Teaching Resume

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STEPHEN R. RAGNO (401) 632-6038 sragno@gmail.com 49 Parsons Street Brighton !

" 0213#
Education Brandeis University, Waltha , !A B.". c$m la$%e &ith ma'ors in "(rican an% "(rican "merican St$%ies )istor* an% Politics +e,artmental )onors in )istor* -P". 3.#8 +ean/s 0ist !assach$setts 1nitial 2eaching 0icense e3,ecte% !a* 2014 Wor% E&'erience (ra in)ha Hi)h School, (ra in)ha , !A Octo*er "#$+,Present Student Teacher 2each t&o sections o( 4nite% States )istor* 11 (11th gra%e) 5ollege Pre, 0e6el 1 2each one section o( !o%ern 7orl% )istor* (9th gra%e) 5ollege Pre, 0e6el 1 Brandeis University, Waltha , !A Se'te *er "#$",Present Assistant Director of Annual Giving 5o-manage the Phonathon ,rogram &hich em,lo*s #0 Bran%eis 4ni6ersit* st$%ents an% raise% 8900 000 (rom o6er #000 %onors in 2013 S$,er6ise Phonathon shi(ts hire callers an% s$,er6isors an% &or: to ma3imi;e Phonathon/s e((ecti6eness <6ersee an% %irect the Senior 5lass -i(t ,rogram an% other st$%ent ,hilanthro,* initiati6es =eache% goal o( 96> o( seniors ma:ing gi(ts in 2013 Plan Senior -i(t e6ents manage the Senior -i(t 5ommittee an% %irect initiati6es to im,ro6e Senior -i(t )el, to organi;e ,lan an% im,lement *o$ng al$mni ,rogram (Bol% ? Bran%eisians o( the 0ast +eca%e) Sta(( *o$ng al$mni e6ents ste&ar% gi(ts (rom *o$ng al$mni an% strategi;e Bol% initiati6es Solicit ,ort(olio o( *o$ng al$mni ,ros,ects Pre''ed and Polished, --., Natic%, !A !ay "#$",Present Tutor 1m,lement S"2 an% "52 t$toring ,rogram (or the Pre,,e% an% Polishe% clients 2$tor st$%ents one-on-one in rea%ing &riting an% math (or stan%ar%i;e% test ,re,aration 7or: &ith st$%ents one-on-one on their college a%missions essa*s 2$tor "P 4nite% States histor* an% 4nite% States )istor* S"2 S$@'ect 2est "i% in &riting 6ario$s materials (or the com,an* s$ch as ,ractice tests an% @log ,osts -asell .olle)e, Ne/ton, !A 0uly "#$$,Au)ust "#$" Development Coordinator Ser6e% as an assistant to the +irector o( +e6elo,ment an% the !anager o( 5or,orate an% Ao$n%ation =elations an% Pros,ect =esearch, and as co-coordinator of Student Ambassadors program )el,e% to organi;e ,lan an% e3ec$te %e,artment e6ents "i%e% the +irector o( +e6elo,ment in 6ario$s %e,artmental %$ties incl$%ing organi;ing %onor ac:no&le%gement letters an% ta:ing min$tes at meetings &ith the Presi%ent o( the 5ollege 5on%$cte% research on ,otential ma'or gi(t ,ros,ects S$,er6ise% the Phonathon ,rogram in &hich St$%ent "m@assa%ors call the 5ollege comm$nit* to solicit s$,,ort (or the 0asell A$n% Honors1A/ards =ecei6e% 4n%ergra%$ate +e,artmental =e,resentati6e "&ar% (or o$tstan%ing ser6ice to the +e,artment o( "(rican an% "(ro-"merican St$%ies at Bran%eis 4ni6ersit* 2011 5hosen as the st$%ent s,ea:er (or the Bran%eis "(rican an% "(ro-"merican St$%ies 5ommencement ceremon* 2011 5hosen as a st$%ent s,ea:er (or the Bran%eis 4ni6ersit* 1nter(aith Baccala$reate 2011 !ay "#$$

Senior )onors 2hesis &as ,$@lishe% (=agno Ste,hen =. Black Jesus in the T entieth Centur!. Saar@rBc:en -erman*. 0"P 0"!BC=2 "ca%emic 2011.)

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