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Project Work 2014

Additional Mathematics Project Work


An ama!in" jo#rne$ %e"ins &&&&&&&''() *) +) ,

The charm of Mathematics ies i! the s"r#risi!$ !at"re of its !"m%er #atter!s& 'or(s are !ot re)"ire( to (emo!strate its charm& It is o%*io"s from the #atter! attai!e(& Arithmetic #ro$ressio!s a!( $eometric #ro$ressio!s are +"st t,o ama-i!$ es that imme(iate / come to o"r mi!(& Loo01 e!+o/ a!( %e ama-e(222&& This #ro+ect ,i ma0e /o" o*e !"m%er #atter!s more3 Tr/ it ,ho ehearte( / to e.#erie!ce its se!satio!33 PART A 4reate a! A56si-e #oster o! a!/ oca theme that e.hi%its the fo o,i!$ !"m%er #atter!s creati*e /7 1& Arithmetic #ro$ressio! 2& Geometric #ro$ressio! PART 8o" are a 9orm : A((itio!a Mathematics st"(e!t of a schoo i! Ma a/sia& As #art of the s/ a%"s re)"ireme!t1 /o" !ee( to com# ete four assi$!me!ts& Assignment No. 1 9or the same +o% s#ecificatio!s1 t,o com#a!ies offer a (iffere!t sa ar/ sca e7 4om#a!/ A 7 Starti!$ mo!th / #a/ ; RM<==&== Mo!th / i!creme!t ; RM:=&== Starti!$ mo!th / #a/ ; RM>:=&== Mo!th / i!creme!t ; RM?=&==

4om#a!/ B7

@a A

@b A

I! Ja!"ar/ 2=151 A i starts to ,or0 i! 4om#a!/ A a!( Ahma( i! 4om#a!/ B& 'he! ,i the mo!th / sa ar/ of A i a!( Ahma( %e the sameB Use three metho(s& I!c "(e the "se of I4T& 'hich sa ar/ sca e is the %etter (ea B J"stif/&

Assignment No. 2
Se0tor Pe!$"r"sa! A0a(emi0 JPN PERAK

Additional Mathematics Project Work


T,o com#a!ies1 4 a!( D1 offer a (iffere!t sa ar/ sca e for the same #ost7 4om#a!/ 47 Starti!$ mo!th / #a/ ; RM:==&== Thereafter1 the mo!th / sa ar/ for a #artic" ar mo!th is 1=D more tha! the mo!th / sa ar/ for the #rece(i!$ mo!th 4om#a!/ D7 Starti!$ mo!th / #a/ ; RMC==&== Thereafter1 the mo!th / sa ar/ for a #artic" ar mo!th is 1:D more tha! the mo!th / sa ar/ for the #rece(i!$ mo!th

@a A A-ri! a!( Ai(i start to ,or0 for com#a!/ 4 a!( D res#ecti*e / i! the same mo!th& After ho, ma!/ mo!ths ,i Ai(i Es mo!th / sa ar/ %e more tha! A-ri!Es mo!th / sa ar/B Use t,o metho(s& @b A 'hich sa ar/ sca e is the %etter (ea B J"stif/&

Assignment No. 3 @a A A com#a!/ offers a "crati*e /ear / sa ar/ i!creme!t& Ta% e 1 sho,s the tota sa ar/ a ,or0er recei*e( after ,or0i!$ for n /ears& N"m%er of /ears 1 n Tota sa ar/ recei*e( @RMA C 2F =F= 5 C< C?= Ta% e 1 Base( o! Ta% e 11 ,rite a s"ita% e co!+ect"re a%o"t the sa ar/ sca e& B/ "si!$ a s"ita% e $ra#hica metho(1 *erif/ /o"r co!+ect"re& Descri%e com# ete / the sa ar/ sca e& @b A Ta% e 2 sho,s the mo!th / sa ar/ a ,or0er recei*e( i! the nth /ear& C 1 ==C&:2 5 1 12C&<5 Ta% e 2 : 1 2:F&F2 ? 1 5=<&F> > 1 :><&=? : :1 ?== ? ?5 F== > >F <?=

n Mo!th / sa ar/ @RMA

Base( o! Ta% e 21 ,rite a s"ita% e co!+ect"re a%o"t the sa ar/ sca e& B/ "si!$ a s"ita% e $ra#hica metho(1 *erif/ /o"r co!+ect"re& Descri%e com# ete / the sa ar/ sca e&

Se0tor Pe!$"r"sa! A0a(emi0 JPN PERAK

Additional Mathematics Project Work


Assignment No. 4 9or the ast #art of this ama-i!$ +o"r!e/1 /o" are $oi!$ to e.# ore a fa!tastic !"m%er se)"e!ce222& -.RTHER E/PLORATION @a A 4o"!t the !"m%er of #eta s i! each of the fo o,i!$ f o,ers to $e!erate the first < terms of a fa!tastic !"m%er se)"e!ce& O%ser*e the !"m%er #atter! caref" / to $e!erate the !e.t ? terms of the se)"e!ce&










T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15,

Se0tor Pe!$"r"sa! A0a(emi0 JPN PERAK

Additional Mathematics Project Work

T8 a!( T7

@b A

9or the !"m%er se)"e!ce that /o" ha*e $e!erate(1 fi!( the *a "es of
T9 & E.#ress each a!s,er as a (ecima & T8

Base( o! /o"r a!s,ers1 form a co!+ect"re& Pro*e it& @cA

lim Determi!e the *a "e of n Tn correct to fo"r si$!ifica!t fi$"res& Tn 1

Your answer for part (c) above is known as the golden ratio. The Greeks observed that this is a pleasing dimension for a building or any structure. Thus, if a rectangle of length y cm and width x cm, where y x, is such that
y = the golden ratio , then it is a golden rectangle with a pleasing x

dimension. @d A I(e!tif/ : (iffere!t t/#es of #ro("cts ,ith recta!$" ar s"rfaces& 9or each t/#e of #ro("ct1 co ect a fe, items ,ith (iffere!t si-es& Base( o! the #ro("cts that /o" ha*e co ecte(1 (etermi!e ,hether #ro("ct mar0eti!$ !o,a(a/s e.hi%its the $o (e! ratio& Ta%" ate /o"r fi!(i!$s& @iA 8o" are $i*e! the fo o,i!$ i!formatio!7
x cm Recta!$ e 1 cm is s"ch that

@e A

Determi!e ,hether s"ch recta!$ es are $o (e! recta!$ es& @iiA 8o" are !o, $i*e! a $e!era case7 y cm Recta!$ e x cm

is s"ch that

Determi!e ,hether s"ch recta!$ es are $o (e! recta!$ es& @iiiA @i*A The ,i(th of a $o (e! recta!$ e is F cm& 9i!( its e!$th& Use t,o metho(s& 8o" are $i*e! t,o #ieces of ,ire1 each 2= cm o!$& O!e #iece is to %e %e!t to form the %i$$est #ossi% e recta!$ e a!( the other #iece to form a $o (e! recta!$ e& Determi!e the e!$th a!( ,i(th of each recta!$ e& Use t,o metho(s i! each case&

G A((itio!a Mathematics is a,esome& &&&&&&& #atter!s1 se)"e!ces1 &&&&&&&&&&&& e*er/,here&E Ref ect creati*e /& Se0tor Pe!$"r"sa! A0a(emi0 JPN PERAK

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