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Strategy Log (Social Studies)

Strategy Name Discussion Web

Source Internet source: Studies.asp Type of Strategy Graphic organizer Procedure Select text for students that present opposing viewpoints. Activate students prior !nowledge on the topic and set their purpose for reading. After students have read the selection" present a focusing #uestion for the$ to use with the discussion web. Assign students to wor! in pairs to develop opposing sides of a #uestion. Students should create the strongest possible argu$ents on both sides of the web. %nce each pair has co$pleted its web" group each set of partners with another pair and have the$ develop a consensus on the #uestion. &he group then writes its conclusion at the botto$ of the page. A spo!esperson fro$ each group presents the group s conclusion along with one reason the group has reached that conclusion. Students write personal responses to the focusing #uestion.

Student Thought Process &he discussion web allows teachers and students to record two opposing views of a discussion in a $eaningful wa'. &he diagra$ helps students organize the infor$ation fro$ a classroo$ discussion and it $a!es it easier for the$ to sta' focused on the infor$ation presented. (evel of )loo$s it applies: *nowledge and evaluation/creating. Reflect/Extend &he discussion web is used to: +nable students to activel' participate in a discussion. ,rovide a fra$ewor! for evaluating both sides of an issue or #uestion. -elp students develop support for their positions. Allow students to organize their support for their positions.

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