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A Friend (Sleeping Beauty) Original Draft A winters night in a room she laid All by herself, howd she get

this way? The floor, it was dusty Rats scurried the walls Her heartbeat was faint Her mind had no care Blood pumped through her veins Blood dripped off the needle A knock shook the door But asleep she remained The boy broke it down The boy only stared Her legs, they had stiffened Her arms became cold He stumbled and pleaded He couldnt turn back He talked to the rats He talked to a God he once called a trap He was alone Not another soul His friend was too important His friend was always there So why wouldnt the boy want to share? But if he could, hed take it all back Introducing her to a friend called Smack

A Friend (Sleeping Beauty) Revision 1 The room had one window and it was cracked, allowing bits of frosty smog to seep though the crevasses She was found there, lying on a sheet of feathery dust When it was quiet, you could hear the tiny nails of mice scratch against the other side of the wall If you listened very, very carefully, you could hear her heartbeat Blood maneuvered beneath her purpling skin and off the needle A chipped, wooden door shuffled in its frame, but asleep she remained He broke it down and stared at her legs, stiff and cold He stumbled He pleaded And if you saw him, youd think hed gone mad He talked to the rats and prayed to the God he once called a trap If he could, hed take it all back Introducing her to a friend called Smack

Sleeping Beauty (Previously titled A Friend) Revision 2 There was one window in the room; frosty smog seeped through the crevasses of its fractures. A chipped, wooden door shuffled in its frame, dust fluttered the air as it fell towards the ground. On a sheet of feathery dust, she laid next to a blood-stained spindle He kissed her cheeks and gripped her chin, his trembling lips murmured It Cant Be And if he could take it all back, hed never give her the crystalized trap

Sleeping Beauty (Previously titled A Friend) Revision 3 She laid on a sheet of gray feathers, hugging a blood-stained spindle. Across the room, frosty smog seeped under a chipped, wooden door. A boy shuffled it in its frame, dust fluttered the air as it fell towards the ground. Gripping her chin and kissing her cheeks, he murmured to himself It Cant Be. The more he said it, the more he knew it was too late for him to undo; the crystalized spindle already did what it was there to do.

Sleeping Beauty (Previously titled A Friend) Revision 4 She laid on a sheet of gray feathers, hugging a blood-stained spindle. Across the room, frosty smog seeped under a chipped, wooden door. A boy shuffled it in its frame, dust fluttered the air as it fell towards the ground. Gripping her chin and kissing her cheeks, he murmured to himself It Cant Be. He said it again, but he knew the truth. The shimmering needle thinned all her bones, all because of a few crystal stones.

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