Resume 2

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Lavinia Harrison Education State College of Florida: Manatee-Sarasota, Associates of Science: Registered Nursing degree, Expected Graduation Date:

2015 Southwest Florida Technical Instutute, Certified Nursing Assistant: Recieved certification, e!ruar" #, 201# Acade ! of Health Sciences: "S Ar !, $edica% Specia%ist Certification: Recieved certification, 1&&5 Acade ! of Health Sciences: "S Ar !, '(ar)ac" Specia%ist Certification: Recieved Certification, 1&&* International Fine Arts College, Associates of Art: Degree in as(ion Design, Graduated: 1&&1 Manatee High School, +radenton, %orida Dip%o)a, 1&,&

Acade ic #ac$ground
Certified nursing assistant. +ac-ground as Ar)" '(ar)ac" /ec(nician. Certified 0it( t(e A)erican 1eart Association for C'R and !asic %ife s-i%%s. A%% i))uni2ations and continuing education up to date.

$anaged on average t(irt" e)p%o"ees a da". 3nited 4a"5 +ac- pac-s for -ids, /(e /arget Corporation5 6i!rar" 7utreac(.

Inter%ersonal Co Co %uter S$ills

unication S$ills

'roficient at socia% )edia. Casua% Ana%"sis Essa": 84(en in Ro)e9: Advantageous:, Not A%0a"s. 'roficent at 4ord, 7pen 7ffice, Ado!e Reader, 4indo0 )edia, e5)ai%, credi!%e ;nternet searc(, App%e and $icrosoft.

S$ills S%ecific to &our 'ccu%ation

;nventor" contro% 'rocedure E)p%o"ee sc(edu%ing Detai% oriented 'roficient in a%% CNA s-i%%s /rainer certified

(' )* E +,E )I E- CE
Certified Nursing Assistant< $ed<Surg., +%a-e $edica% Center, +radenton, %orida=201# /ea) 6eader< ront End, /arget Corporation, 'ace, %orida= 200&5201> '(ar)ac" Specia%ist, 3S Ar)", t. Eustis, ?irginia= 1&&551&&@

Activities. Awards
?ou%teered for Ar)" c(ap%in< So%dier of God Citation, t. Sa) 1ouston, /exas= 1&&551&&* A0ards in exce%%ence, sa%es, and training, /arget Corporation, 'ace, %orida= 200&5201>

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