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Use Case ID: UC_01 Primary Actor: User

Use Case Name: Transfer

Version No:1.0

Client Ref: Client Document

Brief Descri tion: Its rimary function is to allo! t"e user# once aut"enticate$# to remo%e money from t"e account of t"eir c"oosin& 'ta(e"ol$ers an$ Interests: Stakeholder1 (Primary Actor): User Stakeholder2 (secondary Actor): ATM System Precon$itions: User is create$ )y Ban( an$ "as a uni*ue account num)er an$ aut"enticate$ )y enterin& car$ no. an$ in co$e. +ain ,lo!: 1. T"e user selects t"e -it"$ra! o tion from t"e main AT+ 'creen. .. T"e user selects t"e account ty e to !it"$ra! from. /. T"e user s ecifies in t"e amount )o0 "o! muc" "e 1 s"e !ants to !it"$ra!. 2. T"e AT+ 'ystem %erifies t"at t"e amount is in increments of Rs.100. 3. T"e AT+ 'ystem %erifies t"at t"e user "as t"e amount a%aila)le in t"eir account. 4. T"e )alance is su)tracte$ from t"e user5s account. 6. T"e Anot"er Transaction screen !ill a ear an$ t"e user !ill select yes to return to t"e main AT+ 'creen or no to e0it t"e AT+ 'ystem. T"e user !ill )e lo&&e$ out automatically. +ain 'uccess 'cenario : 1. T"e user "as !it"$ra!n t"e money from t"eir account if t"ey entere$ t"e correct amount an$ if t"eir account "a$ t"at amount in it. .. T"e user sees t"e main AT+ 'creen if t"ey selecte$ to $o anot"er transaction# or t"e AT+ 'ystem "as lo&&e$ t"e user out an$ t"e user sees t"e !elcome screen. 70ce tional 'cenario : 1. If t"e user $oes not enter an amount in increments of Rs100 t"en t"e user !ill )e informe$ t"at t"e amount must )e in increments of Rs100. T"e -it"$ra! screen !ill a ear a&ain for t"e user to retry t"eir !it"$ra!al. .. If t"e $esire$ )alance is not a%aila)le in t"e user5s account t"en t"e Insufficient ,un$s !in$o! !ill a ear to inform t"e user of t"e ro)lem. T"e user can select 89 an$ t"e system !ill return to t"e -it"$ra! screen. Relations"i !it" 8t"er Use Cases: User Aut"entication is $irectly relate$ to fun$ transfer. ,re*uency of 8ccurrence: Almost Continuously in. User must first &et

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