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Issue 10, October 21, 2027

Republicans kill 82 Democrats after escape attempt

Democrats attempt escape, 82 casualties

By Silaine Thordarson, Gingrich, New Mesopotamia, Associated Press

At 7:44 am this morning, an alarm was sounded at Reagan Democrats Correctional Facility. The on guard officers were surprised after a relatively quiet night. Officer Oliver Martinez told us, It had been a relaxing night, we usually have one or two disturbances from these dirty liberals but we realize now that it was only the calm before the storm. The head officer Donald Brown believes that they had been planning all night. They estimate that the attempt began at 7:30 as the men

would have to evade all the standing guards by moving slowly and inconspicuously. For the next 14 minutes the 31 prisoners made their way to the last gates, climbed over the top setting off the alarm, and ran from the facility. It was easy to identify the convicts even after they had taken off their orange suits because they were covered in scratches because of the large amounts of barbed wire that they had to go through when climbing the fence. Within minutes of the men escaping, officers had apprehended them and they lined them up

Officer Brown interviews eyewitnesses about the escape attempt. The boy pictured said, I was just riding my bike to school and I saw 3 men in orange jumpsuits sunning around the corner, and all of the sudden I heard gunshots. I got on the ground and hid in a bush.

using tasers and batons before taking all of them back to the jail. Once there, the officers took the men into the jail yard and started to shoot the escapees one by one. The officer in charge of the shootings, Ted Gerard, says, We intended to only eliminate the ones who defied our defense system, but all of the sudden other prisoners started

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running out to guard the ones we had lined up. We decided it would simply be best to eliminate everyone that was involving themselves in the rebellion. There was very much a state of chaos as people came out to protect their fellow prisoners and the chaos was counteracted with punishment killings by the correctional officers. There had been three critical injuries at that point, mostly due to hopping the fence, but the officers decided that the best thing to do was to start killing the prisoners that had tried to escape and the prisoners that had aided them. They chose this method of punishment because they felt it was, proportional and fair considering the great lengths and excessive resources wasted by the prisoners Brown. The observing prisoners were most outraged when one of the lower officers, Harry Vulture, decided to sacrifice one of the jails favorite prisoners, Richard Dolly. Many of the onlookers started to attempt to

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We retrieved security break through the wall of camera footage one of the policemen to save Dolly, as he was sitting in his wheelchair, a prisoners running 62-year-old man who had been through the halls of the paralyzed since the age of 7. prison in one of the One of the prisoners could be empty corridors. We can heard screaming, He is our see two other prisoners martyr! Our one chance at behind him. mercy! He was the last to be killed as the rest of the prisoners returned to their rooms. Ultimately, 82 democratic lives were lost today. For just reasons? That was the decision of the men running the killings. After 7 years of successful imprisonment, these instances of rebellion and punishment are becoming more and more common. It is becoming blatantly obvious that the prison population is shrinking. It is time to either refine our prison systems, preventing further rebellions, or time to find better punishments, deciding for peaceful control or complete irradiation of the democratic species. The President gave a press conference last week about all the killings that have occurred in the last month. He said, We are simply getting closer to our goal of eliminating polarization and uniting our rightful American citizens, discarding the rest. Looking to our American future, the next question for our Scene clean up arrived promptly to federal government must be, more prisons or more help restore order outside of the prison killings?

The Outcome

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