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Teacher Candidate: _Alyssa Ball____________________________________________ _______________________ Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ ________________ Group Size: _____________________ Allotted Time: ______________________ Su!"ect or Topic: ____________________________________________________ _____________________ Date: Coop. Initials: Grade Le el: Second Grade Section:

STA#DA$D: %&A Common Core': (.)B In*uiry and Design

I. &er+ormance ,!"ecti es %Learning ,utcomes' The students -ill !e a!le to see i+ smell a++ects the a!ility to taste !y doing arious taste tests II. Instructional .aterials /. 0 di++erent +oods to taste: % do not include any +oods that children may ha e a +ood allergy to' Apple Sauce &eanut Butter &otato Chips Salsa 1etchup .ustard ). #ose plugs %or children can use their +ingers to plug nose' (. Blind+old 2. Di3ie cups num!ered /40 to put +ood samples inside 5. Chart to record +la ors tasted -hile nose plugged 0. Chart to record +la ors tasted -hile eyes co ered -ith !lind +old 6. Chart to record -hether or not student -as correct a!out -hat they -ere tasting during !oth in*uiries

III. Su!"ect .atter7 Content %prere*uisite s8ills9 8ey oca!ulary9 !ig idea' &rere*uisite s8ills: All oca!ulary +rom lesson ( -ill !e re ie-ed %prior lesson' 1ey :oca!ulary: A. The tongue is co ered in small !umps called papillae. B. ;our taste bu s help you to taste things. C. <hen you see or smell +ood9 your sali!a"# glands produce spit= this is called sali!ati$% D. P"&tei$s help !rea8 the +ood you che- do-n into chemicals >. The sali!a9 or spit9 goes !ac8 do-n into your taste !uds carrying these chemicals ?. The taste !uds can sense these chemicals and send a signal to your b"ai$ that lets you 8no- -hat the +ood you "ust ate tastes li8e I:. Implementation A. Introduction @ /. Teacher -ill ha e the *uestion +rom the day !e+ore:A Do you thin8 the sense o+ smell a++ects the sense o+ tasteB Co- a!out sightBA ). The teacher -ill call on 5 students and as8 them ho- they ans-ered this *uestion on their e3it slips the day !e+ore. (. The teacher -ill then tell the students that today they -ill see i+ !eing a!le to smell and see +ood e++ects the -ay that the +ood tastes. 2. The teacher -ill ha e the students indi idually hypothesize -hether they thin8 the +ood -ill

taste di++erent or the same -hen their noses are plugged and -hen their eyes are co ered. 5. To do this9 the teacher -ill ha e students raise their hands i+ /. They thin8 the +ood -ill taste di++erent -ith their nose plugged. ). $aise their hand i+ they thin8 the +ood -ill taste the same -ith their nose plugged. (. $aise their hand i+ they thin8 the +ood -ill taste di++erent -ith their eyes co ered and lastly 2. $aise their hand i+ they thin8 the +ood -ill taste the same -ith their eyes co ered. 0. The teacher -ill tally the arying hypotheses on the !lac8!oard. B. De elopment @ /. The teacher -ill pull up !rain pop ideo on taste and pass out -or8sheet +or students to +ill in -hile -atching this ideo ). Teacher -ill turn o++ ideo at /:(5 (. The teacher -ill then go o er the +ill in -or8sheet to ma8e sure the students all got the correct ans-ers +rom the ideo 2. The teacher -ill then !rea8 up students into pairs to do the in*uiry. 5. The teacher -ill tell the students that they are to ta8e turns doing this in*uiry: ,ne student -ill go +irst tasting the di++erent +oods -hile their nose is plugged9 -hile the other student -rites their responses in chart num!er /. 0. Then the students -ill s-itch roles. They -ill do this again -ith their eyes co ered -hile tasting and +ill out chart num!er ). 6. The teacher -ill tell the students to +ill out chart num!er ( -hen they are done9 chec8ing o++ i+ the students -ere a!le to taste the +ood +la ors as they actually -ere. ?or e3ample9 did the applesauce taste s-eetB Chec8 yes or no %Charts all pro ided on <ee!ly' D. >ach student -ill get D di3ie cups +illed -ith the arious +oods and -ill ha e /5 minutes to do this in*uiry. E. <hen the time is up9 the students -ill go !ac8 to their des8s. /F. The teacher -ill as8 the students i+ their hypothesis changed a+ter doing this In*uiry and -hy or -hy not. //. The teacher -ill call on 2 students to e3plain -hat happened -hen they tasted the +ood -ith their nose plugged9 and -hat happened -hen they tasted the +ood -ith their eyes closed. /). A+ter tal8ing a!out the in*uiry9 the teacher -ill pull up !rain pop ideo on sense o+ smell and start it at /:5/. The students -ill hear +rom the ideo that the sense o+ smell and sense o+ taste are related.

C. Closure @ /. The teacher -ill collect all the charts +rom the students ). The teacher -ill put a riddle on the !oard and read it aloud to the students (. The teacher -ill tell the students that I+ they can sol e the riddle9 they -ill 8no- -hat their lesson tomorro- -ill !e on %the riddle -ill !e a!out T>>TC' 2. The teacher -ill tell the students to 8eep their guesses to themsel es and tomorro- they -ill get to raise their hands and guess the ans-er to the riddle D. Accommodations 7 Di++erentiation 4 Gessica has a learning disa!ility and so she -ill ha e a chec8list taped on her des8 to +ollo- along -ith the in*uiry and 8eep her on tas8 -ith -hat to do ne3t. >. Assessment7> aluation plan /. ?ormati e a. Charts +illed out during in*uiry -ill !e collected -hen in*uiry Is +inished. ). Summati e :. $e+lecti e $esponse A. $eport o+ StudentsH &er+ormance in Terms o+ States ,!"ecti es %$e+lection on students per+ormance -ritten
a+ter lesson is taught9 includes remediation +or students -ho +ailed to meet accepta!le le el o+ achie ement'

B. &ersonal $e+lection %Iuestions -ritten !e+ore lesson is taught.'%$e+lecti e ans-ers to

*uestions recorded a+ter lesson is taught.'

&lease note:
Do not try to +it your lesson plan into the spaces on this +ormat sheet. Scan this +orm or retype it. Ad"ust the spacing to match the needs o+ your indi idual lessons. A+ter the cooperating teacher has appro ed and initialed the plan9 any recommendations or re isions should remain on the plan.

:I. $esources

In Brainpop . $etrie ed .onth. Day9 ;ear9 +rom http:77---.!rainpop.com7health7!odysystems7taste7 Gen8ins9 D.. >. . %;ear9 .onth. Day '. In The Nose Knows Smell but How About Taste?. $etrie ed .onth. Day9 ;ear9 +rom!uddies.org7science4+air4pro"ects7pro"ect_ideas7CumBio_pF/F.shtmlJsummary

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