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50 Most Powerful Minority CEOs & Corporate Executives

Awards Gala


Presidents Message
I would like to welcome you to the 10th Annual Awards Gala. This event was especially challenging during these economic times. Even though we fell a little short, every year we do a class act event to show our dedication to women and small business enterprises. I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Minority Enterprise Executive Council has promoted the minority business community for over twelve years and hope to continue doing so through our publication, MEA Magazine. Just recently, the publication has been revived and making it possible to promote small businesses to the federal government and corporate America. This year MEA Magazine is one of the official publications that will be included in the media package during the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agencys MED Week Conference in August 2009. We are very proud of this and hope all of you will be able to participate during the Conference. We thank Cisco Systems for their support and congratulate them on the way in which they care about the minority business community. This is why we are naming them the Corporation of the Year and the Supplier Diversity Person of the Year. Cisco has really been outstanding; this should encourage other major corporations to follow in their footsteps. Debra Williams and I give appreciation to all of our honorees and special recognitions. Every one of you is so deserving and we love applauding your achievements during our awards programs each year. Hope you enjoy the evening. Sincerely,

Sunny Ezeji

Keynote Speaker
Gloria Parker
CEO & Senior Partner, Parker Group Consulting
Gloria Parker is CEO and Senior Partner of Parker Group Consulting in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. She has contracts with major companies such as Deloitte, Unisys, QinetiQ-North America and others, consulting on government and business strategies. Ms. Parker served on the Obama-Biden Transition team in 2008 2009 as co-team lead on National Archives and Government Printing Office (GPO) Agency Review Teams. She also served on the TIGR (technology) team for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development as well as the U.S. Department of Education. While reviewing the Office of the Chief Information Officer at the Department of Education, Ms. Parkers role was expanded to include a review of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Office of Management, thus being added as a member of the core Agency Review Team for Education. Ms. Parker was named Director, Business Solutions and Strategy for Civilian Business at Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) on December 3, 2007. In this position, she was responsible for understanding the trends and directions of IT in civilian government and ensuring that CSC solutions successfully match to government needs. She engaged all aspects of the CSC organization to develop new solutions, repackage existing solutions, and partner with or acquire companies with solutions that met the needs of CSC. Her previous role as Senior Vice President of Business Development and Strategy for Apptis, Inc. began on April 18, 2005. In this position she was responsible for developing and executing new business strategies and shaping new opportunities to expand Apptis strategic lines of business in both the Government and commercial sectors. Prior to this appointment, Ms. Parker became the Department of Housing and Urban Developments (HUDs) Chief Technology Officer (CTO) on June 30, 2002. Ms. Parker previously served as HUDs first Chief Information Officer (CIO) from April 13, 1998 through June 29, 2002. As CIO and CTO, Ms. Parkers focus was on Information Technology (IT) Reform, IT Capital Planning and Investment Management, Business Process Improvement, eGovernment, IT Security, Enterprise Architecture, IT Operations, and data quality and management. Prior to HUD, Ms. Parker held two positions at the Department of Education -- first as the Director of Information Resources Management and second as Deputy Chief Information Officer. Her legacy at the Department of Education includes her executive vision and leadership in implementing a world-class information system and infrastructure with a focus on customer service. Ms. Parkers government-wide leadership is recognized by both government and industry. She was a charter member of the Federal CIO Council and a former Co-chair, IT Workforce Committee of the Federal CIO Council. Ms. Parker was past president of the Association for Federal Information Resources Management, the professional association for senior IRM managers. Ms. Parker has received a number of prestigious awards and acknowledgments including the 2000 Presidential Rank Award given for exemplary Government leadership, the 2000 Federal 100 Award for CIO Council leadership in recruiting and retaining Federal IT workers, the 2000 Top Women in Federal Government Award for her outstanding leadership and vision, the Presidential Medal for successful Y2K conversion of HUDs systems, and Vice President Gores National Performance Review Hammer Award. In addition, Ms. Parker has been commended by OMB for her leadership in establishing HUD as a model in IT investment management. Ms. Parker holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics from Hampton University and a Master of Science in Mathematical Statistics from Ohio State University.

Al Porter
CEO, Porter Education & Communications, Inc.
Al Porter is President and CEO of Porter Education & Communications, Inc. (PE&C). His company will celebrate its 10th year in business in February 2009. PE&C is a national education management and development company specializing in a full portfolio of services to students, families, government agencies, and school systems. A native of St. Louis, MO, Al is the youngest of 6 siblings. He received his undergraduate degree in Journalism and Public Relations in Denver. He attended The Ohio State University where he completed his Master of Arts degree in Educational Policy and Leadership. He also holds a graduate Certificate in Management from the George Washington University school of Professional Studies. Over the course of his career, Mr. Porter has been a staunch advocate for youth. Whether in his many roles as a YMCA director, Boys/Girls Club professional, national motivational speaker, teacher, principal, author and business owner, he has continued to strive to help at-risk young men and women realize their personal and academic potential. Mr. Porter is a strong community supporter serving on the boards of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, The Education Industry Association, and Court Appointed Special Advocates among many. Over the tenure of his business, he has launched a coordinated effort to explore the issues surrounding the under achievement of minority students nationally. His Erasing the Achievement Gap Conference Series gathered some the most prolific educators from around the country to explore the root causes and develop research and evidenced based strategies to confront the achievement gap that exists between minority children and their white counterparts. PE&C, also provide intensive academic remediation for some the poorest children in some the nations most challenging public school systems. The Porter Home Based Tutoring Program has been effective in helping students achieve academic success in school systems around the country. Currently, his program is operational in cities such as Atlanta , GA, Baltimore, MD, Washington DC, Indianapolis, IN, Houston, TX, Newark, NJ, Dayton, OH, Alexandria, VA, Tulsa, OK and many others. Mr. Porter has been named Small Business of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce, One of the Fastest Growing Firms by Inc. Magazine. Additionally, Mr. Porter has been honored as Businessman of the Year by the NRCC. He is listed in Whos Who among Executives and Professionals. He received the Network Journals 40 leaders under 40 Award, as well as the Wynnwood Image Award. He was twice honored as one of 50 Influential Minorities in Business.

Corporation of the Year Awardee

Randy Pond
Executive Vice President of Operations, Processes, and Systems

Cisco Systems
As Executive Vice President of Operations, Processes, and Systems at Cisco, Randy Pond oversees the functions of Corporate Affairs, Customer Value Chain Management, Human Resources, Information Technology, Legal Services, and the Commerce Business Transformation Office. He also co-chairs the Connected Business Operations Council and is a key leader on the Commercial (SMB) Business Council, the Quality Experience Council and the Emerging Countries Council. To help fuel growth, drive innovation, and increase Ciscos productivity, Pond is currently leading a comprehensive business transformation across Cisco by re-engineering business processes, re-architecting IT systems, and redefining the role of Cisco leadership. After joining Cisco in September 1993 as Director of Manufacturing Operations through the acquisition of Crescendo Communications, Pond held various positions within the Worldwide Manufacturing group. In 1995, he was promoted to Vice President of Manufacturing with responsibility for all aspects of manufacturing operations, including new product introduction, planning, procurement, productions operations, and distribution and logistics. By 2000, Pond had become Senior Vice President of West Coast and Asia operations, and over the next three years assumed responsibility for all of Worldwide Manufacturing Operations, including product fulfillment and logistics. Ponds key accomplishments at Cisco include the establishment of consistent business processes and operational metrics across the company, double-digit productivity growth, redefinition of the manufacturing model, operationalization of Ciscos new business models, and redesign of the employee value proposition. Prior to joining Cisco, Pond was Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Vice President of Operations at Crescendo Communications. He has also held various finance and operations positions at Versatec, David Systems, Xerox Corporation, Schlumberger, and Arthur Andersen. Pond chairs the board of the Childrens Discovery Museum of San Jose and serves as a board member for the Interfaith Networks Group, the American Leadership Forum of Silicon Valley, and the March of Dimes of Silicon Valley. He has a bachelors degree in accounting and economics from Ball State University in Indiana and is a trustee for the Miller College of Business.

Supplier Diversity Person of the Year

Denise Coley
Director, Global Supplier Diversity Business Development

Cisco Systems
As Director of Global Supplier Diversity Business Development at Cisco Systems, Inc., Denise Coley drives the companys supplier diversity initiative by developing relationships betweendiverse suppliers and Cisco. The mission of the program is to increase customer satisfaction and enhance sourcing through global supplier diversification. The program is results-focused with an underlying tool and processinfrastructure.SinceDenise started the Cisco Supplier Diversity program nine years ago, the program has gone global successfully in the following countries:Canada, the United Kingdom, China and South Africa.Denise initiatedan executivementor program that allowsCEOs of diverse businessesto partner with functional business unitsexecutives. Denise serves as a member of the Board of Directors on the following Councils: the National Minority Supplier Development Council, the Rocky Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council, the Conference Board for Supplier Diversity and the Minority Supplier Development UK Council (MSDUK). Denise also served on the Northern California Supplier Development Council as a member of the Board of Directors for over 10 years. Cisco and Denisereceived 13 awards since 2006 ranging from Corporate Advocate of the Year to The First Lady of Supplier Diversity. She mentors diverse suppliers and encourages them to participate in the UCLA Management Development for Entrepreneurs (MDE) Academy. Coley is very active in the community doing volunteer work with senior citizens and various community organizations. She earned her BA in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the George Washington University, her MA in Speech Pathology from the University of the Pacific, and her MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Special Award

Community & Civic Leadership

William E. Milliken
Founder & Vice Chairman

Communities In Schools, Inc.

Bill Milliken, founder and vice chairman of Communities In Schools, Inc., is one of the nations foremost pioneers in the movement to give young people the help they need to graduate from high school and go on to rewarding lives. The year 2000 marked the 40th anniversary of Millikens commitment to children, and saw him receive two major national awards. The Edward A. Smith Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership honors one executive each year who exemplifies extraordinary leadership over a lifetime of service. The Champion for Children award from the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) honors a nationally known non-educator whose contributions have significantly and positively influenced the lives of children. Communities In Schools is the nations leading community-based organization helping kids stay in school and prepare for life. Currently, CIS directly serves nearly 1.2 million students and their families each year in more than 3,250 schools in 27 states and the District of Columbia. Its grass-roots, personalized approach embodies Millikens long-held philosophy, Programs dont change children relationships do. Millikens activism began in 1960 when he joined Young Life, an ecumenical youth organization. He helped initiate street academies for young people who had dropped out of school and wanted a chance to resume their education, as well as live-in programs for substance abusers and youth in need of shelter and support. Millikens experiences led him to search for a comprehensive approach to helping young people. This search culminated in the 1970s with the development of a model program that repositioned existing community resources into schools the Communities In Schools network, which Milliken led as president until May 2004. Milliken has served three U.S. presidents. During the Carter Administration, he was the White House Advisor on Youth Issues. In 1989, Milliken advised President Bush for the Education Summit with the nations governors. Most recently, Milliken was involved in the planning of The Presidents Summit for Americas Future. In 1994, Milliken received the National Caring Award as one of the 10 most caring people in America. In 1992, he received the Temple Award for Creative Altruism, given by the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which honors individuals whose lives and work demonstrate the transformative power of caring coupled with imagination and enterprise. Milliken serves on the board of Leadership Foundations of America. He is the author of three books, So Long, Sweet Jesus, Tough Love and The Last Dropout: Stop the Epidemic!. He received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in 2007 from Bard College.

50 Most Powerful Minority CEOs and Corporate Executives

Awards Gala
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Capital Hilton Hotel

6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Mix and Mingle to light jazz by Jim Ballard (Photo opportunities) 7:30p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Welcome and introduction of Keynote Speaker Gloria Parker, CEO, Parker Group Consulting by Al Porter 8:00 p.m. Dinner Served 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Special Recognitions Corporation of the Year - Cisco Systems Supplier Diversity Person of the Year - Denise Coley, Cisco Systems Civic & Community Person of the Year - William Milliken, Communities In Schools Executive Person of the Year - Fernando Galaviz, THE CENTECH GROUP Technology Executive of the Year - Joseph Fergus, COMTek Technology Person of the Year - Theodore Fells, NucoreVision 8:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Awards Presentation 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Closing Remarks and Photo opportunities

Jayanth Challa
President & CEO

Ace Info Solutions, Inc.

Jayanth (Jay) Challa is the president and chief executive officer of Ace Info Solutions, Inc. (AceInfo), the government contracting company named last year as the Government Contractor of the year (under $25 million) in the 5th Annual Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards. In the Greater Washington, D.C. region, Mr. Challa has been an active supporter of Kormen Race for the Cure, the worlds largest network of breast cancer, and Reston Celebrates 40 Years, an organization that has come together to foster community pride and understanding of the unique 40-year history of our hometown, Reston, Virginia. He has made his company a proud member of the Reston and Herndon Chambers of Commerce, the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce and has been a frequent event sponsor for Virginia Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Challas commitment to our country doesnt stop at the local level. He has made his company active regionally and nationally in both public service and technical forums. He participates actively in such industry organizations as the Industry Advisory Council, the Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association, and the Government Information Technology Executive Council (GITEC). Of particular note; last year he combined his commitment to community and his love of sport by sponsoring part of the GEITEC Golf Tournament in Orlando. Mr. Challa has demonstrated his leadership to the government contracting industry through his personal leadership; in 2008, his company grew 110%, to $14.8 million from $6.9 million just a year previously. Mr. Challa values training and education, and every employee is expected to get at least 40 hours of job-related training every year. He provides financial assistance for professional certification testing such as the Microsoft Certified Professional, and Project Management Professional programs. He encourages employees to complete degrees and pursue advanced degrees, and provides a base of $2,000 per year in tuition reimbursement, but he frequently authorizes increases to that number. The most significant demonstration of Mr. Challas personal contributions and leadership to his company in the past year was being named the Government Contractor of the Year (under $25 million) in last years 5th Annual Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards. His company was also named by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce as a Virginia Vanguard Company in recognition of its position as the fastest growing company it our sector in the state, and number six in growth regardless of sector, for which the firm was featured in the May, 2008 issue of Virginia Business magazine. 100% of his program managers are certified by the Project Management Institute (PMI). His is one of the very few small businesses that are ISO-9001:2000 registered and CMMI Level II (software development) certified; in the past year, we will shortly be certified at CMMI Level III.


Isabel Chancellor

Isabel Chancellor has been with IngenuitE since its inception in 2002.As founder, President, and sole owner, Chancellor brings a broad range of experience to IngenuitE, as woman and minority-owned business enterprise. IngenuitE is a young company, Chancellors direction has led the company to experience tremendous growth and success, particularly in the public sector. Under her leadership, IngenuitE is established as a leading software consulting firm with expertise in the full-range of Oracle E-business Suite, particularly focused in financial module implementations. IngenuitE was recently awarded a computer maintenance five-year contract with Tinker Air Force Base. In addition, IngenuitE is a subcontractor for L3-Titan Corporation with an Information Technology Support Services contract for the Department of Transportation at FAA (Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center). IngenuitE has been honored as one of Oklahoma Citys Metro 50 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, an award that recognizes the fastest growing companies in the metro area. Born in Texas, Chancellor lived in Mexico as a child and immigrated to Corpus Christi, Texas at the age of seven. Unable to speak English at first, she quickly learned the language and graduated at the top of her class. Chancellor has a bachelors degree in business administration from Texas A&M Corpus Christi as well as a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science in Management Information Systems from the University of Oklahoma. Chair, Greater Oklahoma City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation; Board of Directors, Greater Oklahoma City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Board of Advisors, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce; Member, The State Chamber of Oklahoma; Member, Advancement of Hispanic Students in Higher Education Task Force; Member, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act State Advisory Panel; National Founding Partner, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) Ms. Chancellors creative side is manifested in her love for sewing and hand-quilting. She has been happily married to her husband, Gary, for 19 years and has two sons, Ryan and Kevin.


C. Anthony Cusack
President & CEO

QSACK & Associates, Inc.

Charles Anthony Cusack is president and CEO of QSACK and Associates, Inc, a world-class provider of management consulting, business, information technology, and telecommunications solutions to government and industry. Prior to starting his own business, he held executive positions at Houston Associates, Inc., the Center for Financial Engineering in Development, Compex Corporation, Zeroid & Company and with the Department of the Army. He has more than 39 years of government and industry experience in strategic planning, operations, and management of advanced information technology (IT) and telecommunications systems. He has developed expertise in program management, strategic and financial planning, marketing, directing, and coordinating large-scale IT programs, including automation, network operation, and systems integration. He holds a bachelors degree in Social Science from Alabama A&M University, a masters equivalent degree in Materiel Management from the Army Logistics Management Training Center, and an M. B. A. degree in Public Financial Management from the Key Executive Program at American University. In addition, he has completed several prestigious executive development management schools including the Daren Executive Development Program at the University of Virginia, Tuck School of Business/Advanced Executive Development program at Dartmouth College, and Kellogg School of Management/Advanced Executive Management program at Northwestern University. He is actively involved in the International Rotary Club, Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council, Armed Forces Communications and Electronic Association, Association of Contingency Planners, International Toastmasters, National Small Business Council, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, and National Defense Industrial Association. Also, he serves on several Boards and participant in community and local church activities and travels to Africa to perform evangelism, health, educational, and leadership development services.


The Honorable H. R. Crawford


Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority

Mr. H.R. Crawford is a highly accomplished business leader, philanthropist, affordable housing expert, developer, certified property manager, former, 3-terms, elected official, political advisor, civic leader, long-time District of Columbia resident, and world traveler. Mr. Crawford is the founder and president of Crawford/Edgewood Managers, Inc., and Hazel, LLC. Both successful firms specialize in developing and managing affordable housing in Washington, D.C. He currently manages approximately 2,000 units of workforce and subsidized housing in the approximately 10 developments; and developed 6 major moderately priced housing complexes all located in the Southeast Washington, D.C. Mr. Crawford currently, serves as Chairman, Washington Airport Authority. He is the leader of the 13-member, Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority Board of Directors, which operates a two-airport system, Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport. From 1980-1992 Mr. Crawford was elected as Council member from Ward 7 for three consecutive terms. He was a presidential appointed Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). At HUD he corrected all code violations and modernized rent collection procedures. He worked closely with regional and local offices of HUD to stabilize the property and restore credibility such that $3.2 million in federal savings was achieved and bankruptcy issues resolved. Mr. Crawford has served as a consultant to The Alexander Housing Authority; Perpetual Savings and Loan; Federal Capitol Bank; DeFranceaux Realty Group; National Housing Partnership; Edgewood Management Corporation; The Pollinger Corporation; The Kate Maremont Foundation; and the U.S. Department of Defense. Mr. Crawford possesses a demonstrated ability to persevere and thrive under pressure while simultaneously considering the well being of fellow human beings. He is well known as an outstanding communicator and champion of marginalized people.


Tina Dante
CEO & President

The Metamorphosis Group, Inc.

Ms. Tina Dante is currently the CEO & President of The Metamorphosis Group, Inc., an 8(a) woman-owned small and disadvantaged business located in Fairfax County, Virginia, providing services in the Management, Engineering and Technology arenas to both commercial and government clients. Ms. Dante has over 25 years of leadership and management experience in leading operational, engineering and technology teams. Ms. Dante began her management career at Allstate Data Center Operations in Hudson, Ohio after receiving a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Akron in 1983. As she progressed through her lengthy career at Allstate, she gained enormous interpersonal skills and perfected the art of management. Her national responsibilities expanded from the east coast to the Hawaiian Islands, serving nine different regions, twenty-two states and the District of Columbia. It was the largest and most expansive operation in the country. Because of her successes, she was selected for designing, forming and organizing a new division of the company, known as Customer Care - a new Division of Technical Services - which housed multiple functions by Central Processing Unit (CPU), while team members were cross trained for contingency functioning. Ms. Dante worked closely with and reported to the Senior Management Team which consisted of the CEO, COO, Presidents and Vice Presidents of the various facets of Allstates Brands. During her tenure at Allstate, Ms. Dante was responsible for budgets of more than $1 billion and worked on projects that saved the company more than $20 million. Ms. Dantes P&L responsibilities range from $750,000 to $27 billion. After almost twenty two long years with Allstate, Ms. Dante made a difficult decision to leave and was subsequently hired as a Director and Chief of Staff with a small systems and software engineering and technical services company, IntelData, which supported the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community before being acquired by Titan Technologies (now L-3 Communications). Ms. Dante began Metamorphosis Consulting in 2001 and later changed the name of the company to The Metamorphosis Group, Inc. (TMG) in 2003. It was at this time that Ms. Dante began the difficult transition from commercial clients to pursuing government clients. As a woman-owned small business, TMG obtained the 8(a) certification on July 13, 2004, which concludes in 2013. This designation has opened many doors for TMG, especially when working with large prime contractors. TMG continues to actively market the 8(a) certification to various agencies, which include: Navy, DHS, NSA, HUD, FAA and Treasury. While not totally escaping the commercial environment, TMG is currently performing project management and system integration work on the 2 GHz relocation effort for TV stations, which is a joint venture between Sprint Nextel and the FCC. TMG manages and supplies turnkey solution including legal (licensing) support, administrative and financial functions for the stations.


Gail Dolman-Smith, M.B.A.

CEO and President,

Paragon TEC, Inc.

Since founding Paragon TEC (Technology, Education, Communication), Incorporated (Paragon) in 1996, Gail Dolman-Smith has been a dynamic leader in providing consulting services for government, education, and industry clients. With experience spanning 20 years, her extensive program management knowledge includes: management of community public relations activities at NASA Glenn Research Center; numerous contracts nationwide with NASA and other organizations in industry, K-12 education, and higher education; as well as diverse, wide-ranging support in her Northeast Ohio community. As a result of her leadership, Paragon TEC has twice won a five-year NASA contract to manage the Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA), a national, innovative project designed to increase the participation and retention of K-12 youth in groups historically underserved and underrepresented in STEM fields. This project is located in 14 states in the U.S. and implemented at 24 colleges/universities and public schools. Ms. Dolman-Smith developed and established the first SEMAA Parent Caf which has been adapted nationwide by NASA and youth organizations. Paragon TEC was also awarded a five-year contract in 2007 to manage NASAs Aerospace Education Laboratories (AEL) located in 33 states in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Projects managed by Paragon TEC have reached over 400,000 underrepresented and underserved students, parents, and teachers in various sites and outreach locations across the United States. While NASA is one of Paragons primary and most valued partners, Gail Dolman-Smith has expanded both her companys suite of services and the delivery range of its expertise. The rapid expansion of Paragon TEC through relationships with clients in the Northeast Ohio region, 40+ contracts with NASA Headquarters and the 10 NASA field centers, and service to other organizations nationwide is evidence of Ms. Dolman-Smiths commitment to business growth. Ms. Dolman-Smith is personally and professionally active in her local community with membership with Communications Commission appointed by the mayor of University Heights and the City of University Heights Diversity Committee. She is a board member of Cleveland Supplemental Empowerment Zone (SEZ) Technology Task Force, the Catholic Education Endowment Trust Board and former president of Cleveland Aerospace Professional Representatives Association. Her company, Paragon TEC has conducted special robotics outreach programs on in conjunction with several NASA Awareness Days activities. Additionally, Paragon has volunteered services in support of regional FIRST Robotics Competitions, NASA Annual Open Houses, NASA 50th Anniversary Celebrations, and other local educational initiatives. A lifelong Ohio resident, Ms. Dolman-Smith is a graduate of Baldwin Wallace College in Berea, Ohio. She resides with her husband Bill in Cleveland, and enjoys spending time with her daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters, Logan and London.


Ted Fells
Co-Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer

NucoreVision, Inc.
As co-founder, President and CEO of NucoreVision, Inc., Ted Fells brings more than twelve years of executive management experience within the federal government contracting arena. An accomplished strategist, his expertise in the areas of project management and consulting, business development have lead to the companys significant venture growth in other areas to include information assurance, network engineering, web based application development and training services. He led the transformation of NucoreVision into a top quality CMMI Level 2, 8(a) IT firm with over seventy team members and consultants worldwide. As a project manager within the federal information technology arena, Ted Fells played a key role on a team responsible for the design, implementation and support of essential computer networks nationwide for the U.S. Department of Immigration and Naturalization Service. Offering a combination of innovation and operational strengths, Ted Fells has also earned the reputation for being fair, dedicated and always accessible to NucoreVisions customer base, which includes the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Interior, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation and the Department of Justice. Also, through a DoD mentor protg program under technology powerhouse EDS (now an HP Company), NucoreVision, Inc. has partnered with Morehouse University to support the initiatives of this program for over two years and was honored with the 1st annual ICE Small Business Award of Excellence from Morehouse. Ted Fells is committed to initiating a positive change within his community and encouraging others to do so as well. As a result of his commitment, NucoreVision Cares for Community (NVI-CFC) was born, which is the community service arm of NucoreVision, Inc. Through NVI-CFC, the company sponsors events, offers volunteer support and partnerships within various non-profit and other community organizations to include Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children, Prince Georges County (CASA PG), Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure and various local schools. Ted also dedicates his time serving as the Director of the Business Partnership Ministry in his church community. This organization supports new business owners in developing the proficiency required to achieve long-lasting success. Ted Fells, has also been recognized for his achievements as an Outstanding Entrepreneur Under 40 by the Minority Diversity Council, named as one of the Top 100 Small Businesses in Maryland by DiversityBusiness. com, winner of the 1st ICE Small Business Award of Excellence by the Morehouse University Entrepreneurship Program, honored as the Top Minority Supplier of the Year by the MDDC Minority Supplier Development Council and nominated for the SBA Minority Small Business Person of the Year award. Ted Fells is an alumnus of Norfolk State University where he received a BS in Management and Computer Information Systems and is also a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated.


Joseph E. Fergus
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Communications Technologies, Inc. (COMTek)

Dr. Joseph E. Fergus is the founder and CEO of privately held Communication Technologies, Inc. (COMTek), a leading-edge telecommunications and information technology services company headquartered in Chantilly, VA. He founded the company in 1990 and has spearheaded its astounding growth to nearly 1200 employees today. In 2004, Fergus leadership was recognized nationally when COMTek earned a spot on the prestigious Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. COMTek also is listed as one of the top 100 Black-owned businesses in the United States, ranking in the top one percent of all minority-owned businesses in the United States. The company has received awards for its support of employees and families of employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserve, including those deployed to the war in Iraq. Today, COMTek is the first company in the United States to commercially deploy Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) technology on a citywide basis, and is considered the Nations foremost authority on the operation of BPL networks. COMTek is one of a handful of available facility-based Global Broadband Service Providers, offering secure broadband services worldwide. For its work in the development of military training technology, COMTek is a recipient of the prestigious Department of Defense Nunn-Perry Award for Excellence. Fergus achieved both his technical expertise and management experience during his nine-year tenure at AT&T Bell Laboratories. It was at Bell Labs that he first emerged as a telecommunications leader, having spearheaded research and development efforts in leading-edge technologies. Among his unique accomplishments are: the creation of the Charge Number Parameter in Signaling System No. 7, which is designed to carry caller identification (i.e., commonly known as caller ID) across networks (used in all SS7 networks today); creation of the Intermediate Signaling Networks Identifiers, which is designed to identify all intermediate networks during call establishment; and work in research and development of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Intelligent Networks (IN), and Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). These technologies have emerged as industry standards and are now used in nearly every aspect of todays telecommunications marketplace. Fergus holds a patent on computer security technology and he has served as the chair on key industry committees responsible for setting the technical direction of industry standards (including ANSI and ITU-T, formerly CCITT). Fergus is a faculty member of the National Communications Forum and a published author on the subject of Signaling System No. 7 and telecommunications matters. Fergus is from the Island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He received his Doctorate of Humane Letters from Norfolk State University in 2004. He holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering from Norfolk State University. His recent awards include: Minority Business Leader Award (Washington Business Journal), Excellence in Leadership Award (Northern Virginia Urban League), Best of Black Business Award ( American Academy of Business and Commerce), and the Top Black Businesses Award (DiversityBusiness .com.). Dr. Fergus is a Vietnam-era veteran of the US Navy.


Fernando V. Galaviz
President & CEO


THE CENTECH GROUP, Inc., an Hispanic-owned technology systems and solutions provider serving federal government civilian and military agencies for over 20 years with annual revenue of $155 million dollars is overseen by its Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Fernando V. Galaviz. He also currently serves as chair of the board for The National Association of Small Business Federal Contractors, Inc. (NASBFC) a nonprofit trade association and serves on the Board of Directors for Versar, Inc., an AMEX listed company. He has served in the federal government as chief of industry trade and market development for the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, and chief of direct contracting and financial assistance programs under the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation. Prior to establishing THE CENTECH GROUP, Inc., he was executive vice president of a government contracting firm and founder and president of a manufacturing firm. Mr. Galaviz has held senior-level management positions with major national retail, wholesale, and import-export firms such as May Co., SHOPKO, Fedmart, Handyman, International Mercantile Corporation, and DAYLIN. Mr. Galaviz has been an advocate of small business since the 1960s. As a volunteer, he helped establish one of the first minority business development programs in corporate America. In the 1970s, Mr. Galaviz worked as a volunteer to assist in the development of the National Minority Purchasing Council and the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE). In the 1980s Mr. Galaviz is co-founded the National Federation of 8(a) Companies and the U.S. Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce and was Chairman of the Board for Community Investment Opportunity Group, a community-based organization founded to encourage self-investment by minorities in community projects. Mr. Galaviz has supported the economic development of the Native American community by establishing formal business agreements with the Choctaw Nation in Oklahoma, which has created jobs and fostered economic development in the Choctaw Nation community. Mr. Galaviz is a lecturer on small and minority business issues, particularly addressing the challenges facing the small disadvantaged business community. He has served on the board of United Way in Orange County, California, and was the fundraising chair for the American Cancer Society chapter in Los Angeles during the 1970s. He served as vice chair of the Anaheim City Council Advisory Committee and was a member of the Orange County Housing Authority Advisory Board. Mr. Galaviz has testified before Congressional committees as an advocate of small business programs and minority business enterprises. Born in Mexico City, Mr. Galaviz is an American citizen by choice. He has five sonsDavid, Adam, Matthew, Daniel and Jonathanand two daughters, Linda and Karla. He has nine grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. He currently resides in Arlington, Virginia.


Karla Gonzalez-Underwood
President & CEO

DBTS, Inc.
Karla Gonzalez-Underwood, Owner, President and Chief Executive Officer of DBTS Inc., was born in El Salvador in 1974. At age eighteen, she moved to the United States and was naturalized as a U.S. citizen. She holds a B.A Degree in International Studies from George Mason University and a MBA from Marymount University, with a concentration in Finance. In a race to success Mrs. Gonzalez-Underwood, gained an enviable expertise in the world of information technology and honed estimable entrepreneurial instincts, which were soon to find notable application in her career with the Washington, DC IT firm DBTS (DBTS: the initials of the phrase Delivering Business Technology Solutions), which designs information systems tailored to the business model if each of broad variety of client firms and getting these systems, along with the personnel who will operate them, up and running.. Since its founding in April 2000, DBTS has experienced rapid growth. We started out with one employee performing network management services for the District of Columbia Government. The company quickly gained a reputation for excellence serving the District and other federal, state, and local government clients. As Vice President from 2003 through January 2006, Mrs. Gonzalez-Underwood effectively operated the company and spearheaded business development efforts. Since 2006 Mrs. Gonzalez-Underwood has led DBTS growth to its current size by being a company of firsts, taking risks in technology, innovative products and services, and a reputation for exceptional customer service. Word quickly spreads when a good thing is discovered, and DBTS benefits from loyal clients and enthusiastic employees. DBTS is certified as an 8(a), minority-owned, and woman-owned company by the SBA, State of Maryland, Womens Business Enterprise National Council, Washington DC City Government, Commonwealth of Virginia, and several independent agencies. The success of DBTS is evidenced by many awards and achievements with the most significant being on INC magazines list of Americas 500 Fastest-Growing, Private Companies (2006) As the United States economy struggles thousands of companies across the Nation are contemplating and implementing job cuts. Many are struggling to retain their current operations. But not DBTS, Inc. DBTS was structured and positioned to be able to seek new opportunities. Over the past year DBTS has managed to enter into a new relationship with Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (October 2008), an agency of the District of Columbia to provide business process, functional analysis and project management for WMATA Web Applications Development efforts to improve and modernize business performance in the Rail and Corporate Strategic Departments. At the same time DBTS worked diligently to increase its presence in the Federal sector. DBTS, Inc. was part of a team that was recently awarded (September 2008) a $250 Billion over 10 years Blanket Purchase Agreement contract with the U.S. Federal Drug Administration to acquire information technology support, goods, and services for the ICT21 Program. This award provides DBTS with the opportunity for years of providing excellent service.


Hubin Jiang
President & CEO, B.Sc.,M.Sc., and Ph.D. Candidate in Electrical Engineering

Ecompex, Inc.
Hubin Jiang has been President and CEO of Ecompex, Inc., an information and knowledge management company, since 1995. With a firm foundation and great interest in the areas of artificial intelligence, knowledge management, and content analysis, Mr. Jiang departed in the early 90s from his Ph.D. candidacy and devoted himself to applied technology development. Mr. Jiang is a pioneer developer in document imaging and management systems as well as applied artificial intelligence systems. For over 20 years, he has set up proven track records of marked achievements and success in the area of information technology development and implementation. Mr. Jiang was the co-inventor of a satellite remote sensing imagery system called the Maryland Image Visualization and Analysis System (MIVAS) and was the leader for research and development of CorpCast, an expert system with innovative self-learning capabilities. He has developed a neural network model for simulation of human visual perception and a machine learning model for natural handwriting recognition. Mr. Jiang is one of the trail blazers in innovative technology development in the fields of document understanding, expert systems, content management, and document imaging. He holds over five patents and patents pending in the abovementioned areas. Mr. Jiang is also an expert in software life cycle development and programming. He developed Ecompexs first imaging and scanning system, VersaScan, which has been sold to numerous Fortune 500 companies and Government Agencies. For the past 13 years, Mr. Hubin Jiang, as a dedicated entrepreneur, has devoted himself to growing the business by leading the marketing and sales forces, developing state-of-art technologies, and providing value-added services to customers total satisfaction. Under his leadership Ecompex is constantly working to refine its quality system, thus promoting growth and profitability for its customers and employees, as well as the company. Due to his great achievements, Mr. Jiang was awarded the Fifty Influential Minorities in Business Award in 2002. Ecompex, Inc. has thrived and has been growing tremendously for the past 10 years, widely recognized by its federal government agency customers for its innovative technologies and quality services. The company is well on its way to joining the most successful businesses in the United States. Ecompex has been awarded in 2007 and 2008 the Deloittes Tech Fast 500 in Northern America, and Inc. 5000 in the United States.


Pless B. Jones, Sr
Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer

P & J Contracting Company, Inc.

P& J Contracting was founded by Pless Jones, Sr, who is presently the President and Chief Executive Officer. He is also currently President of the Maryland Minority Contractors Association. In 2008, P&J Contracting was recognized as a Top 100 Minority Business Enterprise and Minority Business Enterprise of the Year by Small, Minority and Women Owned businesses. P&J Contracting Company is a Maryland corporation with a current workforce of more than (75) full-time employees and a surety bonding level in excess of over thirty million dollars ($30,000,000). P&Js executive office is located in Baltimore, Maryland and has regional offices in New Orleans, Louisiana and Raleigh, North Carolina. P&J Contracting Company has been providing construction, renovation and demolition services, in the public and private sector for over 30 years. Our company has a solid reputation for offering specialized demolition services to industrial, government and commercial clients. With regional offices and affiliates in six states, P&J Contracting Company qualified professionals ensure that their work is completed safely, on time and within budget. Using specialized equipment, we are able to execute the demolition and removal of waste, equipment, salvage and other hazardous and non-hazardous materials. P&J Contracting Company is proud to be a driving force in improving the reputation of the demolition industry by our investment in our on-site equipment and re-investment of our profit into the latest demolition and recycling equipment. Our commitment to recycling using our own crushers and recycling yard means that we constantly improve the facilities that we offer and are able to pass the savings on to our clients. Over the past thirty years, P&J Contracting demolition jobs has spanned a number of different states, including Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Louisiana. The scope of these jobs have ranged from the demolition of row houses and various apartment buildings to the implosion of the Raleigh Convention Center building, which included extensive Asbestos Abatement at 50 feet heights. Other projects have included an ongoing contract with Baltimore City for On Call Emergency Demolition and Planned Demolition of Condemned houses, and Bio Tech Demolition for East Baltimore Development Incorporated, which was the largest private demolition and excavating contract awarded to a Minority Contractor in the City of Baltimore. Most recently, P&J Contracting was awarded the contract to demolish West Baltimores Uplands Housing project, a 100-acre, $300 million residential redevelopment project. Mr. Jones wants to pass on the spirit of entrepreneurship to his five children. He has also demonstrated an ongoing commitment to the community by hiring local workers and using minority subcontractors. His commitment to minority business enterprises goes well beyond the construction site. As President of the Maryland Minority Contractors Association, Jones continuously advocates and mentors for small minority businesses by providing them support for obtaining industry certifications and training necessary to succeed in the construction industry.


Kimberly K. Logan
Principal & President

Signature Management Group, Inc.

Kimberly Logan is the Principal and President of Signature Management Group Inc (SMGI), a minority, women-owned small business with headquarters in Washington, DC providing management consulting and training solutions nationally to private industry and government clients. SMGI is a distinctive, comprehensive consulting firm offering strategic planning and program management services, professional development and training, staff augmentation services, peer advisory and business and executive coaching services. SMGI, established based on Ms. Logans passion to help people and organizations reach their maximum holistic potential and the desire to put people back in business propels her company forward on the path to success. She is a strategic partner of 360 Solutions LLC, a Dallas-based firm providing her small business with global capacity with over 500 subject matter experts and consultants in the US and 17 internationally. SMGI currently provides strategic planning support services to the DOE Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) as well as leadership development and training solutions across the country. Mrs. Logan is the former President, Chief Diversity Officer, and managing partner of 1 Source Consulting Inc., one of the nations fastest growing private companies as recognized by Inc. Magazine. She is recognized as a key component for the accomplishment of the companys award of a 7-year, $1 billion dollar Department of Energy (DOE) IT support contract, the largest mission services contract awarded to a small business in federal history to Energy Enterprise Solutions, LLC (EES), an SBA-approved small business joint venture between majority owner 1 Source Consulting Inc and the former RS Information Systems, Inc. (RSIS). Some of the major accomplishments during her Presidency include the acquisition and management of a $25 million Line of Credit and the successful consolidation of five master contracts, phasing in 300+ incumbent staff, 80 tasks, and 13 subcontractors to EES without missing a single payroll. This highly successful transition culminated in providing performance-based services and solutions to more than 7,500 end-users in the Washington, DC area and more than 12,000 nationwide. While at 1 Source Consulting, she also launched a diversity management program with a single mission - to create an inclusive work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment, and where people are valued for their diverse experiences, knowledge, and abilities. In addition to DOE, other federal government clients she has helped to serve span the Chief Information Officers of the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce, Department of Justice, Department of Education, and the Department of Transportation. Mrs. Logan possesses 18 plus years of infrastructure and operations management experience. She holds a B.S. in Business Management and an M.A. in Administrative Management from Bowie State University. Mrs. Logan attributes her success to the values of faith, integrity, honesty and service excellence instilled in her by her entrepreneur father, Melvin L. Kelly.


Dr. Ben Magee

Chairman & CEO

Information Systems Security Solutions, Inc.

Dr. Magee is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Information Systems Security Solutions, Inc. (IS3) and possesses an extensive Information Technology (IT) and Intelligence background. Dr. Magee has over nineteen years of applied IT experience. As majority partner and co-founder of IS3, Dr. Magee shared a vision, with long-time friend and business partner (Marc Richa), of creating an IT company that would provide clients with total turn-key solutions, while utilizing a client centric approach throughout the process. Understanding the clients requirements and being able to deliver a quality product or service is one of the key aspects of success, the other being the employees as assets. Dr. Magee is a talented and accomplished corporate executive officer and senior technology executive with proven record of success in establishing and directing companies, programs, and teams in the areas of information technology and information security. Expertise in strategic IT planning for commercial, government, and defense industries, development and delivery of advanced technology solutions, and creation of effective continuity of operations plans (COOPs). Dr. Magee possesses a strong technical background in network and system engineering and design. He is able to liaison between technical and non-technical groups. Prior to co-founding IS3, Dr. Magee enjoyed successful tenures with some of the top fortune 500 IT and consulting firms in the country; DynCorp/Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC),Booz/Allen/Hamilton, Science Application International Corporation (SAIC); holding positions as Senior IT Scientist, Chief Design Architect/Associate and Program Manager; respectively. While supporting the Office of the Secretary of Defenses Chief Information Office, working in the capacity as a Senior IT Scientist, Dr. Magee was responsible for developing several Continuity of Operation Plans (COOP); most notable was Dr. Magees dedication to service during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Dr. Magee played a significant role in restoring connectivity to displaced tenants throughout the Pentagon. Additionally, Dr. Magee participated as Chief Network Design Architect during the Pentagon Core Modernization design effort. His detailed designs were instrumental in developing the $320 million dollar Command Communications Survivability Program (CCSP). Dr. Magees remarkable vision, astounding intellect and leadership, have made IS3 one of the fastest growing IT companies in the Washington Metropolitan area. Dr. Magee also enjoyed an impressive United States Army military career that included tours of duty abroad and most notable Ft. Myer, VA and The White House. Dr. Magee holds several patents and is a published author. Dr. Magee earned a Doctor of Philosophy Degree from Kennedy Western University and additional postgraduate studies at The Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Magees graduate studies include dual Master of Science Degrees from The Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from Georgetown University. Dr. Magee received undergraduate education from Strayer University, Howard University and The University of Alabama. Dr. Magee is a member of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., IEEE, AFCEA, NVTC, NDIA and MENSA International Organization. Dr. Magee has been married to his beautiful wife Marie for more than 17 years and they have four beautiful children and reside in the northern Virginia battlefield area of Sudley Springs.


Paula Mendoza
President & CEO

Possible Missions
Possible Missions, established in 2001 by Paula Mendoza, provides project management solutions to corporate and public sector clients. Their service offerings include public/media/community relations, corporate planning, and supplier diversity. Ms. Mendoza and her staff work with city, state, and national leaders and organizations that promote minority and women owned disadvantaged business enterprise (M/W/DBE) programs into corporate America. Possible Missions is also dedicated to business advocacy programs created to match M/W/DBEs with corporate representatives for professional growth and development purposes. Prior to starting Possible Missions, Ms. Mendoza worked for a national staffing firm as national director for supplier diversity. Her observations were that many corporations were not willing or able to help small businesses because they thought small businesses were too small to do business with a national organization. Ms. Mendoza decided she wanted to help small businesses develop, grow, and then market them to corporate America. She took her time planning for six months. I was lucky to have two mentors who helped me understand what it takes to run a business and grow the company, recalls Mendoza. Possible Missions started as a minority-woman owned business with five contracts and one employee - herself. Your reputation is important when you have a service-based company and I made sure that I could handle the clients, projects and service them successfully, she added. Possible Missions currently employs five full time people and have several contractors on retainer. No stranger to the SBA, Ms. Mendoza is versed in SBAs programs referring clients who need financial assistance. Possible Missions is a certified firm participating in the SBA 8(a) program. The 8(a) program provides business development assistance to eligible firms in a structured developmental process over a nine-year program participation term. Possible Missions entered the program in October of 2008 and holds certifications with the City of Houston, State of Texas, Metro, Port of Houston Authority, Houston Minority Business Council, Central South Texas Minority Business Council, DFW Minority Business Council, and the Texas Unified Certification Program. Ms. Mendoza served as state-wide chairperson over the Texas Association Mexican American Chamber of Commerce (TAMACC). Ms. Mendoza also volunteers with the Houston Minority Business Council. She currently serves as a Commissioner for the Ethics Commission for the State of Texas for over two years, after serving on the Certified Public Accounting board as a public member providing invaluable input as a small business owner. She is actively involved as a board member with the AMMA charter school that encourages at risk students to finish high school and continue on to college. As she continues to expand her business, Ms. Mendoza hopes to be able to hire some of the college students and expose them to a small business.


John V. Meyers,
Founder, President, and CEO

Native American Industrial Distributors, Inc.

As the founder and President/CEO of Native American Industrial Distributors, Inc. (NAID), John V. Meyers provides to NAID a unique combination of leadership, management skills, energy, and experience. Mr. Meyers holds a Bachelor of Arts from Wofford College and also a Master of Science degree in National Security Strategy from the National War College in Washington, D.C. Furthermore, his distinguished military and Federal public service careers span over 30 years. Mr. Meyers is a member of the Cahuilla (ka-WEE-ah) Indian Tribe, a Federally Recognized Tribe, located on the Santa Rosa Indian Reservation in Southern California. In 1966, citizen Meyers was drafted into the U.S. Army. Rising from Private to Colonel, he served with distinction during two combat tours in Vietnam and a tour in Desert Storm, and is one of the countrys most highly decorated American Indians. Meyers completed a combined Active and Reserve Military career spanning some 31 years of service having commanded at every level; from Battery, to Battalion, to Brigade. He has also served in a variety of responsible staff positions at the highest levels of the Army, including Assistant Director for Legislative Liaison, U.S. Special Operations Command; and Assistant Director for the Plans, Programs & Policy Directorate, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research, Development & Acquisition. After Mr. Meyers retirement from military service in June 1997, he was meritoriously appointed by the Chief Army Reserve, as the Army Reserve Ambassador to the State of Maryland. In February 2007 he was appointed Army Reserve Ambassador Emeritus. He continues to serve today, holding the equivalent rank of Major General. In June 2004, Mr. Meyers was inducted into the Field Artillery Officer Candidate School Hall of Fame.


Gregory Steve Proctor


G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc.

Mr. Proctor is the Founder, President, and CEO of G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc., one of the most respected government and private sector advocacy organizations in Maryland. Since 1995, Mr. Proctor and his associates have provided legislative and administrative lobbying representation to a broad spectrum of clients, ranging from institutions of higher learning and non-profit organizations, to local and regional businesses, and finally to governments on the Federal, State, and Local levels. Clients include BGE/Constellation Energy, AAA MidAtlantic, Pepco Holdings, Inc., Foulger-Pratt, Clark Construction, Veolia Transportation, and Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, among others. Through partnerships with these and other clients, G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. has become the largest minority owned and operated firm in Maryland. Consistently ranked among the top 10 earning lobbyists in the state, the firm represents excellence not only in the Minority Business Community, but in the Business Community at large. Recent legislative accomplishments include securing $5 million in state funding for the National Childrens Museum at National Harbor, support for funding the Maryland Tourism Department and other Tourism and Transportation related legislation, and successfully lobbying to enhance workers compensation rights for Prince Georges County Correctional Officers Association. These accomplishments are only a few of the many successes the firm has enjoyed in recent years. In recognition of his leadership abilities, community service involvement, and business-related achievements, Mr. Proctor has received numerous honors, awards, and commendations on the state and local levels. Most recently, he was honored to receive the Washington Business Journal Minority Business Leader Award, 2008; The Collective Banking Group, Business of the Year, 2008; Rawlings Fellow, 2007; and the Maryland Top 100 Minority Business Entrepreneur, 2007. Since starting G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. in 1995, Mr. Proctors mission has been not only to provide the highest level of effective legislative and administrative counsel for clients, but also to use the firms relationships and resources to contribute to the community. Through its philanthropic efforts, G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. has reached and helped an estimated 30,000 people in the area. For the past 12 years, the firm has conducted a Turkey Drive to provide food baskets to over 2,000 families during the holiday season. One of Mr. Proctors greatest community accomplishments is the creation of The Proctor Foundation, an organization that provides financial assistance and guidance to students continuing education. Giving to education has always been important to Mr. Proctor, starting with the Mary Pearl Proctor Scholarship in 2001, in memory of his grandmother. Most recently, The Proctor Foundation partnered with the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) to establish the Promise Program, an initiative that fully sponsors college education at CSM for a group of current sixth-graders at GaleBailey Elementary School. The Promise Program provides not only incentive, but the needed financial support for students who may otherwise not have the opportunity to attend college. An outstanding legislative and administrative advocate, with extraordinary vision and intellect, Mr. Proctor has established a strong rapport with clients locally, nationally, and internationally. As a result, he continues to reach out to and successfully serve those who need his professional consulting expertise and services. Mr. Proctor majored in Political Science at The George Washington University where he received his BA degree in 1986.

Ileana Quintas
President & CEO

IQ Solutions, Inc.
Ileana Quintas founded IQ Solutions in August 1993 to fulfill her dream of providing effective health education programming to improve quality of life and well-being for all people. A certified health educator and established health communications and special populations expert, she has worked in the health and human services arena for more than 20 years. As president and CEO of IQ Solutions, Ms. Quintas is responsible for the growth and operation of a knowledge company dedicated to making a difference in peoples lives. The companys strategic and business planning, corporate marketing, and conduct of special projects draw on her technical skills, experience, and knowledge. Ms. Quintas has a proven track record. Her integrity, strategic vision, and commitment to her dream have enabled her to grow her company successfully from 1 employee in 1993 to approximately 300 employees, 50 active contracts, and approximately $45 million in revenues.


Desma Reid-Coleman
President & CEO

Quality Professional Services

Desma Reid-Coleman is a highly successful Detroit Businesswoman who has owned and operated as many as seven businesses simultaneously, since first hanging out her shingle as an entrepreneur on July 1, 1994; she currently owns and operates four primary ones which include: Fashion $en$e Upscale Resale featuring apparel and accessories for the entire family, with specialization in the St. John knit line of clothing; Lady Valet Concierge and Valet Parking Services for business events; Quality Professional Services, a human resources consulting, mediation and business development firm, and QPS/BagPort LLC, a luggage cart concession business originating in Germany and ensuing from her prior ownership of the luggage cart concession at Detroit Metropolitan Airport from 1999-2004. She is the only minority partner to own such a concession at any major airport in the United States. Long active in the Detroit business community, she initiated a monthly networking luncheon (The Sisterhood Collaborative) for four years, that connected women together professionally across a wide spectrum, and she is active with her alma mater, the University of Michigan, as an Emeritus member of the Center for the Education of Women (CEW) Leadership Advisory Council, and former Vice Chair of the Alumnae Council (2005-2007); she is the recipient of numerous community, civic and institutional awards, i.e., the 2000 DTE Energy Entrepreneurs Award, University of Michigan Distinguished Alumna in 1997, Small Business Award of Distinction by the Michigan Business and Professional Association, and etc., with several pages reflecting hundreds of entries on Google and MSN search engines. She is a past chair of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) PAC, and also served on the NAWBO NATIONAL board of directors from 2003-2007, concluding with her role as the chair of the 2007 annual Womens Business Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, having served with distinction as president of the local, Greater Detroit Chapter of NAWBO from 2001-2002. In addition, she has served on over fifty boards, i.e. the Skyline Club Board of Governors/a Clubcorp facility, The National Black MBA Association Detroit Chapter, The National Political Congress of Black Women, Spaulding for Children Adoption and Foster Care Agency, and etc., over the past fifteen years. Essence magazine featured Desma in the September 2007 issue: the article is entitled How I Got Rich in a Black Womens Guide to Accumulating Wealth, and she is featured in a chapter of the June, 2007 book The Millionaire Zone by Jennifer Openshaw detailing the life net concept of business success. She holds a masters degree in business management from Central Michigan University, is an avid golfer, and is most proud of her role as the mother of four accomplished and wonderful adult children, two sons and two daughters, ages 25-33.


Boggarm S. Setty
P.E., President

Setty & Associates, Ltd.

Educational Record: BS Mechanical Engineering 1963 MS Heat Power Engineering 1967 VA Energy Audit Certificate 1979 Professional Registrations: Professional Engineer: VA, MD, DC, CO, CA, SD, NY and WV NCEES

Awards Organization Year ASHRAE Fellow ASHRAE 2002 Engineering Excellence Honors Award CEC/MW 2000 U.S. AID Office Building, Lima, Peru Technical Assistance Quality Award VA Dept. of Mines, Minerals & Energy 1994 UVA Darden Graduate School of Business ENCOMP Award ENCOMP 1986 Intelsat  (National Capital Area Energy Conservation Competition) ENCOMP Energy Conservation Award ENCOMP 1985 Montgomery County Upcounty Office Building WMATA Award WMATA 1985 Bethesda Metro Station Owens Corning Energy Award Owens Corning 1984 California State Office Building. Professional Associations ASHRAE TC 1.4 Control Theory & Applications TC 3.5 Desiccant and Sorption Technology TC 9.1 Large Building Air Conditioning TC 9.4 Applied Heat Pump/Heat Recovery TC 9.8 Large Building Air Conditioning TC 9.8 Large Building Air Conditioning TC SP-180 Operation & Maintenance Standard USGBC Former Director, NCR Green Building Council Memberships in other Societies or Trade Associations NAIOP, Member 2000 NCEES, Member 2000 U.S. Green Building Council, Member 2000 DCBIA, Member 2000 SMPS, Member 1999 IFMA, Prof. Member 1998 American Consultant Engineering Council, Member 1984

Member Correspondence Member Member Correspondence Member Member Sub-Committee Chair Sub-Committee Member

AIA, Affiliate Member 1996 Association of Energy Engineering, Senior Member 1994, Fundamentals of Energy Management Com. for Dulles Corridor Corp. Member 1989


Bhupesh Wadhawan
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Link Solutions, Inc

Mr. Wadhawan has held the role of Chairman and CEO since January 2006 and since that time has played a key role in building LSi from a single person enterprise to a its current position as a successful quality Information Technology and Management Consulting Firm. Through his hard work and dedication, Link Solutions, Inc (LSi) today performs on multi-year, multi-million dollar Prime programs for various Federal Government and Commercial clients. Mr. Wadhawan has full responsibility for LSis company performance encompassing all business development, infrastructure and in the development and implementation of long-range plans to achieve overall corporate goals. LSis growth speaks for itself - Over the last 2 years, Total staff has increased by 50 and revenue growth by 450%! Mr. Wadhawans Mission-FirstCustomer-Always attitude ensures efficient and effective corporate infrastructure, strong corporate capabilities, and growth across the company. Mr. Wadhawan previously served as a Operational Director of Business Operations for STG, Inc ($200m government contractor) and prior to that served in various leadership positions in large and small enterprises focused on Federal government contracting. Over his 15-year career, Mr. Wadhawan has developed an extensive background in all aspects of business development, finance and accounting, and operations management. His skills and knowledge base span the breadth of technical and business functions, providing effective leadership and results-based performance management. Mr. Wadhawan is a strong advocate of the small business community and works diligently to help provide younger small and emerging firms become successful. Hes an active member of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Committee, AFCEA Small Business Committee, and SECAF. Mr. Wadhawan holds a BS in Accounting and Management Information Systems from The George Mason University and is a Certified Public Accountant.


Rose Wang
President and CEO

Binary Group, Inc.

Ms. Wang co-founded Binary Group (then Binary Consulting) in 1996. Binarys initial focus was a Rent-ACTO practice providing highly technical enterprise infrastructure and business strategy consulting services primarily to the telecommunications and Internet DotCom industries. Then, with the turn of events of 9/11, Ms. Wang decided to re-focus Binarys primary markets to the National Defense industry, translating the commercial best practices and hard earned technical skills to serve the Federal Government. Today, Binary Group is a management & technology advisory firm dedicated to the Federal Government market and proudly serves its mission-driven leaders with enterprise-level responsibility in IT by providing best value, strategic IT program support services connecting the dots for customers through their SAGE model: Strategy, Architecture, Governance, and Engineering. Binary acts as strategic advisors, thinkers and doers to move customers along the IT business transformation path to get them from Point A to Point B. Under Ms. Wangs leadership, Binary has grown at a 100+ percent average in revenue since 2004. Binarys phenomenal growth has garnered Ms. Wang significant industry recognition. Ms. Wang was named as the #1 Fastest-Growing Asian American Businesses in the nation for 2008 ranked by the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation (USPAACC-EF). Washington Business Journal recognized her as one of the top 50 2008 Minority Business Leaders for the Washington Metropolitan Area. Ms. Wang was selected by SmartCEOand TiE-DC to receive the Bravo! Women Business Achievement Award where she was ranked as one of the top 25 business leaders in the Greater Baltimore-Washington metro. Ms. Wang was named a winner of the 2008 Enterprising Women of the Year Award. Ms. Wang is recognized as Women in Technologys (WIT) Entrepreneur of the Year for 2007. In October 2007, Binary ranked #5 as the Washington Business Journals Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies in the Washington DC Metropolitan area. Binary is the four-time recipient of the Washington Technology (WT) Fast 50 award since 2005. Binary has also been ranked as part of the Inc 500 for two consecutive years. As a strategic thought leader in the Enterprise Architecture field and an astute business leader with entrepreneurial success, Ms. Wang is a sought after speaker and visionary when it comes to mentoring and sharing her business success story as a business leader. Ms. Wang has the sincere desire to make a difference during each and every engagement for her customers and within her community. She led the charge to adopt an Army Brigade in Iraq. Since 2005, Ms. Wang has been proud to support 4,000 soldiers through prayers, letters and care packages. Ms. Wangs dedication extends beyond the business community. She fosters connection from her team in the local community to those that are in need. Binary is an annual sponsor of the Race for the Cure. Binary supports a wide variety of charities and humanitarian causes including: March of Dimes, the Capital Area Food Bank, Hurricane Katrina victims, Habitat for Humanity, the Bethesda Volunteer Fire Department and When the Miracle Never Comes organizations. Through other informal venues, Ms. Wang constantly reaches out and encourages students and young professionals who are starting their professional journey. She shares optimism, boundless opportunities, lessons, challenges and risks she has encountered along her own entrepreneurial path. Ms. Wang holds a post-graduate degree in computer science from the University of Houston, Texas.

Carol H. Williams
President, CEO & Chief Creative Officer

Carol H. Williams Advertising

Ms. Williams founded Carol H. Williams Advertising (CHWA) in 1986 after recognizing the need for advertising that speaks to the sophisticated and influential African American and urban markets in a respectful way. Started in Ms. Williams living room, CHWA now has corporate offices in Oakland, Calif., and Chicago and satellite offices in Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit and New York. A highly diverse and skilled staff of more than 155 employees produces award-winning advertising and marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies including The Coca-Cola Company, General Motors, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, the U.S. ARMY, and The Walt Disney Company, among others. Carol continued her winning legacy recently by producing a TV ad for The Walt Disney Company that was the No. 1 rated commercial of the year by all general consumers, according to IAG Research, and published in Advertising Age on Jan. 4, 2008. Ms. Williams grew up a native of the South Side of Chicago. Even though her father had a third grade education and her mother graduated from high school, Carol graduated from high school a year early and attended college. Carol attended the prestigious Northwestern University at a time when only a handful of African Americans were admitted to the school. Ms. Williams chose to enter college as a premed student, but let her creative talents begin to grow by writing student plays. An advertising executive recognized her talent after viewing a production Ms. Williams had written, and convinced her to enroll in an advertising internship. Upon the completion of her internship, top advertising executives recognized her creative spirit and competed to hire her before she finished school. Ms. Williams started her career at Leo Burnett Company in Chicago, while finishing college at night school. She quickly earned a position as the first female and first African American Creative Director and Vice-President. After 13 years at Leo Burnett, she served two years as Senior Vice President, Creative Director at Foote, Cone & Belding in San Francisco. During her career, Carol created some of the most memorable campaigns in history, including the timeless Secret Antiperspirant campaign Strong Enough for a Man, But Made for a Woman and the highly successful campaign that brought new life to the Pillsbury Dough Boy. After moving to the Bay Area, Ms. Williams decided to marry Tipkins Hood Sr., a prominent orthopedic surgeon and politically active community member, and raise their two children, Tipkins Jr. and Carol Jr. Ms. Williams thought she was moving into retirement and motherhood, but former corporate clients began knocking on her door to seek her counsel on how to advertise to African American audiences. Carol is also passionate about community service. She has used her talents and resources to help dozens of philanthropic endeavors over the years, including the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, the Oakland Bay Area Links, US Dream Academy, the National Newspaper Publishers Association and several Oakland and Chicago community organizations.


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