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DRAFT SPEECH OF MEXICO AT THE UNGA 2014 OPENING SESSION Honourable Presiding officers, distinguished delegates, Mexico has

come to the United Nations to reaffirm our permanent commitment as a strategic ally of the United Nations. At this General Assembly we will try to find solutions to three topics that stretch beyond individual countries jurisdiction and can only be solved by global cooperation. First we will have to find common ground on the topic of fur trade. Mexico is very conscious about animal welfare and keeping the biotic diversity, which is manifested in the fact that Mexico is a signatory of the (CITES). However a ban on fur trade would for many countries signify the decrease in their GDP, it would lead to higher unemployment and what is more, it would only move this industry to the black market where no regulations and standards for animals would be respected. Mexico believes that the minority issue is of grave importance and in the same breath very specific. Minorities should be respected and given the rights that they deserve. We also believe that all minorities are not the same and therefore cannot be protected by a simplified and generalised rule. Mexico is doing everything it can at home to ensure equal rights for all citizens and eradicate discrimination and we believe that this is the goal, which this community should aspire to. Our country battles with the consequences of pollution and is also threatened by the rising sea levels and other environmental phenomena. For us, the environmental concerns have become a matter of national security. Therefore it is evident that we are not prepared to leave this assembly without some sort of an agreed shared commitment by the states and that we believe in the participation of both developed and developing states in the new global environmental regime. Mexico would like to promote the idea that inclusive green growth offers diverse opportunities for win-win gains from the economic, social and environmental perspectives. Delegates, if our efforts here produce some sort of consensus on the given topics, we will fulfil the task we were gathered here for. In order to do that Mexico hereby reiterates that it will continue building

bridges between the developed and the developing countries. Let us together build a better world of harmony, peace, development and prosperity.

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