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Statement of Ethics To whom it may concern: As a primary school teacher, I am aware that I am in a position of responsibility and trust.

I realise that I have the power to influence children. Therefore, it is my promise that, while carrying out this research, I will observe the highest possible ethical standards. I will maintain the highest integrity at all times regarding data gathering. I will only report information that is in the public domain and within the law. I will avoid plagiarism and fully acknowledge the work of others to which I have referred in my report. I will report my findings honestly and truthfully. I consider the research pro ect worthwhile and of benefit to my students. !"nvert data gathering will not be a feature of my study. #$ile acknowledging the rights of all the research participants, I also retain the right to report, providing that I have complied with all the ethical protocols outlined here.


I acknowledge that I am the focus of the research, which is being carried out with a view to improving my practice The permission of my %rincipal and of the School &oard will be obtained prior to the research study being carried out The permission of the children and the written consent of their parents will be obtained prior to the study The improvement in the learning of the children is of paramount concern to me The children, as collaborators in the research, wil be made aware regularly that research is going on At no time will the research detract from the normal work of the class Strict confidentiality will be adhered to. 'o names will be included in the written report %arents will be kept appraised of all stages of the study and will have the democratic right to withdraw their children from the pro ect at any time I will have the permission of the parents to use the videotapes and(or written transcripts in the future for teaching or writing purposes


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