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Chapter 6 Why Ask? Questioning Strategies in the Classroom Have questions about the world around them.

em. P102PP Box IRE: initiate, respond, and evaluate P102PP3 ELL learners need to be asked questions just as the rest of the class. P103PP2 Make the reading meaningful and connect it to the students lives. This is a great plan to use to answer questions I totally understand that it is just as important, if not more important for ELL students to be asked questions. Scaffolding should be used in every classroom. As the levels go up the material gets harder.

Creating Quality Questions

Questioning Techniques

Strategies at Work

Scaffolding: teacher directed to student directed learning. P105 Higher-order questions: Blooms method of questioning. 1: Knowledge 2: Comprehension 3: Application 4: Analysis 5: Synthesis 6: Evaluation P105 Noticing and naming: Are there patterns or things that surprise you? Identity: What have you learned most recently as a reader? Agency: How did you figure that out?P106 QtA:(107) interactive, analyzing the authors purpose Questioning the Author in English: (110) students get to ask questions to the author

These questioning techniques are extremely effective that I could use in my future classroom.

All of these can be productive ways of asking questions during reading activities.

ReQuest: (110) students form questions and answers based on a text S: survey Q: question R: read R: recite R: review

Using Questioning for Study (SQ3R, SQ4R, AND SQRCQ)

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