Prompt 1

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ENGLISH 2010 Writers Notebook Prompts/Activities

Prompt #1: Write down an abstract question about your issue that you would most like to explore through creative writing. Freewrite about a group of events, people, organizations, places associated with that question. Meditate on the question, alternating your meditations with the actual event, people associated with the issue, and the causes/effects of the issue, etc. After your freewrite, explore sources that could help you flesh out your exploration of the question.

Volunteers: motivations, thoughts, Organizations:

People use plastic in many ways and dispose improperly.

National geographic and their studys and findings. Pictures

About Ocean Pollution What Can I Do?


Taking care of local streams Clean ups


United States
Pick up trash on ground

Worldwide effect #s Recycle Getting the WORD out

Sources that I still need to continue to do research on a lot: WWF Global NOAA National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration Intergovernmental Oceanic Commision -UNESCO Schools

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