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Explicit Instruction for Phonological Awareness Intervention

Skill: Onset Rime Blending Instructional #aterials: a!: a! "

Section Set Purpose

Instructional Routine
Today we are going to learn to put two sounds together to make one word. The reason we are learning this is playing with words will help us recognize patterns in reading words At the end of this lesson you will be able to.. Blend two sounds into one word

$im e
2 min.

State Objective Connect to and Review Previous Learning Teach New Concept S!i"" #$ %o& (uide Practice #)e %o& *ssess Student *pp"ication #+ou %o& $ndependent Practice

1 min.

Yesterday, youReview previous skill

1 min.

Watch me and listen to me Im going to put two sounds together. /p/../ot/ (repeat with articulation then !lend" pot#. $isten to another /h/../ot/ (repeat with articulation then !lend" .hot. Now, lets try this together. Lets Practice %hen I point to the class put the word together& /!/....... /ug/ /'/..... /og/ /t/ /ake/ /!/ /ake/ Now, lets see you try this on your own. (ow you try. I will say !oth sounds and you put the sounds together. %hisper to your partner the sounds put together in one word. /h/ /ope/ /dr/ /op/ /'/ /ind/ /!/ /ird/ /v/ /est/ /'/ /o)/

' min.

' min.

' min.

! want to gi"e you a chance now to show that you can do this inde#endently. $ook at the picture cards. Ill say the !eginning and ending sound and you put the two sounds together to say the word. *oint to the correct picture and say the word.

2 min.

We learned this because recogni$ing #atterns in words hel#s u# become better readers.

Return to Purpose

Tell your #artner what you learned and #racticed today.

2 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonological Awareness Intervention

Skill: Onset Rime Blending Instructional #aterials: a!: a! %

Section Set Purpose

Instructional Routine
Today we are going to learn to put two sounds together to make one word. The reason we are learning this is playing with words will help us recognize patterns in reading words At the end of this lesson you will be able to.. Blend two sounds into one word

$im e
2 min.

State Objective Connect to and Review Previous Learning Teach New Concept S!i"" #$ %o& (uide Practice #)e %o& *ssess Student *pp"ication #+ou %o& $ndependent Practice

1 min.

Yesterday, youReview previous skill

1 min.

Watch me and listen to me Im going to put two sounds together. /w/../ag/ (repeat with articulation then !lend" wag#. $isten to another /'/./i)/ (repeat with articulation then !lend" .'i).. Now, lets try this together. Lets Practice %hen I point to the class put the word together& /h/ /and/ /c/ /ar/ /tr/ /uck/ /st/ /op/ Now, lets see you try this on your own. (ow you try. I will say !oth sounds and you put the sounds together. %hisper to your partner the sounds put together in one word. /!/ /ath/ /d/ /ish/ /r/ /ock/ /sw/ /ing/ /p/ /ack/

' min.

' min.

' min.

! want to gi"e you a chance now to show that you can do this inde#endently. $ook at the picture cards. Ill say the !eginning and ending sound and you put the two sounds together to say the word. *oint to the correct picture and say the word.

2 min.

We learned this because recogni$ing #atterns in words hel#s u# become better readers

Return to Purpose

Tell your #artner what you learned and #racticed today.

2 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonological Awareness Intervention

Skill: Onset Rime Blending &Segmenting Instructional #aterials: a!: a! '

Section Set Purpose

Instructional Routine
Today we are going to learn to segment a word into two sounds. The reason we are learning this is playing with words will help us recognize patterns in reading words At the end of this lesson you will be able to.. segment a word into two sounds

$im e
2 min.

State Objective Connect to and Review Previous Learning Teach New Concept S!i"" #$ %o& (uide Practice #)e %o& *ssess Student *pp"ication #+ou %o& $ndependent Practice

1 min.

Yesterday, ! said the beginning and ending sounds and you #ut the sounds together and said the word. Today ! will say the word and you will tell me the beginning and ending sounds.

1 min.

Watch me and listen to me I am going to say a word and you are going to tell me the !eginning and ending sounds in the word. wag. (ow you tell me the !eginning and ending sounds /w/ /ag/. $isten to another 'i).. /'/ /i)/. Now, lets try this together. Lets Practice %hen I point to the class tell me the !eginning and ending sounds o' these words. +and /h/ and/ car /c/ /ar/ truck /tr/ /uck stop /st/ /op/ Now, lets see you try this on your own. (ow you try. I will say the word and you say the !eginning and ending sounds. %hisper to your partner the !eginning and ending sounds in.. !ath /!/ /ath/ dish /d/ /ish/ rock /r/ /ock/ swing /sw/ /ing/ pack /p/ /ack/ . ! want to gi"e you a chance now to show that you can do this inde#endently. $ook at the picture cards. Ill say the word and you say the !eginning and ending sounds

' min.

' min.

' min.

2 min.

We learned this because recogni$ing #atterns in words hel#s u# become better readers

Return to Purpose

Tell your #artner what you learned and #racticed today.

2 min.

Explicit Instruction for Phonological Awareness Intervention

Skill: Onset Rime Blending & Segmenting Instructional #aterials: a!: a! (

Section Set Purpose

Instructional Routine
Today we are going to learn segment words and identi'y words with the same ending sounds. The reason we are learning this is playing with words will help us recognize patterns in reading words At the end of this lesson you will be able to.. segment words and identify words with the same ending sounds.

$im e
2 min.

State Objective Connect to and Review Previous Learning Teach New Concept S!i"" #$ %o& (uide Practice #)e %o& *ssess Student *pp"ication #+ou %o& $ndependent Practice

1 min.

Yesterday, youpracticed segmenting the !eginning and ending sounds in words.

1 min.
Watch me and listen to me ,oday we are going to segment words and 'ind words that have the same ending sounds.& ,hese words are called word 'amilies.& %e are going to put all the words together that end with the same sounds or rhyme. -or e)ample i' I show you a picture o' a cat we would put the cat at the top o' the house. ,hen we would 'ind another picture that has the same ending sounds as cat and place it on the house while segmenting the onset and rime. .at /m/ /at/ !at /!/ /at/ rat /r/ /at/ hat. /h/ /at/ .odel 'or students. Now, lets try this together. Lets Practice ,he teacher can continue with the same lesson with the house. /sk students to think o' other e)amples to 'it in the house while segmenting the words. (onsense words are okay as long as students know they end the same !ut are not real words Now, lets see you try this on your own. (ow work with a partner to make your own word 'amily house. 0ne student will pick a word to go in the top o' the house. ,he other student will 'ind words that have the same word 'amily. 1ou will make your house together. ! want to gi"e you a chance now to show that you can do this inde#endently. (ow work independently to !uild your own word 'amily house. 1ou can use the pictures or draw your own.

' min.

' min.

' min.

2 min.

We learned this because recogni$ing #atterns in words hel#s u# become better readers

Return to Purpose

Tell your #artner what you learned and #racticed today.

2 min.


)ord *amil! +ouse

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