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Oral Conversation Rubric

Group: ____________________ Teachers Name: Carmen Abrego Total Points: 20 pts tu!ents Names: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
1 Organization Audience cannot understand conversation because there is no sequence of information. 2 Audience has difficulty following conversation because student jumps around. 3 Students conversation presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. 4 Students conversation presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Total


Students conversation is Students conversation does somewhat relevant to the not provide relevant topic and provides some information on the topic. related information.

Students conversation Students conversation provides detailed relevant provides relevant content on content (more than required) the topic but without with e planation and additional details. elaboration. Student is totally at ease with conversing with partner and converses articulately and confidently.


Student is comfortable Student is a little nervous but Student is very nervous and conversing with partner and is able to converse tal!s in a stilted manner. converses in a natural coherently. manner. Student reads out conversation with no eye contact. Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads mostly from notes.

Eye Contact

Student maintains eye Student maintains eye contact most of the time but contact with partner and frequently returns to notes. seldom returns to notes. Student"s voice is clear. Student uses a clear voice Student pronounces most with correct, precise words correctly. #ost pronunciation of terms so that audience members can hear all audience members can conversation. hear conversation. Total Points:


Student mumbles, incorrectly Student"s voice is low. pronounces terms, and Student incorrectly spea!s too quietly for pronounces terms. Audience students in the bac! of class members have difficulty to hear. hearing the conversation.

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