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Tan 1 Timothy Tan Mrs. Park ENGL 106 21 April 2014. Annotated Bibliography McFedries, Paul. Hacking unplugged.

IEEE Spectrum. 41.2 Feb. 2004: 80. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary. This article talks about the different hackers and what they are called by the professionals within the field and by the general public. For example, the white-hat hacker refers to the ethical hacker or the good hackers. The article also talks about the different types of hacking techniques used by hackers of all sorts. Assessment. I find that this article is not biased as it talks about both the good and bad about hackers. The information is highly reliable as it is published by IEEE the go-to organization for anything electrical and computing based. Reflection. There are plenty of terms that I can use for my paper when describing different hacking types and hackers. Although this is an unbiased article, it still can help with supporting my argument as I can use the positive acts of hackers as opposed to the negative acts.

Bowyer, Kevin. Case study resources for an ethics and computing course Frontiers in Education Conference, 1997. 27th Annual Conference. 5-8 November 1997: 469-473. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary.The article provides a summary of real life occurrences that have happened in graduate classrooms concerning computing and ethics. The article then proceeds to record summaries of real life cases of fraud caused by companies related to programming, and even

Tan 2 out of programming. The different types of fraud and small errors that a programmer makes can cause major repercussions in the industry and society. Assessment. The examples in this article talk only about the many cases of ethics in and out of the field of programming in the professional world. It is unbiased as it just states cases that we brought up in the past. Reflection. It is not exactly helpful towards my argument but it does shed some light on how programmers or hackers should behave ethically in the workspace.

Bodhani, Aasha. Bad? In a good way. Engineering & Technology. 8.12 Jan 2013: 64 68. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary. The article talks about how governments and even businesses are more and more susceptible to cyber-attacks. Because of incidents like these, the common understanding of a hacker is that of a negative one. Therefore, in order to counter these attacks, they themselves have hired or trained people that are skilled in software programming to help protect important information from being used by others. Often times even hiring renowned hackers to work for them to detect bugs and weaknesses of the software as a safety precaution. Assessment. This source is has many examples and information concerning ethical hackers and what companies and governments do as a response to cyber-attacks. Reflection. This article can be very helpful to my essay as it provides details about the different types of hackers that are out there and examples of how counter hacking programmes were brought up by the government and companies in order to safeguard their systems.

Tan 3

Smith, Bryan and William Yurcik and David Doss. Ethical Hacking: The Security Justification Redux. Technology and Society, 2002, International Symposium. (2002): 374 379. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary. This article talks about the constantly decreasing state of internet security. This then spawns a new breed of hackers also known as ethical hackers who attempt to increase security protection by identification and updating security systems. The authors also touch on the topic of the behaviour of ethical hackers and the means used as ethical hackers as compared to crackers unethical hackers. Assessment. A very useful and helpful topic for this particular paper as it supports the work of ethical hackers around the world. It has plenty of examples that I can use for the development of my paper. Though it is a relatively biased source, it explains the main difference between the misconceptions of a hacker and a cracker. Reflection. This article is very helpful as there are many examples that I can use in my research paper. It gives clear explanations towards the use of hackers in helping companies assess and improve the security systems of the respective companies.

Palmer, Charles. Ethical Hacking. IBM Systems Journal. 40.3 (2001): 769 780. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary. This article first talks about the true definition of a hacker as compared to the definition of a hacker by the common folk. It then continues to describe what the ethical hacker does; how he does it and when he does it. The author gives many examples in the past, but focuses more on the current activities of ethical hackers. Assessment. This article is as helpful as the previous article Ethical Hacking: The Security Justification Redux as it has many common points that help in my paper. This article takes it

Tan 4 one step further with a more detailed explanation of what an ethical hacker does when hired by a company and the procedure taken while testing a companys website. Reflection. This is another helpful article because, as mentioned earlier, it is very much like the previous article. Hence, it is the evidence of evidence that ethical can go with hacking. Harvey, Brian. What is a Hacker? Computer Hacking and Ethics. N.d. Web. 6 April 2014. Summary. This appendix talks about the definition of a hacker. Assessment. This appendix purely talks about the definition of hackers or hacking which is consistent with the definitions of a hacker in the other articles. Reflection. I can use this in my paper to properly define the true meaning of a hacker.

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