds, West Yorkshire, England in the United Kingdom. Founder and editor is
journalist Andreas Klamm. British Newsflash Magazine was listed already in 1986 in the STAMM
directory for publications.
British Newsflash Magazine provides different editions in the English and German language. British
Newsflash Magazine is a part of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, IBS Television
Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, which is supoorting international understanding and disabled journalists
and media producers. The first illustration of the title design was illustrated by Kim Trujillo, West
Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom.
The subscription fee for 12 editions (printed editions) each year is 48 GBP (British Pounds). There
also issued different editions on the internet.
British Newsflash Magazine
British Newsflash Magazine wurde 1986 gegründet. Das international Nachrichten- und Reise-
Magazine ist verbunden mit Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. Gründer,Verleger und
Herausgeber ist der Journalist Andreas Klamm. British Newsflash Magazine war bereits im Jahr
1986 im STAMM-Verlagsverzeichnis für Publikationen eingetragen. Die erste Titel Illustration
stammt von Kim Trujillo in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, Vereinigtes Königreich.
Im Angebot von British Newsflash Magazine erscheinen verschiedene Ausgaben in englischer und in
deutscher Sprache.
British Newsflash Magazine ist ein Teil von IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (IBS
Television Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty), was soviel bedeutet wie unabhängiger Rundfunk-Dienst
Freiheit und unterstützt internationale Völkerverständigung und behinderte Journalisten und
Die PRESSE im Allgemeinen – Ein Zitat
“Die PRESSE erfüllt eine ÖFFENTLICHE AUFGABE. Die Behörden sind nach Maßgabe der
Landespresse-Gesetze verpflichtet, den Vertretern der PRESSE die der Erfüllung ihrer öffentlichen
Aufgabe dienenden Auskünfte zu erteilen. Insitutionen und Unternehmen werden gebeten, den
Vertretern der PRESSE die der Erfüllung ihrer öffentlichen Aufgaben dienenden Auskünfte zu
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,conscience and religion; this right includes freedom
to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in
public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Universal Declaration of the HUMAN RIGHTS proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948, New
York City United States of America (U.S.A.)
Meinungs- Presse- und Informations-Freiheit
ARTIKEL 5, Grundgesetz, Deutschland
(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten
und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und
die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur
findet nicht statt.
(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den
gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.
(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht
von der Treue zur Verfassung.
AUZUG aus der Allgemeinen Erklärung für die Menschenrechte, proklamiert
durch die United Nations (UN, Vereinte Nationen) im Jahr 1948, in New York City, United States of
Artikel 19
Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die
Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht
auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.
Artikel 18
Jeder hat das Recht auf Gedanken-, Gewissens- und Religionsfreiheit; dieses Recht schließt die
Freiheit ein, seine Religion oder seine Weltanschauung zu wechseln, sowie die Freiheit, seine
Religion oder seine Weltanschauung allein oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen, öffentlich oder privat
durch Lehre, Ausübung, Gottesdienst und Kulthandlungen zu bekennen.
Weitere Information:
More information:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414


Der Französisch-deutsche Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist und Autor Andreas Klamm ist Autor von
sieben Büchern.
Vor kurzem veröffentlichte Andreas Klamm zwei neue Bücher, die den Themen, Demokratie,
Frieden, Meinungs- Presse und Informations-Freiheit und dem beispielhaften Engagement der
amerikanischen Journalistin Amy Goodman gewidmet sind mit dem Titel (in Deutschland)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman – Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary Times, Books on
Demand Gmbh; Norderstedt, Deutschland; (Februar 2009), 264 Seiten, Autor: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, Sprachen: Englisch / Deutsch, bi-lingual, ISBN-10: 3-8370-7473-0, ISBN-13:
978-383707473, 18,90 Euro
In Frankreich ist das Buch mit dem Titel
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press – Excellent
Journalists In Extraordinary Times, Books on Demand Gmbh; Paris, France; (Februar 2009),
276 Seiten, Autor: Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Sprachen: Englisch / Deutsch, bi-lingual, ISBN-10:
2-8106-0269-7 , ISBN-13: 978-2-8106-0269-8, 19,49 Euro erschienen.
Andreas Klamm ist zudem Redaktions-Leitung des internationalen Medien-Projektes für die
Menschenrechte in deutscher und englischer Sprache „Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights
Reporters seit 2006 und des internationalen Medien-Netzwerkes von Radio IBS Liberty (Leeds)
und IBS TV Liberty seit 1986. Das internationale Medien-Netzwerk von Radio IBS Liberty und IBS
TV Liberty dient seit 1986 der internationalen Völkerverständigung.
Weitere Informationen zu diesem internationalen Projekt sind im Buch
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters, Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-
Reporter, Edition 2008, No. 1, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights,
international understanding: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1, (October 2008), 272 pages
(Seiten). Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist. Language English / German (Sprachen: Englisch /
Deutsch, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7243-6 ,ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7243-3. 19,99 Euro und im
Internet bei,
und zu finden.
Im sekundären Zweit-Beruf ist Andreas Klamm dreijährig staatlich geprüfter Gesundheits- und
Krankenpfleger und studierte in den Jahren 2003 und 2004 als Vollzeit-Student an der
Evangelischen Fachhochschule für SOZIAL- und Gesundheitswesen in Ludwigshafen am Rhein.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Aufgrund der Folgen mehrerer Unfälle ist der Autor von sieben Büchern behindert, chronisch
krank und hauptberuflich nur noch als Journalist, Autor und freier Fernseh- Radio- und
Medienproduzent international, unter anderem in Frankreich, Groß Britannien und Deutschland
Radio IBS Liberty and IBS TV Liberty, international understanding since 1986.
IFN International Family Network d734
IFN International Family Network d734 , international faith ministry has been founded with its
Jewish-Christian ties in 1984 by the French-Germany journalist, broadcast journalist and author of
many books, Andrea Klamm, The ministry is operated non-commerical and offers free services in
the English, French and German language. It used to operate in the early stages after its foundation
as CIN Newsflash and has changed its name in 2000 into IFN International Family Network d734,
international faith ministry.
internatonal faith ministry
International, inter-cultural and inter-religious communication in the English, French and German
British Newsflash Magazine
British Newsflash Magazine has been founded in 1986 by the French-German journalist, broadcast
journalist, author of many books, TV producer, radio producer and film producer, Andreas Klamm.
British Newsflash Magazine is distributed worldwide in the English and German language. British
Newsflash Magazine is an international news and travel magazine.
British Newsflash Magazine has been listed already in 1986 in the international directory STAMM
VERLAG, ESSEN, Germany for periodical publications in 1986. British Newsflash Magazine has been
founded in the German city of Speyer am Rhein and in the English city of Leeds, West Yorkshire.
British Newsflash Magazin – international news and travel magazine., Medien- und Hilfs-Projekte
Regionalhilfe, de, Medien- und Hilfs-Projekte, Regional Aid, media and help projects has been
founded in 2006 by the French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author of many books, TV
producer, radio producer and film producer, Andreas Klamm.
Regionalhilfe .de is a non commercial and a regional project., Medien- und Hilfs-Projekte. has been founded in 1984 by the French-German journalist, broadcast journalist,
author of many books, TV producer, radio producer and film producer, Andreas Klamm.

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414 is an international news wire service which is providing news, information, text,
photo and translation services in the English, French, German and Spanish language. is providing photographs, audio and sound bites, Radio and Television productions
in the English, French, German and Spanish language. – News can make a difference.
Text, articles, photographs, news and information. Audio, sound bites, Television and Radio
productions, English, French, German, Spanish.
Liberty and Peace NOW ! Human Rights Reporters, international media project for human rights,
internationales Medien-Projekte für Menschenrechte
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters has been founded in the beginning of 2006 by
the author Hans-Jürgen Graf and by the French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author of
many books, TV producer, radio producer and film producer, Andreas Klamm.
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is an international media project for Human
Rights and is providing information, news and documentaries which in many cases are under
represented in the main stream or commerical mass media.
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters is an international and non-commercial media
project with many authors, journalists, broadcast journalists and other media staff and media
people and people which came to the knowledge that documentaries, news and information about
the violations and abuses of human rights, about the human rights, human rights education and the
information and news how to claim the human rights is an important and elementary work in the
peace, social process, in the work for democracy and the liberty of the international press and
journalists and all people.
Since 2006 more than 200 documentaries about 200 cases have been published in the German,
French, Spanish and English language.
Since 2006 in relation of the international media project for human rights, the journalist, broadcast
journalist and author, Andreas Klamm, has written four books in the English, French and German
language about human rights, social developement, peace, democracy, excellent journalist in
extraordninary times, international understanding and democracy.
Human Rights, social developement, peace, democracy and international understanding.
Books by Andreas Klamm journalist, broadcast journalist, author, writer and independent Television-
Radio and Film producer since 1984 ( Bücher von Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Rundfunk-Journalist,
Schriftsteller, Autor und freier Fernseh- Radio- und Film Produzent seit 1984)
France (Frankreich)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman And The Freedom Of The Press – Excellent Journalists In

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Extraordinary Times, Books on Demand Gmbh; Paris, France; (Februar 2009), 276 pages (Seiten),
Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist. Language: English / German (Sprachen: Englisch / Deutsch, bi-
lingual); ISBN-10: 2-8106-0269-7 , ISBN-13: 978-2-8106-0269-8. 19,49 Euro
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters 2, Human Rights, abuses and violations of
Human Rights, international understanding, Editeur BOD Paris, France, (February 2009), 280 pages
(Seiten). Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Language: English / German (Sprachen: Englisch /
Deutsch, bi-lingual); ISBN-10: 2-8106-0427-4, ISBN-13: 9-782-8106-0427-2. 19.49 Euro
Germany (Deutschland)
Liberty, Peace and Media: Amy Goodman – Excellent Journalists In Extraordinary
Times, Books on Demand Gmbh; Norderstedt, Deutschland; (Februar 2009), 264 pages (Seiten).
Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist. Language: English / German, (Sprachen: Englisch / Deutsch, bi-
lingual); ISBN-10: 3-8370-7473-0, ISBN-13: 978-383707473. 18,90 Euro

Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters :: Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-

Reporter, Edition 2008, No. 1, Human Rights, abuses and violations of Human Rights,
international understanding: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1, (October 2008), 272 pages
(Seiten). Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist. Language English / German (Sprachen: Englisch /
Deutsch, bi-lingual), ISBN-10: 3-8370-7243-6 , ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7243-3. 19,99 Euro

British Newsflash Magazine :: Magazin-Buch: Edition 2008, No. 1, Themen und Berichte
aus Politik, Soziales und Gesellschaft, Issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages
(Seiten). Author: Andreas Klamm, journalist, Publishing house /Publishing centre: Books on Demand
Gmbh; Edition 1, (June 2008), Language: German / English (Sprachen: Deutsch mit weiteren Artikel
in englischer Sprache), ISBN-10: 3-8370-4600-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-4600-7. 28,90 Euro

Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission und Hilfe für Kinder, (The
children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children), 200 pages
(Seiten), Author: Andreas Klamm, Journalist, Publishing house / Publishing centre: Books on Demand
Gmbh; Edition 1, (August 2008), Language: English, German and articles by co-authors in the French
language. (Sprachen: Deutsch und mit Artikel von Co-Autoren in französischer und englischer
Sprache), ISBN-10: 3-8370-5762-3, ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-5762-1. 15,99 Euro

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

John Baptist Mission of Togo, international Jewish-Christian mission

John Baptist Mission of Togo, is an international Jewish-Christian mission which has been founded
by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato in the city of Lome, West-Africa, Togo (Africa) and has branches in
Togo, (West-Africa, Africa), France, Cameroon, Burkinia Faso, Burundi, an U.S. Field office, in the
United Kingdom and in Germany.
John Baptist Mission of Togo is involved in international developement and education programs for
poor people, children, orphans and families while the international Jewish-Christian mission
operates itself under poor financial and economic circumstances and conditions.
Related to the international John Baptist Mission of Togo is the international news and mission
news magazine and media project MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 which is operated
independent and in co-operation with John Baptist Mission of Togo.
John Baptist Mission of Togo by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato is operated as a non-commercial
international ministry.
News, projects, developement and international mission news.
Grace Med Care Ltd., London, United Kingdom, MEDIA And HEALTH Care Service
Grace Med Care Ltd., London, United Kingdom, MEDIA And HEALTH Care Service, is an
international company, which has been founded in October 2006 in the city of London, United
Kingdom by the French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author of many books, TV
producer, radio producer and film producer, Andreas Klamm.
Company No. 5954986
Grace MedCare Ltd., London, United Kingdom, MEDIA and HEALTH Care Serivce offers text,
articles in the English, French, German and Spanish language, photographs, Television and Radio
productions, audio and sound bites and health care services such as nursing and medical care.
News, projects, developement, MEDIA And HEALTH Care Service.
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 has been founded in 2008 by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato,
founder and director of the international Jewish-Christian John Baptist Mission of Togo (Lome,
Africa, West-Africa) and by the journalist, broadcast journalist, author many books, TV producer,
radio and film producer, Andreas Klamm, which is also managing editior of the international media
projet for human rights “Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Reporters.
MJB Mission News is registered international with the ISSN number 1999-8414 and is distributed
worldwide in the English, French and German language.
2004 / 2008 / 2009 by Andreas Klamm Journalist, broadcast journalist, author, managing editor of

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414

Radio IBS Liberty, IBS TV Liberty, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Liberty and Peace
NOW! Human Rights Reporters,, MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, Imprint: , Impressum:

MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor – Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,
Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. – www . , www., Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative
Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view
a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171
Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.


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