Az J Bishop Recommendation

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Aaron Zimmerman Michigan State University Erickson Hall East Lansing, MI 48823 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter as a recommendation for Jaimeson Bishop. As a course instructor at Michigan State University, I had the opportunity to serve as Jaimesons instructor during both semesters of his internship year. Our course focused on developing ones professional practice, including building relationships with ones students and expanding ones instructional repertoire. This course does not intend to present the MSU teaching interns with a foolproof set of practices to employ in the classroom; rather, our course is designed to equip beginning teachers with tools that they can use to study their own teaching. As a result, much of the learning that occurs in our course throughout the internship year is highly dependent upon the disposition of the intern. For example, an intern who simply wants to be told how to teach will resist many of the assignments that ask the intern to evaluate her own practice or to consider multiple hypotheses for a students behavior. Jaimeson is a teacher who, from the beginning of his internship, approached his practice in a very reflective manner. Both in his written assignments for our course and during our whole-class discussion, I was struck continually by Jaimesons mature insight into the nature of the work of teaching. Furthermore, having observed Jaimeson teach in his placement, I was impressed by the polish and presence that Jaimeson already manifests in his own classroom. It should also be mentioned that the internship year is filled with multiple demands and expectations; Michigan State teaching interns, each semester, take two courses and teach full time concurrently. Jaimeson handled all of this impressively well, and, as a result, he thrived during his internship experience and developed into what is already a very strong teacher. Having thoroughly reviewed his periodic reflections, his more substantial written works, as well as his actual teaching, I can say that Jaimeson serves as a proud example of the professionalism of the Michigan State teaching interns. Sincerely, Aaron Zimmerman

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