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Jonte D.

11610 Shar Mist Lane Houston, TX 77066 (713)-294-0316 jonte_ artin!"ahoo#$o CAREER OBJECTIVE To effectively serve as Principal by providing instructional leadership to faculty and staff, implementing proactive academic and behavioral interventions to enhance student achievement, and directing efficient management of the school facility. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS % &ro'i$ient in (ea)ershi*+ onitorin, s-i((s % Stron, .a$-,roun) in e(e entar" e)u$ation/ rea)in,, 0ritin,, ath, an) *ro.(e reso(ution % 1e)i$ate) to $reatin, sta.(e (earnin, en2iron ents an) ins*irin, stu)ents an) tea$hers to )o their .est % % % 3reati2e *ro.(e -so(2in, te$hni4ues Stu)ent $entere) instru$tion 0ith *ro'i$ient $(assroo Tea .ui()in, ana,e ent

EDUCATION Universit o! St. T"o#as Masters in 5)u$ationa( Lea)ershi* Ste$"en F. A%stin State Universit 8a$he(ors in 9nter)is$i*(inar" Stu)ies+ 5ar(" 3hi()hoo)-6th 6ra)e An&e'ina Co''e&e 7sso$iates in 5ar(" 3hi()hoo) 5)u$ation

6ra)uation/ 7u,ust 2014 6ra)uation/ 1e$e .er 1:, 2010

6ra)uation/ ;u(" 2009

E()ERIENCE S$en*e E'e#entar A'+ine ISD ,o%ston- T( <ourth 6ra)e Math+S$ien$e Tea$her= Lan,ua,e 7rts+So$ia( Stu)ies &(an, )e2e(o*, an) i *(e ent a**ro*riate )i''erentiate) ri,orous $urri$u(u 0ith 100> stu)ent en,a,e ent Maintain $(assroo re$or)s, $(ean(iness, an) or)er(iness 1esi,n e)u$ationa( a$ti2ities that *ro ote *h"si$a(, so$ia( an) inte((e$tua( ,ro0th o' stu)ents Maintain re,u(ar $o uni$ation 0ith *arents an) sta'' re,ar)in, stu)ents? *ro,ress Tea$h $hi()ren an) stu)ents to so(2e *ro.(e s in)e*en)ent(" C $ress ISD ,o%ston- T( Su.stitute Tea$her 6ra)es &@-Ath &er'or essentia( $(assroo )uties in )i''erent e(e entariness in a(( e(e entariness 0ithin the )istri$t , o'ten 0ith (itt(e noti$e or ,ui)an$e, 0hi(e aintainin, )istri$t e)u$ationa( an) .eha2iora( ,ui)e(ines &resent e)u$ationa( ateria( e *(o"in, )i2erse tea$hin, strate,ies )esi,ne) to e''e$ti2e(" a))ress ea$h stu)ent?s (earnin, st"(e an) a.i(it", in$(u)in, (e$ture, )is$ussion, )e onstration, $oo*erati2e (earnin,, an) in)i2i)ua(iBe) instru$tion &ro2i)e e)u$ationa( $ontinuit" ." i *(e entin, esta.(ishe) (esson *(ans, 0hi(e eCer$isin, *ro'essiona( ju), ent to intro)u$e ne0 ateria( 0hen a**ro*riate or ne$essar" 1e2e(o* an) aintain *ositi2e intera$tions 0ith stu)ents, 'a$u(t", an) a) inistrators, .ui()in, a ra**ort an) ,ainin, res*e$t an) trust to ensure an en2iron ent $on)u$i2e to (earnin, Mat" Interventionist C $ress ISD ,o%ston- T( Horne 5(e entar" 3-Ath ,ra)e 3oor)inate the i *(e entation o' the Math 9nter2ention &ro,ra &ro2i)es )ire$t instru$tion to stu)ents i)enti'ie) as e(i,i.(e 'or ath ser2i$es in in)i2i)ua(, an)+or s a(( ,rou* settin,s Dses a 2ariet" o' ani*u(ati2es an) han)s-on a$ti2ities to su**ort $ontent stan)ar)s an) the nee)s an) $a*a.i(ities o' the in)i2i)ua(s or stu)ent ,rou*s in2o(2e)

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