Wiki Critical Thinking Reflection

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Name:____________________________________________________Date:_______________Section:_____ Wiki/Critical Thinking Reflection 1.

) What have you learned about critical thinking skills through using the wiki and coming up with leveled questions?

2.) What did you like/dislike about coming up with your own leveled questions?

3.) What did you like/dislike by answering other students leveled questions?

4.) What did you learn about a wiki site that you did know before?

5.) How did the use of the wiki and the Middle Ages assignments help with collaboration?

6.) How did the use of the wiki and the Middle Ages assignments help with discussion?

7.) Did you find that the wiki was helpful with preparing for the essay portion of Middle Ages test? Explain.

8.) Overall what did you like about the wiki? Overall what could be improved with the wiki site itself/how it was implemented into the class?

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