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UCSD Medical Center:



RELATED TO: Medical Center Policy (MCP) $CA%O C&I Title (( N r!in" Practice Std!# Patient Care Std!# Ot'er


ADMINISTRATI)E E..ecti/e date: +/01 CLINICAL Re/i!ion date: PA*E + O, -

Unit/De2art3ent o. Ori"in: ,MCC Ot'er A22ro/al:

POLICY STATEMENT: T'e 'ealt'y ne45orn6! 5at' !'o ld 5e delayed ntil t'e in.ant i! at lea!t (7 'o r! o. a"e in order to decrea!e cold !tre!! and ener"y e82endit re and i32ro/e 2arental 5ondin" and 5rea!t .eedin"# 9'en t'e in.ant i! 5at'ed a.ter (7 'o r! o. li.e a t 5 5at' !'o ld 5e tili:ed and 2arental/.a3ilial 2artici2ation enco ra"ed# RESPONSI;LE PARTY: Re"i!tered N r!e! .ro3 ,MCC< ;irt' Center< Ne45orn Care Center E&UIPMENT: T 5 5at'< 3ild !oa2< 4ar3 4ater< to4el!< 4a!' clot'e!< dia2er!< T !'irt< 'at PROCEDURE:

+# T'e in.ant 4'o!e 3ot'er i! %I)< %e2atiti! ; or C 2o!iti/e !'o ld recei/e a 5at' a! !oon a! 2o!!i5le a.ter deli/ery# (# In t'e 'ealt'y ne45orn< i. 2o!!i5le< t'e 5at' !'o ld 5e delayed ntil t'e in.ant i! at lea!t (7 'o r! o. a"e# -# A.ter deli/ery< t'e in.ant !'o ld 5e dried 2er Neonatal Re! !citation * ideline! 4it'o t 4i2in" all t'e /erni8 .ro3 t'e 5a5y# )i!i5le 5lood and !ecretion! !'o ld 5e cleaned .ro3 t'e in.ant# 7# I. t'e 'air i! /i!i5ly !oiled< t'e in.ant6! 'ead can 5e 4a!'ed !in" 3ild !oa2 and 4ar3 4ater 4'ile t'e in.ant i! 5 ndled# T'e .ace can 5e 4a!'ed 4it' 4ar3 4ater and dried# =# T'e in.ant !'o ld 5e 2laced !>in to !>in 4it' 3ot'er< i. a22ro2riate< to 'el2 !ta5ili:e te32erat re# 1# A.ter (7 'o r! o. li.e t'e in.ant !'o ld 5e 5at'ed !in" a t 5 5at'# ?# I. a22ro2riate< enco ra"e 2arent! or .a3ily 3e35er! to "i/e t'e 5at'# @# *at'er all ! 22lie! needed (no 4ar3er i! nece!!ary)# A# Line t 5 4it' clean< di!2o!a5le tra!' 5a" or ot'er 5arrier< .ill 4it' 4ar3 4ater and 2lace in.ant in t'e t 5 ! 53er"in" 2 to t'e !'o lder! 4'ile ! 22ortin" t'e 'ead and nec># 9a!' in.ant 4it' 3ild !oa2 and rin!e 4ell# +0# Dry t'e in.ant i33ediately 4it' 4ar3< dry to4el< 2lace 'at and 2 t in.ant !>in to !>in 4it' 3ot'er or clot'e and 4ra2 t'e in.ant 4ell#



UCSD Medical Center

RE,ERENCES: +# *il!tra2<L#C# ed< et al# * ideline! .or Perinatal Care# ,i.t' Edition# AAP B ACO* (00-# (# * ideline! .or Neonatal Re! !citation# AAP B A%A (00=# -# L nd< C# et al# E/idence ;a!ed Clinical Practice * ideline: Neonatal S>in Care (00+#

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