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Confucianism Confucius wanted to teach men of good character to work as honest and fair government officials.

He believed that people should not do to others what they did not want other to do to them. He believed that all people must obey and respect those above him. According to Confucianism, there are five basic relationships: ruler and sub ect, husband and wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend.

Daoism !he ying and yang had to do with "oism. #otice, they said, how nothing in nature strives for fame, power, and knowledge. "oism was developed into a popular religion. "oism taught that people gained happiness and peace by living in harmony, or agreement, with the way of nature. $ao%i believed that whatever happened to you was your fault. &n the Dao De Jing, he wrote: If you do not want your house to be molested by robbers, do not fill it with gold and jade. Wealth, rank, and arrogance add up to ruin, as surely as two and two are four.

Legalism $egalists believed in a strict government. 'ou could not critici%e the form of government you used to live under. &f you were caught critici%ing the government, you would get a harsh punishment. (ometimes you would even get tortured. $egalists believed that most people were naturally selfish. !hey believed that most people did things in self)intrest. Hanfei%i believed that the ruler should trust no one, in order to reduce overthrow.

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