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Early Years A. Qin was Prince Zheng of the royal family of the State of Qin. B. In 256 B.C. he took over the state of Zhou. C. In 246 B.C. Qin became King, Chinas first emperor


Significant Events A. Qin built the Great Wall along Chinas northern border to protect the north China border from invasion. B. Standardized cultural practices that differed from place to place by creating a unified system of laws and standardizing money, weights and measures. C. Simplified the writing system by getting rid of many of the written characters that were in use across China.


Personal Attributes A. Strong leader and cruel B. Extremely ambitious C. Used harsh measures to maintain his power and killed thousands of his own people


Contributions A. Built Great Wall of China to stop invasions B. Unified China and greatly expanded the borders C. Centralized the government


My Impressions A. I feel Qin was a mean person but smart and strong B. Qin was very young but extremely ambitious and I feel he knew how to accomplish his goals of being a powerful leader C. Even though he was mean and hurt people I feel he made some major changes that made China a better place

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