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On Rushing Joys

Good-bye My Lover In your starry eyes I have discovered Love unbound Burning fiercely Dancing brightly Shining resolutely There I found A true reality A deeper Eternity The Face of God You have eant Everything to e !orth ore than The "ind s"ept ountains The roaring seas The "hispering broo#s The fruitful earth And boundless s#ies $y every day and Every o ent%forever $y eternity "as yours& Yet% it "as not to be 'o"% as "e part (ur "ays diverge Forever in love Though never to be near Al"ays "ill I )e e ber you In the secret places (f y adoring heart There I "ill ever *old you close Giving yself to you +o e no" s"eet Let it not be bitter These lasting loves These a"ful ,oys Instead% let the be As the everlasting spring There to "ar us To nourish us Through colder% dar#er 'ights ahead&

'ot all is lost Even "hen the dar#ness Gathers in around about Even "hen the dia onds (f your tears Fall as the torrential rains )e e ber !e have all our yesterdays Still "ithin us And all those glorious to orro"s Sta peding to"ards us Full of *ope% !onder% and -oy The sun al"ays rises The Son is al"ays near I "ill never abandon thee Hello my friend

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