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LIZ GREGG Chapter 5 Well Read: Promoting Comprehension Through Read Alouds and Shared Reading There has

been an increase in read-alouds in secondary content areas in last decade. PP77P2 Read alouds and shared readings provide all readers access to content information. PP78Ptop left hand box In both read-alouds and shared reading the teacher does all the reading. PP78P2 Read Alouds Audiobooks allow adults to enjoy being read to. PP78P3 I think this would make the content areas more interesting for the students and they will enjoy the read-alouds. I think this is an important of learning. In order to do well students must be provided with information that they can understand. I know students will enjoy this because they dont have to read the information themselves. Especially if they are struggling with hard terms. I also enjoy audiobooks. I have trouble sitting in the same place and reading a book but by using my phone I can listen to the same book that the other students are reading, it gives me the opportunity to interact with the other students about the same book. I agree with this study. Students are still learning the new vocabulary even if they are read to but at least they dont have to try to pronounce the word correctly. It is important to read to child. This is how children learn new words and new meanings.

Being read to by an adult enhances literacy development of young children. PP78P4 None of the interviewed illiterate adults had any recollection of being read to as a child. PP78P4 When text is read aloud by the teacher, students with reading difficulties can access books that might otherwise be too difficult for them to read independently. PP79P2

I love this idea because there were many books that I would love to read when I was a child that I couldnt because they were too hard.

LIZ GREGG Shared Reading Read alouds create opportunities the teacher to use multiple pathways to promote and understanding of the content of the text, including intonation, facial expression, and gestures. PP80P2 Stop periodically to ask questions. PP80P4 #5 I love the idea of using read alouds to teach students expression, which otherwise could be a hard concept to teach.

By asking questions, students are able to build comprehension.

Engage students in book discussion. PP81P3

By making all students engaged in the discussion, it means that students will have to pay attention to story. Scaffolding is important in any classroom.

Strategies at Work

Gradual release of responsibility PP81P3

Read alouds and shared readings are used regularly throughout units of instruction to engage and model comprehension. PP85P4 DR-TA in three basic steps: predicting, reading, and proving. Students are instructed to continually ask themselves three questions. 1. What do I think about this? 2. Why do I think so? 3. How can I prove it?

I like the idea of using read alouds and shared reading to engage students.

By providing students with the questions they are able to pay attention in order to answer the questions.

Summary: I learnt a lot about how teachers can use read alouds and shared reading in the classroom. It is important for teachers to read to their students because if they dont the children may never hear an adult read and model how to read. Read alouds can be used in the upper grades just as they are used in the elementary classroom.

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