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Analyzing Poetry The works of The Earl of Surrey

Salma Siti Hanifah 2009.111.063 Elcy Pratiwi Hadi 2010.111.041 B/Inggris

Henry Howard ( The Earl of Surrey)

Biography of Earl of Surrey

Henry howard, well known as Earl of

Surrey was born in Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, 1517 He was the eldest son of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, and his second wife, the former Lady Elizabeth Stafford (daughter of Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham), so he was descended from kings on both sides of his family tree: King Edward I on his father's side and King Edward III on his

Biography of Earl of Surrey

Like his father and grandfather, he

was a brave and able soldier, serving in Henry VIII's French wars as "Lieutenant General of the King on Sea and Land." He was repeatedly imprisoned for rash behaviour, on one occasion for striking a courtier, on another for wandering through the streets of

Biography of Earl of Surrey He became Earl of Surrey in 1524 when his grandfather died and his father became Duke of Norfolk. He was an English aristocrat, and one of the founders of English Renaissance poetry.

Biography of Earl of Surrey

Henry VIII, consumed by paranoia

and increasing illness, became convinced that Surrey had planned to usurp the crown from his son Edward. The King had Surrey imprisoned - with his father sentenced to death on 13 January 1547, and beheaded for treason on 19 January 1547, at Tower Hill, London.

Earl of surreys literary works

Song and Sonnet from Tottels Miscellany

(1557) "The sun hath twice brought forth his

tender green "The soote season, that bud and bloom forth brings "When youth had led me half the race "Such wayward ways hath Love "When Summer took in hand the winter to assail "Love, that liveth and reigneth in my

Earl of surreys literary works

In Cyprus springs, whereas Dame Venus dwelt "From Tuscane came my Lady's worthy race "Brittle beauty, that Nature made so frail "Alas! so all things now do hold their peace! "When Windsor walls sustain'd my wearied arm

Earl of surreys literary works

"I never

saw my Lady lay apart" "The golden gift that Nature did thee give" "So cruel prison how could betide, alas" "When raging love with extreme pain" "O happy dames that may embrace" "In winter's just return, when Boreas gan his reign" "Good ladies ! ye that have your pleasure in exile" "Give place, ye lovers, here before"

Earl of surreys literary works

"If he that erst the form so lively drew"

"Although I had a check, To give the mate is hard" "Too dearly had I bought my green and youthful years" O Loathsome place! "As oft as I behold, and see" "Though I regarded not" "Wrapt in my careless cloak, as I walk to and fro" "Girt in my guiltless gown, as I sit here and sow

Earl of surreys literary works


the things that do attain Of the Death of Sir Thomas Wyatt "Divers thy death do diversely bemoan" Of the Same - "Wyatt resteth here" "Norfolk sprung thee, Lambeth holds thee dead" "Th' Assyrian king, in peace, with foul desire" "Laid in my quiet bed, in study as I were" "The fancy which that I have served long" "London, hast thou accused me"

Description Of Spring Wherein Every Thing Renews, Save Only The Lover

THE soote 1 season, that bud and bloom for brings With green hath clad the hill, and eke 2 the vale. The nightingale with feathers new she sings; The turtle 3 to her make 4 hath told her tale.

Summer is come, for every spray5 now springs, The hart 6 hath hung his old head 7 on the p ale;8 The buck in brake 9 his winter coat he slings ;

The adder all her slough away she slings ; The swift swallow pursueth the flis smale ;1 The busy bee her honey now she mings ;12 Winter is worn13 that was the flowers' bale.14 And thus I see among these

Explanation of Earl of Surreys work

The work of Earl of Surrey above is

a Sonnet. Sonnet is a poem of an expressive thought or idea made up of 14 lines, each being 10 syllables long. For example, The soote 1 season, that bud and bloom for brings, it has 10 syllables long (Line 1 of Description of Spring)

Explanation of Earl of Surreys work

Earl of Surrey is the first person who use

blank verse in english language. He uses blank verse in his translation of the Aeneid, a latin epic poem written by Virgil that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans. Blank verse is poetry written in regular metrical but unrhymed lines, almost

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