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Julie Ann Patterson jupatter@vt.

edu Education
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Hu an !utrition, "oods and E#ercise $ietetic Internship $ietetics %ourse+or, .PA/ -.* &ay '()&ay '((3 E#pected %o pletion, &ay '()*

0achelor o1 Science2E#ercise and Health Pro otion "ocus

$ietetic Internship

Martinsville Memorial Hospital, Martinsville, VA (August 2013 December 2013)

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Complete a combination o! 10"1# patient assessments, !ollo$"ups an e ucations per a% Develope Calorie Count &rotocol' propose plan to nursing e ucator

Martinsville an Henr% Count% Coalition !or Healt( an )ellness, Martinsville, VA (*anuar% 2013) o Create a H%pertension + ucation &rogram to be implemente at ,assett -amil% &ractice

.race /et$or0, Martinsville, VA (-ebruar% 2013) o Create an elivere presentation to volunteers on (ealt(% aging an c(ronic isease management o Develope recipes !or common !oo items at client"select !oo pantr%

4eacher5 Henry %ounty Pu6lic Schools, &agna Vista High School, 7idge+ay, VA August '((8 9 &ay '()' /utrition an )ellness, 1i!e &lanning, 2esource Management an 3t( gra e Healt( an &+ teac(er o 4uccess!ull% manage iverse classroom environment to promote stu ent learning o Develope an con ucte nee s assessments o Develope lesson plans t(at engage all learners o +!!ectivel% communicate $it( parents an stu ents o &ro!essional evelopment presentations !or !acult% an sta!!

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