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OD Interventions

Definition Characteristics of effective intervention Design Intervention overview HR interventions
Sensitivity training Grid training Process Consultation Team Building MBO Coaching Training and Development Organizational Confrontation Meeting


Definition of Interventions
An intervention is a set of sequenced and planned actions or events intended to help the organization increase its effectiveness. Interventions purposely disrupt the status quo.

Characteristics of Effective Interventions

Is it relevant to the needs of the organization?
Valid information Free and Informed Choice Internal Commitment

Does it transfer competence to manage change to organization members?

The Design of Effective Interventions

Contingencies of Change Situation

Readiness for Change Capability to Change Cultural Context Capabilities of the Change Agent
Strategic Issues Technology and structure issues Human resources issues Human process issues

Contingencies Related to the Target of Change

Intervention Overview
Human Process Interventions Techno structural Interventions Human Resources Management Interventions Strategic Interventions

Human Process Interventions

Sensitivity training Grid training Process Consultation Team Building MBO Coaching Training and Development Organizational Confrontation Meeting

Techno structural Interventions

Structural Design Downsizing Reengineering Employee Involvement
Work Design

Human Resources Management Interventions

Goal Setting Performance Appraisal Reward Systems

Career Planning and Development

Managing Work Force Diversity

Employee Stress and Wellness

Strategic Interventions
Integrated Strategic Change Mergers and Acquisitions Alliances and Networks

Culture Change
Self-designing Organizations

Organization Learning and Knowledge Management

Sensitivity Training T groups

Kurt Lewin & friends 1946 Development of T group Stranger lab people from different organization. Cousin lab- same, but various departments Family lab Back home people in situations and problem

T group training
Stranger lab: Intentional lack of directive leadership, formal agenda and power / status. It creates behavioural vaccum. It facilitates rich projections from behaviour. Cousin lab: Trainer becomes open non defensive, empathetic and minimally evaluative way. Feed back received about impact of other group members

Grid Organization Development

Activities developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, which constitute a six-phase change model involving the total organization. Internal resources are developed to conduct most of the programs, which may take from three to five years to complete. 1. Managerial grid: The model starts with upgrading individual managers' skills and leadership abilities, 2. Team work development: moves to team improvement activities, 3. Intergroup development: then to intergroup relations activities. 4. Developing ideal strategic corporate model: Later phases include corporate planning for improvement, 5. Implementing ideal strategic corporate model: developing implementation tactics, and 6. Systematic critique: finally, an evaluation phase assessing .change in the organization culture and looking toward future directions.

Survey Feedback
Activities that rely on questionnaire surveys to generate information that is then used to identify problems and opportunities. Groups analyze the data regarding; their performance and design action plans to correct problems.
1. Data collection 2. Feedback of information 3. Follow up action

Process Consultation
Activities that "help the client to perceive, understand, and act upon process events which occur in the client's environment.'" . These activities perhaps more accurately describe an approach, a consulting mode in which the client gains insight into the human processes in organizations and learn skills in diagnosing and managing them. Primary emphasis is on processes such as communications, leader and member roles in groups, problem solving and decision making, group norms and group growth, leadership and authority, and intergroup cooperation and competition. '

Process consultation -Contd

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Initiate contact Define relationship Select the setting & method Gather data & make diagnosis Intervene Reduce involvement & terminate ( look for future approach / development)

Team-Building Activities
Activities designed to enhance the effective operation of system teams. These activities focus on task issues such as the way things are done, the skills and resources needed to accomplish tasks, the quality of relationship among the team members or between members and the leader, and how well the team gets its job done. In addition, one must consider different kinds of teams, such as formal work teams, temporary tasks force teams, newly constituted teams, and cross-functional teams.

Life cycle of team

Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

Stages of Group Development

E X H I B I T 82

Effective teams
Skills & Roll clarity Supportive environment Super ordinate goals Team rewards

Team building process

Problem sensing Examining differences Giving & receiving feedback Developing interactive skills
Constructive behaviour Negative behaviour

Follow up action

Peter Drucker coined in 1964. It is a comprehensive managerial system that integrates many managerial activities in a systematic manner, consciously towards effective and efficient achivement of organizational objectives.

MBO Process

After appraisal Recycling Objective setting Action planning Performance review

Education and Training Activities.

Activities designed to improve individuals' skills, abilities, and knowledge. Several activities are available and several approaches possible. For example, the individual can be educated in isolation from his or her own work group (say, in a T-group consisting of strangers), or one can be educated in relation to the work group (say, when a work team learns how better to manage interpersonal conflict). The activities may be directed toward technical skills required for performing tasks or may be directed toward improving interpersonal competence. The activities may be directed toward leadership issues, responsibilities and functions of group members, decision-making, problem solving, goal setting and planning, and so forth.

Coaching and Counseling

Activities that entail the consultant or other organization members working with individuals to help (a) define learning goals, (b) learn how others see their behavior, and (c) learn new behaviors to help them better achieve their goals. A central feature of this activity is non evaluative feedback others give to an individual. A second feature is the second exploration of alternative behaviors.

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