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Michaela DeCilla ENG 101 Professor Bolton 25 March 2014

Animal abuse is a gro ing !roblem in our orl"# Billions of animals are getting abuse" e$er%"a%# &$er the !ast "eca"es' the rise of animal consum!tion has gro n so much that factor% farms ha$e gone to e(treme measures to su!!l% this "eman" for foo"# )he ebsite A*PCA claims' +More than ,,- of farm animals nation i"e are raise" in factor% farms# .actor% farms are large' in"ustrial o!erations that raise large numbers of animals for foo"# )hese farms focus on !rofit an" efficienc%' rather than animal elfare#+ Animals shoul" al a%s be treate" humanl%' but that is not al a%s the case' es!eciall% animals in factor% farms# /hen 0 as ele$en %ears ol" 0 "eci"e" to become a $egetarian# 0 ha" been an a$i" meat eater m% hole chil"hoo" but 0 ha" al a%s ha" a strong com!assion for animals an" felt guilt% for eating them# *o for the !ast t ent%1one %ears 0 ha$e not eaten meat an" 0 ha$e also been $er% against animal cruelt%# 2ast %ear in m% nutrition class e ha" to atch a mo$ie on con"itions of factories an" the animal abuse that goes on there# 0 imme"iatel% became intereste" an" u!set ith hat 0 sa # 0 !lan on ac3uiring man% research boo4s from the librar% that contain information on animal cruelt% la s' farm animal con"itions an" other issues the% ma% face# Also 0 inten" to get information from other ebsites an" !eer1re$ie e" 5ournals#

0n this !a!er' 0 ill "iscuss the horrible things that go on in these factories an"


hat t%!e of con"itions these animals are force" to li$e in# 0 ill also argue about cruelt% la s# E$er% state has a cruelt% la !rotecting com!anion animals' but in most states' that eliminates farm animals# )here is so much abuse an" neglect that go on in these !laces an" 0 ant more !eo!le to be a are of the !roblems these animals ha$e# 6ltimatel% m% goal for this research !a!er is to learn more about this sub5ect so 0 can some"a% contribute to hel!ing these !oor animals' an" e(!ose the abuse that is going on aroun" the orl"#

/or4s Cite" Fight Cruelty. A*PCA# 2014# /eb# 24 March 2014

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