Dua Verses To Allah Only-1

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The mosques belong to Allah; do not call anyone with Allah. (Jinn: 18)

To im is due the t!ue "!a!; "!ay to wwand those )whom they "!ay to beside Allah gi#e them no answe!. ($aad: 1%

And those whom you call u"on besides im a!e not able to hel" you& no! can they hel" themsel#es. (A'!a(: 1)*)

And those whom you call u"on besides im do not cont!ol a st!aw. (+ati!: 1,)

-u!ely those whom you call on besides Allah a!e in a state o( sub.ugation li/e you!sel#es. ((A'!a(: 1)%)

-ay: 0all on those whom you asse!t besides im& so they shall not cont!ol the !emo#al o( dist!ess (!om you no! (its) t!ans(e!ence. (1ani23s!ael: 45)

Those whom they call u"on& themsel#es see/ the means o( access to thei! 6o!d. ((1ani2 3s!ael: 4*)

And do not call besides Allah on that which can neithe! bene(it you no! ha!m you. (7unus: 185)

3( you call on them they shall not hea! you! call. (+ati!: 1%)

And who is in g!eate! e!!o! than he who calls besides Allah u"on those that will not answe! him till the day o( !esu!!ection. (Ahqaa(: 4)

The Holy Quran has unconditionally declared pleadings and callings towards someone other than Allah as 9ibada; the reason being that in the beginning of erse! it says


and following that it says#

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