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Previous University question paper according to RGPV 2014

a) b) a) b) c) a) b) c) Difference between a software product and software process. Explain how a software development effort is initiated and finally terminated in spiral model. Explain the prototype model .What are the advantage of developing a prototype of a software . Explain the various phases of RAD model. Discuss the situation where RAD model is useful . What is CMM ? Discuss its various levels. Differentiate between function oriented and object oriented modelling. Differentiate between Structured analysis and structured design in context of functional oriented design . Explain the term UML for object oriented design. Explain the term modularity . What is cohesion and coupling ? Explain with examples. What are the short coming of DFD as a tool for performing structured analysis ? What do you mean by system specification ,requirement specification & software specification . Explain in brief. Differentiate the following : DFD & CFD Structured analysis & object oriented analysis . List five desirable characteristics of good software requirement specification(SRS)document . What is meant by code walkthrough? What are some important types of error check during code Walkthrough? Differentiate between black box testing & white box technique. What are the different type of maintenance that a software product might need ? Why are these maintenance required? What are risk management activities ? Explain what is the effect of risk management activity on the overall cost of project ? Explain the following : Test oracles Formal Technical review (FTR) Code inspection Discuss various cost estimation models and also compare them. Write short notes on the following ; Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Project Plan and Matrices Reverse Engineering Project scheduling. What do you mean by configuration management? Why is software configuration management crucial to the success of large software product development cycle?


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