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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Samantha Sutton Lesson: TBA School: Merrywood Elementary Grade Date and Time of Subject/Grade Level: Science/First

Description of Lesson: Students will investigate what happens when one plant receives
sunlight and other basic needs, while the other receives no sunlight !nly the amount o" sunlight is changed, while the plants receive everything else they need Students will document in their science noteboo#s the date and how the plant loo#s each day $picture or list% The plants will need to be observed and charted every other day "or several wee#s

Lesson Title or Essential

uestion that guides the lesson: &hat does a plant need'

Curriculum Standards !ddressed:

SC Curriculum Standard"s#: Science Standard ()*+ The student will demonstrate an understanding o" the special characteristics and needs o" plants that allow them to survive in their own distinct environments $,i"e Science% SC !cademic $ndicator"s#: ()* (+ -ecall the basic needs o" plants $including air, water, nutrients, space, and light% "or energy and growth. %ther:

EE.A Standard$s%+ /ooperative ,earning !ssessment"s# of the %bjectives:

Be"ore+ Students will discuss 0 groups what they #now about what ma#es plants grow The students will write in their science noteboo#s what they thin# plants need to grow and be healthy .uring+ Students will observe the two plants and document in their science noteboo#s what the plants loo# li#e every other day Students will document what needs the plant has been given or e1posed to A"ter+ Students will compare notes with group members Students will individually complete the 67lants8 wor#sheet and paste it into their science noteboo# when completed

Lesson %bjective"s#:
&hen given two plants and several wee#s o" observation, students will identi"y the basic needs o" a plant 0 e1pect students to per"orm the ob2ective 345 correctly

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&aterials/'esources: Two healthy plants that look the same Measuring cup Water Plant food Data chart Markers Pencils Science Notebooks Plants Worksheet

Prere(uisites "Prior )no*ledge#: 0n #indergarten $;)* (%, students recogni<ed the needs
o" organisms $including air, water, "ood, and shelter% Students have previously wor#ed in groups with their peers to complete group assignments

Procedures: Be"ore+ ( 0 will show students the two identical, healthy plants * Students will discuss with group members what they thin# is essential "or plants to live and grow = Students will record in their science noteboo# what they thin# plants need to live and grow This will be used as the pre)assessment : Students will listen to The Tiny Seed by Eric /arle The students will hear the boo# read to them by using a >ou Tube video This will get the students engaged 4 Essential ?uestions+ a &hat do you thin# we need to do here in the classroom to #eep these plants healthy b &hat "rom the boo# did you learn that we could use with our own plants' .uring+ ( A"ter the boo#, 0 will e1plain to the students that we will place one o" the plants in the sunlight and the other plant in a shaded area "or several wee#s * 0 will e1plain to the students that both plants will receive the same essential needs The only di""erence in the two plants will be the amount o" sunlight given = 0 will e1plain to the students that every other day we will observe the two plants and record what we see in our science noteboo#s : 0 will pass out a printed chart "or the students to paste in their science noteboo# and record with every other day $See attached chart% 4 A"ter students have glued the chart in their noteboo#s, we will record what we observe the "irst day @ &e will water the plant every other day and give the plant "ood that comes "rom the F!SS #it &e will also record the amounts given to the plant o" each, in our noteboo# every other day A Essential ?uestions+ a &hy do you all thin# we are placing one plant in the sunlight and not
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the other' b &hat do you thin# we will see through the course o" our e1periment' c .o you thin# one plant will loo# better than the other at the end o" our e1periment' A"ter+ ( A"ter the third wee# o" observing the plant and recording their observations, the students will turn and tal# with their groups and compare notes "rom their science noteboo# * 0 will pass out the 67lants8 wor#sheet and have the students glue the sheet in their science noteboo# = Students will individually complete the sheet : A"ter everyone is "inished, 0 will ta#e up the science noteboo#s and chec# over their observations and sheet 4 As a class, we will decide what steps need to be ta#en in order to revive one o" the plants i" it is wilted 0 will let the students decide e1actly what nutrients they thin# the plant needs to be revived @ Essential ?uestions+ a A"ter tal#ing with your "riends, what did you all say happened over the course o" our e1periment with the plants' b .oes one plant now loo# healthier than the other' c &hat can we do to help the other plant $i" one is dying%' d From this e1periment, what have we decided plants need in order to live' !ctivit+ !nal+sis:
As an activity, the students will predict what will happen to the two plants that we will observe "or several wee#s Allowing the students to predict gets them engaged in the lesson 7redicting also allows the students to use their critical thin#ing s#ills

!bserving is another activity that the students will per"orm Every other day the students will observe the two plants and record what they see This will help students to strengthen their observation s#ills Both activities, at some point get the students up and moving Movement plays a #ey role in this classroom The students pay more attention when they are moving about and discussing lessons with their peers

Technology will be used during the lesson 0 will use the Smartboard to play the >ouTube video o" the boo#, The Tiny Seed by Eric /arle

Differentiation/!ccommodations/&odifications/$ncreases in 'igor
0 will allow the student with A.B. to carry the two plants around to each group "or observation, at the beginning o" the lesson This way 0 can ensure that this student is also paying attention and observing the plants

0 will allow the newest student, who sits alone to move over to a group during -evised ( *9 (:

observation time each day 0 want the student to be able to belong to a group 2ust li#e everyone else and have peers to discuss "indings with 0 will continue to do this unless it becomes an issue For the other new student, 0 will ma#e sure he is with group members he "eels com"ortable conversing with &hen deciding on plants "or the room, 0 will ma#e sure to not choose a tomato plant Even though the one o" the students is only allergic to one type o" tomato, 0 would not want to ris# the student having an allergic reaction /arle, E $(C3A% The Tiny Seed Datic#, MA+ 7icture Boo# Studio SETEM /enters S/ ) SF ;)3 Science /urriculum $n d % STEM Centers SC - S K-8 Science Curriculum -etrieved February A, *9(:, "rom http+//www s*temsc org/library/s=curriculum/s=science/s=#3science F!SS ;it+ Dew 7lants


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.ata /hart &hat 7lants DeedG .ay Amount o" &ater Amount o" Dutrient


0llustrated !bservation

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