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Unit: Measurement and Data

Lesson Plan- Day 1

Area of Focus: Mathematics Core Content Area (use Common Core Standards) = CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.A.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.A.2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which has more of/less of the attribute, and describe the differences. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter. CCSS.Math.K.MD.B.3 Classify objects into given categories, count the numbers of the objects in each category and sort the categories by count.

Student Objectives (what should students know and be able to do): Students should be able to compare two or more objects by length or weight. Students should be able to identify measurable attributes of an object. Students should be able to measure objects using non-standard measurements and compare two or more objects (longest, shortest) Students should be able to graph data in correlation with classifying objects into categories. Students should be able to articulate knowledge of measurement and data.

Teaching Procedure: Direct/Large group instruction will to activate prior knowledge and to explain lesson. Small group/individual instruction will be used as students work in groups of 3 to complete task. Reading Strategy Blending- students should blend together individual letter sounds to make a whole word. Ex. H-a-m or e-g-g-s

Picture clues- students should use picture clues when available.

Introduction (how will you gain attention, set mood, establish purpose, make ground rules, and provide vocabulary for lesson): Hocus Pocus! Everybody Focus Invite students into lesson by asking them to have a seat on the carpet. Remind students of Give me Five (Ears open, be still, hands free, be quiet, eyes on speaker) rules and ask for watching eyes and listening ears. Introduce the lesson and the purpose of the lesson (Learning how to use non-standard units of measurement to compare objects. Learning how to sort objects into categories by using graphs.) Read Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. (Read across America week) Briefly discuss the book as it relates to the activity. Vocabulary- Measurement, length, sort, graph, data Pre-Assessment- Class discussion Ask questions to gage students knowledge on measurement and data. How do we know if one object is longer or shorter than another? What does it means when we measure something? What are some ways we can compare two different objects? What are some ways that we can sort objects into groups? How can we use graphs to sort our data? (Opening up knowledge to be used in following days. Graphs will be briefly discussed but will not be used in this lesson.)

Development Explain that we will be using green eggs and ham measuring sticks to measure each other. Show class the worksheet used to record their data and explain how it will work. Demonstrate how to measure using volunteer and show where to record data.

Split students into groups of 3 and hand out materials. Have them measure each group member with both green eggs and ham and record their data. Teacher and para will walk around to ask/ answer questions to gage students knowledge. Return to carpet with data sheets. Discuss their finding from activity. o o o Did it take more or less eggs than ham measure? Why did it take more of less? Discuss and compare results.

Conclusion (how will students show what they learned then end with a calming activity): Quick class discussion and wrap up of lesson. Turn in papers.

Post Assessment Assessment will be based largely on class discussion and participation in small group activities. Formal assessment will be based on completion of small group activity worksheet. Multiple Intelligences/Differentiated Instruction (place an x by each one covered in the lesson): Spatial (ability to visualize) Linguistic (words/spoken/written) Logical-mathematical Kinesthetic(movement) Musical Interpersonal (interaction w/others) Intrapersonal (self-reflective ability) Naturalist (having to do w/nature) _x__ _x__ _x__ __x_ ___ _x__ __x_ _____

Blooms Taxonomy/Differentiated Instruction (place an x by each of the items that apply): _x__ Knowledge (tell, list, define, label, recite, memorize, repeat, find, name, record, fill in, recall)

_x_ Comprehension (locate, explain, summarize, identify, describe, report, discuss, review, show) _x__ Application (demonstrate, construct, record, illustrate, research, order, display, practice)

_x__ Analysis (compare, contrast, classify, critique, solve, experiment, examine, infer, categorize) _x__ Evaluation (judge, predict, verify, rate, determine, decide, choose, forecast, estimate, prioritize) _x__ Synthesis (compose, hypothesize, design, formulate, create, invent, develop, refine, produce) Special Needs (indicate how you will extend the lesson for gifted learners and decrease the lesson for struggling learners): Gifted Learners: N/A Learners Below Level: Extra one on one instruction will be available during small group activities. Para will be available during full duration of lesson. Learners w/ Behavior Issues: Extra one on one instruction will be available during small group activities. Para will be available during full duration of lesson. Technology- Smart board and lady bug are used to help display worksheet and demonstrate activity. IPad will be used to video tape the lesson. Community Resourceo o o Librarian was utilized to help find Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss as I was still unfamiliar with the setup of the library. Help from a family member was utilized to help with the task of putting together the ham and egg rulers. High school helper came in to video tape the lesson plan.

Materials Smart board/lady bug Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess

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