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Final Action Plan Candidate name: Mentor name: Date: Craig Kubiak Lelah Sullivan 04/23/2014

The candidate should self-assess and then discuss with the mentor the school librarian competencies using the ALA/AASL Standards. The candidate will use the following guide to rate their attainment of the standards High, Medium, and Low. The standards identified as medium to low attainment, are to be added to the chart below with suggested strategies/projects that will address these competencies during Practicum. These strategies/projects are to be mutually agreed upon by the mentor and candidate and approved by the instructor. The candidate will need to email the initial action plan to the instructor (with columns one and two completed) by the end of the second week of the semester. The final action plan with evidence is to be included in the electronic portfolio with the other Practicum assignments.

Standards with level of attainment medium to low 2.1 Medium 2.2 Low 2.4 Medium 4.3 Medium

Strategies/Projects to address identified competencies Collaborate with Reading Specialist, create displays, book talks, book lists, activities, pathfinders, etc. Take a lead in a collaborative project (e.g., English, SS, etc.) Work with Lelah and Angela on budgeting and financing for upcoming school year. Collaborate with a Collaborative Learning Team about a project.

Evidence to Support Attainment of the Competency at the high level (to be completed at the end of Practicum) Collaborated with Reading Specialist, ELL teacher, and school librarian for Author/Illustrator Unit. See Library Lesson with Dr. Ibarra. Due to the timing of the budgeting process, this was unable to be accomplished. I plan to work with them in May and June however regarding this topic. I created a Science Scavenger Hunt with the collaboration of the 8th grade science teachers.

5.3 Low

5.4 Medium

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