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Caitlin Arnold Physics 1040 1/16/2014

Evidence for Universe Inflation Theory May Lurk in New Data

By Katia Moskvitch Source:

This article discussed how new data from the Planck Satellite may present some new evidence regarding Inflation Theory. Inflation Theory states that at first there was nothing and then suddenly the universe expanded from a miniscule size. The expansion happened very quickly; the article states that it grew at a rate of at least a factor of 10 raised to the 25th power. Right now this is the most widely accepted theory as to the cause of the Big Bang. The Planck Satellite is operated by the European Space Agency (ESA). Recently, the Planck Satellite has been recording data from the oldest light in the universe since 2009. Scientists are looking forward to examining this data, in hopes that the data may give more evidence or totally invalidate the Theory of Inflation. I think this new data may be beneficial for all to know and understand our origins in the universe. I think its very fascinating that the technology we have is able to record this data and help us to decipher where/when/how it all began. I hope that this new data will increase our knowledge about the origins of the universe and help bring up more questions to be answered.

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