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Module 7: Web 2.0 In Module 7, we had the opportunity to discuss various form of web 2.0 platforms.

In Unit, 1 we were asked to ive definitions and e!amples of the different web 2.0 technolo ies used in distance education courses. In a web 2.0 environment, various web sites and applications are available which allow people to produce and share information they have created. It is a tool allowin people to communicate with others who are interested in the same topic and it can be made available to either a private audience or a lar er roup of individuals. " lot of universities re#uire the use of web 2.0 technolo y in their courses as a way for students to communicate with roup members. $eb 2.0 technolo ies includes $ikipedia, %lo s, &oo le, myspace, 'in , (econd )ife, *lickr, +ou,ube, *acebook, and ), considered as a social networkin tool. $ikis is collaborative website that allows roups to create, edit, and modify information. It can be made available to a wide or restricted audience. %lo s are available to post information about an important topic, it is considered a diary and is written by one person and others can contribute ideas. (ocial networkin allows individuals to create profile and share with others. ,hey have the option to post pictures, and videos. +ou,ube and *lickr allow people to post content they produced for others to view. -odcastin is not considered a $eb 2.0 technolo y because it doesn.t allow others to comment on the information you post, it is considered as a sound recordin . (ince bein enrolled in the M/0 pro ram, I have utili1ed web 2.0 technolo ies a lot and find it to be beneficial. I had the opportunity to use $ikipedia for the first time last semester in a roup pro2ect. "s a roup, we had to define a distance education term and were able to create a definition for the term, modify, and delete information as needed. I found this platform very interestin and will consider usin it in the future. I also had to create a blo in another course to share my learnin thou hts for the course, allowin others to comment on my posts. ,his tool was useful as it allows others to share their ideas. ,his year I had the opportunity to use oo le in my roups to upload, modify, and delete information for various files. "ll of the tools discussed are free and very beneficial in a distance education environment.

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