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Subject: Job Application Dear PT. BAKER HUGHES ND!

NES A n" place Sincerel#$ am t%e un&er'i(ne& Name Place o* Birt% Reli(ion Gen&er A&&re'' : !c)# B%ima'to : Bali)papan$ Januar# +,t%$ -..+ : 'lam : /ale

Wireline Field Specialist Job Number : 1404781

: Jl. Punai 0 RT.-. No..1 Kel. Gunun( Ba%a(ia$ Bali)papan Selatan.

P%one Email

: 23,+45452+51 : oc)#b%ima'to6(

am ++ #ear' ol& male$ 'in(le$ am a %ar& 7or)er$ re'pon'ibilit# an& able to 7or) in in&i8i&ual an& in team. 7oul& (la&l# 7elcome an opportunit# to %a8e an inter8ie7 7it% #ou. Here 7it% a''e't. enclo'e m# c8 an& all attac%ment. %ope m# ')ill' can be one o* #our compan#9'

am loo)in( *or7ar& to %earin( *rom #ou in t%e near *uture. T%an) #ou *or #our

con'i&eration an& attention. Bali)papan$ :ebruari +2t% +2-4 Sincerel#$

Ocky Bhimasto

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