Ms Bank 0606

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2002 2011

Compiled & Edited By Dr. Eltayeb Abdul Rhman First Edition 2011


y+2x 7

Complete elimination


Either x or y must be completely removed

........ 3y'-7y+2=0 Solution

or 6x'-35x+SO=O



(JL~l and (2Y,,2)


Any multiple of this- needn't be =0. Correct method of solution- see end. All correct. (not 0.34)

Bl Bl
Uses (0,3) to fmd C

Needs to bring in Lhe constant in an integrated expression. All correct
Anywhere. 4: .J2 could be 8 :...J2 if

Ml AI 4

(i) A= (2+3V2)(j-2..J2) ,. -2+t!V2
(i!) D 1 =(Hl2V2+IS)+(25-20V2+8)


multiplying first.


Com:ct only. Reasonable squaring v.iili Pythagoras. Correct onlv.

55 - s..J2


(A"' IO+S,il8 - 8-'---J2 -12) still needs I" tv,. a steps

Decimal work gets no credit Possible to get 4 marks on (ii) alone.

Correct only. nb i,j throughout is ok.


Complete method for M.

A I for 50Q-40P

A mark co.

[oc Ml



,,,r __ _


Completely correct method. Follow through directly on his OR.

(i) Graph ofy=Y, cos2x

Graph ofy=Y. + sinx

B2. I

BO unless 2 full cvcles_ Starts and fmishes at max_ Y, shown somewhere_ 80 unless I full cycle_ Starts and ends above the origin. I y, and-'!. shown.






- - - ;,L.

(ii) Equate the y's V1 coo2x='!. + sinx.



Independent of graphs_ For stating only. Collld find ~H-alue from accurate graph and substitute. (not from sketch) Correct only_ 6


2cos2x=i+4sinx k=4


Page 2

Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations June 2002




6. (a)


5 " 5! or

i of6!



Correct method. No need for 126. Needs one step past 9C4 Needs 5_ For total- 0 women . Ind of lstM. For \W,3M or 2W 2M or3W,1M Needs one product of 2 nCr's. For 1.. Adding 4(or 3) events. CoiTeet only.

Total=9C4=(126) Total with no women= 5C4 = 5 -. Number of ways= 126-S"' 121



(or Ways with IW 3M= 4Cl><SC3 =4" 10 = 40 Ways with 2W 2M=4C2><5C2 = 6" 10 = 60 Ways with JW 1M =4C3xSCl =4" 5 = 20 Ways with 4W =I. =>Toaal = 121. ) 7.(i)

MIA! 6

- 25 + Sx2"(~x2 ) + I 0><2'><(~x2)' etc Powers of2 and (x 2) more or less com:ct. Binomial coefficients used com::ctly.

32- 8Qxl + 8Qx4- 4Qx6 +JQx8 - XIO

Ml Ml AI Bl Ml AI
81 81

Corro:t use of powers- even if no (-)s. Com::ct use of binomial coeffs. All correct. Independent of anything else. Reasonable attempt with 3 terms.. Corro:t oaly. Correct only unsimplif1ed CoiTect only - unsimplified For ''square- 3 triangles" attempted No A mark since answer given. Attempt at differentiation_ Putting his differential to 0_ Beware fortuitous answers- ans given_ CoiTect only- any unsimplificd form ok.

(ii) (I+x')'"' 1 +2x 2 +x4 Attempt to multiply and pick out 3 renns --+(-40+ I60-80)x6 => 40

8. OlS~ 6SRY Y,*(l-qx)



').. A=l-'llx-ASRY-t.XYQ

Ml Ml

P ~ =Y1(I-x+qx') (ii) dAidx = Y.(-1 + 2qx) = 0 when qx= Y, ie QY =YR

Minimum A= V. ( 1- Il(2q) + q!(4q"} =---


1 8q


(i) d/dx(-J(2x+5)

y, " (2x+sr"' " 2 dy/dx = -J(2x+S) + (x-5) >< "above ans" k=3


Oy, [dy/dx],. 10 "Ox = 6p

=> 3=6dx!dt dx/dt = 0.5 unit/s



Must have ''x2" iefnofafu_ Must use product rule coiTectly- M mark is independent of first M mark. Needs numencal dy/dx - 1\x=p. not 10-p for the M mark. Use of chain rule- must be for 3-+-dy/d,_x_ CoiTect only_ Ignore units_

(iii) dy/dt = dy/dx >< dxldt


10. (i)



IOO)x [~0 300

300 600 400 600 600 0 400


0 0





0 400 500 [ 400 0 300 600 6QQ 300 0 400 600 600 0 400


Could also be (5x3) x (3x I). Must be compatible but needn't be in COITCCt order. Could also be (I x5) x (5 x3) ie (16500 10200 18600)_ Order needed forM. Allow 81 for arithmetic or wrong order..

13 7


10200 10 "' [16500]



(iii) ((2.10

3.00 3.75 10200 = SIJS 000 {"'00]



Could be (!6500 10200 I86oo)x 3_00 B mark anyhow_





2 ('


3 61

Bla2Blfor 2 in bracket. 81 for-)_ 81 for \5_ Bl'l' for bottom limit of"c".
Correct explanatwn for h1s . . . alues.

(i) Domain O::Ox...'.':S

Range off1s -3 to J5_

(ii) fisnotltol.

Bl' Bl' Ml Ml AI

(iii) k=x-valuecorr torning="-b"-+k=2

(iv) Put )=2(x-2)'- 3 and make x the subject.

k =''his -b
Knows what to do Reasonable order of operations Co

Replace xbyy-g- =
(or reverse order ie +3 .

'ff .,.z,




12. EITHER (a) 27=ax2.25" or lg2T=lga+nlg2.l5 64=ax4" or lg 64 =lga +nlg4

_.Elimination of a or lga or n

First M I is for completely eliminating a

--->Solve for n (or a)

a=8.00 ->Substitute back for p = 8(6.25)' = 125 (b) Plots In m against t


or lga or Ina or n.
The sc.;ond M 1 is for solving rhe resulting

eqn- needs to be powers or logs. Both needed.

Substitution into eqn or log eqn. Co. *See p4 for graph

40_2 3_69

27_0 3_30


m l"m

40 12_2 2.50




Must be In graph- not lg graph.

Gradient "' -k Intercept -== In m.:. 120R.


k"" 0_04 (0 038-0_042) m.,,.60 ( 57-63)

Bl Bl BIB\







y-11 Y,(x-4) (i) (BC) Gradient of CD is -2 (CD) y-I0=-2(x-17) Solution of sim eqns --+C(l4,16)
(ii) Line rotio BC=o/o AD => BE"'Y. AE = J7',AB ~ E (9,26)



M needs gradient + eqn. (2}=x+l8) Foruseofm1xm2=-l IndoflstM_ -.J on his value of perpendicular (y+ 2x==44) Both Ms needed_ Correct only




Completely corre<:t method that leads toE Correct only. (completely correct method) '( steps - or lengths- or y-steps Squarmg process Correct only Pythagoras for 'length+ Y,bh"' Or matrix method correctly used. Subtractzon. Correct only. Any form ok, including 62.5: 97.5.

or{AB) y=3x-l

(CD) y--2x+44 => E (9,26)

(iii) Ratio of small tl to large similar 6 = 5 : 8 Ratio of areas of small 6 to large 8 = 25 : 64 Ratio of 8EBC: trapezium= 25: (64-25) ::::) 25 : 39

Ml Ml AI (MI Ml AI) II

(or area oflarge 8"' Y,x-.J320x-.J320 = 160 area ofsmall8"' Y,x-.JJ25x-.JJ25 "'62.5 Ratio:62.5 :97.5= 125: 195=25: 39 OM\ for quadratic equation. (a) Formula must be used correctly on "eqn-=0". 0 (b) Factors must be on oon"'O. Coeffs ofx' ,X ok


Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations June 2002

Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

( \,) .

' 1,


m:-k :: o.o,O

ll'lo -:



~------------------~-----~~ \\) ~ '1:.0 ~0

1 ("l



'] ( 5




81 A1

A-lA-~ "'


- ') "'1-01 5



2 ("l

. 'f


Ill """""

y "'txl+i y = 12x-3.1




... .,

3 [5J



(ii) Pcll







(iii) SludenLs sludying MatRemalicsGAI'f (tv) &OOellls sludyioQ' HiSkiPf Of Ma&taematics Of bo&h tM AOt PhysiCs


4 [6]

Divide by


f (-2}= 0








x: 6.JJ6 -4 :32.5

5 (6]


(121lm + 24(1)1- 4(251Jr + 160D


Square, add and square-roof components Tan -t(ratio of components}


y.: (i20Di + 240D -

czsor + 16UD

.M1 A1

5lli -10UJ
Speed"' 112 f.f1 A1 M1A1

Bearing"' 3.33(.4)~


(iL~.( cos x } _,

{1- sin x X sin x ~-cos x(- cos x}

(1-Binx)' k=1


Use Pythagoras on numerator



-../2 dx ~ J 1--...x



[ ~ ... both"""'"''"'

DM1 A1 81



(i) LAOB=tan-11016=1.03

(iii Arc AB = a :.. 1.03


~,/to'-6' -~


=6.18 + 5.66 + 10"' 21.8

Area XAB=1/2x 10x 6- SeQor AOB = 11-.S

n1 AI

(iii) SeQar AOB=1/2x 82x 1.113

'" M1A1


(I) A8=6skHI
(II) 6sin6

AS= Sltan

81 61

5 B

= Sllan6"' ScosOtslno = 6{1-<:052 0)

6= 48.2

ScosO= 69in:z-9

M1 A1

Solve or factorise
(a) Eliminate x or y

oos8"'% (or-1.5)



"" "" use discriminant ""



x2+{2k-4)x+ ~-8)=0


l-.4y+ (41c-8)= 0


(2k-4f = 4(.1(! -8)

M1 A1 A1 81

lc= 3

(b) (X- 2){11: + 4)

4)> 0 :4~+2x>8

"" "'



(1) lg 2x -lg (x - 3) .. lg {2J:I(x - l}}

1 = lg 10
log,.3"'- 1!1ogl)'


81 A1

Solw 2Jrl(x - 3) "" 1 0



(= Ut)


"" '"


11!=2 or":!=%



4-u:!z -4uz + 1 =- 0



DM1 81 A1
12 X+ 7 M1 o>---x-2 3


X+7 (I) t, > H -. 3 9' I 14


y 2

& make y the subject

.:!_! +

2 , not defined fOrK = 0

38 (il) !g(x)--7X



fg(x) =X ~ g{x) = f " 1(x)

Simplify & solve


:::::. x = -10 or 5
Sketch off
Sketch off-1

DM1 81 81 081




(0, 2%)

All intersedions with ID(es shown

(0, -7)

Page 3

Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations June 2002



Paper 2




- ( x - ex+ 10) = 2x. 6 = 0 :=o x = 3 :=o P i9 (3,1)

Equl!llon or PO is


M1 A1

y -1 = -2(x -3)

M1 M1
M1 Af


Eliminate y


=> .i'-4x+3=0 or >=> i-By+5=0 =>

= 15

.A..-4of rectangle wtth OQ as diagonal

Mf Af

J<x'-Bx+10)clx = Area required '=

E. ... t ..... t~~, [

~x 3 -3x 2 +f0r

' red.angle + [ ] ~ = 5 + ((12)- (7%)} ,.



Mf A1



f; 5

v= 153 1225= 15

81 B1
M1 Af


vo= 0




8=~ .. _!_(20

t) 2 x(-1)




- -0.48


st111ight Une



V\ --..-t) 3 dt = -




-(20 tl 4 {1) 900 . 1


AB = Y.t (5" 15) = 37Y.t

J~20 225 .

M1 Af

AC .. 37%+[]~ = 37%+{0-(-225)}"' 93%



Page 1


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


x or y eliminated completely Uses the discriminant b2-4ac on a quadratic set to 0 Arrives at k = 0 from 32k = 0 Correct answer k$0.

M1 M1

A1 A1 [4]

Allow as soon as x or y eliminated. Condone poor algebra quadratic must be set to 0 b2-4ac = 0, <0, >0 all ok. For k and 0. For k$0.


Length = (1 + 6) ( 2 + 3) Multiplying top and bottom by 6( 3 - 2) 3 + 18 - 2 - 12 Reduces 18 to 3 2 or 12 to 2 3


Multiply both top and bottom by 6( 3 - 2). Allow wherever this comes not DM. Dependent on first M collects 2 and 3. Co. Allow 25 for 32 (if whole series is given, mark the 3 terms).

M1 DM1 A1 [4] B1 x 3

2 2 - 3 8 - 3
3. (i) 32 80x + 80x2 (ii) (k + x) (i) Coeff. of x is 80k + 32 Equated with 8 k = or 0.5 4. Liner travels 54km or relative speed of lifeboat is 60km/h.

Must be 2 terms considered. M1 For solution of k = (-8 - a) (b) A1 [5] B1 Anywhere.

Correct vel./distance triangle


Use of cosine rule in triangle V2 = 602 + 362 2.60.36cos45 or d2 = 902 + 542 2.90.54cos45. V = 42.9 or d = 64.4 V = 42.9

M1 A1 A1 [5]

Triangle must be correct with 54, 45o, 90 or 36, 45o, 60 or even 36, 45o, 90. Allow for other angles. Unsimplified and allow for 135o as well as 45o. Co.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


Elimination of x or y. 4x2 + 6x 4 = 0 or y2 12y + 11 = 0 Solution of quadratic = 0.

M1 A1 DM1

x or y eliminated completely. Correct equation not necessarily = 0 Usual method for solving quadratic = 0

(0.5, 11) and (-2, 1)

Length = (2.52 + 102) = 10.3

All correct. Condone incorrect pairing if answers originally correct. M1A1 Must be correct formula correctly [6] applied. A1


A2 =

2 - 3 2 - 3 4 - 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 2 2 - 15 0 3


Do not allow M mark if all elements are squared. If correct, allow both marks. If incorrect, some working is needed to give M mark. B1 for , B1 for matrix.

A-1 = 0


B = A2 - 4A-1 = 7. f(x) = 4 cos2x

M1A1 M mark is independent of first M. [6] Allow M mark for 4A-1 - A2.

(i) amplitude = 61. Period = 180o or


Independent of graph. Do not allow 4 to 5. Must be two complete cycles. 0/2 if not. Needs 3 to 5 marked or implied. Needs to start and finish at minimum. Needs curve not lines.



Max (90o, 5) and (270o, 5)

B1B1 Independent of graph (90, 270 gets [6] B1). Allow radians or degrees.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


(i) O, P, S correct (ii) 34, 35, 36, 37 correct

B2,1 B2,1

Give B1 if only one is correct. These 2 B marks can only be awarded only if B2 has been given for part (i). Co.

O S = odd squares 4 O S = odd and even squares 49 + 5 = 54


M1A1 Any correct method. Co. [7] B1B1 M1A1 Anywhere. Forming equation and correctly eliminating log. Co. Recognising that the equation is quadratic. Correct method of solving the equation = 0.


(i) log42 = log864 = 2 2x + 5 = 91.5 x = 11 (ii) Quadratic in 3y Solution of quadratic = 0

M1 DM1

3y = 5 or 10
Solution of 3y = k y = 1.46 or 1.47 M1

Not dependent on first M1. Correct method. Co. (not for log5 log3). Ignore ans A1 [8] from 3y = -10.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 4


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

10. x y xy x2 2 9.2 18.4 4 3 8.8 26.4 9 4 9.4 37.6 16 5 10.4 52.0 25 6 11.6 69.6 36

M1 A2,1

Knows what to do. Points accurate single line with ruler

(i) Plots xy against x2 or x2 against xy to get a line c = 12 to 12.5 or -7.25 to -7.75 m = 1.55 to 1.65 or 0.62 to 0.63 xy = 1.6x2 + 12 or x2 = 0.625xy - 7.5 y = 1.6x + 12/x (ii) Reads off at xy = 45 x = 4.5 to 4.6 11. y = xe2x (i) d/dx(e2x) = 2e2x dy/dx = e2x + x.2 e2x sets to 0 x = -0.5 (ii) d2y/dx2 = 2 e2x + [2 e2x + 4x e2x] = 4 e2x(1 + x) k = 4 (iii) when x = -0.5, d2y/dx2 is +ve (0.74) Minimum 12. EITHER B1 M1 M1A1 Anywhere even if dy/dx = 2x e2x or 2 e2x. Use of correct product rule. Not DM mark. Allow for stating his dy/dx = 0. Use of product rule needed. Allow if he reaches 4e2x(1 + x). B1 B1 M1 A1

Allow if y = mx + c used. Allow if y = mx + c used. Must be xy = mx2 + c or x2 = mxy + c.

M1A1 Algebra is also ok as long as xy = 45 [9] is solved with an equation given M1 above.

M1A1 A1

M1A1 No need for figures but needs [9] correct x and correct d2y/dx2.

At A, y = 4 dy/dx = 2cosx - 4sinx dy/dx = 0 when tanx = At B, x = 0.464 or 26.6o

B1 M1A1 M1A1 A1

Anywhere. Any attempt at differentiation. Sets to 0 and recognises need for tangent. Co. Accept radians or degrees here.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 5


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

(2sinx + 4cosx)dx = -2cosx + 4sinx

Area under curve = [ ]0.464 [ ]0 -(-2) = 2. Reqd area = 2 - (4 0.464) = 0.144 (5 or 6). 12. OR

M1A1 DM1

Any attempt with trig. functions. x-limits used correctly. If 0 ignored or automatically set to 0, give DM0.

M1A1 Plan mark must be radians for both [11] M and A.

dy/dx = (1 + 4x)- 4 At P, m = 2/3 Eqn of tangent y - 3 = 2/3(x - 2) At B, x = 12/3



Any attempt with dy/dx not for (1 + 4x) = 1 + 2x. A mark needs everything. Not for normal. Not for y + y1 or for m on wrong side. Allow A for unsimplified.

(1 + 4x)dx = (1 + 4x)1.5 2/3 4

Area under curve = [ ]2 [ ]0 = 41/3 Shaded area = Area of trapezium - 41/3 = 1/3 Or Area under y = 2/3x + 12/3 - 41/3 = 1/3 [or xdy = (y2 - )dy = y3/12 - y/4 area to left of curve = [ ]3 [ ]1 = 12/3 shaded area = 12/3 triangle (.2.11/3) = 1/3]

Any attempt at integration with (1 + 4x) to a power. Other fn of x included, M1 only. DM1A1 Use of limits 0 to 2 only. Must attempt a value at 0. M1A1 A1 M1 Plan mark independent of M marks.


A1 co.

[M1A1 Attempt at differentiation. A1 for each term. A1 DM1A1 Must be limits 1 to 3 used correctly.

M1 Plan mark independent of other Ms. A1] [11] DM1 for quadratic equation. Equation must be set to 0. Formula - must be correctly used. Allow arithmetical errors such as errors over squaring a negative number. Factors must be an attempt at two brackets. Each bracket must then be equated to 0 and solved. Completing the square must result in (x6k)2 = p. Allow if only one root considered.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 1


Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

Put x = -b/2 (or synthetic or long division to remainder) 3b3 + 7b2 - 4 = 0 AG Search

M1 M1

A1 A1

b = -1 [or b = -2] (1st root or factor)

Attempt to divide 3b2 + 4b - 4 (or 3b2 + b - 2) or further search b = -2 [or b = -1] Factorise (or formula) [3 term quadratic] or method for 3rd value b = -2, -1 or 2/3


DM1 A1 M1

[7] 2 (i)

AB = OB - OA = 6(9i + 12j)
Unit vector = AB 9 2 + 12 2 = 6(0.6i + 0.8j) [Accept any equivalent unsimplified version of column vectors, 6

9 0.6 , 6 0.8 ] 12




AC = 2/3 AB = 6i + 8j OC = OA + AC

(or CB = 1/3 AB = 3i + 4j)

M1 M1 A1

[6] 3

(or OB - CB ) = 12i + 5j (or equivalent)

(3 x 0.5 + 2 x -0.5 ) dx = 3x1.5/1.5 + 2x0.5/0.5

(one power correct sufficient for M mark) M1 A1 A1 M1 B1 A1
8 1

[6] 4

= (2 x 8 8 + 4 8) (2 + 4) Must be an attempt at integration

Putting 8 = 2 2 (i.e. one term converted to k 2 ) -6 + 40 2 16x+1 = 24x+4 or 16 x 24x or 16 x 42x or 16 x 16x 20 (42x) = 20(24x) or 5(24x+2) or 20 x 16x 2x-3 8x+2 = 2x-3 23x+6 = 24x+3 or 8 x 24x or 8 x 42x or 8 x 16x Cancel 24x+2 or 24x and simplify 4.5 or equivalent

B1 B1



[4] 5 (i) f(0) = (ii) x = (ey + 1)/4 (iii) Domain of f-1 is [7] x$ f2(0) = f() = ( e + 1)/4 0.662 (accept 0.66 or better) B1 M1 A1

ey = 4 x - 1

f-1 : x a In(4x - 1)
Range of f-1 is f-1$0 B1

M1 A1 B1

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2


Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

6 (i) x2 8x + 12 = 0 x2 8x + 12 > 0 (ii) x2 8x = 0 x2 8x < 0

Factorise or formula Critical values x = 2, 6

{x : x < 2} {x : x > 6}


A1 A1

Must be an attempt to find 2 solutions {x : 0 < x < 8}

M1 A1 B1 B1 (one for each range) B1 M1 M1 A1 A1

(iii) Solution set of x2 8x + 6< 6 is combination of (i) and (ii)

{x : 0 < x < 2} {x : 6 < x < 8}

[7] 7 (i) 6! = 720 (ii) M 5! = 120 (iii) 4! 48 Accept 6C4 or 6C2 = 15

(iv) 6!/4! 2! = 15

B1 M1 A1

(v) 5!/3! 2! = 10 (or, answer to (iv) less ways M can be omitted) (Listing ignoring repeats > 8 [M1] 10 [A1]) [8] sin x = 5 cos x 8 (i) Collect sin x and cos x Divide by cos x tan x = 5 (accept 1/5 for M only) x = 78.7o or (258.7o) i.e. 1st solution + 180o (ii) Replace cos2 y by 1 sin2 y 3sin2 y + 4sin y - 4 = 0 Factorise (or formula) (3 term quadratic) sin y = 2/3 (or -2) [8] 9 (i)

M1 M1 A1 B1 M1


22 y = 0.730 (accept 0.73 or better) or (2.41) i.e. p (or ) less 1st solution A1 7


(12t - t

) dt = 6t2 1/3t3


A1 A1 B1

From t = 0 to t = 6 distance =

Max. speed = 36 from t = 6 to t = 12 distance = 36 x 6 (= 216) During deceleration distance = (0 36 ) 2(- 4) = 162 Area of D is fine for M mark but value of t must be from constant acceleration not 12 2t = 64
2 2

6 0

= 144

M1 Total distance = 144 + 216 + 162 = 522 A1 (ii) v

t [8] B2, 1, 0

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3


Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

10 (i) dy


( x - 2)2 - (2 x + 4)1 -8 = k = -8 2 ( x - 2) ( x - 2) 2 -8 as answer) ( x - 2) 2

M1 A1

Must be correct formula for M mark (accept

(ii) When y = 0, x = -2 (B mark is for one solution only) NB. x = 0, y = -2 mtangent = -8/16 = -1/2 mnormal = +2 (M is for use of m1 m2 = -1, whether numeric or algebraic) Equation of normal is y - 0 = 2(x + 2) (candidates mnormal and [x]y=0 for M mark) (iii) When y = 6, x = 4



M1 A1 B1 M1 A1

dy dy dx -8 -8 = = 0.05 = 0.05 = -0.1 (accept 6) 2 dt dx dt ( x - 2) 4


i.e. x 0.05 for M mark. dx x =4 [9] 11 is for error in k only. (Condone S EITHER y

dy x S) dx

D (13, 11)

A (3, 2) E

C (7, 4) x

(i) mAC = (4 - 2)/(7 - 3) = mBD = mBC = -2 Equation of BD is y - 11 = (x - 13.5) i.e. 4y = 2x + 17 Equation of BC is y - 4 = -2(x - 7) Solving y = 7, x = 5.5 i.e. y = -2x + 18

B1 B1 B1 M1 M1 M1 A1

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 4


Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


DEBD = (ratio of corresponding sides or x- or y- steps)2 = 4/1 DEAC Quadrilateral ABDC/ D EBD = 3/4
[Or, find E(1/2, -3) and then use array method to find one of:

M1 A1


[10] 11

area quadrilateral ABDC = 22.5 area D EBD = 30 Find other area and hence ratio = 3/4 or equivalent] OR O r A 6 P r B 7 Q

M1 A1


(i) (r + 6)2 + 52 = (r + 7)2 Solve r = 6 tan AOB = 5/12 AOB = 0.395 or 22.6o

M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 A1 22.9 or better A1 A1 A1

Length of arc AB = 6 x 0.395 = 2.37 or better (ii) Sector AOB = x 62 x 0.395 = 7.11 Shaded area = x 5 x 12 - 7.11 All figures in sector and triangle correct [10]

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 1


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


x or y eliminated completely Uses the discriminant b2-4ac on a quadratic set to 0 Arrives at k = 0 from 32k = 0 Correct answer k$0.

M1 M1

A1 A1 [4]

Allow as soon as x or y eliminated. Condone poor algebra quadratic must be set to 0 b2-4ac = 0, <0, >0 all ok. For k and 0. For k$0.


Length = (1 + 6) ( 2 + 3) Multiplying top and bottom by 6( 3 - 2) 3 + 18 - 2 - 12 Reduces 18 to 3 2 or 12 to 2 3


Multiply both top and bottom by 6( 3 - 2). Allow wherever this comes not DM. Dependent on first M collects 2 and 3. Co. Allow 25 for 32 (if whole series is given, mark the 3 terms).

M1 DM1 A1 [4] B1 x 3

2 2 - 3 8 - 3
3. (i) 32 80x + 80x2 (ii) (k + x) (i) Coeff. of x is 80k + 32 Equated with 8 k = or 0.5 4. Liner travels 54km or relative speed of lifeboat is 60km/h.

Must be 2 terms considered. M1 For solution of k = (-8 - a) (b) A1 [5] B1 Anywhere.

Correct vel./distance triangle


Use of cosine rule in triangle V2 = 602 + 362 2.60.36cos45 or d2 = 902 + 542 2.90.54cos45. V = 42.9 or d = 64.4 V = 42.9

M1 A1 A1 [5]

Triangle must be correct with 54, 45o, 90 or 36, 45o, 60 or even 36, 45o, 90. Allow for other angles. Unsimplified and allow for 135o as well as 45o. Co.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


Elimination of x or y. 4x2 + 6x 4 = 0 or y2 12y + 11 = 0 Solution of quadratic = 0.

M1 A1 DM1

x or y eliminated completely. Correct equation not necessarily = 0 Usual method for solving quadratic = 0

(0.5, 11) and (-2, 1)

Length = (2.52 + 102) = 10.3

All correct. Condone incorrect pairing if answers originally correct. M1A1 Must be correct formula correctly [6] applied. A1


A2 =

2 - 3 2 - 3 4 - 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 2 2 - 15 0 3


Do not allow M mark if all elements are squared. If correct, allow both marks. If incorrect, some working is needed to give M mark. B1 for , B1 for matrix.

A-1 = 0


B = A2 - 4A-1 = 7. f(x) = 4 cos2x

M1A1 M mark is independent of first M. [6] Allow M mark for 4A-1 - A2.

(i) amplitude = 61. Period = 180o or


Independent of graph. Do not allow 4 to 5. Must be two complete cycles. 0/2 if not. Needs 3 to 5 marked or implied. Needs to start and finish at minimum. Needs curve not lines.



Max (90o, 5) and (270o, 5)

B1B1 Independent of graph (90, 270 gets [6] B1). Allow radians or degrees.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


(i) O, P, S correct (ii) 34, 35, 36, 37 correct

B2,1 B2,1

Give B1 if only one is correct. These 2 B marks can only be awarded only if B2 has been given for part (i). Co.

O S = odd squares 4 O S = odd and even squares 49 + 5 = 54


M1A1 Any correct method. Co. [7] B1B1 M1A1 Anywhere. Forming equation and correctly eliminating log. Co. Recognising that the equation is quadratic. Correct method of solving the equation = 0.


(i) log42 = log864 = 2 2x + 5 = 91.5 x = 11 (ii) Quadratic in 3y Solution of quadratic = 0

M1 DM1

3y = 5 or 10
Solution of 3y = k y = 1.46 or 1.47 M1

Not dependent on first M1. Correct method. Co. (not for log5 log3). Ignore ans A1 [8] from 3y = -10.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

10. x y xy x2 2 9.2 18.4 4 3 8.8 26.4 9 4 9.4 37.6 16 5 10.4 52.0 25 6 11.6 69.6 36

M1 A2,1

Knows what to do. Points accurate single line with ruler

(i) Plots xy against x2 or x2 against xy to get a line c = 12 to 12.5 or -7.25 to -7.75 m = 1.55 to 1.65 or 0.62 to 0.63 xy = 1.6x2 + 12 or x2 = 0.625xy - 7.5 y = 1.6x + 12/x (ii) Reads off at xy = 45 x = 4.5 to 4.6 11. y = xe2x (i) d/dx(e2x) = 2e2x dy/dx = e2x + x.2 e2x sets to 0 x = -0.5 (ii) d2y/dx2 = 2 e2x + [2 e2x + 4x e2x] = 4 e2x(1 + x) k = 4 (iii) when x = -0.5, d2y/dx2 is +ve (0.74) Minimum 12. EITHER B1 M1 M1A1 Anywhere even if dy/dx = 2x e2x or 2 e2x. Use of correct product rule. Not DM mark. Allow for stating his dy/dx = 0. Use of product rule needed. Allow if he reaches 4e2x(1 + x). B1 B1 M1 A1

Allow if y = mx + c used. Allow if y = mx + c used. Must be xy = mx2 + c or x2 = mxy + c.

M1A1 Algebra is also ok as long as xy = 45 [9] is solved with an equation given M1 above.

M1A1 A1

M1A1 No need for figures but needs [9] correct x and correct d2y/dx2.

At A, y = 4 dy/dx = 2cosx - 4sinx dy/dx = 0 when tanx = At B, x = 0.464 or 26.6o

B1 M1A1 M1A1 A1

Anywhere. Any attempt at differentiation. Sets to 0 and recognises need for tangent. Co. Accept radians or degrees here.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

(2sinx + 4cosx)dx = -2cosx + 4sinx

Area under curve = [ ]0.464 [ ]0 -(-2) = 2. Reqd area = 2 - (4 0.464) = 0.144 (5 or 6). 12. OR

M1A1 DM1

Any attempt with trig. functions. x-limits used correctly. If 0 ignored or automatically set to 0, give DM0.

M1A1 Plan mark must be radians for both [11] M and A.

dy/dx = (1 + 4x)- 4 At P, m = 2/3 Eqn of tangent y - 3 = 2/3(x - 2) At B, x = 12/3



Any attempt with dy/dx not for (1 + 4x) = 1 + 2x. A mark needs everything. Not for normal. Not for y + y1 or for m on wrong side. Allow A for unsimplified.

(1 + 4x)dx = (1 + 4x)1.5 2/3 4

Area under curve = [ ]2 [ ]0 = 41/3 Shaded area = Area of trapezium - 41/3 = 1/3 Or Area under y = 2/3x + 12/3 - 41/3 = 1/3 [or xdy = (y2 - )dy = y3/12 - y/4 area to left of curve = [ ]3 [ ]1 = 12/3 shaded area = 12/3 triangle (.2.11/3) = 1/3]

Any attempt at integration with (1 + 4x) to a power. Other fn of x included, M1 only. DM1A1 Use of limits 0 to 2 only. Must attempt a value at 0. M1A1 A1 M1 Plan mark independent of M marks.


A1 co.

[M1A1 Attempt at differentiation. A1 for each term. A1 DM1A1 Must be limits 1 to 3 used correctly.

M1 Plan mark independent of other Ms. A1] [11] DM1 for quadratic equation. Equation must be set to 0. Formula - must be correctly used. Allow arithmetical errors such as errors over squaring a negative number. Factors must be an attempt at two brackets. Each bracket must then be equated to 0 and solved. Completing the square must result in (x6k)2 = p. Allow if only one root considered.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

Put x = -b/2 (or synthetic or long division to remainder) 3b3 + 7b2 - 4 = 0 AG Search

M1 M1

A1 A1

b = -1 [or b = -2] (1st root or factor)

Attempt to divide 3b2 + 4b - 4 (or 3b2 + b - 2) or further search b = -2 [or b = -1] Factorise (or formula) [3 term quadratic] or method for 3rd value b = -2, -1 or 2/3


DM1 A1 M1

[7] 2 (i)

AB = OB - OA = 6(9i + 12j)
Unit vector = AB 9 2 + 12 2 = 6(0.6i + 0.8j) [Accept any equivalent unsimplified version of column vectors, 6

9 0.6 , 6 0.8 ] 12




AC = 2/3 AB = 6i + 8j OC = OA + AC

(or CB = 1/3 AB = 3i + 4j)

M1 M1 A1

[6] 3

(or OB - CB ) = 12i + 5j (or equivalent)

(3 x 0.5 + 2 x -0.5 ) dx = 3x1.5/1.5 + 2x0.5/0.5

(one power correct sufficient for M mark) M1 A1 A1 M1 B1 A1
8 1

[6] 4

= (2 x 8 8 + 4 8) (2 + 4) Must be an attempt at integration

Putting 8 = 2 2 (i.e. one term converted to k 2 ) -6 + 40 2 16x+1 = 24x+4 or 16 x 24x or 16 x 42x or 16 x 16x 20 (42x) = 20(24x) or 5(24x+2) or 20 x 16x 2x-3 8x+2 = 2x-3 23x+6 = 24x+3 or 8 x 24x or 8 x 42x or 8 x 16x Cancel 24x+2 or 24x and simplify 4.5 or equivalent

B1 B1



[4] 5 (i) f(0) = (ii) x = (ey + 1)/4 (iii) Domain of f-1 is [7] x$ f2(0) = f() = ( e + 1)/4 0.662 (accept 0.66 or better) B1 M1 A1

ey = 4 x - 1

f-1 : x a In(4x - 1)
Range of f-1 is f-1$0 B1

M1 A1 B1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

6 (i) x2 8x + 12 = 0 x2 8x + 12 > 0 (ii) x2 8x = 0 x2 8x < 0

Factorise or formula Critical values x = 2, 6

{x : x < 2} {x : x > 6}


A1 A1

Must be an attempt to find 2 solutions {x : 0 < x < 8}

M1 A1 B1 B1 (one for each range) B1 M1 M1 A1 A1

(iii) Solution set of x2 8x + 6< 6 is combination of (i) and (ii)

{x : 0 < x < 2} {x : 6 < x < 8}

[7] 7 (i) 6! = 720 (ii) M 5! = 120 (iii) 4! 48 Accept 6C4 or 6C2 = 15

(iv) 6!/4! 2! = 15

B1 M1 A1

(v) 5!/3! 2! = 10 (or, answer to (iv) less ways M can be omitted) (Listing ignoring repeats > 8 [M1] 10 [A1]) [8] sin x = 5 cos x 8 (i) Collect sin x and cos x Divide by cos x tan x = 5 (accept 1/5 for M only) x = 78.7o or (258.7o) i.e. 1st solution + 180o (ii) Replace cos2 y by 1 sin2 y 3sin2 y + 4sin y - 4 = 0 Factorise (or formula) (3 term quadratic) sin y = 2/3 (or -2) [8] 9 (i)

M1 M1 A1 B1 M1


22 y = 0.730 (accept 0.73 or better) or (2.41) i.e. p (or ) less 1st solution A1 7


(12t - t

) dt = 6t2 1/3t3


A1 A1 B1

From t = 0 to t = 6 distance =

Max. speed = 36 from t = 6 to t = 12 distance = 36 x 6 (= 216) During deceleration distance = (0 36 ) 2(- 4) = 162 Area of D is fine for M mark but value of t must be from constant acceleration not 12 2t = 64
2 2

6 0

= 144

M1 Total distance = 144 + 216 + 162 = 522 A1 (ii) v

t [8] B2, 1, 0

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

10 (i) dy


( x - 2)2 - (2 x + 4)1 -8 = k = -8 2 ( x - 2) ( x - 2) 2 -8 as answer) ( x - 2) 2

M1 A1

Must be correct formula for M mark (accept

(ii) When y = 0, x = -2 (B mark is for one solution only) NB. x = 0, y = -2 mtangent = -8/16 = -1/2 mnormal = +2 (M is for use of m1 m2 = -1, whether numeric or algebraic) Equation of normal is y - 0 = 2(x + 2) (candidates mnormal and [x]y=0 for M mark) (iii) When y = 6, x = 4



M1 A1 B1 M1 A1

dy dy dx -8 -8 = = 0.05 = 0.05 = -0.1 (accept 6) 2 dt dx dt ( x - 2) 4


i.e. x 0.05 for M mark. dx x =4 [9] 11 is for error in k only. (Condone S EITHER y

dy x S) dx

D (13, 11)

A (3, 2) E

C (7, 4) x

(i) mAC = (4 - 2)/(7 - 3) = mBD = mBC = -2 Equation of BD is y - 11 = (x - 13.5) i.e. 4y = 2x + 17 Equation of BC is y - 4 = -2(x - 7) Solving y = 7, x = 5.5 i.e. y = -2x + 18

B1 B1 B1 M1 M1 M1 A1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


DEBD = (ratio of corresponding sides or x- or y- steps)2 = 4/1 DEAC Quadrilateral ABDC/ D EBD = 3/4
[Or, find E(1/2, -3) and then use array method to find one of:

M1 A1


[10] 11

area quadrilateral ABDC = 22.5 area D EBD = 30 Find other area and hence ratio = 3/4 or equivalent] OR O r A 6 P r B 7 Q

M1 A1


(i) (r + 6)2 + 52 = (r + 7)2 Solve r = 6 tan AOB = 5/12 AOB = 0.395 or 22.6o

M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 M1 A1 22.9 or better A1 A1 A1

Length of arc AB = 6 x 0.395 = 2.37 or better (ii) Sector AOB = x 62 x 0.395 = 7.11 Shaded area = x 5 x 12 - 7.11 All figures in sector and triangle correct [10]

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

1. (i) y=(3x-2)Q(x2+5) dy/dx = (x2+5)3 - (3x-2)2x (x2+5)2 (ii) Num = 15 + 4x - 3x2 = 0 when x = -5/3 or x = 3

M1 A1

Formula must be correct - allow unsimplified. Setting to 0 + attempt to solve. Both correct.

M1 A1 [4]


x3 = 5x-2 x3 - 5x + 2 = 0 Tries to find a value x = 2 fits Q=(x-2) x2 + 2x - 1 = 0 Solution x = 1 2

M1 A1 M1 DM1 A1 [5]

Equating + attempt at a value by TI Co - allow for (x-2) or for f(2) Must be Q by (x-his value) As by quadratic scheme Co

3. (i)

y = |2x+3| -ve then +ve slope Vertex at (-h,0) y=1x Line, -ve m, (k,0)

B1 DB1 B1 [3]

Must be 2 parts ignore -2 to -1 V shape-Vertex on -ve x-axis + lines -ve slope, crosses axes at x,y +ve allow if only in 1st or 2nd quadrants From graph, or calculation or guess [3] B2 if correct. M mark for any method. Squares both sides M1 quadratic A1 Answers A1

(ii) x + 2x + 3 = 1 x = - (-0.65 to -0.70) x - (2x+3) = 1 x = -4 (-3.9 to -4.1)

B1 M1 AI

4. x = asin(bx)+c (i) a = 2 and b = 3 (ii) c = 1 (iii) 3 cycles (0 to 360) -1 to 3 Period 120 + all correct. B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 DB1 [6] Wrong way round - no marks. No labels - allow B1 if both correct. Co Even if starting incorrectly. Needs to be marked - allow for any trig graph. Everything in relatively correct position - needs both B's

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

5. xy + 24 = 0 and 5y + 2x = 1 Makes x or y the subject and subs 5y2 = y + 48 or 2x2 x = 120 Solution of quadratic = 0 (8,-3) and (-7.5,3.2) d = (15.52+6.22) = 16.7

M1 A1 DM1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

x or y removed completely condone poor algebra. A1 co. By scheme for quadratic = 0 Co M mark ind of anything before. A1 on his 2 points.


4 .6 .3 .1 (300 240) .5 .4 .1 6 8 .6 .5 300 240 or (4 6 8) .3 .4 . 1 . 1 4 5 (300 186 54) 6 or (300 240) 5.2 8
Final answer $2748


For 3 correct matrices independent of whether they are conformable allow with or without the factor of 100.

M1 A1

1st product. Co. Matrices must be written in correct order for M mark, the 2x3 or 3x2 must be used. 2nd product. By any method, inc numerical. Omission of 100 loses last B1 only. Correct triangle of velocities - must be 7,12 and 135 opposite 12. Sine rule used in his triangle. If 45 or 135 between 7 and 12, allow M1 for cos rule, M1 for sine rule Co.

M1 B1 [6]

7. B1 sin = sin135 7 12 = 24.4 M2 A1

= 20.6.

Bearing is 020.6

A1 [5]

Co. Allow 21.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


y = (ax+3)lnx On x-axis, y = 0 ax + 3 = 0 x is -ve no soln But lnx = 0 x =1 dy/dx = alnx + (ax+3).(1/x) Use of m1m2 = -1 Gradient of tangent = -1 Q (-1/5) a=2

M1 A1 M1 B1 M1 A1 A1 [7]

Needs an attempt at solution. Ignore other solutions at this stage. Correct use of "uv" formula. For d/dx(lnx), even if M0 given above. Could equate m with -1 Q (dy/dx) Co. Co.

1 9. (a) x 2x 5


(1/2x ) 18C15 (x) 18.17.16() 6 102 (b) (1 + kx)n Coeff of x2 = nC2k2 Coeff of x3 = nC3k3

5 3

B1 B1 B1 [3] B1 B1

For 18C3 or 18C15 For ()3 even if in (1/2x)3 Co Co. Co. Needs attempt at nCr Co [4]

Equating and changing to factorials M1 A1 k = 3/(n2) or equivalent without factorials

10. (i) Area = sector BCA = 1.4 or height = 20sin0.7 M1 = .202sin( 1.4) M1 or bh = 197.1 Sector = 2020.7 = 140 Area = 57.1 M1 A1 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4]

Award for either of these. Correct method for area of Use of r2 Co

(ii) DC = 20 x 0.7 (=14) AB = 2 x 20cos0.7 or cos rule BD = AB 20 = 10.6 Perimeter = 44.6 Could be [5] + [3] if AB used in part (i)

Use of s = r Correct trig could gain this in (i) Co

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

11. (i) m = a/x3 y = ax-2 (+c) Puts in (2, 3.5) 28 = a + 8c Puts in (5, 1.4) 70 = a + 50c Solution a = 20, c = 1

M1 A1 DM1 M1 A1 [5]

Any attempt to integrate. Co. Substitutes one of his points even if +c missing Correct method of soln. Both co. (beware fortuitous ans. a = 20 given) N.B: assumes a = 20 without checking that both points work (M1A0DM1M0A1) Integrates his "curve" Use of limits correctly in either A or B or in A+B (2 to 5). Award M1 for each. (Can get these if only one integration) co

(ii) (10x-2 + 1)dx = 10x-1 + x A = [ ]P [ ]2 = 10/p + p + 3 B = [ ]5 [ ]p = 10/p p + 3 P = 10 or 3.16

M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 [5]

12 EITHER 12 questions 3 trig, 4 alg, 5 calc Answer 8 from 12. (a) (i) 12C8 = 495 (ii) T and A 0 T and C 1 A and C 9 8 dresses, A H (b) (i) 8P5 = 6720 (ii) of (i) = 840 or 7P4 (iii) of (i) = 4200 or 5 x (ii) or 8P5 7P5 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [6] Must be 8P5 for M1 co for A1. Any method ok. on (i) if appropriate Any method ok. on (i) or (ii) M1 A1 Total = 10 M1 A1 [4]
12C8 gets

M1. Answer only gets both

marks. Needs to have considered 2 of the possibilities.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

12 OR x y lgy 2 9.8 0.99 4 19.4 1.29 6 37.4 1.57 8 10 74.0 144.4 1.87 2.16 M1 A1 [2] B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [5] B1 M1 A1 [3] Knows what to do. Don't penalise incorrect scale. Points correct to small square. Anywhere even if no graph Gradient measured + equated to lgb. Intercept measured + equated to lgA. Even if no line give if line correct. Must be a line. To this accuracy.

(i) Finds values of lgy Draws graph accurately. (ii) lgy = lgA + xlgb m = lgb b = 1.4 ( 0.05) c = IgA A = 5.0 ( 0.2) (iii) lgy = xlg2 i.e Straight line Y = 0.301x x = 4.5 ( 0.2) Use of simultaneous eqns in part (ii) gets B1 only, unless both points used are on his line, in which case allow marks if to correct accuracy.

DM 1 for quadratic equation. Equation must be set to 0 if using formula or factors. Formula Factors Must be correct Must attempt to put quadratic into 2 factors. ignore arithmetic and algebraic slips. Each factor then equated to 0.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


( i 7j ) + ( 0.6i + 0.8j ) = 4i + k j 1 + 0.6 = 4 7 + 0.8



= 5 7 + 0.8 5 = 3 = k M1 A1


Attempt at cos-1 0.3

[72.5 A0] = 1.266 [ 5.017, 7.549 ]

accept 1.3



x + 1 = 2.532, 10 034, 15.098 3 [4]

x = 14.1 or better [or equivalent] [or equivalent] [or equivalent]

1 cos 2 cos sin
sin 2 tan cos sin



(i) Some vegetarians in the college are over 180 cm tall (ii) No cyclists in the college are over 180 cm tall (iii) B C
1 cos 1 1 + cos sin sin

B1 B1 B1 B1





1 cos2 sin2 Must be useful use of Pythagoras 5 [5] x =

1 5 + 3
20 20 (4 2 ) = 2 5 3



12 +


2 20 +

20 12 2

M1 A1 ]



rationalising each fraction or bringing to common denominator Denominator = 2 [or 8 ] 6 [6] (a) 2x2 3x 14 = 0

1 1 + = c d

A1 A1 M1 A1 A1

( 2x 7 )( x + 2 ) = 0

x = 2, 3.5

{x : x < 2 } {x : x > 3.5}

8 y (b) Eliminate y x2 + 4( 8 kx ) = 20 [ or x + 4 y = 20 ] k


x2 4kx + 12 = 0 Apply b2 = 4ac

[ or y2 + ( 4k2 16)y + ( 64 20k2) = 0 ] 16k2 = 48 [ or 16k4 = 48k2 ] k = 3 M1 A1

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Page 2

Mark Scheme ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS JUNE 2004 (i) (ii) e2x-3 (= 7) h = 2ex 3

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


x = ( 3 + ln 7 ) 2.47 ~ 2.48 (not 2.5) (x, y or) h > 3 accept

M1 B1

A1 B1

(iii) h1 (or y) = ln { ( x + 3 )} or ln(x + 3) ln2 or lg{(x + 3)}/lge but ln{(y + 3)} M1 A0 lg (or log) {(x + 3)} M1 A0

M1 A1 (M1 for logs taken in valid way M1 B1



log 3 ( 2x + 1) log 3 ( 3x 11) = log 3 log 3 ( ) = 2

2x + 1 [Or, later, give M1 for 3 x 11

log + log=log(product)

( ) = 32

2x + 1 = 9( 3x 11) (ii) log 4 y = log 2 y = 1 log log 2 4 2

x = 4 [ or log 2 y = log 4 y = 2 log log 4 2


DM1 A1

y ]

M1 A1

log 2 y + log 2 y = 9 [or log 4 y + 2log 4 y = 9] y = 26 or 43 = 64 9 [8] 6 + 4x x2 10 ( x 2)2 (i) x = 2 y = 10 Maximum

DM1 A1

M1 A1 B1B1B1

(ii) f(0) = 6, f(2) = 10, f(5) = 1 (iii) f has no inverse; it is not 1:1 10 [10] (i) mBC = 3/5 mAC = (ii) Solve Equation of AD is

1 f 10 [alternatively 1 B1, 10 B1]

M1 A1

B1 y 4 = 3/5( x + 2) B1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1

Equation of CD is y 2 = 4( x 6) x = 8, y = 10

(iii) Length of AC = Length of CD = 11 [10] (i) d/dx ( 2x 3)3/2 = ( 2x 3)1/2

3/2 2

M1 A1

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 DM1 A1

dy/dx = 1 ( 2x 3)3/2 + ( x + 1) { candidates d/dx ( 2x 3)3/2 } =

2 x 3 {( 2 x 3 ) + 3 ( x + 1)} = 5 x 2 x 3

k = 5

(ii) y dy/dx x = (dy/dx)x=6 p =

( y )x=6+p = ( y )x=6 + y = 189 + 90p (iii)


2 x 3dx = 1/5 ( x + 1)( 2x 3)3/2

[ ] 2 = 1/5 ( 189 3) =37.2

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Mark Scheme ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS JUNE 2004 (i) a = dv/dt = 5e-1/2 t v = 8 = 10(1 e-1/2 t ) (ii) s =
6 [ ]0

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


12 [11]

M1 A1

e-1/2 t = 0.2
t / 2

a = 1

M1 A1 M1 A1 DM1 A1

v dt

(10 10 e

)d t

= 10t + 20e-t/2

= ( 60 + 20e-3 ) ( 20 ) 41 (iv) v 10 t

(iii) 10

B1 B2,1,0

12 [11]


(i) d/d {( cos )-1} = (ii) AX = 2sec


( cos )-2 ( sin ) = sin/cos2 PX = 2tan


M1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 A1

T = 2 sec + 10 2 tan (iii)

dT 2 sin 2 = sec d 3 cos 2 5

= 0 when 5sin = 3 sin = 3/5 PX = 2tan = 2 = 1.5

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Page 1

Mark Scheme IGCSE JUNE 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

3 3 2 1 A = = 3 0 1 1 1 0 3 (A)1 = 9 3 3


One off for each error.

B1,B1 B1 for 19. B1 for rest. [4] from his attempt at A. If

4 1 1 1

used, could get last 2

marks. or 2 (i) (ii) A1 first B1 B1 followed by squaring B1B1 9 CDs 4 Beatles, 3 Abba, 2 Rolling

= (876)(321) = 56

2B 2A 4C23C2 = 18 2B 2R 4C21 = 6 2A 2R 3C21 = 3 Total of 27

2 if correct without working M1 A1 [2] 9C3 M0. 48C3 gets M1 A0 M1 M1 A1 One correct product with nCrs 3 products added even if nPr [3] CAO Use of s + c = 1 to obtain cos as a surd or correctly from 90o triangle. Correct algebra getting rid of 3 Correct technique used to rationalise the denominator. [5] This form ok. No need for a =, b = . (decimals get no credit) Use of b a or a b not for a + b CAO not for negative of this. Could be implied by correct OC . Any correct method ok. CAO

cos = 1 sin2 =

2 3

M1 A1 M1

s = s c

3 2 3 1 3

1 2 1

top and bottom by ( 2 + 1) 1+ 4


M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1

3 1 4 OA = , OB = , AB = 1 2 3 12 3 5 AC = AB = 9 5 5
12 3 3 5 = 5 OC = OA + AC = + 1 9 4 5 5

OC =

(9 25 + 16 25) = 1

Correct method on his OC. M1 A1 [6] Answer was given.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 2

Mark Scheme IGCSE JUNE 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

f(x) = A + 5cosBx A = 2 Amplitude = 5 B=3 Range 3 to 7

B1 B1 B1 B1

CAO CAO CAO 3 to 7 implied somewhere table ok even if no graph


Needs 1 oscillations over-rides rest. on 3 and 7 Start at max finishes at second min. [6] Curves but be tolerant

6 (i) (i) (ii) f yes 7 (a)

7 f(x) 8 0 g(x) 8 7 h(x) 2 g no h no

B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B2,1


Allow < for As above As above

Subs and divides 1.031 = 1.0025t t = lg 1.031 lg 1.0025 = 12.3

l = l 0 (1 + )t

Loses one for each wrong decision. [7] (answer f on its own allow B2) Sub + division before taking logs. (or lgl = lgl0 + tlg(1+) + use) Taking logs. CAO to 3 sf or more. Anywhere in the question. Putting any 2 logs together Complete elimination of 3 logs CAO [4]

M1 M1 A1 [3] B1 M1 M1 A1


1 = log 10 LHS = lg 10(8 x) 80 10x = 3x +2 x=6 1 3.28 2 2.40 3 1.49 4 0.60

8 lgx lgy (i)

For part (ii) use of sim eqns is ok if points used are on line, not from table. M1 A2,1 Knows what to do. [3] Accuracy within square. B1 A1 B1 A1 [4] B1 even if just stated without graph. B1 even if just stated without graph.

Knows what to do. Pts within square. n = 0.88 to 0.92 k = 14 000 to 16 000

(ii) Gradient = n log k = y-intercept

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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Mark Scheme IGCSE JUNE 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

9 (i)

x + 2x + k = 3kx 1 x + (2 3k)x + (k + 1) = 0 Uses b 4ac =, > or < 0 9k 16k End-points of 0 and 16/9 Use of b 4ac < 0 Solution set 0 < k < 16/9

M1 A1 DM1 M1 A1 [5]

Any use of b 4ac This quadratic only. Solution of this quadratic 2 values Definite recognition of ve. CAO [2] NB No intersection on its own without k = 1 gets no credit.


B1 Same case with k = 1 No intersection since k inside the B1 range Special case. Solves simultaneous. eqns 7. B1

10 (i) x = a 2a3 + 2a 2 + 13a + 12 x = a 2a3 + 2a 2 13a + 12

2a3 + 2a 2 + 13a + 12


For either of these ignore simple algebraic and numeric slips

= 3( 2a3 + 2a 2 13a + 12 ) 2a + a 13a + 6 = 0 (ii) Tries a = 2 : fits ok. ( or 3, ) (x 2) 2a + 5a 3 Solution a = 3 and If factors left as final answer, loses the last 2 marks. 11 a = 2 2t (i) v = 2t t (+ c) v = 0 when t = 4 c = 24 if t = 0, v = 24 ms1 (ii) s = t t/3+(24t) 2 Put t = 4 58 m 3 (iii)

Allow M1 if 3 wrong side. Answer M1 A1 [3] given. M1A1 M1 M1 A1 [5] Tries a search for first value Must be (x ) for M. CAO for A mark. CAO for both. T & I : M1 A1 for first value, A1 for second value, A2 for third. T Attempt at . Ignore omission of c Attempt at c. CAO

M1 A1 DM1 A1 [4] Attempt at . 24t not needed. M1A1 A1 [3] CAO

B1 [1]

Curve necessary.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 4

Mark Scheme IGCSE JUNE 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

12 EITHER y = 8 e2x

x = 0, y = 7 dy/dx = 2e2x At = x = 0, m = 2 Tangent crosses y-axis at (3, 0) y = 0, x = ln8 or 1.04 Area of triangle = 3.57 = 12.25 curve = [8x e2x] From 0 to his x [4ln8 4] [0 0.5] 12.25 (4ln8 3.5) = 7.43 12 OR (i) Perimeter of square + circumference =2m 4x + 2 r = 2 r=
1 2x
1 2x

M1 A1

For differential. CAO for gradient of 2.

Any method ok providing calculus M1 A1 [4] used. Numeric gradient for M1. B1 M1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [6] Anywhere in the question. Even if no integration later. Attempt at . CAO DM0 if value at 0 assumed to be 0. CAO

M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] M1 A1 DM1 A1

Allow for d or r and for 2x or 4x CAO in any form Needs r and l (both) CAO answer given

A = x + A=

( + 4)x 2 4 x + 1


dA 1 = (2x + 8 x 4) dx 4 = 0.28 m = 0 when x = 2 + 8

Attempt at diff. A0 if missing, but can then gain rest of marks. Sets his differential to 0.

A = 0.14 (iii)
d2 A dx

[4] CAO 2 sig figures sufficient.

1 (2 + 8) +ve MIN

M1 A1 Any valid method ok. Needs correct [2] d2 A algebraic 2 for A mark.

DM1 for quadratic equation. Equation must be set to 0 if using formula or factors. Formula Factors Must be correct Must attempt to put quadratic into 2 factors ignore arithmetic and algebraic slips. Each factor then equated to 0.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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Mark Scheme IGCSE June 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


dy/dx = (2x 1) 2 ( 8) 2

B3, 2, 1


dy/dt = [dy/dx]x = 0.5 dx/dt 0.2 = 4 dx/dt dx/dt = 0.05

12 300 40 ) or (12 5 ) = ( 3800) 5 40

M1 A1


(i) (ii)


B1 B1 M1 A1

180 400 1960 180 40 10 or (10 4 ) = or (1960 4600 ) 4 40 150 4600 400 150


3800 + 1960 + 4600 = 10 360 x + y = 12 AP2 BP2 = AB2 x2 y2 = 60 Solve for y [via (12 y)2 y2 = 60 or using x y = 5] BP = 3.5



B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [5]

g2 (2.75) = g (2.5) or via [2(2x 3) 3]x=2.75 = 2 g-1(x) =

x +3 2

M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 [5]

g-1f(x) =

sin x + 3 2

x = /2


d (x ln x x) = ln x + (x 1/x) 1 (= ln x) dx

M1 A1


ln xdx = x ln x x
y = 0, x = 1

3 [ ]1 = (3ln3 3 ) (0 1) 1.30

B1 M1 A1 [6]

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 2

Mark Scheme IGCSE June 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


d/dx (e2x) = 2e2x

d e = sin x(2e ) e dx sin x sin 2 x
2x 2x 2x

cos x

or (sin x)1(2e2x) + e2x (sin x)-2 (-cos x)

B2, 1, 0 B1

= 0 when 2sin x cos x = 0 (ii) tan x = 0.5

x 0.464


M1 A1 [6]

Express in powers of 5 53x = 52+y [or xlg125 = lg25 + ylg 5] Express in powers of 7 7x 2y = 70 or 7x = 72y [or x lg7 y lg 49 = 0] Solve 3x = 2 + y x = 2y [or 2.10 x = 1.40 + 0.70 y 0.845 x 1.69 y = 0]
x = 0.8

B2, 1, 0

B2, 1, 0

y = 0.4

M1 A1



Insert k in C D 6k in C D 3k in C D n (C D) = 5/6 n( ) = 10k Insert 2k in (C D)

B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [7]


11k = 165 000 n( ) = 12k = 180 000 X

9 Correct of velocities V 60 300 Y 120 [ 39.7]


sin = (120sin 120)/300 20.3

M1 A1 M1 A1 DM1 A1

V = 300 sin 39.7/sin 120 [or 120 sin 39.7/sin 20.3 or cos rule] 221 T 720/221 3.24~6 [or via components 300 sin = V cos 30, 300 cos = V cos 60 + 120 Square, add and solve for V, T = 12/(22 1)]


University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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Mark Scheme IGCSE June 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

10 (a)

Replace tan2 x by sec2 x 1 4sec2 x + 15sec x 4 = 0 (4sec x 1)(sec x + 4) = 0 (cos x = 4), cos x = 0.25 x = 104.5 or 255.5

B1 M1 A1 A1


tan-15 1.37 (or 78.7), or any correct value of tan1(5) Any 2 correct values, or the specific value, of tan1 (5) = 1.77 (101.3), 4.91 (281.3), 8.05 (461.3) Add 2 [or 114.6], divide by 3 [consistent] only] 32 + 80x + 80x2 + 40x3 + 10x4 + x5 All coefficients to be resolved x = 3 y 3.35 [one answer

B1 B1

M1 A1 [8]

11 (a)


B3, 2, 1


x3 = 33,

x5 = 93

B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 A1 [9]

32 + 803 + 240 + 1203 + 90 + 93 = 362 + 2093 (b) + x4( 4/x )3 7C4 (or 7C3 ) = 35 = 2240

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 4

Mark Scheme IGCSE June 2005

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

12 E

DC = BD [or D (5, 6) midpoint of C (x, y), B(8, 8)] C is (2, 4) mDE = mAC = 7/4 mCE = 1/mAC = 4/7

M1 A1 B1 B1 A1 M1(either) A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [11]

Equation of DE is y 6 = 7/4 (x 5) Equation of CE is y 4 = 4/7 (x 2) Solve for E x = 3.4, y = 3.2

Complete method for entire area 15.6 12 (i) O BOD = 2sin1 0.8 1.855 (106.3) or BOE = 0.927 (53.1) BAD = BOD 0.927 (53.1) or BAE = 0.464 (26.6) [or O to BD = ( 102 82 ) = 6, BAD = 2tan1 8/16] AB = 8/sin( BAD) 17.9 (ii) (iii) [or via (82 + 162)]

M1 A1 M1 A1

M1 A1 M1 A1

Perimeter = (10 1.855) + (17.89 0.927) [or degrees /180] 35.1 Use of r2 or r2 ( sin ) (radians or degrees Complete plan Segment BCDB = 102 1.855 16 6 44.75 Segment BEDB = 17.92 0.927 16 16 20.3~5
) 180

M1 M1

Area 24.2~5

A1 [11]

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2006





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University of Cambridge International Examinations 2006

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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01


(i) B1 [1] co

(ii) A B C (iii) (X Y) X Y

B1 B1 B1


co co co.


2. y =

( x 2)2 (2 x + 4) 2x + 4 dy/dx = x2 ( x 2) 2

M1 A1 M1 B1 A1 [5]

Formula must be completely correct co. (may be implied) Independent of first M mark. Anywhere in the question.

If x = 4, dy/dx = 2 Perpendicular has m = If x = 4, y = 6 Eqn y 6 = (x 4) [2y=x+8] 3. 3 x = 2 y + 18

2 x 2 23x + 2 y + 50 = 0 x 2 10 x + 16 = 0 or y 2 + 3 y 18 = 0
(2, 6) and (8, 3) Vector moves or other P (4, 3)

M1A1 DM1 A1 M1A1 [6]

Complete elimination of x/y for M. Correct method of solution of quad. Any valid method.

4. (i) (2 + u ) 5 = 32 + 80u + 80u2 (ii) Replaces u by 2x 5x2 400 from u term or +320 from u2 term Also +80 (2 x 5 x 2 ) 2 400 + 320 = 80

B2,1,0 [2] M1 B1 M1 A1 [4]

One lost for each error Recognises and uses the link. Co (may be implied by answer) Needs to look at 2 terms for x From his original expansion.

UCLES 2007

Page 5

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

5. y = (i)


9 x
B1 B1 Accept all these B marks if given as negative powers of x B1 B1 [4] B1 [1] Answer given.

9 dy = 3 dx 2 x 2 x 2 d 2 y 1 27 = 3 + 5 dx 2 4 x 2 4 x 2

(ii) If x = 9 , . (iii) If x = 9,

dy =0 dx
d2 y > 0. Minimum dx 2

M1 A1

Looks at sign of

d2 y . Needs all dx 2

[2] correct for the A mark. 6. (i) In 1.8s , alien goes 27 cm up. In 1.3 s missile goes 39 up. But alien starts at 12 up. 39 27 = 12 (ii) In 1.8s. alien goes 72 across In 1.3 s, missile goes 1.3k 72 = 1.3k + 46 k = 20. B1 B1 M1 A1 [4] B1 M1 A1 [3] B1 B1 M1 M1 A1 [5] Equates 2 horizontal displacements. B1 for 5u and B1 for 4u1 Solution of a quadratic. Allow for any soln of 5x = k. co. Equates 2 vertical displacements.

7. (a) 5 x +1 = 8 + 4(5 x ) 5u = 8 + 4u 1 5u2 8u 4 = 0 u = 2 or 0.4 Soln of 5x = 2 x = lg2 lg5 x = 0.431 (b) log( p q ) = log p log q = log (p/q) p q = p/q

B1 M1 A1 [3]

co. Eliminating lg + good algebra. co.


q2 q 1

8. (a) 1 + 5 cos 3 x = 0 cos3x = 0.2 3x = cos1(0.2) x = 0.59 or 1.50 (b) sec y + 5 tan y = 3 cos y. secy = 1/cosy and cosy uses cos2 = 1 sin2 3sin2y + 5siny 2 = 0 + solution sin y = y = 19.5 and 160.5.

M1 A1 A1 [3] M1 M1 DM1 A1 A1 [5]

UCLES 2007

Looks up cos before 3 Needs both of these. Needs correct link. Solution of quadratic co. for 180 (first ans)

Page 6

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

9. (i) 1/x 1/y 10 20 8 15.6 6.25 11.8 5 9.0 2.5 3.5 M1 A2,1,0 [3] B1 B1 M1 A1 [4] M1 A1 [2] Uses 1/y and 1/x correctly or solves equation from part (ii). co within range. Knows what to do. Accuracy.

(ii) Gradient 2.2 (0.05) Intercept = 2(0.1)

Within given range graph needed Uses Y = mX + c Correct form with his m and c.

1 1 = 2.2. 2 y x x y= 2.2 2 x

(iii) y = 0.15 1/y = 6.7 1/x = 4 x = 0.254 (0.010) 10

(i) AC = cos14/5 = 0.6435 rads BCE = 2BAC = 1.287 (ii) arc BD = 80.6435 =(5.148) arc BE = 51.287 = (6.435) DE = 108 Perimeter = sum of these = 13.6 m. (iii) Area of ABC = 34 or absinC=12 Area of sect CBE = 251.287= (16.09) Area of sect ABD = 640.6435=(20.59) shaded area = 12+16.0920.59 7.50 m2

M1 A1 [2] M1 B1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4]

Complete method inc radian use. co answer given. Any use of s=r Anywhere Sum of three parts. co.

Correct method for triangle. Any use of A=r2 Must be linked correctly. Not DM. Correct to 3 sf.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01



dy/dx = 3cosx 4sinx = 0 when 3cosx 4sinx=0 tanx = x = 0.644 y = 5.00

M1 A1 DM1 DM1 A1 [5] M1

Attempt at differentiation. co. Sets differential to 0. Arrives at tan = k. Both x and y needed.



3 sin x + 4 cos x.dx


Any attempt to integrate

= [3cosx + 4sinx] = [0+4}[3+0] 7

A1 A1 DM1 A1 [5]

Each term. Correct use of limits DM0 if 0 left co

11 OR


12 (3 x + 2) 2

(i) dy/dx = 24 (3x+2)3 3 When x = 0 , dy/dx = 9 At A, x = 0 and y = 3 B: x =

1/ 3

B1 B1 B1 B1 [4] M1 A1 A1 DM1 M1 A1 [6]

For 24 (3x+2)3, for 3 co. co Attempt needed to integrate For 12(3x+2)1). For 3. Not given if bottom limit ignored. Anywhere. co

(ii) A =

(3x + 2)



= [ 12(3x+2)1 3 ] = 4/3 2 = Area of triangle = 3 = A = 1/6

DM1 for quadratic equation. Equation must be set to 0 if using formula or factors. Formula. Factors Must be correct Must attempt to put quadratic into 2 factors. ignore arithmetic and algebraic slips. Each factor then equated to 0.

UCLES 2007

Page 4

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

ll1 M1




M1 A1



LHS = 2'





,1-n flt

M1 A1

1 3

OM! A1








UCLES 2007

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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

4{ 4 f



211: ~ 18






Whiiin k


5 5 At

Bl Ml







UCLES 2007

Page 6

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02



Ml AI' "










o' A81s

' 1)

= 5,



iZ 24




" -:;L
"'" p







+II+ -9-12


1+ 2


Sea ron

1111 AI

"2]J<piJ 73

" +

UCLES 2007

Page 4

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

1 (3]

Y:. x ( 13 - 2x) ( >)

( 2x - 1 )( x - 6 )
(iii) a= 2


2>1- 13x +6
2 [3]


l\CL l. {'t ~



(i) c = 3

(ii) b = 1

81 81 81

3 [5]


J28 -J28 -8

M1 A1

=>.fi JS +../5 XFl+.JS ../7 -JS .J7 +..J5



M1 A1

+ J35


( J28 +J20 x

J28- J20

JxJ28+J20 J28 + J20

=> 48 + 2J560 8

[ M1 A1]

4 (5]

(i) (i i)

,o c4

= 210

M1 A1

4w => sC4

= 15

3w +1o => sC3 X 4c, = 80

Total = 95

81 M1 A1


5 (5]


_1_ = 22

5 2

(ii) (64)-; : 2X

(iii) LHS

- -x = 2X

81 8181 " M1 A1 M1 A1

-- X= - 6 [6]

2?- 5x - 12 = 0


( 2x + 3 )(x- 4 ) = 0



d/dx (?In x) = 2x In x +>1-tx

(ii) J(2xln x + x}jx = x 2 1nx


J2xlnxdx=x 2 1nx +1


M1 A1

f4xln XdX

=[2x 2 1n X 3) - 1 1 4



2 ( 2e - e 2) - ( 0 - 1) = e 2

DM1 A1

7 [7)

2 (i) A2 = ( 2 - 2 :1)( - 2

(- 2


X= A 2 + 2( B


10) = c 4 2 -10

23) - 1

M1A1B1 V

(ii) A .1 = ( - 1 -23) 2


Y= (8 - 4 ;)xA G



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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

8 (8]

(i) Eliminate y


2( 3x- k ) = x' + 4

( Or x


2y = ( y; k

+ 4]


x' Meet if

6x + ( 4 + 2k ) = 0
36 - 4( 4 + 2k ) 2: 0

f Or I

+ ( 2k - 18 )y + ( It + 36 ) = 0 ] M1 A1 A1

[ Or ( 2k - 18 )2 - 4( ~ + 36 ) 2: 0 ]


k=2 [ Or

(ii) When k = - 2
Solve Midpoint

i - 6x = 0

1- 22y + 40 = 0 ]
M1 A1

( 3: 11 )

Lies on y

=2x + 5

since 11 = 6 + 5

9 [9]


4 PQ = ( : } PR =(:}oR = ( _ 2 )

IPOI = JBO.jPRI = 10.!0RI


81 M1

(.J80) + (Eo)

=10 2


by Pythagoras

L PQR= go

M1 A1 M1A1 --J


( 8i + 6j ) /10


( 151) = m(;) + n( : )


5 = m + 9n, 11 =3m+ 9n

Solve m = 3, n



10 [9]

(i) f ' 1 : X

Y, ( X+ 2 )


7y -a x= - y +1








M1 A1

(11 )~9 (4) = - - l.

.. -

28- a 5

.. , 7x- a "' 2 o r ~ <j LX) ~ --~,_l _ _


M 1 ,

'V:.t."-t<t G. 7.... a..... ~~ 'l'.c\...'-L ~"'

\"i a ~t o.,., ?~C\Q.rl L'j

=;> -

Dt\ \
= 4]

[ Or g(4) = f(2)

28 -a
5 -


a btAUA1
M1 A1 A1

) .. (. 11 1

7x - 9 = 9 + x x +1 7- x

. [Or. w1th a= 9 , g (x)

=;> (

=x, or g 1(x) =x, or g2 (x) =x

x2 - 6x + 9 = 0

x- 3 )2 = 0 =:> x = 3 only LC r s h.o ....~s ~'l - ltt.\.c...: o 'l

UCLES 2007

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Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2007

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

11 [10]

(i) v= Jadt = f-9t (+c)


Whent=O, v=14


M1 A1 M1 A1

f - 9t + 14 = 0

A : t = 2, a = - 5 : B : t = 7, a= 5


(ii) When a = 0. t = 4.5 (iii) s =

3 912 Jvdt = !._ - - - + 14t (+c) 3 2

v = (-) 6.25

M1 A1


SA = 12 -

sa= -86

Distance AB = ( - ) 20 ~ 6

( 20.8)


12E [10]

(i) Equation of AB is 4-6 1 mAE"' - - = - 3 +1 2 Solve x = 5,y=8

1 y-6= -(x + 1)





Equation of BE is

y - 4 =2( x - 3 ) B1M 1A1-J


(ii) Height of 6 EBC = 4


'h x 4 x EC = 24 =>
[Or via

I ii! : : !ll

EC = 12 ~


= 15. Yc = 4

B1 -iM1A1

= 24)

(iii) Equation of AE is y- 4 = - 'h ( x- 3 )

Yo = - 2, Xo



[ Or via AE -

- (4)- (12)
2 , ED =

p => p = - 6 ]

120 [10]

(a) (i) - 8 + 4a - 2b + c = ( R ) = 8 + 4a + 2b + c


b= -4

M1 A1 M1 A1

(ii) (iii)

1+ a + b+

c = ( R ) = 4a + c


- 1

27-9- 12 +c = 4 - 1+3 - 2=0

c= - 2

(b) Search Divide or factorise


x =-1

81 M1 A1 J)M1 A1

( x + 1 )( ;( + 2x - 2 )

x = - 2 J4;8

~ -2.73or0. 73

UCLES 2007

Page 4

Mark Scheme IGCSE May/June 2008

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

83 2 43 2 4+3 2 43 2

( (

) )

M1 DM1

M1 for attempt to rationalise DM1 for attempt to expand out and simplify

32 12 2 24 2 + 18 16 18 50 36 2 2
a = 25, b = 18 2 (i)

A1 [3] B1 [1] M1 B1 B1 A1 [4]

Allow A1 at this stage

C5 = 252

(ii) 4 women, 1 man: 6 3 women, 2 men: 4C3 6C2 = 60 Total = 66

M1 for a plan B1 for 6 B1 for 60 A1 for total Allow marks for other valid methods


(4 y

4 x 2 + kx + 16 = 0


5ky + ( k 2 + 144 ) = 0

DM1, A1 [3]

M1 for attempt to get a quadratic in terms of one variable DM1 for use of b2 4ac A1 for both

b 2 = 4ac, k 2 = 256, k = 16

(ii) using x =

When k = 16, (2, 10) When k = 16, (2, 10)

b , or equivalent 2a
B1 B1 [2] B1 for each pair Allow B1 for x values only M1 for attempt to get equation of straight line [2]

(i) gradient = 2, equation of line of form Y = mX + c, where c = 0.6

M1 A1

e y = 0.6


e y = 2 x 2 + 0.6 y = ln(2 x 2 + 0.6)


A1 for correct form (allow if seen in (i)) M1 for attempt to take ln [3]

M1 A1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

dy tan x x sec 2 x = dx tan 2 x

When x =

M1 A1 M1

M1 for correct attempt to differentiate a quotient A1 all correct M1 for attempt to sub x =

dy , = 1 4 dx 2

dy in to their dx 4


dy dy dx dy = , = 2 dt dx dt dt

M1 A1 [5] M1 M1 M1 DM1 B1,A1 [6]

M1 for attempt to use rates of change

f(1) = 0, (x 1) is a factor (x 1) 2 x 2 + 5 x 12 = 0 (x 1)(2 x 3)(x + 34) = 0 3 x = 1, , 4 2

2 x 3 + 3 x 2 17 x + 12 = 0

M1 for simplification M1 for attempt to find a root M1 for attempt to get quadratic factor DM1 for factorising on all previous M marks B1 for solution from first root A1 for the other pair


1 2 4 = 10 , leading to 2 = 1.25 rads

AB = 5 AC = 4 tan1.25, AC = 12.038 4 BC = 4, BC = 8.685 cos1.25
Perimeter = 25.7, allow 25.8

M1 A1 [2] B1 M1 M1 A1 [4]

M1 for use of

1 2 r 2


M1 for attempt to get AC M1 for attempt to get BC



1 2
1 (allow 0.33 or better) 3

B1 [1] B1 [1] M1 DM1 A1 A1 [4]

UCLES 2008

(ii) b =

(iii) 3 log 3 x + log 3 y = 8 log 3 x + log 3 y = 2 log 3 x = 3, x = 27 1 log 3 y = 1, y = 3 Allow solutions using index notation

M1 for reducing equations to terms of base 3 logs DM1 for dealing with simultaneous equations and logs to get final answers A1 for each

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01


y = sin 2 x + c 2

M1 A1

M1 for sin 2 x A1 correct

M1, A1 [4] M1

M1 for attempt to get c Allow A1 for c = 2 M1 for attempt to get and for gradient

(ii) at x =

3 dy , = 2 4 dx 1 Grad of normal = 2 3 ,y=2 When x = 4

normal y 2 =

dy dx


M1 for attempt to obtain y using

1 3 x 2 4

M1, A1 [4]

3 in answer to (i) 4

M1 for attempt to obtain normal, must be using gradient allow unsimplified

10 (i) v = 15 2

(i + j)

M1 A1 [2] B1 [1] M1, A1 [2]

M1 for attempt to get a direction vector

v = 15i + 15j (ii) (2i + 3j) + (15i + 15j)1.5 24.5i + 25.5j (iii) (2 + 15t)i + (3 + 15t)j Allow (2i +3j) + (15i + 15j)t

Answer given

M1 for use of their velocity vector with 2i + 3j. Follow through on their velocity vector

(iv) relative velocity (15i + 15j) 25j = 15i 10j (v) relative displacement (47i 27j) (2i + 3j) = 45i 30j Time taken = 3 hours Position vector at interception 47i + 48j or

M1 for a difference of velocities M1, A1 [2] M1 A1 [2] M1 for equating like vectors and attempt to get t M1 for attempt to get relative displacement or other valid method.

2i + 3 j + (15i + 15 j) t =

( 47i 27 j) + 25t

or equivalent

Allow solutions to (v) by drawing

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Paper 01

11 (i)

tan x =

5 3 x = 121.0o ,301.0o

M1 A1, A1 [3] M1 M1 M1

M1 for use of tan and attempt at one solution A1 for each, on first solution for x M1 for use of correct identity and formation of a 3 term quadratic in one variable. M1 for factorising a 3 term quadratic M1 for all terms in terms of cos

(ii) 3sec 2 y sec y 4 = 0

( 3sec y 4 )( sec y + 1) = 0
3 cos y = , 1 4 y = 41.4o ,318.6o ,180o
(iii) 2 z 0.6 = 0.9273, 2.2143 z = 0.764, 1.407 (allow 1.41) 12 EITHER (i) ( 3, 0) allow (ii)

B1 for 1800 , A1 for the other pair B1, A1 [5] M1 M1 A1, A1 [4] M1 for correct order of operations M1 for a valid attempt at a second solution A1 for each

B1, B1 [2] M1, A1 M1 for a correct attempt to differentiate a product or a quotient A1 allow unsimplified

dy = ( x 2 3) e x + e x 2 x dx = e x ( 2 x x 2 + 3) dy = 0 , x2 2 x 3 = 0 dx

leading to x = 3, 1 and y = 6e3( 0.299), 2e (5.44) (iii)

M1 A1 A1 [5] M1 B1 B1 [3]

M1 for attempting to solve A1 for each pair

dy =0 dx

d2 y = e x ( 2 2 x ) e x ( 2 x x 2 + 3) 2 dx d2 y When x = 3, is ve, max dx 2 d2 y When x = 1, is +ve, min dx 2

M1 for attempt at second differential or use of gradient method B1 for each

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

12 OR (i) (ii)


1 , v0 = 1 t +1

M1, A1 M1 for attempt to differentiate [2] M1 A1 [2] M1 for attempt to differentiate


1 1 2 (t 2) t + 1
1 1 1 ; v4 = ( 0.05) 4 5 20
1 1 17 200

v4 =


2 (t 2)

( t + 1)

; a4 =


M1, A1 M1 for attempt to differentiate [2]


1 1 = 0, t = 5 2 (t 2) t + 1

DM1, A1 DM1 for equating v to zero [2] M1 M1 for attempt to find s3 and s4

(v) s3 = ln 4

16 2 (1.509) 5 4 2 In 4th sec, s = ln (0.123) 5 s4 = ln

(allow 0.124)

A1 [2]

UCLES 2008

Page 4 1 (i) a = 8 b = 13 (ii) (4, 13)

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Syllabus 0606 B1 B1 B1

Paper 02

[3] 2 (a) (i)


B1 (ii)


oe (b) or or or or


( X Y ') ( X 'Y ) ( X Y )'( X Y ) ( X 'Y ') ( X Y ) (( X Y ) ( X Y )')' (( X Y )' X ) (( X Y )'Y )

B2, 1, 0


Eliminates x or y 7 x 2 14 x 21 = 0 or 7 y 2 + 14 y 105 = 0 oe Solve 3 term quadratic (x + 1)(x 3) (3,3) and (1,5) [or x =
2 16 2 1 and 3 (3,3) and (1,5)

M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 A1] [5]

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Paper 02

(i) straight line, +ve gradient, ve intercept idea of modulus (V shape on axis) meets axes in correct places (ii) 6 4 5 (i) evidence of 27 or 56 in correct place 1512 (ii) 28 x 9 complete plan 504
1 sin 2 x 2 or sec x = 1 + cos 2 x cos 2 x

B1 B1 DB1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 [5]


(a) uses cos2 x = 1 sin2 x or sec2 x =

B1 B1

1 p2 1 or or 1 + (1 + p )(1 p ) 1 p2 1 p2
(b) express LHS in terms of sine and cosine uses common denominator uses sin2 A + cos2 A = 1 in useful way correct conclusion

B1 B1 B1 B1


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Paper 02

4 2 32 (i) x + 2 = x 2 + 4 x x


(ii) 2x

128 x5

B1 + B1 M1 A1 A1

(iii) equates to 0 and attempts to solve x=2 OP = 6 or 2.45 8 (i) (2x + 1)log2 = log20 or 2xlog2 = log10 attempt at valid solution 1.66 (ii) express in powers of 5 (or 25 or 125) 5 4 y 1 5 3 y +9 = 4 2 y 52 y 5 4y 1 2y = 3y + 9 (4 2y) 2 9 (i) Matrix multiplication 12 18 6 4 (ii) Matrix multiplication 7 2 (iii) A 1 =
3 1 2 4 3 5 premultiply 0 2 0.9 1.7 0.6 1.8


M1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [7]

1 10

B1 + B1 M1 A1 [8]

10 (a) (i) k(2x 1)3 +(c) k = 2 (ii) multiplies out and integrates

M1 A1 M1 A2, 1, 0

x 2x x + (+c) 4 3 2

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Syllabus 0606 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1

Paper 02

(b) (i) uses product rule ( x 5) oe 2 x+4+ x+4 correct completion (ii) k ( x 5) x + 4 2 k = oe 3 11 (i) 2 (ii) 51 (iii) method for inverse (x 2) 1 (iv) solve 9 (v) finds expression for fg(x) 2 20 + 1 + 2 x +1 equate to 38 and solve quadratic 3 [or (v) g(x) = f 1 (38) g(x) = 5 20 solve =5 x +1 3 [or (v) x = g1 f 1 (38) x = g1 (5) evaluate 3 12 EITHER (i) A (4, 0) dy = 4 2x dx gradient = 2 y 3 = 2(x 1) or y = 2x + 1 1 correctly reaches x = 2


B1 B1 M1 A2, 1, 0 M1 A1 DM1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1] M1 A1 M1 A1]

20 20 = 2 or g 1 : x a 1 x +1 x


B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1

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Syllabus 0606 B1 M1 A1 B1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 B1 M1 M1 A1 M1 A1

Paper 02

(ii) 2x2

x3 3 uses limits of 4 and 1 9 area triangle = 9/4 11.25


OR M(1, 3) grad AB = uses m1m2 = 1 y 3 = 3(x 1) or 3 x + y = 6 grad BC = 2 y 2 = 2( x + 2 ) or 2 x + y = 2 solve equation of MD with equation of AD x = 8, y = 18 method for area 77


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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2009 M1, A1 [2] M1 A1 [2]

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

12 = 15 , = 0.8 rads 1 (ii) Area = 152 ( 0.8 ) 2

(i) leading to 90 (cm2)

M1 for use of s = r M1 for use of A =

1 2 r 2

x3 = 8, leading to x = 2

B1 M1 DM1 A1 [4]

B1 for finding where curve crosses the x axis M1 for attempt to differentiate and use of m1m2 = 1 DM1 for attempt at equation of normal Allow unsimplified

1 dy = 3 x 2 leading to grad of 12 dx
for normal

1 (x 2) 12 1 1 y = x+ 12 6 y0 =
1 cos 2 sin 2 = sec 2 1 tan 2 = cos 2 = 1 sin 2

3 M1 M1 M1 A1 M1 M1 M1 [4] M1 for use of 1 cos 2 = sin 2 M1 for attempting to get all in terms of cos M1 for attempt to simplify M1 for use of 1 cos 2 = sin 2 M1 for use of sec 2 1 = tan 2 M1 for attempt to simplify

Alt Scheme

1 cos 2 sin 2 = sec 2 1 1 cos 2 cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 = sin 2 = cos 2 = 1 sin 2
4 (i)

A1 M1 DM1, A1 [3] M1 for equating line and curve equations DM1 for use of b 2 4ac on resulting quadratic (Alt scheme: M1 for attempt to differentiate quadratic and equate to 5 DM1 for simplification and solution using resulting quadratic

5 x 3 = kx 2 3 x + 5 kx 2 8 x + 8 = 0 using b 2 4ac = 0 , k = 2
(Alt scheme: 5 = 2kx 3 , x =

20 16 12 3 = +5 k k k leading to k = 2 )
(ii) leading to x = 2, y = 7

4 k

M1, A1 [2]

M1 for obtaining x and y coords

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2( 2 x 1)

Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2009 B1 B1 B1 [3] B1 for 3

2( 2 x 1)

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(a) 3

= 33 x 4 x 2 = 3x x=2

B1 for 33 x B1 for x = 2

(b) a 2b or

b (allow here) a2 p = 2, q = 1

B1 B1 [2] B1 M1 A1 M1 A2,1,0 [6]

B1 for each

f (3), f (5) or f (0.5) = 0 spotted

Either Or Or

x = 3, 5, 0.5

(2 x 1)(x + 2 x 15) (x + 5)(2 x 2 7 x + 3) (x 3)(2 x 2 + 9 x 5)


B1 for spotting one root M1 for attempt to obtain quadratic factor A1 all correct M1 for solution of quadratic A2 for all 3 solutions (1 each error) Correct factors only lose 1 A mark


3 xe3 x + e3 x e3 x = 3 xe3 x

M1, A1, B1

M1 for attempt to differentiate a product. A1 for correct product. [3] B1 for e3 x DM1 for recognition of the reverse to (i) DM1 for dealing with 3 A1 all correct (condone omission of c)


1 3 x e3 x 3x e d x x = xe 3 3 x 2 + 9 2 2 x(2 x ) dy = 2 dx x2 + 9 = 18 2 x 2

DM1 DM1 A1 [3]


B2,1,0 M1 A1 [4]

Attempt to differentiate a quotient 1 each error M1 for correct attempt to find the turning points. A1 for both

x= 3



, turning points,


dx =2 dt dy 16 = 2 dt 100 8 = 0.32 or 25

B1 M1 A1 [3]

B1 for use of

dx =2 dt

M1 for use of rates of change

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01


1 1 i+ j = 10i + 10 j 10 2 2 2

M1 for attempt at a correct direction vector A1 all correct


( 4i + 8 j) + ( 20i + 20 j) = 16i + 28 j

M1 A1 [2] M1 A1 [2]

M1 for valid attempt A1 all correct M1 for attempt at vector difference A1 condone negative

(iii) (10i + 10 j) ( 8i + 6 j) = 2i + 4 j (iv) displacement of

(19i + 34 j) (16i + 28 j) = 3i + 6 j

M1 A1 A1 [3]

time =1330 hours (accept 1.5 hours) at 31i + 43 j Alternative scheme:

M1 for displacement and attempt to obtain time A1 for correct time A1 for correct position vector

(19i + 34 j) + ( 8i + 6 j) t = (16i + 28 j) + (10i + 10 j) t

M1 A1 M1

M1 for attempt to equate like vectors A marks as above

or equivalent 10 (i) mAB = 0.75 line AB y 0 = 0.75( x + 4) mPQ = M1 for attempt at mAB and line AB M1 for use of m1m2 = 1 and attempt at line PQ M1 for attempt at solving simultaneous equations Ft on their line PQ [7] (ii) AC = 10, CQ = 7.5 Area = 37.5 M1 A1 [2] M1 for attempt at lengths and area

4 3

line PQ y 10 =

4 ( x 1) 3

intersection at C (4, 6) Q (8.5 0)

A1 M1 A1 B1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

11 (i) ln s ln t 1.6 ln s 7.2 Plot

= n ln t + ln k
3.4 4.2 5 4 ln s against ln t 2.7 5.9 4.6 3.6

M1, A1 M1 A1 [4] M1, A1 M1, A1 [4] M1 A1 [2]

M1for attempt to take logs A1 for correct form M1 for attempt to plot correct graph A1 for a reasonable straight line M1 for use of grad = n M1 for use of intercept = ln k M1 for attempt to obtain s

(ii) grad n = 1.2 (1.4 to 1.0) Intercept = ln k, leading to k = 7900 10 000 (iii) when t = 50, ln t = 4.4 leading to s = 80 (72 92) Alternative method (i) lg s = n lg t + lg k lg t 0.7 1.2 1.5 1.8 lg s 3.1 2.5 2.2 1.7
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ln s

2 1.6

Same scheme applies

ln t 1 2 3 4 5

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Paper 01

12 EITHER (i) amplitude = 1 (ii) period = 6, 18.8 (iii) sin =

B1 B1 M1 A1, A1

[1] [1] M1 for attempt to solve correctly A1 for each (allow degrees here) [3]

x 3

1 5 , x= , 2 2 2

(iv) Area under curve

5 2

x 2 x 1 + sin dx = x 3 cos 3 3

M1 B1, B1

M1 for attempt to integrate B1 for x, B1 for 3cos

x 3

leading to 2 + 3 3 Area of rectangle =


DM1 for correct use of limits M1 for attempt at rectangle plus subtraction must be working in radians

5 2

3 2 2


= 3 Shaded area = 3 3 (2.05) Alternative solution: Shaded area

5 2

A1 [6] M1 M1 B1, B1 DM1, A1 M1 for subtraction (must be using radians) M1 for attempt to integrate B1 for 0.5 x , B1 for 3cos DM1 for correct use of limits

x 2 x = 0.5 x 3cos sin 0 . 5 d x 3 3


x 3

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Paper 01

OR (i)


B1 [1] M1, A1 [2] M1 A1 [2] B1 B1

t 1 2 3

(ii) a = 4k sin 4t

M1 for attempt to differentiate M1 for attempt to substitute into their acceleration equation

3 (iii) 12 = 4k sin leading to 2 k =3

4 v 3 2 1

B1 for correct shape B1 ft on their value for k

1 2 3 4

24 0

(v) s =

3 cos 4t.dt

M1, A1

M1 for attempt to integrate Ft on their value for k DM1 for application of limits or equivalent

3 3 24 = sin 4t leading to 8 4 0

DM1, A1 [4]

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2009

Syllabus 0606 B1

Paper 02

(a) ( X Y )' or X 'Y ' (b) (i) P E


9 B1 (ii) 9 (iii) 11 B1 B1 4

1 4 6 7 10 3 17 premultiply 3 A 1 =
x = 5 , y = 3

B2,1,0 M1 A1 4

Understands modulus Curve from x I 2 to x K 6 Cusp Position correct

M1 A1 A1 A1

(i) 15 or 24 240 (ii) 160

B1 B1 B1

1 (240) + (160) 4

M1 A1 5


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Syllabus 0606

Paper 02 B1+B1

(i) 12 x

96 oe x4 dy x with x = 2 dx

(ii) uses y =

M1 DM1 A1

Substitute x = 0.04 0.72

(i) f(x) A 2 (ii) Method for inverse (x 2)2 + 3 or x2 4x + 7 (iii) g(5) or gf(x) = 4.4 only

B1 M1 A1 B1 B1 5

12 +2 2 + ( x 3)

(i) 4.5 (ii) 9 (iii) log X + log Y 15 (iv)

B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 6

log X log Y

(i) 27 t2 2t (27 t2) (ii)

B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1


dA = 54 6t 2 dt dA Solve =0 dt

(iii) Substitute for t in expression for A A = 108 only completely correct method and maximum

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Syllabus 0606 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1

Paper 02


98 7 6 4 3 2 (1)


43 2 (1) 43 2 (1) 3 2

(iii) adds number of arrangements of 2,1,1 and 1,2,1 and 1,1,2 only multiplies for each selection (36) + 4 3 2 + 4 3 ( 1) 72

M1 M1 A1 A1


Eliminate y (or x) x2 + 12x + 32 = 0 (or y2 48y + 560 = 0) solve 3-term quadratic x = 4 and x = 8 (or y = 20 and y = 28) (4, 20) and (8, 28) M (6, 24) Grad AB = 2 Uses grad perpendicular =

1 and coordinates of a point m AB 1 1 y = x + 27 or y 24 = ( x + 6) or x 2 y + 54 = 0 2 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 B1 M1 A1 9 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 B1 B1 B1

11 (a) (i) tan x = 1.5 56.3 236.3 (ii) uses sin2 y = 1 cos2 y 2cos2 y + 3cos y 2 = 0 solve 3-term quadratic 60 300 (b) 1.12 0.06 or 0.0599 0.51 or 0.511


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Page 7 12 EITHER

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 02

(i) integrates to find y

M1 A1
1 x 2

2e (+c)
substitute (0, 5) into y = ke c=3 (y-coord of Q is ) 2e + 3 (ii) uses y = mx + c y=x+5 y = ex + 3 solve linear equations

1 x 2


M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 10


2 e 1

OR (i) A (0, 6) B1
1 x 2

uses m1m2 = 1 B (3, 0) (ii) Integrates for area below curve uses limits of 0 and xB 13 + 2e1.5 or 21.96 or 22 Area rectangle = 3(e1.5 + 5) or 28.4(4..) Area = e1.5 + 2 or 6.45 to 6.5
1 x 2

dy 1 = e dx 2

B1 M1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1


+ 5x


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Syllabus 0606
1 (1 + x 3 ) 2 2 B1 for 3x2 1

Paper 11


1 2 3 x (1 + x 3 ) 2 2


B1 for [2]

(ii) 2x cos2x 2x2 sin2x

M1 for attempt to differentiate a product M1 1 each error A2,1,0 [3] B2, 1, 0 1 for each error B1,B1 [2] M1,A1ft M1 for a correct method using their (i) A1ft on their 3 terms unsimplified A1 [3] M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [5] B1 B1 B1 [3] M1 for use of discriminant for 3 term quadratic in k M1 for attempt to solve quadratic A1 for critical values A1 for range B1 for each correct Venn diagram

(i) 1 + 18x + 135x2 (ii) (1 5) + (18 3) + (135 1) = 76

(k 2)2 4(2k 4) k2 12k + 20 = 0 critical values 2 and 10 k Y 2 and k [ 10

(i), (ii) and (iii)

(b) (i) {9,10,11,12,13,14} (ii) {5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20} (iii) x or { } 5 3x3 + 17x2 + 18x 8 = 0 f(2) = 0 (or other roots) (x + 2)(3x2 + 11x 4)(= 0) (x + 2)(3x 1)(x + 4)(= 0) x = 2, 4,
1 3

B1 B1 B1 [3] M1 M1 M1 DM1 B1, A1 [6]

Or equivalent Or equivalent

M1 for simplification = 0 M1 for attempt to find a root M1 for attempt to obtain quadratic factor DM1 for obtaining linear factors or use of quadratic formula B1 for first solution A1 for the other pair

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2010 B1 B1 [2] M1 A1 [2] M1 B1 A1 [3] B1 [1]

Syllabus 0606 B1 for each term

Paper 11


1 x + 2y 2

(ii) y 1
log 8 64 log 8 p + log 8 2 log 8 2 = 6 + 3x

M1 for difference of 2 logarithms


M1 for attempt at a valid method B1 for 6 A1 for + 3x

(i) f [ 3

(ii) f1 =

x + 3 1 2

M1 M1 A1 [3] M1 A1 M1 B1 [4] M1 DM1 A1 [3] M1 A1

M1 for correct order of operations M1 for interchange of x and y

3 (iii) 2 1 + x + 1 3 = 13
7+ x = 16 1+ x x=1

M1 for correct order A1 for correct simplification M1 for solution B1 for one solution only M1 for to obtain powers of 2, 4 or 8 DM1 for attempt to equate powers of 2, 4 or 8, using addition

(a) 23 4x 22x + 8 = 2 3 4x + 2x + 8 = 1 x=5

(b) (i)

2 3


3+ 5 5 + 2

( 5 2(

) 5 + 2)
5 5 + 11 1

[2] M1 A1 A1 [3]

M1 for attempt to obtain each term in terms of 3 M1 for attempt to rationalise A1 for numerator A1 for denominator (can be implied)

leading to

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Paper 11

(a) (i)

dy = 5 + 4ex dx dy =9 dx dy dx leading to use of dy dx dy 9 p

M1 A1 [2]

M1 for attempt to differentiate

(ii) when x = 0,

M1 for attempt to use small changes M1 A1 [2]


dA = 0.5 dt dA = 2x, x = 3 A = x 2, dx dx 1 = 0.5 dt 2x 1 = 12

B1 M1 DM1 A1 [4]

M1 for attempt to get

dA dx

DM1 for correct use of rates of change


(i) tan x = 0.25 x = 14.0, 194.0 (ii) 3 + sin y = 3(1 sin2 y) 3sin2 y + sin y = 0 sin y(3sin y + 1) = 0 1 sin y = 0, sin y = 3 y = 180, y = 199.5, 340.5

M1 for use of tan M1 A1,A1 [3] M1 M1 for use of correct identity and attempt to simplify DM1 for attempt to solve quadratic B1 for 180 A1 for 189.5 Ft on their 189.5 [5] B1 for cos

DM1 B1 A1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [3]

(iii) cos

z 1 = 3 4

z 1 = or equivalent in terms 3 4

z = 1.3181 leading to 3
z = 3.95 Allow 3.96, 1.25, 1.26

of cos M1 for a correct order of operations (allow )

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Paper 11

11 EITHER (i)
x 2 ( 1 x ) 2 x ln x dy = dx x4 1 2 ln x = x3 dy = 0, ln x = when dx 1 y= 2e


1 each error

, x = e


y =

, M1 e A1 A1 [6] M1

M1 for attempt to solve

dy =0 dx


d 2 y x 3 ( 2 x ) (1 2 ln x ) 3 x 2 = dx 2 x6 5 + 6 ln x = x4
1 2,

M1 for attempt at 2nd derivative

A1 for a, A1for b A1, A1 [3] M1 A1 [2] M1, A1 M1, A1 [4] M1 for sin (2 x + 2 ) M1 for attempt to find c M1 for a correct method A1 must be from correct working only

(iii) when x = e (=

2 ), max e2

d2 y is ve dx 2

11 OR (i) y = 3sin (2 x + 2 )(+ c ) 5 = 3sin + c, c = 5 y = 3sin (2 x + 2 ) + 5 (ii) cos (2 x + 2 ) = 0 x = 0, 2 , (iii) when x = dy =6 dx


dy M1 for attempt to solve =0 M1 dx A2,1,0 [3]

M1 M1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 for attempt to obtain y M1 for attempt to obtain


dy and perp dx

normal y 5 =

1 (x 3 4 ) 6 1 y = x + 5.39 6

gradient DM1 for attempt at straight line (Must have (i) correct)

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Paper 12

24x2 6x = 0 (or y2 + 3y + 2 = 0)
1 leading to (0, 1) and ,2 4

M1 for attempt to get an equation in one variable. M1 for attempt to get 2 or 3 term quadratic = 0 DM1 for attempt to solve A1 for each pair of values M1 for substitution of x = 2 or 1, or verification A1 for each correct (allow unsimplified) M1 for attempt to solve A1 for a = 8, b = 13

6(2)3 + a(2)2 (a + 1)(2) + b = 15 6a + b = 61 when x = 1, 2a + b = 29 leading to a = 8 and b = 13

r 4 17 (i) AB = 5 25 21 = 20


r B1 for AB

2129 unit vector = 20 or equivalent 29

r 17 21 (ii) OC = 3 25 20 r 46 OC = 35

r M1 for magnitude of AB M1, A1 [3]

M1 A1 [2] B1 M1 A1 [3]

r 17 M1 for + 3 AB 25

(i) gradient = 2 y2 = 2sec x + c leading to y2 = 2sec x + 6.4

B1 for gradient M1 for correct attempt to link y2 and sec x

(ii) when y = 2, cos x =

5 6

DM1 A1 [2]

DM1 for attempt to solve their equation using y = 2

gradient at A =

1 , 3 normal grad = 3 coords of A (3, 5) normal y 5 = 3(x 3) 14 when y = 0, x = 3

dy 3 = , dx x 2


M1 for attempt to differentiate

DM1 B1 DM1 A1 [5]

DM1 for use of perp grads DM1 for attempt at normal

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Paper 12

(a) (i)

2 4 6

0 B1 for either a translation of or 2 1 cycles B1 for correct curve

[3] B1 [1] B1 [1] B1 [1] M1 A2,1,0 [3] M1 for attempt to take logs and plot graph 1 for each error either in table or on graph. M1 for use of gradient [2]

(ii) 4 (b) (i) 5 (ii) 7 (i) lgv lgp 1 3.15 1.70 2.18 2.04 1.72 2.36 1.28

2 3

(ii) gradient = n = 1.37 (allow 1.32 to 1.42) (iii) p = 30 (allow 28 to 32)

M1 A1 M1 A1 [2]

M1 for use of graph or their equation

16 9 (i) 1 2

B1 B1 [2] B1 B1 [2] M1 A2,1,0 [3]

B1 at least 2 correct B1 all correct B1 for determinant B1 for matrix M1 for attempt at valid method 1 each error


1 2 3 83 1 4

(iii) X = AB 5 12 = 0 8

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Paper 12

(i) 5 + 5 + 3 + 8 = 15.5 = 0.5 (ii) (3)2 : (8)2 (3)2 = 9 : 55

M1 for use of arc length DM1 for attempt to find perimeter

M1 for a sector area M1 M1 for attempt to find area of XABY DM1 DM1, A1 M1 for attempt to obtain ratio [4] B1 [1] B1, B1 [2] M1 B1, B1 A1 [4] M1 DM1 A1 [3] B1 B1 B1 [3] B1 B1 B1 [3] B1 for 6C5 4C2, B1 for 36 M1 for a correct method B1 for 4, B1 for 60




C7 = 120

(ii) 6C5 4C2 = 36 (iii) Need (6C + 1M) + (5C + 2M) + (4C + 3M) 4 + (ii) + (6C4 4C3) = 100 11 (i) 48 = 12 ln (2t + 3) 2t + 3 = e4 t = 25.8 (ii) x = 12 ln (2t + 3) 24 v= 2t + 3 when t = 1, v = 4.8 (iii) a =
48 (2t + 3) 2 when t = 1, a = 1.92

M1 for attempt to deal with logs DM1 for attempt to solve

1 2t + 3 B1 24


B1 for 4.8 B1 for

1 (2t + 3) 2 B1 on 24 B1 for 1.92

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Paper 12

12 EITHER (i) y = 4 sin 2x + c

passes through ,7 , c = 3 4

M1 M1 A1 [3] M1 M1 A1 A1 [4] M1 A1 DM1

M1 for attempt to integrate M1 for attempt to get c provided a function of sin 2x is used

(ii) 5 = 4 sin 2x + 3 0.5 = sin 2x 5 x= , 12 12 (iii)

M1 for attempt to equate to 5 and solve M1 for a correct method to find x A1 on first solution M1 for attempt to integrate

5 12 12

4 sin 2x + 3dx
5 12 12

[ 2 cos 2 x + 3x]
=+2 3

DM1 for correct use of limits M1 for area of rectangle [5]

Shaded area = + 2 3 (= 1.37) 12 OR (i) y = 2e3x 12x + c

5 3

M1 A1

M1, A1 M1, A1 [4] M1 A1, A1 [3]

Passes through (0, 1), so c = 1 (ii) 6e3x 12 = 0

M1 for attempt to integrate, condone omission of c M1 for attempt to obtain c M1 for attempt to solve

leading to x =

1 ln 2 and y = 3 4 ln 2 3 (allow (0.231, 0.227)

d2 y = 18e3x, always +ve so min 2 dx


M1, A1 M1 for a complete, correct method [2] M1 DM1 A1 [3] M1 for attempt to get equation of tangent at (0, 1) DM1 for substitution of y = 0

(iv) at (0, 1), gradient = 6 tangent : y 1 = 6(x 0) when y = 0, x =

1 6

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Page 4 1 Gradient 2 y intercept 15 y = 2 x 3 + 15 x2 y = 2 x 5 + 15 x 2 (i) 40320 (ii)

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Paper 21 B1 B1 M1 A1 [4]

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 A1 B1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 [6] [5]

8765 4 8! or 5!3! 5 4 3 2( 1) 56

(iii) uses 5, 4 and 3 only 60 3 (i) f(1) = 0 b = 5 a only (ii) Finds f(2) and f(3) substitute b = 5 a or a = 5 b 2a 22 or a 11 (2b 12 or b 6) both correct 4 (a) p2 + (2p)2 = 1 or cot x = 2 1 or cosec 2 x = 1 + cot 2 x cosec x = 5 p= 5 1 cosec x = 5 or p = 5 (b) cot2 x tan2 x oe cosec2 x 1 (sec2 x 1) or other relevant use of Pythagoras 1 1 Correctly reaches conclusion 2 sin x cos 2 x


2 x + 32 x

B1+B1 B1+B1 M1 A1 A1

2 16 x 2 Equate to 0 and solve x=4 y = 144


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Paper 21 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1

Eliminate x or y 4x2 + 4x 15 = 0 or 4y2 28y + 33 = 0 Factorise 3 term quadratic or use formula x = 3 and 5 2 2 y = 11 and 3 2 2

42 + 42 32 or 4 2 or 5.66


Midpoint (1, 8) Gradient BC = 2

3 Uses m1m2 = 1 and equation of perpendicular bisector y 8 = 3 (x 1) or 3x + 2y = 19 2 Solve with y = 5 D (3, 5) Complete method for area 15
4 6 14 2 10 8

B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1


(a) (i)

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1

(ii) Matrix multiplication 12 8 64 44 (iii) Matrix multiplication 1 18 5 22 6 80

1 6 1 C 1 = or 5 7 2

(b) (i)

B1+B1 M1 A1 [9]

(ii) X = DC1 0.6 0.4 1 3 2 or 1 0 5 5 0

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Paper 21 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [8]


2 cos 2t Uses both limits 4m

(ii) a =

2 v dt = k cos 2t + c only

dv = k cos 2t only dt 8 cos 2t 7.68 ms2

20 OP = 24 7 7 PL = or LP = 24 24
7 2 + 24 2 = 25 23 8t PL = oe 36 6t

10 (i)

B1 B1 M1A1 B1


(23 8t )2 + (36 6t )2 = 252

Solve 3 term quadratic 100 t 8t + 12 = 0 6 2 = 4 hours

[ (

) ]

M1 M1 A1 [8]

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Paper 21 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [12]

11E (i) Sector angle = 1.2 OD = 12 AD 2 = 12 2 + 6 2 2 12 6 cos 0.8 AD = 17.2 Uses s = 6 (1.2 ) = (7.2 ) (or 22.6) Complete plan ( AD + r + 6 ) or (17.2 + 7.2 + 6 ) 45.8 (ii) AOD = 21.2

1 6 12 sin 0.8 2

1 Uses A = 6 2 (1.2 ) 2 21.6 or 67.8 or 67.9 89.0 or 89 dy = 3 x 2 12 x + 8 dx gradient tangent = 1 tangent y 8 = 1(x 1) or x + y = 9 Valid method (e.g. substitute x = 4 in both) Valid conclusion (e.g. y = 5 in both)

11O (i)

M1A1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1A1 M1 A1 B1 A1 [12]


x4 2 x3 + 4 x 2 + 5x 4 Uses limits F(4) F(1) 12.75 Subtracts from area of trapezium (19.5) 6.75

y dx =

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Paper 22 [3]

2x +

5x2 1 + ( +c ) oe 2 x2

B1 + B1 + B1


B1 (b) X 'Y , ( X Y ' )' , X '( X Y ) , Y ( X Y )' , or Y ( X 'Y ' ) oe (c) 18 + 16 + 2 = 30 + x 6


M1 A1


dV 2 = 4 r dr r=6
Uses 144
16 2 1 7 3 16 7 6 dV d 4 3 1 = r dt dr 3

B1 B1 M1 A1 [4]

(i) Evidence of rationalising



M1 A1

8 6 oe 21
16 (ii) + 7 3 2
275 5 11

( )

M1 A1 A1


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Paper 22 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

Search for first root or factor 1 x = 2 or or 3 or (x + 2) or (x 3) or (2x 1) 2 Attempt to factorise cubic (x + 2)(2x2 7x + 3) or (x 3)(2x2 + 3x 2) or (2x 1)(x2 x 6) Solve 3 term quadratic 1 x = 2 and and 3 2 (i) A = xy A = 12x 2x2 oe (ii)

M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 A1 B1 M1 A1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 B3, 2, 1, 0 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [8] [7]

dA = 12 4 x dx equate to 0 and solve x=3

(iii) A = 18 Completely correct method and maximum 7 (i) Idea of modulus correct Shape and position completely correct (0, 9) (3, 0) indicated on graph (ii) Straight line with +ve gradient and +ve y intercept, correct position (iii) 3x + 9 = x + 6 x = 1.5 Solve (3x + 9) = (x + 6) or (3x + 9)2 = (x + 6) 2 x = 3.75 8 (a) (i) 1 21x + 189x2 945x3 (ii) 2 (189) and 5 (945) 4347
2 (b) Identifies relevant (x ) x
2 3


Multiplies by 84 5376

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Paper 22 B1 M1


d (4 x + 12) 12 = 1 (4 x + 12)12 4 or d (4 x + 12)12 = 1 (4 x + 12)3 2 4 dx 2 dx 2

Uses quotient rule or product rule

( 4 x + 12 )

2 ( x + 2 )( 4 x + 12 ) 4 x + 12

or ( 4 x + 12 )

2 ( x + 2 )( 4 x + 12 )

A1 M1 A1

Express with common denominator of ( 4 x + 12 )

2 ( x + 4)

( 4 x + 12 )

or k = 2

( x + 2)
4 x + 12

1 k


uses both limits correctly on

C ( x + 2) 4 x + 12

M1 A1 [8]

9 oe 16
10 (a) (i) 2 log p X log p Y 8 (ii)

or log p p8

M1 A1 A1 A1

log p X log p Y


(i) 2log2 3 = 3


2 z 5 = 3

or or

log 2 32 + log 2 3 log 2 96 log 512 log 4

B1 M1 A1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 [9]

25 3
96 (ii)


512 = 2

or ( 512 ) = 4

or x =

11 (a) 0.85 Subtract from 2.29

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Paper 22 B1


4 cos y = 6sin y + sin y sin y

Uses sin 2 y = 1 cos 2 y to reach quadratic in cos y Solve 3 term quadratic

M1 DM1

cos y = 2

and cos y = 1

A1 A1 A1

48.2 and 120 311.8 and 240 (i) Rearranges to ax 2 + bx + c ( = 0 ) and uses b2 * 4ac k2 16k + 48 * 0 Solve 3 term quadratic



M1 A1 M1 A1 A1

k = 4 and 12 4 <k < 12

5 15 (ii) 2 x + + 2 4
(iii) minimum 15


a = 2 , b = 5 , c = 15 or 3.75 2 4

B1 + B1 + B1

x = 5
(i) (f) 1

or 3.75 4 or 1.25

B1 B1 [10]



(ii) gf(3)=g(10) or gf ( x) = 2 x 2 + 1 5 15 (iii) g 1(15) = 10 Finds fg(x)

M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 B1 [10]

( 2 x 5) + 1 or 4x 2 20 x + 26 2 Solves ( 2 x 5 ) + 1 = 10 or 4x 2 20 x + 16 = 0

1 and 4 (iv) complete, labelled exponential curve complete logarithmic curve not cutting exponential curve

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Paper 11

(1 + cos ) + (1 cos ) (1 + cos )(1 cos )

2 1 cos 2 2 = sin 2 = 2 cosec2

M1 M1

M1 for attempt to deal with fractions M1 for attempt at simplification and use of 1 cos 2 = sin 2 in denominator

A1 [3] B1B1 B1 [3] B1


lg ab3 lg1000
= lg

B1 for lg ab3 , B1 for lg1000

ab3 1000

(a) (i)

B1 for each region shaded correctly

(ii) B1

(iii) B1

(b) n(P) = 3 4 (a) Powers of 2: 4 ( 3 x 2 ) = 3 ( 2 x ) or equivalent for powers of 4, 8 or 16

B1 [4] M1 A1 A1 B1B1 [5] M1 for powers of 2, 4, 8 or 16 A1 for all powers correct

4 x = , allow 1.33 3
4 5

(b) p = 1, q =

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Paper 11

4 y 3

B1 B1 B1
45 90 135 180

B1 for shape B1 for 1 cycle between 4 and 2 B1 all correct


45 1 90 135 180


B1 for modulus of (i)

(iii) 5 6 (i)

B1 [5] B1 B1

on their graph substitution of x = 2 B1 for solution of equation

3 x 2 = 2 x 2 + 20 x 20 and verification.

( x 2)

=0, x=2

(ii) for OA,

when x = 2, grad = 4

dy = 2x dx

when x = 2, grad = 4 Or

dy 4 20 = x+ for other curve , dx 3 3 4 20 2x = x + 3 3

B1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1

B1 for grad at A from OA M1 for attempt to differentiate the other curve and substitute x = 2 M1 for differentiation of both M1 for equating and attempt to solve

leading to x = 2

(iii) tangent y 4 = 4 ( x 2 )

B1 [5]

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Syllabus 0606 B1 for grad AB M1 use of m1m2 = 1

Paper 11

Grad of AB = 2, perp grad = Eqn of perp C(0, 16) Area = = 12.5

y 15 =

1 ( x + 2) 2

1 2

B1M1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [6] B2,1,0

M1 for correct attempt to find the equation of AC and hence to find C

1 125 5 2

M1 for a valid method to find area

1 2 3 0 2 1 (or = ( 38 13) ) 2 15 5 16 15 2
8 (a) AB, AC

1 each one incorrect or extra M1 for pre-multiplying by X M1 for multiplication of matrices A1 for correct product M1 for equating like elements

12 x + 3 y (b) Either: Y = X 7x + 3y 2 x 3 y 52 x + 18 y x 4y = 71x + 24 y leading to y = 12 and x = 4


6 6 36 48

M1 M1A1 M1 A1A1

12 x + 3 y 6 1 5 4 Y= 7x + 3y 6 10 12 3 2 1 6 x y 12 x + 3 y 6 = 2 4x y 7x + 3y 6 leading to y = 12 and x = 4
9 (i) 5 (ii) a = 20sin 4t

B1 B1 M1 M1 A1A1 [8] B1 M1A1 DM1 A1

B1 for determinant for inverse B1 for matrix part of inverse M1 for multiplication of matrices M1 for equating like elements

sin 4t = 0.5 7 ( allow 0.916) t= 24

M1 for attempt to differentiate DM1 for attempt to solve for 4t

(iii) s =

When t = 5, s = 1.14

5 sin 4t (+c) 4

M1A1 M1 for attempt to integrate DM1 DM1 for substitution of t in radians A1 [9]

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Paper 11

10 (a) (i) (ii)

2 = a 3, a = 5

B1 B1 B1B1 M1 A1 B1B1 B1for first term using their a B1 for x 3 , B1 for + c M1 for attempt to find c
4 1 3 , B1 for ( 7 x + 8 ) 3 4 7

y = 5e1 x x3 + c c = 10 y = 5e1 x x 3 + 10
4 13 ( 7 x + 8) 3 74

(b) (i)

B1 for

4 3 (ii) ( 7 x + 8 ) 3 28 0 180 or 25.7 = 7

M1A1 [10] B1B1 B1

M1 for use of limits

11 (i)

2 ( x 2) 3

B1 for 2, B1 for 3 on their 2

(ii) x 2 or equivalent (b) (i)

g ( x ) 4 , h -1 ( x ) 0

B1B1 B1 B1 B1 M1 DM1 A1 B1 [12]

B1 for each B1 for g(x) B1 for g-1(x) B1 for idea of symmetry M1 for correct order DM1 for attempt to solve A1 for both B1 for discarding x = 4

(ii) Correct sketch


g ( 4 x 25 ) = 85

( 4 x 25)

+ 4 = 85

Discarding x = 4

17 ,x=4 2

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Paper 11

12 EITHER (i)

dy = 3 x 2 14 x + 8 dx dy 2 = 0, x = ,4 When dx 3

M1A1 M1A1

M1 for attempt to differentiate M1 for attempt to equate to zero and solve

d2 y = 6 x 14 , dx 2 2 max, x = 4 min x= 3 dy d y d z (ii) Use of = , leading to d t d z dt dy 5 = allow 0.833 dt 6

(iii) Use of

M1 A1 M1 A1

M1 for attempt to differentiate (or other valid method) A1 correct from correct working for both M1 for attempt to use rates of change

dy d y d x leading to = dt d x d t dx 5 = dt 48


M1 for attempt to use rates of change

ft on A1 dt [10] B1M1 A1 M1A1 M1 A1 M1


12 OR (i) 2 x 2 y = 72 , A = 4 x 2 + 6 xy leading to given answer (ii)

B1 for 2 x 2 y = 150 , M1 for A = 4 x 2 + 6 xy M1 for attempt to differentiate M1 for attempt to equate to zero and solve A1 for dimensions M1 for attempt to use small changes

dA 216 = 8x 2 dx x dA When = 0 , x = 3 27 = 3 dx
Dimensions are 3 by 6 by 4

(iii) Use of A

A = 38 p , decrease

dA x leading to dx

A1A1 A1 for 38 p, A1 on their A [10]

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 12

x 2 + ( 2k + 10 ) x + ( k 2 + 5 ) = 0

M1 for equating to zero and use of

( 2k + 10 )
k = 2

= 4 ( k + 5)

b 2 = 4ac
M1 for solution

dy = 2 x + ( 2k + 10 ) , x = ( k + 5 ) (or dx 2 0 = ( k + 5 ) ( 2k + 10 )( k + 5 ) + k 2 + 5 leading to k = 2 )
(or ( x + A ) = x 2 + ( 2k + 10 ) x + k 2 + 5

M1 for differentiation and attempt to equate to zero. M1 for attempt to substitute in for x in terms of k, for y = 0 and for attempt at solution. M1 for approach M1 for equating and attempt at solution

A = ( k + 5 ) , A2 = k 2 + 5

( k + 5)

= k 2 + 5, leading to k = 2 )

(or by completing the square

y = ( x + ( k + 5) ) ( k + 5) + ( k 2 + 5)

M1 M1 A1

M1 for approach M1 for equating last 2 terms to zero and attempt to solve B1 for 5C3 22 a 3 , B1 for 4C2

= k2 + 5 leading to k = 2 )

( k + 5)

C3 22 a 3 = (10) 4C2


1 6

a2 9

B1B1 M1 A1 [4]

a2 9

M1 for a relationship between the 2 coefficients and attempt to solve

(a) k = 2, m = 3, p = 1 (b) (i) 5 (ii)

B3 B1 B1 [5]

B1 for each

2 3

There must be evidence of working without a calculator in all parts 4 (i)


( 4 + 2 ) (1 2 ) = 2 2 (1 + 2 ) (1 2 ) 1 Area = ( 4 + 2 2 ) (1 + 2 ) 2
= 4+2 2


M1 for attempt to rationalise and attempt to expand M1 for attempt at area using surd form and attempt to expand

M1 A1

= 4+3 2 (iii) Area = AC 2

) + (1 + 2 )

M1 A1 [6]

= 27 + 18 2

M1 for attempt at AC 2 or AC in surd form, with attempt to expand

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Paper 12


1 1 1 2 5 + 10 4 8 4 2

M1 A1

M1 for substitution of x = 0.5 or attempt at long division

(ii) ( 2 x 1) x 2 2 x + 4

M1A1 M1 A1 [6] B1M1 A1 B1 M1

For x 2 2 x + 4 , b 2 < 4ac so only one real root of x = 0.5

M1 attempt to obtain quadratic factor A1 for correct quadratic factor M1 for correct use of discriminant or solution of quadratic equation = 0 A1, all correct with statement of root. B1 for gradient, M1 for use of straight line equation B1 for b =


lg y 3 =

1 ( x 5) 5 1 5

(ii) Either b =

1 5

y = 10
1 x 5

1 x+2 5

= 10 102 a = 100
Or lg y = lg a + lg10bx lg y = lg a + bx , lg a = 2

M1 for use of powers of 10 correctly to obtain a A1 for a [6] M1 for use of logarithms correctly to obtain a A1 for a B1 for b =

A1 M1 A1 B1

a = 100 1 b= 5
Or 103 = a (10 )

1 5


105 = a (10 )


M1 for simultaneous equations involving powers of 10 B1 for b =

7 (i)

1 , a = 100 5

B1, A1 B1

1 , A1 for a = 100 5

C6 = 3003


C4 6C2 = 1050

B1B1 B1 B1B1 B1

B1 for 8C4 or 6C2 B1 for by 6C2 or 8C4 B1 for 1050 B1 for 8C6 or equivalent

(iii) 8C6 + 6 8C5 = 364

B1 for 6 8C5 or equivalent [7] B1 for 364

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Paper 12

2 1

1 2 3 4


B1 B1 B1 B1 B1

B1 for x = 0.5 B1 for x = 2.5 B1 for y = 5 B1 for shape

(ii) (iii)

(1, 9 )

B1 B1

B1 on shape from (i) B1 for a completely correct sketch [7] M1 for using angles in an isosceles triangle M1 for use of s = r


OBA : + 2 = 3

M1 A1 M1 A1

(ii) 9 = r r = 15

3 5
3 1 3 2 15 sin 5 2 5

(iii) Area = 152 =105

1 2

1 2 1 r or rs 2 2 A1 1 2 [7] M1 for use of r sin or other correct 2

M1M1 M1 for use of method

10 (i)

29 5 24 = 13 6 7
Magnitude = 25, unit vector


M1 for subtraction M1 for attempt to find magnitude of their vector M1 for attempt to find AC may be part of a larger method

1 24 25 7

M1 A1 M1

(ii) 2 AC = 3 AB

uuur uuu r uuu r uuu r uuu r or 2 AB + 2 BC = 3 AB leading to uuur 36 AC = 10.5 uuur uuu r uuur OC = OA + AC uuu r uuu r uuur uuu r or OB OA = 2OC 2OB uuur 41 leading to OC = 16.5
(equivalent methods acceptable)


M1 A1 A1 [7]

M1 for attempt to find OC A1 for each


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Paper 12

11 (i)

2 cos ec 2 x 5cos ecx 3 = 0

( 2 cos ec + 1)( cos ec 3) = 0

leading to sin x = (ii) tan 2 y =

M1 for use of correct identity or attempt to get in terms of sin x DM1 for attempt to solve 180o their x

1 , x = 19.5, 160.5 3

5 4

M1 M1 A1,A1 M1

M1 for attempt to get in terms of tan M1 for dealing correctly with double angle 90 their y M1 for dealing with order correctly and attempt to solve

2y = 51.34, 231.34 y = 25.7, 115.7 (iii) z +

2 4 , = 6 3 3 2 4 z= 3 6 3 6 7 z= , allow 1.57, 3.67 2 6

A1, A1 [12]

12 EITHER (i)

dy = 9 x2 + 4 x 5 dx
when x = 1, tangent y = 5, A (0, 5)


dy =0 dx
DM1 A1 B1

M1 for differentiation and substitution of x = 1

DM1 for attempt at equation of tangent and coordinates of A B1 for B

(ii) B (0, 1)

dy = 5 At B, dx
normal y 1 =

1 x 5

C (5, 0)


At D

1 x +1 = 5 , 5

M1 for attempt at normal and C, must be from differentiation and using correct point M1 for attempt to obtain D, equating normal and tangent equations

D (20, 5)


Area = = 50

1 20 5 , 2

M1 A1 [10]

M1 for valid attempt at area

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2011

Syllabus 0606

Paper 12

12 OR

dy = 3 x 2 12 x + 9 dx
dy = 0, x = 1, 3 dx


M1 for differentiation and equating to 0, can be using a product M1 for attempt to solve A1 for both x values A1 for y coordinate B1 on y coordinate for area of rectangle M1 for attempt to integrate 1 each error DM1 for application of limits


P (1, 4 )

M1 A1 A1 B1M1

Area = 8

x 3 6x2 + 9x dx

x4 9x2 = 8 2 x3 + 2 4 1 27 11 = 8 + 4 4

A2,1,0 DM1 A1 [10]

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2011


Syllabus 0606 B1 M1

Paper 21

2+ 3 14 + 3 3 1 2 (i) 220 or 8 27.5 oe

(5 + 2 3 ) = 37 + 20 3 (37 + 20 3 ) 2 3
2 3

A1 + A1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 B1 B1 M1 B1 B1 A1 M1 A1


(ii) 16.5(x2) Correct method for collecting terms (66 + (i)) 38.5 oe 3
AB = 6i + 24j (or 2 OC = OA + AB 3


AC = 4i + 16j) 2 i 4 j + (6i + 24 j) 3

OC = 5i + 12j
OC = 52 + 12 2
13 Eliminates y x2 + kx 2x + 16 (= 0) Uses b2 4ac k2 4k 60*0 or (k 2)* 8 k = 6 or 10 k < 6 or k > 10 5 (i) f(1) = 1 + 8 + p 25 (= p 16) f(2) = 8 + 32 2p 25 (= 2p 1) p 16 = 2p + 1 oe p = 17 4 (ii) Evaluates f(3) or divides by (x + 3) to remainder 71 (= 20 3p) 6 (a) (i) Evidence of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 or 8! 40320 (ii) Evidence of 5! (120) or 4! (or 24) 2880 765 5 4 (= 35) and (= 10) (b) 3 2(1) 2(1) Multiply 350 7 (i) m = 2.5 c=2 lg y = 2.5lg x + 2 2 = lg100 or lg102 2.5lg x = lg x2.5 y = 100 x2.5 (ii) Solve 2.5lg x = lg3 or x2.5 = 3 correctly 1.55






University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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Syllabus 0606 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1

Paper 21

8 (i) 70 (ii) 39.7 (iii) 55e0.1t = 25 15 oe 55 0.1t = ln oe 10 17(.0)

dT 0.1t = ke dt k = 5.5 oe 1.11 9 (i) Either



30/45 60 10/15 10 or 45 found Uses cosine rule D2 = 102 + 302 2 10 30 cos60 or V2 = 152 + 452 2 15 45 cos60 39.7 or 39.8 or 15 7 B1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [8] D/V B1

sin sin 60 sin sin 60 (or and use ) = = 10 / 15 D / V 30 D = 19.1 or = 101 251 9 (i) Or
(ii) 30/45 60 10/15 D/V


10 Dsin = 10sin60 and Dcos = 25 or Vsin = 15sin60 and Vcos = 37.5 Solve equations V = 39.7 or 39.8 (ii)

B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [8]

10 sin 60 25 = 19.1 251 tan =

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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Syllabus 0606 B1 B1 B1 B1 M1 M1 A1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1

Paper 21

10 (i) tanx = 1.33 126.9 306.9 6 6 = 13 or + 6 sec y = 13 (ii) 6 cos y + cos y sec y Forms quadratic in cosy or secy (6cos2y 13cosy + 6 = 0) Solve 3 term quadratic 48.2 311.8 (iii) 2z 3 = 0.775 (or 2.37) radians Solves for z using radians 1.89 and 2.68 11 EITHER 12 (i) OA = cos 0.9 AC = 19.3 12 = 7.3 (ii) Complete method for major arc (2 1.8) 12 53.8 AB = 2 12tan0.9 or cosine rule 30.2 Complete plan (53.8 + 30.2 + 2 7.3) 98.6 1 (iii) Complete method for major sector 12 2 (2 1.8) 2 1 1 19.32 sin 1.8 or 30.2 12 2 2 323 or 181 504 11 OR dy = sin x + x cos x (i) Uses product rule dx gradient = 1 At x = 2 Uses m1m2 = 1 Correctly reaches conclusion. e.g. y = 1 x with y = 0 2 2 (ii) cos xdx x sin xdx = x cos x



sinx xcosx

x sin xdx = cos xdx x cos x


(iii) Uses limits of and 2.14 or 1 Area triangle =

M1 A1

1 or or 1.23 2 2 2 8 Subtracts area of triangle

0.908 (allow 0.906 or 0.907) or 0.91 or 1

B1 M1



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Syllabus 0606

Paper 22 B1


dy = 3cos 3 x dx

dy (ii) Uses y = attempt at x with x = and x = p . dx 9

1.5 p

M1 A1 on k [3]

(a) (i) n(E) = 72 or n ( W B R ) = 72 (ii) R W or R W = R or R W = W or R W / = (b) (i)

B1 B1

B1 (ii)

( X Y )

or ( X Y ) Y or ( X Y ) X or ( X Y ) X




3 1 A+I = 2 6 1 6 1 ( A + I ) -1 = 3 20 2

B1 B1 + B1

14 (ii) X = ( A + I ) -1 = evaluated to matrix with 2 entries 4

M1 A1 [5]

4 2

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2011

Syllabus 0606

Paper 22 M1 A1 A1 ag

(a) Expresses with common denominator

2sin x cos 2 x sin x 1 1 2 = 2 tan x sec x or 2 tan x = 2 tan x sec x cos x cos x cos x

(b) cos x = 1 p 2

B1 B1 B1 [6]

cos ec2 x =
1 2 p 1 p2

1 sin 2 x

(i) Uses product rule

2 x + 15 +

M1 A1 A1

3 ( x + 5) 2 x + 15

2 x + 15

( k = 3)

1 x 2 x + 15 k
Uses limits on Cx 2 x + 15

M1 M1 A1 [6]

34 3

Eliminates y (or x) x 2 + 3 x 10 = 0 (or y 2 + 27 y + 72 = 0 ) oe Factorises 3 term quadratic or solves using formula x = 5 and 2 (or y = 24 and -3 ) y = 24 and -3 (or x = 5 and 2 ) Uses Pythagoras 22.1 or 490 or 7 10

M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1


University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

Page 6 7 (i) 3.75 oe (ii) a =

dv k = dt (3t + 4) 3 k = 360 oe 0.36 oe

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 22 B1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [8]

(iii) s =

Substitutes t = 0, s = 0 into k(3t + 4)n

k ( +c ) 3t + 4 k = 20 oe

20 15t or 3t + 4 3t + 4

(a) (i)

x log 3 = log 200 or log 3 200


B1 B1 B1 M1 DM1 A1


2 = log 25 or 2 = log 52

5 y + 40 log ( 5 y + 40 ) log ( y + 2 ) = log oe y+2

Deals with logs correctly and solves

y = 0.5

(b) a = 4 b = 2 c=5 9

B1 B1 B1 [9]

mAB = 2 m1m2 = 1
AC: y 2 =

B1 M1

C(14, 3) Midpoint M(6, 1) D(14, 12) Complete method for area 150 on yD

1 1 ( x 4 ) or y = x + 4 or x + 2 y = 8 2 2

A1 A1 B1 + B1 B1 M1 A1


University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

Page 7 10 (a) (i) a = 50 c = 4 (ii) (4, 50)

Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2011 b = 2 OR 50 2 ( x 4 )


Syllabus 0606

Paper 22 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1

(iii) Correct shape Maximum and y intercept in correct quadrant,

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -2 -10 -20 3 8

(b) (i) Method for inverse

x+7 3
(ii) g(0) = 2 Solves g1(x) = 2 or solves x = g(g(0)) = g(2) 18

M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [11]

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

Page 8 11 EITHER (a) cos x = 0.5

Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE May/June 2011

Syllabus 0606

Paper 22


Uses Pythagoras (to find


M1 A1

sin x =

3 2

(b) (i)

PS = x + y 60 3 x y= 2

B1 B1

(ii) height =

3x 2


Substitutes height and y into Area = or height into Area = Correctly reaches

height ( 60 2 x ) 2

height ( PS + y ) 2


3 30 x x 2 2

A1 ag


dA 3 = ( 30 2 x ) dx 2
Equates to 0 and solves Completely correct for method with x = 15 leading to maximum

B1 M1 A1 B1 [12]

x = 15

OR (i)

2 2880 = r 3 + r 2 h 3 2880 2 8640 2r 3 h = 2 r or h = 3r 2 3 r

B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 ag

(ii) A = 3 r 2 + 2 rh substitute for h correctly reaches A =

5 2 5760 r + 3 r


dA 10 5760 = r dr 3 r2
equate to 0 and solve

B1 + B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 B1 [12]

r = 12

(iv) substitute in formula for A


(v) Completely correct method with r = 12 leading to minimum.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations - November 2002

Syllabus 0606


4sine+3cose=o e = or 143.1 323.1

=> tane = -0.75


Use oft=s+c (allow 4/3 or+%) Co For 180+ his value and no other values. 3

M1 Ml



Complete elimination ofy (or x) - x 2=4(mx-9) Use ofb2 -4ac on his quadratic=O 16m2=144 m=3

y or x must go completely or m=Y2x. quadratic must = 0 m=3 gets AI only for the- value from m 2=k.

Ml DMl Al Ml Al 5




Setting quadratic to 0 Correct form of solution for Quad=O. Correct only - decimals ok here. Difference between the 2 values Decimal check is not acceptable.

Solo of t2 -1 Ot+5=0 - t=S--./20 Difference t2-tt = 2--./20 = 4--./5



~~?P' I


Knowing to integrate + attempt with "e" co Value at I - Value at -1 in his integral Anywhere- numeric or in terms of e Subtraction of two areas - on first M. co.

Areaundercurve=[ ] 1 - [ ] -t (4.701) ( 6.172) Area of rectangle = 2(e+e- 1) Req'd area= 1.47 or 1.48 (or 4e- 1)


Large matrix either 3x4 or 4x3

3 2 2 2 0 3 ( 0 I 6

~}oc[~ ~ ~]



Displayed compatible for x, with row or col mat

Eg (20 30

15) 1st oc


Or for (30 40 50 80) x 2cnd. Order ok.


ili fur 2cnd X

Product eg (120 55 220 135) or Multiplied by the 3rd matrix => $27 60



Order ok.

Ml AI Ml

Must be compatible forM. co for A. Must be compatible forM. co for B 1 - even if no matrices.



Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations - November 2002

Syllabus 0606


y = f 6(2x-3)- 2dx = -3(2x-3)- 1 Passes through (3,5)

On x-axis, y=O
:::::::> :::::::>



M1 A1 M1A1

Must bt~ f2x-3)k + k -no other f(x). + 2 and k==-1. Uses both coordinates in an integral. Puts y=O into his equation obtained by integration.


Ml Al

7. (i) y=x3 +x-1 :::::;> dy/dx=3x2+1 Puts dy/dx=O- realises there is no solution And therefore no max or min. Realises the function is 1 to l and f-'exists.
(ii) f- 1(9) is value ofx such that x 3 +x-1=9


A1 AI--./

Knows to use calculus for M. Puts dy/dx==O + attempt to solve. Correct conclusion from 3x2+l=O only. Realises link between no soln and 1: 1 only from kx2 + 1. Realises need to solve f(x)=9 Tries values forM. Correct answer.

Search- finds x==2.

Ml Ml AI 7

(i) ex=k

k(2k-1)==10 2k -k-l0=0 :::::;> k=2.5 (or-2) Soln of ex = 2.5 :::::;> x= In2.5 = 0.92 ok


Realisation that eqn is quadratic in ex Solution of quadratic Co ln2.5 is enough. Ignore soln from -2. co. co. Putting the two logs together. co.

(ii) RHS = 2 = log525 LHS =logs [(8y-6)+(y-5)] Soln of [(8y-6)+(y-5)] = 25 :::::::> y = 7

Bl Bl


Eliminate x or y :::::;> 3x2 -6x-24=0 or 2y2 +6y-36=0 . , ~~~ Solution -+ (4,3)and(-2.-6) Gradient of line joining = ~ (-t;-/, Gradient of perpendicular= -% Midpoint =(I, - i) Eqn of perp bisector y+i = - %(x- 1) Ml AI


Needs complete elimination. Correct equation . Method of solution=O. (needs 3 term) Co- all 4 values.

Ml Ml
M1Al Uses (~(x 1 +x2), ~(y 1 +y2)) In any form - unsimplified or 6y+4x+5=0. (no mid-point or no perp- max 5/8) M 1 for txvelocity vector in either Adding on constant vector in either For both expressions. Knowing to subtract, with or without t=2. Use of Pythagoras. co. Any valid method- could find t form one and substitute into the other.

rp = t(20i+10j) + 50j r 0 = t(-1 Oi+30j) + 80i + 20j
::::::> PQ = (60i+80j)-(40i+70j)


(ii) t=2

= 20i+l0j


IPQI = 1005 = 22.4 km.

(iii) across


20t =-lOt +80 t = 2% up 10t+50==30t+20 t = ~ . Therefore no interception. p

1--J"' j~o.J



Page 3

Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations- November 2002

Syllabus 0606

11. (i)

dy (x + 2)2 -(2x -6)1 -= dx (x+ 2) 2 10 = k= 10 (x+ 2) 2

P) is (3,0)

M1 AI Al

Must use correct formula for quotient or product. A mark for unsimplified. co.

(ii) Qis{0,-3)


Both these anywhere in the question.

gradient at x=3 is 2/5 gradient of normal = -5/2 Eqn of normal is y=-5/2(x-3) R is (0, 7"h.) 12. IRQI = IO"h.

Ml Ml AI Btv

Getting the perpendicular gradient- but must be using - 1+dy/dx Correct unsimplified. -needs use of x=O AI for 7K B I v for "his 7"h.- "his -3". Allow 10.5

_- .iL (~~.



'\ J

(i) OPQ bisects angle MON


anglePMO=anglePN0=90 r R = OP + PQ = -.-+ r

B1 B1 MI A l BI M1 MIA 1 Ml Ml Al l1

Used somewhere- on diagram ok Used somewhere -on diagram ok OP needs to be trig function with sine Co- in (ii) only or at end of (i) Use of "h.r9 with his Rand his 9 Needs xr and a ratio. Use ofs=r9 with his rand his 9 For r+ tan(his9) or Pythagoras etc co



(ii) 9=30 => R = 3r Total area= ~R2 x(1t/3) = ~1tr2 Fraction with roses = (xr)+dxr) = 3 (iii) Arc MN = Sx21t/3 OM=ON=5+tan30 or v75 Perimeter= l0(~1t+03) = 27.8m

12. OR



50 74


100 110

150 144

200 180

250 214

Ml AlAI Knowing what to do AI accuracy. AI line. B1Bl BlBl Ml A1 Bl Stating m=A and c=B. For numerical values of m and c only. M 1 line of gradient 1 A 1 accurately drawn Square or sides of rectangle equal. For his gradient or reciprocal of gradient.

Plotting y/x against x Accuracy and line

(ii) y=x(Ax+B)

=> y/x =Ax+ B => A = gradient, B=intercept

Intercept 38--+40 Gradient 0.68 to 0.72 (iii) Line ofy/x against x drawn on the graph. Value ofx at point of intersection makes the rectangle into a square. (iv) As x-+oo, ratio of2 sides -+A or 1/A ie 0.7 or 1.43


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Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations- November 2002

Syllabus 0606

1 [4}


= (6

-3) 4

1 x3



X) = 3 1(6 -3)(-7) (2) (y - 7 4 -16 = - 5

2 [4]

M1 A1


82, 1,0
r~l <.>..ll.. .~c<Y.;



= 64 + 192x + 240x

Replace x by x - x2

coefficient of x2 = - 192 + 240 = 48



3 [5]

(i) Either



Simplify (ii)




2-../3 =--2-$ 4-3


p _ _!_= p

2 + .J3- (2-.J3)= 2.J3

== 6 + 4 .J3


Or P _ _!_ p

= 2 + .J3 _
2- .J3 2- .J3


M1 A1

Multiply by

4 [6]

Solving inequalities: X< 3.5 B x 2 -x-2=0 => (x-2)(x+1)=0 => x=-1,2 x2 -x-2>0 => x<-1, x>2 Required values

81 M1 A1




A1 A1

2 <X< 3.5


Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations- November 2002

Syllabus 0606

5 [6]

(a) Either sC3 = 5 x 4 x 3 1x2x3 Product =

10 x 6 = 60


M1 A1
2 x5x4

(b) Either, ending in 1 {or 3)

or, ending in 5 (or 7)



Adding all 4 cases

40 + 40 + 60 + 60 = 200

M1 A1

6 [6]


f (x) = - (x- 1)(x - 2) {x - k) f {3)

M1 A1

= -2

(3 - k) : 8


M1 A1 M1 A1


f(-3) = -(-4)(-5)(-10) = 200

7 [6]


d . ) (X Sin X dx

. = Sin


M1 A1 M1





X sin X -

Jsin X d X

Jsin x dx = ::cos x

7t 21 = 0.571



8 [6]




Make In x the subject


=- % (x- 2)

line is y= 1 -x/2

M1 A1

9 [7]

(a) Correct combination of indices




Sum = a + b


2 2x+2

=4 X 22x
~l.."t. ~

' "".. :. _

J".... t .:t-u~_r. (~ot.Ct~..-~c:.r

8 J.,l.O
M1 A1

: 10x

= 4/5

~.oar r-,..~-.... ~i'(.\ t~.,;~...... )


Mark Scheme IGCSE Examinations November 2002

Syllabus 0606

10 [9]

(i) AP

= bl3 - a

OM= al2 + bl2

81 B1..J

M1 A1

(ii) OQ

= A. (al2 + bl2)

(iii) OQ = OA + Jl AP = a + Jl (bl3 - a)

M1 A1..J M1 M1 A1


Comparing coefficients Solving

A. 12 = 1 - Jl


= Jl 13

A.= Yz


11 [11]

M1 A1

[V}t= o = 20 :::::>


[V}t=4 = 12-24+20




M1 A1..J


=[ t
=8 ,

= 16 - 48 + 80

= 48




= (20 -

8} I 2

curve straight line


81 81J'

~ t

12[10] Either

A= 1tf2+1trl


1 = (120-1tl)!1tr
60r- Y:z

13 1t\ 1
M1 A1

= 40hr.,/,:= 3.57

dVIdr = 60-31CI12



81 A1

M1 A1

Stationary value of V = 143 (1r,.2..75) d2 VI

dl = -

3 1t r < 0 for r > 0 :::::> maximum

+ 2x In x

[ or any valid method ]

M1 A1


(i) dy I dx

= x 2 x 11x

M1 A1

At Q, y = 0

x = 0 :::::> x =1




81 M1 A1 M1 A!

A1 A1

(ii) At P, dy I dx



x(1 + 2 In x} = 0



x = - Yz

x = e% =

1 t..Je

( . ,._ o. &Ot.5'l

(iii) d 2y I dx2 = d (x + 2x In x) I dx = 1 + 2 In

+ (2x x1/x}

= 3 + 21n x

Page 1


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


x + 3y = k and y =2x + 3 Elimination of x or y y + 6y (2k+3)=0 or x (2k + 18)x + (k 27) = 0 Uses b 4ac k < 6

M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] B1 B1 M1 A1 [4] [B1B1 M1A1] M1A1 M1A1 A1 [5] B1 M1 M1

x or y must go completely, but allow for simple arithmetic or numeric slips co Any use of b4ac, even if =0 or >0 co Wherever used Needs to use xaxb=xa-b co

2. 8-x = 2-3x 4x = 2x Attempts to link powers of 2 x 3 (3x) = 5 (x) x = 1.6 or 8/5 etc [ log 8-x = 3xlog2, log 4x = xlog2 equate coefficients of log 2] 3. x +ax +bx - 3 Puts x=3 27+9a+3b3=0 Puts x=2 8+4a2b3=15 (9a+3b=24 and 4a2b=26) Sim equations a = 1 and b = 11 4. (3-2) = 5 26 or 5223 Divides volume by length 4 2 3 3 5+2 6 52 6 5+2 6 Denominator = 1 Numerator = 202153+812-618 But 12 = 23 and 18 = 32 22 + 3 5 y=0 when 3x + = x = 6sin(3x+/4)dx = 6 cos (3x+/4) 3 Between 0 and /4 2 + 2 or 3.41 6 Wind 50i 70j V(still air) = 280i 40j (i) Resultant velocity = vair + w 330i 110j tan-1(110/330) = 18.4 Bearing of Q from P = 108 (ii) Resultant speed = (330+110) Time = 273 resultant speed = 47 minutes Scale drawings are ok.

Needs x=3 and =0 for M mark Needs x=2 and =15 for M mark (A marks for unsimplified) co Co anywhere Vl used by denominator with sign changed

M1 A1 [5]

Correct simplification somewhere with either of these co

B1 M1 A2,1 DM1 A1 [6]

Co. Allow 45 Knows to integrate. Needs cos. All correct, including 3, 6 and ve Uses limits correctly must use x=0 In any form at least 3sf

M1 A1 DM1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

Connecting two vectors (allow ) Co (Could get these 2 marks in (ii) ) For use of tangent (330/110 ok) co Use of Pythagoras with his components For 273 (a+b)

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 2


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

40 8 6 6 5 50 7 ( 0 .6 0 .2 0 .5 ) 5 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 50 60 40 50 = (7.3 5.9 5.2 4.4 ) 50 60


Wherever 3 matrices come as row or column matrices as 3 by 4 or 4 by 3 independent of whether they are compatible for multiplication or not. Correct method for multiplying any 2 of the 3 - co for A mark.

M1 A1



0 .2

0.5 ) 670 490


M1 B1 [6]

Correct method for remaining two. Co even if from arithmetic.


8 (i) d/dx(lnx) = 1/x

(2 x + 3) 1 (ln x ) 2 x (2 x + 3) 2


Anywhere, even if not used in u/v

dy = dx

M1A1 M1A1 M1 A1 [7]


y = (dy/dx) x = 0.2p dy/dt = dy/dx dx/dt dx/dt = 0.6

Uses correct formula. All ok. Could use product formula. A mark unsimplified. Allow if y mixed with dy/dt. M mark given for algebraic dy/dx p. Allow if dy/dt mixed with y for 0.12 his dy/dx. Condone use of x etc


9 (a) Uses secx = 1+tanx quad in sec or c then uses s+c=1 quad in cos 4secx+8secx5=0 5cosx+8cosx+4=0 secx = 2.5 (or0.5) or cosx=0.4 (or2) x = 113.6 or 246.4 (b) tan(2y+1) = 16/5 = 3.2 Basic angle associated with 3.2 = 1.27 Next angle = + 1.27 and 2 + 1.27 (Value 1) 2 3.28 (others are 0.134 and 1.705)

B1 M1 A1A1 B1 M1 M1A1 [8]

Co. Sets to 0 and uses correct method for solution of a 3 term quadratic in sec or cos. A1 co. A1 for 360first ans only. Anywhere (allow 72.6) Realising the need to add on and/or 2 Correct order used ie 1, then 2 for any correct value. Allow if all 3 values are given, providing none are over 4. (degrees max 2/4 B1, M0, M1, A0)

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 3 10 f(x) = 53ex (i) Range is <5


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

B1 M1A1 B1 B1 M1 M1 A1 [8]

Allow or < Normally 2,0 but if working shown, can get M1 if appropriate Shape in 1st quadrant. Both shown or implied by statement.
Reasonable attempt e

(ii) 53ex = 0 ex = 5/3 Logs or calculator x = 1.02 (iii) (1.02, 0) and (0, 2) (iv) ex = (5 y)3 x/2 = ln[(5-y)/3] f-1(x) = 2ln[(5x)/3]

as the subject.

Using logs. All ok, including x, y interchanged.

11 (i) y=x and y=3x-15 C(6,3) OB=OC+CB B(8,9) m of OC = , m of AD = 2 eqn of AD is y6=2(x2) or y=2x+10 Soln of y=x and eqn of AD D(4,2) (ii) Length OC = 45, OA = 40 Perimeter of OABC = 2(45+40) 26.1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1A1 M1 M1 A1 [11] 12 EITHER (i) 125 = r + 2x + 2(5r/4) x = (125 r 5r/2) h = 3r/4 Area of triangle = 2r 3r/4 = 3r/4 A = r + 2rx + .. = 125r r -7r/4 (ii) dA/dr = 125 r 7r/2 Solved = 0 to give r = 250 / (2 + 7) or 18.8 M1 A1 M1 M1 B1 A1 M1A1 DM1 A1 [10] Attempt at 4/5 lengths. Co. Anywhere in the question independent of any other working Use of bh with h as function of r Correct r + 2rx. Answer given beware fortuitous ans. Any attempt to differentiate. Co. Setting his differential to 0. Any correct form. Soln of simultaneous eqns Co (or step method if B done first) Vectors, step or soln of y=x+5 and y=3x-15 From his C use of m m =1 (M0 if perp to y=3x) Co unsimplified. Sol of simultaneous eqns. co. Once. Adding OA,AB,BC,CO Co.

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 4 12 OR (i)


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

h / (12r) = 30 / 12 h = 5(12-r) / 2 Uses V=rh to give V = (30r -5r/2)

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1A1 DM1 A1 M1 A1 [10]

Use of similar triangles needs lengths correct. Correct in any form needs h as subject Needs correct formula Beware fortuitous answers (AG) Any attempt to differentiate. co Setting his dV/dr to 0 + attempt. Correct to 3 or more sig figures Anywhere Exactly 4:9 or 2.25 to 3 sig figures


dV/dr = (60r 15r/2) = 0 when r = 8 h = 10 V = 640 or 2010 Volume of cone = 1230 1440 or 4520 Ratio of 4 : 9 or 1 : 2.25 (3 sf)

DM1 for quadratic equation (1) Formula. Sets the equation to 0 Formula must be correct and correctly used. Condone simple slips in sign. (2) Factors Sets the equation to 0 Attempts to obtain brackets Solves each bracket to 0.

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

1 [4]

Eliminate x or y y2 8y + 15 = 0 Factorise or formula Midpoint is (5, 4) x2 10x + 9 = 0 (1, 3) and (9, 5)


DM1 A1 B1

2 [4]


1 + sin (1 sin ) 1 sin


2 sin 2 sin cos = cos = 2 1 sin2 1 sin

M1 A1

Use of Pythagoras 3 [4]

2 sin cos cos


= 2 tan k = 2
1 2

B1 A1

log2x = 2log4x 2log4x log4 (x 4) = 2


log4 (x 4) = log2x
x x4
1 2

log2(x 4)



log2(x 4) = 2 M1 A1

Eliminate logs Solve for x 4 [4] (i)

x2 = 16 or x4



A1 B2 B1 B1

(ii) (iii) 5 [5] (i) (ii) 6 [6]

A B'C '
B (A C)




B1 B1 B1 M1 A1

Coefficient of x4 = (405 x 1) + (270 x 2) = 135 At B, v = 40 (et 0.1) = 0

et = 0.1 t = ln 10 (=2.30) M1 A1 M1 A1

AB =

0.1 dt = 40 e t 0.1t

log 10

1 ln 10 = 40 ( 1) = 4(9 ln 10 ) 26.8 10 10

DM1 A1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

7 [7]

Dealing with elements A1= (i)

1 1 2 2 3 4

3 1 1 2 and 2 2 3 4 1 3 1 8 2 2


B1 =

A1 A1

C = B 2A1 = D = B1A =

2 1 1 2 3 1 = + 2 3 3 4 5 7

M1 A1

(ii) 8 [7] (i)

1 3 1 4 2 1 9 5 = 8 2 2 3 1 8 14 6

M1 A1

10! 10 9 8 7 = = 210 6!4! 1 2 3 4

M1 A1

(ii) (iii)

No pink selected i.e. any 6 from (5 + 2) = 7 All selections contain at least 1 red No yellow selected i.e. any 6 from (3 + 5) =
8! = 28 6!2!


M1 A1

At least 1 of each colour 120 (7 + 28) = 175 9 [8] (i)

d dx

M1 A1 M1 A1

( 4x 3 ) = (4x 3)
{ }

1 2

1 4 2

d 2 (2 x + 3) 4 x 3 = (2x + 3) + 2 4x 3 dx 4x 3
= 12 x 4x 3 k = 12

M1 A1



x 4x 3

dx = (2 x + 3 ) 4 x 3

1 12

M1 A1

10 [10]

1 (85 5) = 6 2 2 3


(i) AOB = 19.2 + 16 = 1.2 (ii) DE = 8 sin 1.2 7.46 (iii) DOE = sin1 (7.46 16) 0.485 (AG) (iv) Sector DOB =
1 2 1 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 M1 A1

x 162 x 0.485 = 62.08

Length OE = (162 7.462) 14.2 DOE = x 7.46 x 14.2 52.97 (9.275)

Shaded area 9.1 9.3

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

11 [10]

v R lg v lg R

5 32

10 96

15 180 1.18 2.26

20 290 1.30 2.46

25 (i) Plotting lg R against lg v


420 Accuracy of points: Straight line A2, 1, 0 1.40 (ii) R = kv lg R = lgk + lg v B1 2.61
= gradient 1.55 - 1.60

0.70 1.00 1.51 1.98

M1 A1

lg k = lg R intercept 0.4 k 2.4 - 2.6 M1 A1 (iii) lg R = lg 75 1.88 from graph lg v 0.92 - 0.96 v 8.3 - 9.1 [Or by solving e.g., (i) 12 EITHER [11] gf(x) =
4 2 (3 x 2)
4 =2 4 3x

M1 A1

75 = 2.5v1.58


1.88 = 0.4 + 1.58 lg v] B1


[or solve fg(x) = 3

4 2 = 2] 2x

M1 A1

x = 2/3 (ii) f(x) = g(x) 3x 2 =

4 3x2 8x + 8 = 0 2x

Discriminant = 64 96 < 0 (iii) f1 : x a (x + 2) 3 y = 4 / (2 x) (iv) x = 2 4/y

No real roots

M1 A1 B1

g1 : x a 2 4/x

M1 A1 B1 B1

Lines intersect at (1, 1)


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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

12 OR [11]


1 x2 + 6x a (x + b)2 = a x2 2bx b2 a b2 = 1 and 2b = 6 M1 A1 [or 1 x2 + 6x 1 (x2 6x) 1 {(x 3)2 9} ] b = 3, a = 10 A1 Maximum at (3, 10) M1 A1 x 3 = (10 x) M1 A1 B1 B1


1 x2 + 6x 10 (x 3)2

Single-valued for x [ 3 and hence for x [ 4


y = 10 (x 3)2

(x 3)2 = 10 y

f1 : x a 3 + (10 x) (iv) When x = 2, g(x) = 9 and when x = 7, g(x) = 6 Range of g is 6 Y g Y 10 (v)

B 2, 1, 0

University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate 2003

Page 1


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

OA = i + 9j OB = 5i 3j OC = k(i + 3j) AB or BA = 4i 12j AC or CA = (k 1)i + (3k 9)j CB or BC = (5 k)i (3k + 3)j Ratio of i to j is the same k = 2 M1 A1 M1 A1 For | one relevant vector |. Must be Any 2 of these correct unsimplified. Using ratio idea (not DM). Co. If use of AB = ab and correct answer obtained, allow full marks.

[or m = 3 = (3k + 3) (k 5) = (3k 9) (k 1) M1 A1 k = 2 M1 A1] [or (1, 9) (5, 3) y = 3x + 12 M1 A1 subs (k, 3k) or solve with y = 3x M1A1] 2 (i)

[4] Drawing M2 A2

B1 B1

or P I (D T ) or D T or (D T ) (ii) B1 B1 [4]


Change to powers of 2. 23x 2y = 26 3x y = 6 Change to powers of 3. 34x 3-2y+2 = 34 4x 2y + 2 = 4 x = 5 and y = 9

M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [5]

Needs to try all terms as powers of 2 and have . Co Needs to try all terms as powers of 3 and have . Co with bracket sorted. Co

Let OR = r r2 (4/3) 72 (4/3) = 48 r = 11 If x + 7 for r allow A1 for x = 4. Perimeter = 11 (4/3) + 7 (4/3) + 2 (11 7) 32

M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [6]

Any use of r2 for M mark. A1 unsimplified, but complete. Co. M1 for any use of s = r. A1 unsimplified and on his r or x only. Co allow anything rounding to 32.0

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

(a + x) (1 2nx + ) = 3 41x + bx2 term in x3 = nC2 ( 2x)2 a=3 1 2an = 41 n = 7 Coeff of x2 is 3 84 1 14 238

B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

Wherever it comes. Co anywhere Must use 2 terms. Must use sum of 2 products. Co.

6 (i) (ii)

f(x) = 5 + 3cos4x a = 3, period = max/min x = /4 or 2/4 or 3/4 max of 8 min of 2 (/4, 2) (2/4, 8) (3/4, 2) B1 B1 B1 B1 B2, 1 Co. allow 90 for period. When 8 is used as stationary value. When 2 is used as stationary value. for 5 his a. [B0 if degrees here] [6] Ignore inclusion of max/min at 0 or .


8 8! or

8 9! or 9! 8! 9

M1 A1 [2] Must be nCr knows what to do. Ans only is ok for 2 marks. Needs to be a product of nCrs. Co. Anywhere. Co. [4]

322 560 (b) 2G, 1B 3G, 0B

5C2 5C3

3C1 = 10 3 = 30 = 10

M1 A1 B1 A1

total = sum of these = 40 8 (i) y = (3x + 11)/(x 3) Makes x the subject. f (x) = (3x + 11)/(x 3) f and f -1 are the same functions. Graph has y = x as line of symmetry. (ii)

M1 A1 B1 [3]

Good algebra in making x the subject.

Co accept any mention of y = x.

g(x) = (x 3) B1 g -1(x) = 2x + 3 2x + 3 = (3x + 11)/(x 3) 2x2 6x 20 = 0 x = 2 or 5 M1 A1 [3] B1 [1]

Anywhere. Algebra must lead to quadratic. Co. However obtained.

(iii) gf(x) = 2 f(x) = g -1 (2) x = 2

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 1


s2 = 3c2 + 4s Use of s2 + c2 = 1 4s2 4s 3 = 0 s = or 3/2 x = 210 and 330

M1 DM1 A1 A1

Used to eliminate cos completely. Scheme for quadratic. Co. for 2nd value from incorrect sine. [4] (A1 not given for extra values in the range, but could be given if soln of quadratic led to 2 values of sine<1.) Use of cot = 1/tan even if 2 removed incorrectly. Not for tan and 2y split. Co (must be radians) not for 0.67. For (i) + For (i) + or (ii) + [4] [S1 for extra values in the range] [sc All answers in degrees B1.]


cot = 1/tan used tan 2y = 4 2y = 1.326 y = 0.66 or 2y = + 1.326 or 2 + 1.326 y = 2.23 y = 3.80 or 3.81

M1 A1 A1 A1

10 (i) (ii) (ii)

y = x3lnx dy/dx = 3x2lnx + x3 (1/x) = 3x2lnx + x2 dy/dx = 0 lnx = y = dy/dx x = (e2 + 3e2)p = 4e2p or 29.6p M1 A1 [2] [2] M1 A1 Not DM setting his dy/dx to 0 + attempt to solve. M1 A1 M1 correct uv. A1 ok unsimplified.

Use of small increases. Allow for use of dy/dt. x = p essential for M [2] mark. Alg expression with p ok for M1. is reverse of diff used. A1 needs x3 co [3] Integration by parts ok. M1 A1 A1.

(iii) d/dx (x3lnx) = x2 + 3x2 lnx Integrating x3lnx = x3 + 3x2lnxdx x lnxdx = (x lnx x ) 11 4y = 3x + 1 and xy = 28x 27y Sim equations. x2 10x + 9 = 0 or y2 8y + 7 = 0 (9, 7) [(1, 1) was given] P(1, 1), Q(9, 7) gradient of PQ = Gradient of perp bisector is 4/3 M (mid-point of PQ) = (5, 4) Eqn of perp bis. y4 = 4/3(x 5) 3y + 4x = 32 meets y = 4x at R(2, 8) Area of PQ = PQ MR = 10 5 (or matrix method) 25
2 3 3

M1 A1 A1

M1 DM1 A1

Complete elimination of x or y Soln of quadratic (by scheme) Co for (9, 7)

M1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 [9]

Use of m1m2 = 1 with his PQ Use of ((x1 + x2), (y1 + y2)) Co unsimplified ok. Simulataneous eqns. Must be with a perp Any correct method. Co.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 4


Syllabus 0606

Paper 1

12 (a) (i) (ii)

EITHER N = 20 000e -0.05n n = 10, N = 12 130 or more places. 2000 = 20 000e -0.05n e -0.05n = 0.1 Take logs n = 45.1 2006 (b) Put y = 3 3x + 1 = 3y or 3x 1 = y 3y 2 = 8y/3 y = 6 3x = 6, xlg3 = lg6 x = 1.63 [or by 3x 1 M1 A1 3x 1 = 2 M1 A1] [or by 3x + 1 M1 A1 3x + 1 = 18 M1 A1]


[1] Co

M1 M1 A1 [3] M1 A1 A1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

Isolating exponential or taking logs to get 3 terms. Taking logs. Co. needs 2006, not 2005. Used. For each expression. Co. Taking logs for his 3x. co.



y = e 2 + 3e (i)

x 2

3 1 dy/dx = e 2 e 2 2

x 2

B1 B1 M1 A1 [4]

Anywhere Setting his dy/dx to 0 and reasonable attempt at making ex the subject. Co. Decimal check A0.

= 0 when e = 3 y = 3 + 3 3 = 23 (ii)
1 2 3 e + e 4 4
x x 2

d2y/dx2 =

> 0 , MIN

M1 A1

M1 Reasonable attempt by any method. [2] A1 Correct deduction but needs second differential correct. Knowing to integrate for area + any attempt with exponentials. A1 co. DM0 if [ ] at 0 is ignored. Co.


x x x x e 2 + 3e 2 dx = 2 e 2 6e 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 [4]

[ ] at 1 [ ] at 0 = 4 + 2e - 6e = 3.66 DM1 for quadratic equation.

Formula Equation must be set to 0. Formula must be correct and correctly used, but allow for numerical and algebraic errors. Brackets Equation must be set to 0. Must be an attempt to get two linear brackets. Each bracket must then be equated to 0 and solved.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2


4 3 1 A 1 = 23 5 2 x 1 4 3 4 1 = = y 23 5 2 13 2

B1 M1

B1 A1


13 4+ 3

13 169 = = 4 3 or 4 3 19 +8 3 + 4 3
4 3



(4 3 )

= 19 8 3 or

169 19 + 8 3

19 8 3 19 8 3

= 19 8 3



19b + 8a = 0 a = 19 (a + b 3 )(19 + 8 3 ) = 169 solve M1 A1 19a + 24b = 169 b = 8



3/2 cos 2x

+ 4 sin x

M1 A1 A1

/2 [ ] = 5.5 ( 1.5 ) = 7 0

Must use both limits properly, not assume cos0 = 0, not use





Eliminate y (x + 2)2 + (x + k)2 or 2x2 + (4 + 2k)x + (2 + k2) = 0 Apply b2 4ac

k = 0 or 4 0k 4

x x2 + (y 2 + k)2 2y2 + (2k 4)y + (k2 4k + 2) = 0

M1 M1 A1


16k 4k2 OR
k 0 B1 k 4 B1

M1 A1

Solving quadratic in k to 2 solutions condone < 5 [6] log4 (3x) + log4 (0.5) = log4 (1.5x) log16 (3x 1) =
log 4 (3 x 1) log 4 16

B1 M1

For change of base also to base 10,16, 2

log4 (3x 1) = log4 3 x 1 3x 1 = 2.25x2 9x2 12x + 4 = 0

or 2log4 (1.5x) = log4 (2.25x2) Changing k log z to log zk

2 3

M1 A1

(3x 2)2 = 0




Solving 3 term quadratic

Accept 0.66 or 0.67 or better

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2



3sin 2cos = 3cos + 2sin sin = 5cos tan = 5




OR, squaring + Pythagoras sin = 5

or cos = 1


for M1 A1 B1

= 78.7 or 1.37 rad or better (acute angle only accepted) (ii) x2 + y2 = (9 sin2 - 12sin cos + 4 cos2) + (9cos2 + 12sin cos + 4 sin2) = 13 sin2 + 13cos2 7 [7] = 13 Pythagoras

M1 A1 c.s.o

Put x = a 6a3 + 5a2 12a = 4 or divide by x a to remainder Search 6(2) + 5(2) = 12(2) + 4 = 0 a = 2
3 2

M1 M1 A1

(at least 2, if unsuccessful, for M1)

similarly, if a =

2 1 or is found 2 3

6a3 + 5a2 12a + 4 (a + 2) (6a2 7a + 2) OR, finding 2nd root 6a2 7a + 2 (3a 2) (2a 1) = 0 a =
1 2 , 2 3

M1 M1

A1 A1

OR, finding 3rd root 8 [7]

BAX = tan-1 200/150 = tan-1 4/3 53.13, or 36.87, or 250 ABX = sin-1 {(3sinBAX) 6} = sin-1 0.4 23.58 Incorrect obtuse-angled s allow M1 for use of sine or cosine rule) AXB = 180 (53.13 + 23.58 ) = 103.29 V = (6sin103.29) sin 53.13 = 7.3 [or via cosine rule] [or VACROSS = 6sin 76.71 5.84 or VDOWN = 3 + 6cos76.71 4.38] Time = 250 7.3 [or 200 5.8 or 150 4.4] 34 s (accept 34 34.5) 2 stages can be combined by applying cosine rule to velocities: 36 = V 2 + 9 6V cos 53.13 M1 10 V 2 36V 270 = 0 A1 Solve M1 V = 2.3 A1 3 stages can be combined by applying cosine rule to displacements: (6t)2 = (250)2 + (3t)2 6t cos 53.13 M2 27t 2 + 900t 62500 = 0 A2 Solve DM1 t = 34.3 A1 First 5 marks by vector method: V = (150i + 200j )/t B1 VBOAT = (150i + 200j )/t 3i M1A1

B1 M1 A1





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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

| VBOAT | =| (150 3t)i/t + 200j/t | =6 M1 27t 2 + 900t 62500 = 0 A1 By scale drawing: Construct 53.13 with 200, 150


M1A1 V = 7.3 0.1 M1A1 T = 34 DM1A1


(i) (ii)

Y = log y, X = x Y = log y, X = log x

m = log b, c = log a m = k, c = log A

c = 1/ p m = 9 / p

B1 B1



Y = 1/y, X = 1/x

M1 A1 A1

[Other valid alternatives acceptable Y X m c y

y x y x

x y


1 q
p q



q p

p q


1 ] q

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2




Let y = x2 8x + 7 dy/dx = 2x 8 = 0 at x = 4 d y/dx = 2 min at x = 4

2 2

M1 A1

OR via completing the square: y = (x 4)2 9 min 9 at x = 4 f(x) has maximum at x = 4, corroborated by argument re reflection of 9 or by graph (ii) B2, 1, 0 B2, 1, 0

Judge by shape, unless values clearly incorrect. Ignore curve outside domain. Cusp needed at x-axis. Accept straight line for right-hand arm, but curvature, if shown, must be correct. (iii) (iv) 0 f (x) 9 [condone <] k=4 B1 B1 B1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 2



Let A be (x, y) i.e. (x, 3x) Length of OA =

x 2 + 9 x 2 = 250 x = 5, A is (5, 15)

B1 M1 A1

( x 2 + y 2 = 250 enough for M1) Gradient of AB is

1 3 1 (x 5) B is (0, 16 2 3 ) 3


Equation of AB is y 15 = AND substitute x = 0 for M1 Gradient of BC is 3

M1 B1


Decimals 16.6 or 16.7, 1 p.a.

2 3 2 3

Equation of BC is y = 3x + 16

M1 x = 3 ,
1 3

Meets y + 2x = 0 when 2x = 3x + 16

M1 A1

C is (3 13 , 6 2 3 ) but accept (3.32, 6.64), (3.34, 6.68) In essence, scheme is 3 marks for each of A, B, C. Possible to find B before A e.g.
X = tan1 3 = 71.565o B1 AO OB = 250 / sin 71.565o M1 16 2 A1 3

Gradient of AB is (5,15) A1 12 [10]

2 1 1 B1 Solve y 16 = x with y = 3x M1 3 3 3




a d t = 1.4t 0.3t

+ 0 .5

M1 A2,1,0 A1

At rest v = 0 3t 2 14t 5 = 0 (3t + 1) (t 5) = 0 t = 5 OR, by verifying [1.4t 0.3t 2 + 0.5]t = 5 = 0 s=


v d t = 0.7t

0.1t 3 + 0.5t

M1 A1


[s] t = 5 = 7.5 [s] t = 10 = 25 OR s 10 s 5 = 32.5 Total distance = (2 7.5) + 25 = 40 OR 7.5 + 32.5


University of Cambridge International Examinations 2005

Page 6


2 3x 2 2 y d x = 3x + 2 d x = 2 x x

Syllabus 0606

Paper 2

12 OR




ax 2 b 2 x



One term correct sufficient for M1

1 4 [ ]2 = 24 (6 1) = 18.5 2




(2, 3) on curve 3 = 2a +
dy 2b =a 3 dx x

b 4
d y b =0a =0 d 4 x x =2

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1c.s.o M1

Solving a = 1, b = 4 y=x+
4 x2 dy 8 d2 y 24 > 0 when = 1 3 = dx x dx 2 x 4

x = 2 min [or any equivalent method]

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Paper 2

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Paper 2

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Paper 2

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Mark Scheme IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

!i) I\IIQd!U!LI!il = fll-1! j = 121

1\111 A1

UCLES 2006

Page 5

Mark Scheme IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(5 8

M1 A1


8 rU!N milllm! If II !:fli<IMI'l milllm! lllid \.!ial 11111'!>1. if:!! - llfJIIm 'f ilrithmm[IC hal Dun U!IIKL








Cl:le!Pioom of w" ill


' .m::z =
96. fl4





Minimum ill :c;'J\


B1 B1

Corflld fl(!llr!M lor r - m of


~slue. ~

-11) Minimum



frl:lm his of





or dlli':i mal




M1 A1

at IJOIM!Ifll

UCLES 2006

Page 6

Mark Scheme IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01


Ute of correct 1\:lmmill!t

alue fot l'l'l,i!'Nrlli!OL Prrl'lh&r:l

AlltJw if CCI'lCIIM ~!1illlot Nil ban

cbtainl!d for






full formula o1t

~rrect dedudkln - nel!d!l


llmll 1


M1A1 M1 AI


li>rl111 '~~>ill<>

UCLES 2006

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Mark Scheme IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01


81 81


1.111 A1

Ua d


Mull use ~~ltilla d vli!UM of lr oo othiir


;r" 10 ~ x= to






UCLES 2006

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Mark Scheme IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006

Syllabus 0606

Paper 02


1 2

M1 A1

7 = 8 + 2a + b Solving for a and b

a = 9 b = 17


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Paper 02


M1 A1

M1 B1 A1

of relevant two terms only = 910


or MN = rsec

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Paper 02

or x M = 4

1 1 or xC = 4 2 2

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Mark Scheme IGCSE October/November 2008 B1 B1 B1 [3]

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

1 (i)

correct diagram

(ii) correct diagram (iii) correct diagram 2 (2x + 1)2 > 8x + 9 4x2 4x 8 > 0 x2 x 2 > 0 (x + 1)(x 2) > 0 Leads to critical values x = 1,2 x < 1 and x > 2 3 LHS =


M1 for simplification to 3 term quadratic

DM1 for factorisation DM1 A1 for critical values A1 A1 [4] Follow through on their critical values.

sin 2 A + 1 + cos 2 A + 2 cos A (1 + cos A) sin A

M1 A1

M1 for attempt to deal with fractions and attempt to obtain numerator A1 correct M1 for use of sin2 A + cos2 A = 1 [4] M1 for substitution of x = 1 and equated to 3 M1 for substitution of x = A1 for both correct M1 for solution [5] A1 for both
1 and equated to 6 2

2 + 2 cos A

(1 + cos A) sin A 2 leading to 2cos ecA = sin A

M1 A1 M1 M1 A1

4 Substitution of x = 1 leading to a + b + 4 = 0 1 Substitution of x = leading to 2 a +2b 28 = 0 Leading to a = 12, b = 8

1 (5i 12j) 13

M1 A1

5 (i)


M1, A1 M1 for a valid attempt to obtain magnitude. [2] M1 M1 A1 M1 DM1 A1 M1 for equating like vectors M1 for solution of (simultaneous) equations [3] A1 for both M1 for attempting to form a quadratic in t DM1 for attempt to solve a 3 term quadratic [3] A1 for both

(ii) q(5i 12j) + pi + j = 19i 23j 5q + p = 19 12q + 1 = 23 Leading to q = 2, p = 9 6 (i) 2t 2 9t 5 = 0 (2t + 1)(t 5) = 0 1 t = ,t=5 2

(ii) x 2 = 0.5, 5 x = 0.25, 25

M1 A1,A1 [3]

M1 for realising that x0.5 is equivalent to t (or valid attempt at solution)

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Paper 01

7 (i) y = 4x2 12x + 3 y = (2x 3)2 6

B1 for 2 (part of linear factor) B1 for 3 (part of linear factor) [3] B1 for 6

3 (ii) ,6 2
(iii) f 6 8

B1, Follow through on their a, b and c B1 [2] Allow calculus method. B1 B1 M1 A1 B1 [1] Follow through on their c B1 for 2e2x M1 for attempt to find c1

dy dx

= 2e 2 x ( + c )
dy dx = 3, x = 0, c1 = 5



dx y = e2x + 5x(+c2) When x = 2, y = e4 c2 = 10 y = e2x +5x 10

9 (i) 25 + 5C124(3x) + 5C223(3x)2 32 240x + 720x2

= 2e 2 x + 5

B1 for 2e2x

M1 M1 for attempt to find c2 A1 [6] 2 times their c1 B1 B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [2] B1 for 32 or 25 B1 for 240 [3] B1 for 720. B1 for a = 2 M1 for equation in a and b equated to 192 A1 for b = 9 M1 for equation in a and b equated to c [5] A1 for c = 720 M1 for order

(ii) 32a = 64, a=2 32b 240a = 192, b=9 240b + 720a = c c = 720 10 (a) (i) fg(x) = f =3

x x + 2

x x+2

(ii) 3

= 10 x+2 leading to x = 1.75

DM1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [2] [1]

DM1 for dealing with fractions sensibly

(b) (i) h(x) > 4 (ii) h1(x) = ex 4 h1(9) = e5 ( 148) or 4 + lnx = 9, leading to x = e5 (iii) correct graphs

M1 for attempting to obtain inverse function [2]

B1 B1 B1

B1 for each curve [3] B1 for idea of symmetry

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Mark Scheme IGCSE October/November 2008 M1 DM1

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

11 (i) tan22x = 3 tan2x = () 3 2x = 60, 120, 240, 300 x = 30, 60, 120, 150 (ii) 2cosec2 y + cosec y 3 = 0 (2cosec y + 3)(cosec y 1) = 0 3 cosec y = , 1 2 2 sin y = , 1 3 y = 221.8, 318.2, y = 90
1 = 2 2 2 4 z+ = , 2 3 3 5 z= , , allow 0.52, 2.62 rads

M1 for an equation in tan22x M1 for attempt to solve using 2x correctly

A1 for any pair A1, A1 [4] M1, A1 M1 M1 for correct use of identity or other valid method A1 for a correct quadratic M1 for solution of quadratic and attempt to solve correctly

A1 for 221.8, 318.2, A1 for 90 A1, A1 [5] M1 M1 for dealing with sec and order of operations

(iii) cos z +

6 6

A1,A1 [3]

A1 for each

12 EITHER dy ( x + 1) 2 x x 2 (i) = ( x + 1) 2 dx x ( x + 2) = ( x + 1) 2 dy = 0 , x = 0, 2 dx y = 0, 4 (ii) gradient of normal = normal y = M (1.375,0) N (0, 4) Area = 2.75
4 3

M1 A1

M1 for attempt to differentiate a quotient A1 correct allow unsimplified

DM1 A1,A1 [5] M1 A1 B1 B1

DM1 for equating to zero and an attempt to solve A1 for each pair (could be x = 0 and x = 2) M1 for attempt to obtain gradient of the normal A1 for a correct (unsimplified) normal equation Follow through on their normal B1 for N

4 11 x+ , leads to 3 6

M1 for attempt to get area of triangle M1 A1 [6] Ft on their M and N (must be on axes)

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Paper 01

12 OR (i)

dy dx dy

= e x 2 2

B1 B1 M1 A1 A1

B1 for e x 2 B1 for 2 only M1 for equating to zero and attempt to solve A1 for x A1 for y

dx x = 2 + ln2 (2.69) y = 4 2ln2 (2.61)

= 0, e x2 = 2

d2y = e x2 , always +ve min 2 dx



[6] B1 for conclusion from a valid method


x 2

2 x + 6)dx = e x2 x 2 + 6 x 0

M1, A1

M1 for attempt to integrate


= (e 9 + 18) (e2) M1 = e e2 + 9 A1 B1

M1 for correctly applying limits A1 for e e2 [5] B1 for k

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Paper 02

1 4 6 10 7 13 41 evaluate A 1 24 x = 2 , y = 2.5 A 1 =

B1+B1 M1 A1 [4]

k ( 2x 9) 6 ( 2x 9)

M1 A1

substitute x = 7 and 600

dy dy dx dx = 4 into = dt d t dx d t

M1 A1 [4]

eliminate y use b 2 4ac m + 10m 39 0


or b 4ac

M1 DM1 A1 M1 A1 [5]

or ( 5 + m ) 64

factorise 3 term quadratic in m or take square root 13 < m < 3


d 1 ( ln x ) = dx x 1 + ln x

B1 B1 M1 M1 A1 [5]


(1 + ln x )dx = x ln x(+c) ln x dx = x ln x 1 dx(+c)

x ln x x ( +c )


express as powers of 2 (or 4 or 8) applies rules of indices [ 2 x (5 x) = 4 x 3( x 3) ] 7

M1 DM1 A1 B1 B1 B1


lg ( 2 y + 10 ) + lg y = lg { y ( 2 y + 10 )} or 2 = lg100
2 y 2 + 10 y = 100 oe 5 only


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Paper 02


10, 3 and 15 multiply 3 values 450

B1 M1 A1


4 ( 5 4 3)

B1+B1 B1 [6]


speed of travel = 4.8 or distance downstream = 14

1.4 OR (4.8) (4.8)



draw right angle triangle with 1.4 and (4.8) at 90o

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [6]

1.42 + (4.8) 2
5 (ii)

(4.8) oe 1.4 73.7 or 1.29 radians tan 1

(i) (ii) (iii)

5 180 or 8 and 2

B1 B1 B1+B1 B1 B1 B1

correct start and endpoints 2 cycles in 0 to 2 correct max and min points


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Paper 02

eliminate y (or x) 7 x 2 42 x + 35 = 0 (or 7 y 2 + 42 y 49 = 0 )oe solve 3 term quadratic x = 1 and 5 (or y = 7 and 1) find second coordinates find mid-point use mAB , m1m2 = 1 and coordinates of a point 1 1 3 y + 3 = ( x 3) or x + 2 y + 3 = 0 or y = x 2 2 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 M1 A1 [8]

10 (i)

dy = 3 x 2 16 x + 16 dx equate to 0 and solve 3 term quadratic x = 4, y = 0 4 13 256 or 9.48 or 9.5 or x= y=9 3 27 27

integrate x 4 8 x3 + 8x2 4 3 use limits of 4 (and 0) 1 21 or 21.3 3

B1 M1 A1 AG A1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [8] M1 A2, 1, 0 DM1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [11]


11 (i)

plot xy against 1/x with linear scales xy 4.5 3.24 2.82 2.64 1/x 0.5 0.25 0.17 0.125 attempt at gradient using plotted points 5 0.2 intercept 2 0.1 (or A1 if calculated from y = mx + c ) use Y = mX + c in correct way 5 2 5 + 2x 15 y = 2 + or y = or y = + 2 2 x x x x x read from graph or substitute in formula to find x x = 2.5 0.2 y = 1.6 0.1



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Paper 02

12 (i)


OC OC 2 = cos 0.6 or OC = 2 cos 0.6 or = 2 sin 0.97 sin 2 1.65

CD = 2 sin 0.6 or CD = OD OC 1.13
2 2

M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 B1


6 0.6 complete plan CD + 4 + r +(6 1.65) 13.1


1 2 6 0.6 2
complete plan 9.87

1 2 1 r OC CD 2 2

M1 A1 [10]

OR (i) 2t 2 12t + 16 equate to 0 and solve quadratic for 2 values 2 and 4 B1+B1+B1 M1 A1 M1 A 2, 1, 0 DM1 A1 [10]


2 3 t 6t 2 + 16t 3 use limits and subtract 2 2 or 2.67 3

s = v dt

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE October/November 2009 M1 A1 [2] M1 A1 [2] (ii) 2 5 43 3 3 32 = 0 2 35 7 1 22 B1, B1 [2]

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(i) 2a3 7a2 + 7a2 + 16 = 0 leading to a3 = 8, a = 2

1 1 1 (ii) 2 7 14 + 16 2 2 2
3 2

M1 for use of x = a and equated to zero, maybe implied M1 for substitution of x = expression or f(x)

1 into their 2

= 21 2 (i)

6 3 2 1

3 1 2 4 5 5 2 2

B1 for each matrix, must be in correct order

B2, 1, 0 1 for each error [2] M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] M1 M1 for use of b2 4ac Correct quadratic expression M1 for correct attempt at solution A1 for both values M1 for eliminating one variable

4(2k + 1)2 = 4(k + 2) 4k2 + 3k 1 = 0 1 leading to k = , 1 4 (13 3y)2 + 3y2 = 43 (13 x) 2 (or x2 + = 43) 3 6(2y2 13y + 21) = 0 (or 2(2x2 13x + 20) = 0) (2y 7)(y 3) = 0 (or (2x 5)(x 4) = 0 7 5 y = 3 or x = or 4 2 2 5 7 (or x = 4 or y = or 3 ) 2 2 (i)

A1 DM1 A1,A1

A1 for correct quadratic DM1 for correct attempt at solving quadratic A1 for each correct pair

[5] M1 A1 [2] M1 M1 for correct ratio M1 for use of Pythagoras Use of decimals M1, A0

(3 + 2 ) + (3 2 )

= 22

AC = (ii) tan A =


3 2 3+ 2

(3 2 )(3 2 ) = 11 6 7 (3 + 2 )(3 2 )

M1, A1 [3]

M1 for rationalising 2 term denominator

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(i) 3x2 10x 8 = 0 (3x + 2)(x 4) = 0 2 critical values , 4 3 2 A = {x : Y x Y 4} 3 (ii) B = {x : x [ 3} A B = {x : 3 Y x Y 4}

M1 for attempt to solve quadratic A1 for critical values Follow through on their critical values. B1 for values of x that define B. B1 (beware of fortuitous answers)



C8 = 1287

M1, A1 M1 for correct C notation [2] B1 B1 B1 B1 [4] B1 [1] M1 DM1 A1 [3] M1 M1 A1 [3] B1,B1 [2] M1 for attempt to formulate equation using half life M1 for a correct attempt at solution (beware of fortuitous answers) B1 for 20 and (1 2x)19 B1 for 2 provided (1 2x)19 is present M1 for attempt to differentiate a product. 1 B1 for x A1 all other terms correct M1 for attempt to differentiate a quotient. B1 for differentiation of tan (2x + 1) A1 all other terms correct [3] M1 for differentiation DM1 for use of

(ii) 7 teachers, 1 student : 6 6 teachers, 2 students 7C6 6C2 : 105 5 teachers, 3 students 7C5 6C3 : 420 531 8 (i) When t = 0, N = 1000 (ii)

dN = 1000kekt dt dN = 20 leading to when t = 0, dt 1 k= 50

dN = 20 dt

(iii) 500 = 1000ekt t = 50ln

1 leading to 34.7 mins 2

(i) 20 2(1 2x)19

(ii) x2

1 + 2x ln x 2 ISW

M1 B1 A1 [3]


x(2 sec (2 x + 1)) tan(2 x + 1) x2 ISW

M1 B1 A1

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Paper 01



dy = 9x2 4x + 2 dx at P grad = 7 tangent y 3 = 7(x 1)

M1 A1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 B1 DM1 DM1 A1 [5] B1 B1

M1 for differentiation A1 for gradient = 7 and y = 3 DM1 for attempt to find tangent equation.

(ii) at Q, 7x 4 = 3x3 2x2 + 2x leading to 3x3 2x2 5x + 4 = 0 (x 1)(3x2 + x 4) 0 (x 1)(3x + 4)(x 1) = 0 4 40 leading to x = , y = 3 3 11 (a) tan + cot =

M1 for equating tangent and curve equations B1 for realising (x 1) is a factor DM1 attempt to factorise cubic DM1 for attempt to solve quadratic A1 for both

sin cos + cos sin sin 2 + cos 2 = cos sin 1 = cos sin = cos ec sec

B1 for attempt to obtain one fraction B1 for use of an appropriate identity

B1 [3]

B1 for simplification Scheme follows for alternative proofs


(i) tan x = 3sin x sin x = 3 sin x cos x sin x 3sin x cos x = 0 1 leading to cos x = , sin x = 0 3 x = 70.5, 289.5 and x = 180


M1 for use of tan x = attempt to solve

sin x and correct cos x

A1A1 A1 on their x = 70.5 B1 B1 for x = 180 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1,A1 [5]

(ii) 2 cot2 y + 3 cosecy = 0 2(cosec2y 1) + 3 cosecy = 0 2 cosec2y + 3 cosecy 2 = 0 (2 cosecy 1)(cosecy + 2) = 0 1 7 11 leading to sin y = , y = , 2 6 6 allow y = 3.67, 5.76

M1 for use of correct identity M1 for attempt to solve quadratic M1 for dealing with cosec/cot Scheme follows for alternative solutions

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

12 EITHER (i) r2h = 1000, leading to 1000 h= r 2 (ii) A = 2rh + 2r2 leading to given answer 2000 A = 2r2 + r (iii)
2000 dA = 4r dr r2 2000 dA = 0, 4r = when dr r2 leading to r = 5.42 4000 d A = 4 + 2 dr r3 + ve when r = 5.42 so min value

M1 A1 [2] B1 A1 [2] M1 A1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 A1 B1 [3] M1 A1 DM1

M1 for attempt to use volume

B1 for A = 2rh + 2r2 GIVEN ANSWER

M1 for attempt to differentiate given A A1 all correct DM1 for solution = 0


M1 for second derivative method or gradient method A1 for minimum, must be from correct work

Amin = 554 12 OR (i) y = x + cos 2x dy = 1 2 sin 2x dx dy 1 = 0, sin 2x = when dx 2 5 , leading to x = 12 12

5 12 12

M1 for attempt to differentiate

DM1 for setting to 0 and attempt to solve

DM1 DM1 for correct order of operations A1,A1 [6] M1 A1,A1 DM1 M1 for attempt to integrate A1for each term correct DM1 for correct use of limits must be in radians (Trig terms cancel out) [5]

(ii) Area =

x + cos 2 x.dx

x2 1 12 = + sin 2 x 2 2



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Page 4

Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE October/November 2009 M1 A1 [2] M1 A1 [2] (ii) 2 5 43 3 3 32 = 0 2 35 7 1 22 B1, B1 [2]

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(i) 2a3 7a2 + 7a2 + 16 = 0 leading to a3 = 8, a = 2

1 1 1 (ii) 2 7 14 + 16 2 2 2
3 2

M1 for use of x = a and equated to zero, maybe implied M1 for substitution of x = expression or f(x)

1 into their 2

= 21 2 (i)

6 3 2 1

3 1 2 4 5 5 2 2

B1 for each matrix, must be in correct order

B2, 1, 0 1 for each error [2] M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] M1 M1 for use of b2 4ac Correct quadratic expression M1 for correct attempt at solution A1 for both values M1 for eliminating one variable

4(2k + 1)2 = 4(k + 2) 4k2 + 3k 1 = 0 1 leading to k = , 1 4 (13 3y)2 + 3y2 = 43 (13 x) 2 (or x2 + = 43) 3 6(2y2 13y + 21) = 0 (or 2(2x2 13x + 20) = 0) (2y 7)(y 3) = 0 (or (2x 5)(x 4) = 0 7 5 y = 3 or x = or 4 2 2 5 7 (or x = 4 or y = or 3 ) 2 2 (i)

A1 DM1 A1,A1

A1 for correct quadratic DM1 for correct attempt at solving quadratic A1 for each correct pair

[5] M1 A1 [2] M1 M1 for correct ratio M1 for use of Pythagoras Use of decimals M1, A0

(3 + 2 ) + (3 2 )

= 22

AC = (ii) tan A =


3 2 3+ 2

(3 2 )(3 2 ) = 11 6 7 (3 + 2 )(3 2 )

M1, A1 [3]

M1 for rationalising 2 term denominator

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Mark Scheme: Teachers version IGCSE October/November 2009 M1 A1 A1 [3] B1 B1 [2]

Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

(i) 3x2 10x 8 = 0 (3x + 2)(x 4) = 0 2 critical values , 4 3 2 A = {x : Y x Y 4} 3 (ii) B = {x : x [ 3} A B = {x : 3 Y x Y 4}

M1 for attempt to solve quadratic A1 for critical values Follow through on their critical values. B1 for values of x that define B. B1 (beware of fortuitous answers)



C8 = 1287

M1, A1 M1 for correct C notation [2] B1 B1 B1 B1 [4] B1 [1] M1 DM1 A1 [3] M1 M1 A1 [3] B1,B1 [2] M1 for attempt to formulate equation using half life M1 for a correct attempt at solution (beware of fortuitous answers) B1 for 20 and (1 2x)19 B1 for 2 provided (1 2x)19 is present M1 for attempt to differentiate a product. 1 B1 for x A1 all other terms correct M1 for attempt to differentiate a quotient. B1 for differentiation of tan (2x + 1) A1 all other terms correct [3] M1 for differentiation DM1 for use of

(ii) 7 teachers, 1 student : 6 6 teachers, 2 students 7C6 6C2 : 105 5 teachers, 3 students 7C5 6C3 : 420 531 8 (i) When t = 0, N = 1000 (ii)

dN = 1000kekt dt dN = 20 leading to when t = 0, dt 1 k= 50

dN = 20 dt

(iii) 500 = 1000ekt t = 50ln

1 leading to 34.7 mins 2

(i) 20 2(1 2x)19

(ii) x2

1 + 2x ln x 2 ISW

M1 B1 A1 [3]


x(2 sec (2 x + 1)) tan(2 x + 1) x2 ISW

M1 B1 A1

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Paper 01



dy = 9x2 4x + 2 dx at P grad = 7 tangent y 3 = 7(x 1)

M1 A1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 B1 DM1 DM1 A1 [5] B1 B1

M1 for differentiation A1 for gradient = 7 and y = 3 DM1 for attempt to find tangent equation.

(ii) at Q, 7x 4 = 3x3 2x2 + 2x leading to 3x3 2x2 5x + 4 = 0 (x 1)(3x2 + x 4) 0 (x 1)(3x + 4)(x 1) = 0 4 40 leading to x = , y = 3 3 11 (a) tan + cot =

M1 for equating tangent and curve equations B1 for realising (x 1) is a factor DM1 attempt to factorise cubic DM1 for attempt to solve quadratic A1 for both

sin cos + cos sin sin 2 + cos 2 = cos sin 1 = cos sin = cos ec sec

B1 for attempt to obtain one fraction B1 for use of an appropriate identity

B1 [3]

B1 for simplification Scheme follows for alternative proofs


(i) tan x = 3sin x sin x = 3 sin x cos x sin x 3sin x cos x = 0 1 leading to cos x = , sin x = 0 3 x = 70.5, 289.5 and x = 180


M1 for use of tan x = attempt to solve

sin x and correct cos x

A1A1 A1 on their x = 70.5 B1 B1 for x = 180 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1,A1 [5]

(ii) 2 cot2 y + 3 cosecy = 0 2(cosec2y 1) + 3 cosecy = 0 2 cosec2y + 3 cosecy 2 = 0 (2 cosecy 1)(cosecy + 2) = 0 1 7 11 leading to sin y = , y = , 2 6 6 allow y = 3.67, 5.76

M1 for use of correct identity M1 for attempt to solve quadratic M1 for dealing with cosec/cot Scheme follows for alternative solutions

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 01

12 EITHER (i) r2h = 1000, leading to 1000 h= r 2 (ii) A = 2rh + 2r2 leading to given answer 2000 A = 2r2 + r (iii)
2000 dA = 4r dr r2 2000 dA = 0, 4r = when dr r2 leading to r = 5.42 4000 d A = 4 + 2 dr r3 + ve when r = 5.42 so min value

M1 A1 [2] B1 A1 [2] M1 A1 DM1 A1 [4] M1 A1 B1 [3] M1 A1 DM1

M1 for attempt to use volume

B1 for A = 2rh + 2r2 GIVEN ANSWER

M1 for attempt to differentiate given A A1 all correct DM1 for solution = 0


M1 for second derivative method or gradient method A1 for minimum, must be from correct work

Amin = 554 12 OR (i) y = x + cos 2x dy = 1 2 sin 2x dx dy 1 = 0, sin 2x = when dx 2 5 , leading to x = 12 12

5 12 12

M1 for attempt to differentiate

DM1 for setting to 0 and attempt to solve

DM1 DM1 for correct order of operations A1,A1 [6] M1 A1,A1 DM1 M1 for attempt to integrate A1for each term correct DM1 for correct use of limits must be in radians (Trig terms cancel out) [5]

(ii) Area =

x + cos 2 x.dx

x2 1 12 = + sin 2 x 2 2



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Page 4 1 (i) > e1 or > 0.37

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Paper 02 B1 M1 A1 B1 [4]

(ii) Uses ln function properly 1 + ln x (iii) > e1

(i) 64 96x + 60x2 20x3 (ii) 1 (20) + 2 (60) + 1 (96) 20 + 120 96 = 4

B1+B1+B1+B1 M1 A1 M1 8 85.12 10 105 A2,1,0 [6]

(i) Plots x2y against x with linear scale. x x 2y 2 24.96 4 45.12 6 64.44

(ii) x2y = bx + a Calculates gradient b = 10 0.4 a = 5 2 from intercept or substitution (ii) Alternative last 3 marks Equates intercept to a(5 2) Uses a to find b b = 10 0.4
dy 2 = 3 x + 6 x 45 dx dy to 0 and solves 3 term quadratic Equates dx x = 3 and x = 5 (3, 21) and (5, 235) Complete method for max/min minimum when x = 3 and maximum when x = 5

B1 M1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1


B2, 1, 0 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1



7 2 + 24 2 OA = 25

M1 A1

3 (ii) AB = 4 AB = 5

B1 B1

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Paper 02 M1 DM1 A1 [7]

15 (iii) AC = 5 AB = 20

OC = OA + AC used 22 4
6 (i) Uses product rule 1 1 4 x + 12 + 4 x(4 x + 12) 2 2 Expresses with common denominator k=6 (ii)

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1

3 x 4 x + 12 k Uses limits of 6 and 2 in Cx 4 x + 12 20


1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5

(i) Attempt at sine curve Correct position at multiples of 45 (ii) 2cos x 1 Attempt at cosine curve (0, 1), (90, 1), (180, 3), (270, 1), (360, 1), (iii) 2 8 (i) Matrix multiplication 0 6 10 12 (ii) Matrix multiplication 11 10

M1 A2, 1,0 B1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [7]

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1 3 1 10 4 2 X = A1B stated 1 5 9 10 0 12

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Paper 02 B1+B1 M1 A1 [8]

(iii) A1 =

(i) 1.25 (ii) a =

dv k = dt (2t + 4) 3

B1 M1

Substitutes 3 into 0.08 (iii) s =

dv dt

M1 A1

10 2t + 4 Correct use of limits of 0 and 8 only on attempt at

or finds c from s = 0, t = 0 and substitutes t = 8 2

vdt = 2t + 4

M1 A1

M1 A1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [9] [8]

10 (a) 2 lg 5 = lg25 or lg52 2 = lg 100 or lg102 Uses rules of logs correctly (lg(175x 75) = lg(100x + 300)) 5 (b) Substitutes and express as equation in u 3u2 28u + 9 = 0 Solves 3 term quadratic 1 u = and 9 3 x = 1 and 2

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Page 7 11 EITHER (i) AB = 3

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Paper 02

sin APQ sin 6 = 3 3 2 Correct use of trigonometry to APB = 3

2 3 3.14 () or 3.63 3 2 3 + 6.77 3

B1 B1 M1 A1 A1

(ii) Uses s = r

(iii) Uses

1 1 2 r or rs 2 2 1 2 Uses r sin or area kite 2 Either 4.71 (1.5) and 3.14 (), 9 3 3 3 or 3.90 4 and 1.30 4 or 5.20 3 3
Complete plan 2.65 to 2.66 2.5 3 3

M1 M1

( )

A1 DM1 A1 [10]

OR (i) Method for D (4, 9) (ii) Method for E (1,7) (iii) Finds area parallelogram (= 80) Area trapezium = 120 Height trapezium = 6 Uses Area = (6) (AB + EF) EF = 30 F (29, 7) (iii) alternative last 4 marks Array method complete (with only one variable) F (k, 7) 3k + 33 = 120 oe F (29, 7) M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 A1 [10] M1 A1 A1 A1

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Syllabus 0606

Paper 11


a = 12, b = 4

B1, B1 B1 for each [2] B1 [1] B1 B1 [2] Follow through on their y value B1 for one correct curve B1 for a second correct curve consistent with the first curve Follow through on number of clear points of intersection [1]

(ii) 4 2 (i) Graphs

(ii) 3


cos x(1 + sin x ) + cos x(1 sin x ) 1 sin 2 x 2 cos x cos 2 x 2 sec x

M1 DM1 M1 A1 [4]

M1 for attempt to get in terms of a single fraction DM1 simplifying numerator M1 simplifying denominator

x = 1 or 7 or Either or or leading to

1 seen 2 (x + 1) 2 x 2 13x 7
2 2

( ) (x 7 )(2 x + 3x + 1) (2 x + 1)(x 6 x 7 )
(x + 1)(x 7 )(2 x + 1)

M1 DM1 A1 DM1, A1 [5]

M1 for attempt to find a root DM1 for attempt to obtain quadratic factor A1 correct quadratic factor DM1 attempt to factorise quadratic factor


a = +

4 , a= 3 3

B1 [1] M1, A1 M1

Must be in terms of


dy = 2 x cos x + 2 sin x dx dy 1 at P, = 2 , grad of normal = 2 dx 4 1 normal: y = x 3 2 2 19 x 2y = 6

M1 for attempt to differentiate a product M1 for m1m2 = 1, must have used differentiation

M1, A1 [5]

M1 for attempt at a normal equation, must have used differentiation, allow unsimplified

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Paper 11


64 960 x + 6000 x 2

6 B1, B1, B1 for each correct term, allow 2 B1 [3]

(ii) 1 (their x term) + 960 + 320 = 640 7 (a) (i) x = 30, 150

10 (their 64) 2

M1 B1 A1 [3]

M1 for 2 terms B1 for

10 or 5 2

B1, B1 B1 for each [2] B1 B1 [2] B1 for x = 150, 270 only Follow through on their A and B

(ii) x 30 = 120, 240 x = 150, 270 A B = {30, 150, 270} (b) cos 3 x = 1 or tan 3 x = 0 3x = 0, 180, 360, 540 x = 0, 60, 120, 180 n(C) = 4

M1 A1 B1 [3]

M1 for dealing with sec and 3x A1 for all solutions correct Follow through on their number of solutions M1 for attempt at gradient M1 for attempt at y intercept A1 for ln y = 6.8 B1 for ln y = b ln x + ln A M1 for use of e A1 for A and A1 for b

(i) and (ii) Gradient = 0.5 Use of ratios or ln y = 0.5 ln x + c ln y = 6.8 ln y = b ln x + ln A A = e ( their 6.8 ) A = 898, b = 0.5
A = x2 ,

M1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1, A1 [7] B1 [1] B1 M1 A1 [3]


dA = 2x dx
dA = 10 dx

(ii) When x = 5,

Follow through on their M1 for 0.003 their 10

dx 0.003 = dt 10
= 0.0003

dA dx

(iii) V = 4 x 3 ,

dV = 12 x 2 0.0003 dt = 0.09

dV = 12 x 2 dx

B1, B1 M1 A1 [4]

B1 for each

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Paper 11

10 (i)

4 , PA = 4 3 = 6 PA 4 PB = + 4 , PB = 12 sin 6 allow equivalent methods tan 1 2 12 2 3 1 Area of kite = 2 4 3 4 2

Shaded area = 47.7

B1 B1 [2] B1 M1, A1 A1 [4]

B1 for PA (answer given) B1 for PB (answer given)

(ii) Sector area =

B1 sector area, ft on their PB M1 for attempt to find area of kite or appropriate triangle

(iii) P = 12 + 2 12 4 3 + 2(4 ) 3

= 30.7 11 (i)
2(1 + x ) 2 (+ c )

B1, B1, B1 for each of the 3 terms B1 B1 for final answer B1 [4] M1, A1 M1 for (1 + x )2 , A1 for 2 [2]

dy = (ii) dx

2 1 + x 2x

( 1+ x) ( 1+ x)

1 1 (1 + x ) 2 2 1+ x

M1 A2, 1, 0 A1 [4]

M1 attempt at differentiation 1 each error A1 all correct


( 1+ x)

dx =

( 1 + x ) dx

2x 1+ x

M1 A1 M1, A1 [4]

M1 for idea of using (ii) in reverse A1 all correct M1 for attempt evaluation

= 4 1+ x

2x (+ c ) 1+ x
dx = (8 3) (4), = 1

( 1+ x)

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Paper 11

12 EITHER 4 x3 9 x(+ c ) (i) y = 3 when x = 3, y = 1, so c = 8

M1, A1

M1 for attempt to integrate

M1, A1 M1 for attempt to find c [4] M1 M1 for attempt to solve

(ii) 4x2 9 = 0, leads to x = 1.5 Points (1.5, 17), (1.5, 1) (iii) Midpoint AB: (0, 8) Gradient of AB = 6, perp grad = Equation: x 6y = 48

dy =0 dx

A1, A1 A1 for each pair [3] M1 M1 for attempt to find midpoint M1 for attempt to find grad of perp

1 6


M1, A1 M1 must be working with perp [4] B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [5] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4] M1 for equating to zero and attempt at solution M1 for dealing with exponentials M1 for attempt to obtain x A1 for both

12 OR (i) 50 = A + B

20 = 2A B leads to A = 10 and B = 40 (ii)

dy = 2 Ae 2 x Be x dx

M1 for attempt to differentiate A1 all correct DM1 for attempt to solve equations.

dy = 20e 2 x 40e x , 20e 2 x = 40e x dx

e =2 1 x = ln 2 or 0.231 3 y = 47.6


d2 y = 40e 2 x + 40e x 2 dx
Always +ve, so min

M1 A1 [2]

M1 for attempt at second derivative or other valid method A1 for a correct conclusion

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Paper 12


a = 12, b = 4

B1, B1 B1 for each [2] B1 [1] B1 B1 [2] Follow through on their y value B1 for one correct curve B1 for a second correct curve consistent with the first curve Follow through on number of clear points of intersection [1]

(ii) 4 2 (i) Graphs

(ii) 3


cos x(1 + sin x ) + cos x(1 sin x ) 1 sin 2 x 2 cos x cos 2 x 2 sec x

M1 DM1 M1 A1 [4]

M1 for attempt to get in terms of a single fraction DM1 simplifying numerator M1 simplifying denominator

x = 1 or 7 or Either or or leading to

1 seen 2 (x + 1) 2 x 2 13x 7
2 2

( ) (x 7 )(2 x + 3x + 1) (2 x + 1)(x 6 x 7 )
(x + 1)(x 7 )(2 x + 1)

M1 DM1 A1 DM1, A1 [5]

M1 for attempt to find a root DM1 for attempt to obtain quadratic factor A1 correct quadratic factor DM1 attempt to factorise quadratic factor


a = +

4 , a= 3 3

B1 [1] M1, A1 M1

Must be in terms of


dy = 2 x cos x + 2 sin x dx dy 1 at P, = 2 , grad of normal = 2 dx 4 1 normal: y = x 3 2 2 19 x 2y = 6

M1 for attempt to differentiate a product M1 for m1m2 = 1, must have used differentiation

M1, A1 [5]

M1 for attempt at a normal equation, must have used differentiation, allow unsimplified

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Paper 12


64 960 x + 6000 x 2

6 B1, B1, B1 for each correct term, allow 2 B1 [3]

(ii) 1 (their x term) + 960 + 320 = 640 7 (a) (i) x = 30, 150

10 (their 64) 2

M1 B1 A1 [3]

M1 for 2 terms B1 for

10 or 5 2

B1, B1 B1 for each [2] B1 B1 [2] B1 for x = 150, 270 only Follow through on their A and B

(ii) x 30 = 120, 240 x = 150, 270 A B = {30, 150, 270} (b) cos 3 x = 1 or tan 3 x = 0 3x = 0, 180, 360, 540 x = 0, 60, 120, 180 n(C) = 4

M1 A1 B1 [3]

M1 for dealing with sec and 3x A1 for all solutions correct Follow through on their number of solutions M1 for attempt at gradient M1 for attempt at y intercept A1 for ln y = 6.8 B1 for ln y = b ln x + ln A M1 for use of e A1 for A and A1 for b

(i) and (ii) Gradient = 0.5 Use of ratios or ln y = 0.5 ln x + c ln y = 6.8 ln y = b ln x + ln A A = e ( their 6.8 ) A = 898, b = 0.5
A = x2 ,

M1 M1 A1 B1 M1 A1, A1 [7] B1 [1] B1 M1 A1 [3]


dA = 2x dx
dA = 10 dx

(ii) When x = 5,

Follow through on their M1 for 0.003 their 10

dx 0.003 = dt 10
= 0.0003

dA dx

(iii) V = 4 x 3 ,

dV = 12 x 2 0.0003 dt = 0.09

dV = 12 x 2 dx

B1, B1 M1 A1 [4]

B1 for each

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Paper 12

10 (i)

4 , PA = 4 3 = 6 PA 4 PB = + 4 , PB = 12 sin 6 allow equivalent methods tan 1 2 12 2 3 1 Area of kite = 2 4 3 4 2

Shaded area = 47.7

B1 B1 [2] B1 M1, A1 A1 [4]

B1 for PA (answer given) B1 for PB (answer given)

(ii) Sector area =

B1 sector area, ft on their PB M1 for attempt to find area of kite or appropriate triangle

(iii) P = 12 + 2 12 4 3 + 2(4 ) 3

= 30.7 11 (i)
2(1 + x ) 2 (+ c )
1 1 (1 + x ) 2 2 1+ x

B1, B1, B1 for each of the 3 terms B1 B1 for final answer B1 [4] M1, A1 M1 for (1 + x )2 , A1 for 2 [2]

dy = (ii) dx

2 1 + x 2x

M1 A2, 1, 0 A1 [4]

M1 attempt at differentiation 1 each error A1 all correct

( 1+ x) ( 1+ x)


( 1+ x)

dx =

( 1 + x ) dx

2x 1+ x

M1 A1 M1, A1 [4]

M1 for idea of using (ii) in reverse A1 all correct M1 for attempt evaluation

= 4 1+ x

2x (+ c ) 1+ x
dx = (8 3) (4), = 1

( 1+ x)

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Paper 12

12 EITHER 4 x3 9 x(+ c ) (i) y = 3 when x = 3, y = 1, so c = 8

M1, A1

M1 for attempt to integrate

M1, A1 M1 for attempt to find c [4] M1 M1 for attempt to solve

(ii) 4x2 9 = 0, leads to x = 1.5 Points (1.5, 17), (1.5, 1) (iii) Midpoint AB: (0, 8) Gradient of AB = 6, perp grad = Equation: x 6y = 48

dy =0 dx

A1, A1 A1 for each pair [3] M1 M1 for attempt to find midpoint M1 for attempt to find grad of perp

1 6


M1, A1 M1 must be working with perp [4] B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [5] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4] M1 for equating to zero and attempt at solution M1 for dealing with exponentials M1 for attempt to obtain x A1 for both

12 OR (i) 50 = A + B

20 = 2A B leads to A = 10 and B = 40 (ii)

dy = 2 Ae 2 x Be x dx

M1 for attempt to differentiate A1 all correct DM1 for attempt to solve equations.

dy = 20e 2 x 40e x , 20e 2 x = 40e x dx

e =2 1 x = ln 2 or 0.231 3 y = 47.6


d2 y = 40e 2 x + 40e x 2 dx
Always +ve, so min

M1 A1 [2]

M1 for attempt at second derivative or other valid method A1 for a correct conclusion

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Paper 13

sec x cos x =

1 cos x cos x sin x 1 cos 2 x = sin x = cos x cos x = sin x tan x

M1 M1 A1 [3]

M1 for dealing with sec and fractions M1 for use of trig identity


sec 2 x 1 tan 2 x sin x = = tan x cos x ) sec x sec x cos x

M1 M1 A1

M1 for dealing with sec and fractions M1 for use of trig identity


P4 = 840
4 840 7

B1 for 7 P4 only B1, B1 [2] M1 A1 [2] M1 M1 M1, A1 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4] M1 M1 M1 A1 [4] B1, B1 M1 A1, A1 [5] M1 for equation in x only, allow unsimplified M1 for use of b 2 4ac M1 for solution of quadratic M1 for equating gradients M1 for elimination of m M1 for x and subsequent calculation for m M1 for a valid method

(ii) 4 6 P3 or 480 3

= 4 16 leading to m = 4, 20
Alt scheme: m = 2 x + 12 (2 x + 12)x + 2 = x 2 + 12 x + 18 x = 4 so m = 4, 20

(12 m )2

mx + 2 = x 2 + 12 x + 18 x 2 + (12 m )x + 16 = 0

f(2) = 8 + 4k 10 3 f(1) = 1 + k + 5 3 (4k 5) = 5(k + 1) leading to k = 10 a = b2, 2a b = 3 2b2 b 3 = 0 or 4a2 13a + 9 = 0 9 3 leading to a = , b = 4 2

M1 for use of x = 2 M1 for use of x = 1 M1 for attempt to link the two remainders

M1 for solution of equations leading to a quadratic. Final A1 correct pair only.

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Paper 13

1 3 Either (x 2)(3x2 + 13x + 4) or (x + 4)(3x2 5x 2) or (3x + 1)(x2 + 2x 8) (x 2)(x + 4)(3x + 1) 1 x = 2, 4, 3

x = 2 or 4 or

B1 M1 A1 M1, A1 A1 [6]

B1 for spotting a solution M1 for attempt to get quadratic factor A1 for correct quadratic factor M1 for dealing with quadratic factor A1 for correct factors A1 for all solutions B1 for shape B1 for 5 marked on y axis B1 for [3]

(i) Graph of modulus function

B1 B1 B1

5 marked on x axis 3

(ii) Straight line graph (iii) 8x = (3x 5) leading to x = 8

B1 [1] M1

B1 for straight line with greater gradient M1 for attempt to deal with modulus

5 or 0.455 only 11

M1, A1 M1 for solution [3] B1 B1 [2] B1 [1] Allow any suitable domain that makes f a 1:1 function

(a) (i) fmin = 10, occurs when x = 2 (ii) e.g. x [ 2

(b) (i)

y x = 1 , leading to 2 1 g (x) = 2(x + 1)

M1 A1 [2]

M1 for a valid method of finding the inverse function


x2 x 1 = 2( x + 1) 2 leading to x2 5x 6 = 0 solution x = 6 and 1

M1 DM1 A1 [3]

M1 for correct order DM1 for solution of quadratic

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Paper 13


2 3

6 x 3 + 9 dx =

3 5 9 4 x 3 x 3 + 9 x(+ c ) 5 2

M1 M1 for expansion and attempt to integrate A2,1,0 1 each error [3] M1 for attempt to differentiate a product. M1 1 each error A2,1,0 [3] M1 A1 [2] M1 for use of their answer to (i)

(b) (i)

dy 2x = x 2 + 6 + x 2 dx x 2 + 6
x2 + 3 x +6


dx =

1 x x2 + 6 2

10 (i)

t = 12.1

t = e 5 1 or t 2 + 1 = e 5

B1 B1 [2] M1 A1 [2] M1 for s3 s2

(ii) distance = ln 10 ln 5 = ln 2 or 0.693

2t , v = 0.8 t +1

(iii) v =

M1, A1 M1 for attempt to differentiate [2] M1, A1 A1 [3] M1 A1, A1 [3] M1 for an equation in tan Follow through on their first answer +180 M1 for use of correct identity M1 for dealing with quadratic M1 for attempt to differentiate a product or quotient A1 all correct, allow unsimplified

(iv) a =


+ 1 2 2t (2t )



When t = 2, a =

6 , or 0.24 25

11 (i)

tan x =

4 , x = 53.1, 233.1 3

(ii) 11 sin y + 1 = 4(1 sin2 y) (4 sin y 1)(sin y + 3) = 0 1 sin y = , y = 14.5, 165.5 4

1 (iii) cos 2 z + = 3 2 2 4 , so z = , 2z + = 3 3 3 6 2

M1 M1

A1,A1 Follow through on their 14.5 [4] B1 M1 for correct order of operations M1 A1, A1 [4]

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Paper 13

12 EITHER (i)

3 = A sin

1 1 B + B cos , 3 = A + 6 4 2 2

M1 A1 M1 A1

M1 for attempt at substitution A1 for correct equation M1 for attempt to differentiate A1 for all correct

dy = 2 A cos 2 x 3B sin 3 x dx 2 4 = 2 A cos 3B sin 3 A = 4, B = 2


A1, A1 A1 for each [6] M1 A2,1,0 M1 for attempt to integrate 1 each error

(ii) A =

4 sin 2 x + B cos 3 x dx

B = 2 cos 2 x + sin 3 x 3 0 2 B = 2 cos + sin ( 2 ) , = 3 3 3

DM1,A1 DM1 for use of limits [5]

12 OR (i)

dy = 8x 6x 2 dx
Grad at A = 2, perp grad = At A, y = 2


M1 for differentiation M1 for use of m1m2 = 1 B1 for y coordinate DM1 for finding equation of normal A1 answer given [5] B1 for coords of B M1 for area of trapezium

1 2

M1 B1 DM1 A1 B1 M1

1 Equation of normal: y 2 = (x 1) 2 C (0, 2.5)

(ii) B (2,0) 2 1 A = (2.5 + 2 )1 + 4 x 2 2 x 3 dx 2 1

4 x3 x 4 = 2.25 + 2 1 3

M1 A1 DM1 A1 [6]

M1 for attempt to integrate A1 all integration correct DM1 for correct use of limits

49 or 4.08 12

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Paper 21

1.5 Solve 2x + 10 = 7 or (2x + 10)2 = 49 8.5 Find f(2) or f(3) or long division to remainder 8 + 4a 30 + b = 0 or 4a + b = 22 27 + 9a + 45 + b = 75 or 9a + b = 57 Solve simultaneous equations a = 7, b = 6

B1 M1 A1 [3] M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 [5] M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [5]

(i) Solve 0.5 = e34k using ln or log correctly 1 ln 2 k = 0.0204 or 34 (ii) ekt = 5 or ekt = 0.2 with k numerical 1 t = ln 5 with k numerical k 79

7 1 2 5 7 6 5 0.2 (5 1 2) 1 3 5 0.3 or (0.2 0.3 0.5) 6 3 1 1 5 5 0 2 2 1 0 0.5

Matrix multiplication using 3 3 matrix



5.7 (32 31 30) or 3.6 (or transposed) 0.7

Matrix multiplication of 1 3 with 3 1 30.7 5 Eliminate y x2 + (8 m)x + 9 = 0 Use b2 * 4ac Reach (8 m) * 6 or solves m2 16m + 28 * 0 (* is either > or =) m = 2 and 14 m < 2, m > 14

A1 DM1 A1 [5] M1 A1 DM1 DDM1 A1 A1 [6]

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Paper 21 B1 B1

(i) 7 6 5 4 840 (ii) 2 6 5 4 or 240 (iii) 2 5 4 2 or 80

2 (840) 7 2 (240 ) or clear indication of method 6

M1 A1 M1 A1 [6] M1
2 3


V = (45 2 x )(60 x )x

Correctly reach V = 2700 x 165 x + 2 x

dV 2 (ii) = 2700 330 x + 6 x dx

A1 ag B2,1,0

Solve 3 term quadratic expression for 10 only 8 (i)

dV = 0. dx

M1 A1 [6] B1 B1 M1 A1

2 lg 3 = lg 9 or 2 lg 3 = lg 3 2 1 = lg 10 Use lg rules correctly to eliminate logs (e.g. 9(5x + 10) = 10(4x + 12)) x=6

34 y 3 4 y +3 (ii) Express in powers of 3 = 3 7 y 3 3( y 2 ) Correctly use rules of indices y=4

M1 M1 A1 [7]

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Paper 21


sin sin 60 = 80 250 = 16.1 = 104

M1 A1 A1
v 250 80 = = sin sin 60 sin

v 2 = 80 2 + 250 2 2 80 250 cos or

v = 280(.2) 500 t= v 1 hour 47 minutes or 107 mins

DM1 A1 DM1 A1 [7]

10 (i)

1 5 Use m1m2 = 1 in equation for BC [y 5 = 5(x 6) or 5x + y = 35] C (7,0) Use mCD = mAB and point C in equation of line 1 CD: y(0) = (x 7) or x 5y = 7 5 m AB =

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [9] B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 B1 B1 B1 [11]

(ii) At D x = 1 At D y = 1.2 Method for area not involving measuring 28.6 11 (i) tan x = 0.6 31(.0) or 30.96() 211 (= 31 + 180) (ii) Use cos2 y = 1 sin2 y 2sin2 y + sin y 1 = 0 Solve 3 term quadratic for sin y 30 and 150 270 (iii) cos z = 0.3 1.27 5.02 or 5.01 (= 2 1.27)

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Paper 21


3x + 5 + 1 4 (i) fg(9) = f(4) evaluated or fg(x) = x 1 21

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [10] B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [10]

(ii) Method for f1(x) f1(x) = x + 4 1 3x + 5 Put y = and rearrange x 1 x+5 g1(x) = x3 (iii) Rearrange two of

2(x2 4x 5) = 0 Solve 3 term quadratic 5 only

3x + 5 x + 5 = = x to quadratic equation x 1 x3


(i) 4 (ii) Differentiate v to find an expression for a 6 8 sin 2t Substitute t = 5 10.3 to 10.4 (iii) 14 (iv) Integrate v to find an expression for s s = 3t2 + 2 sin 2t Use limits 4 and 5 23.9

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Paper 22

1.5 Solve 2x + 10 = 7 or (2x + 10)2 = 49 8.5 Find f(2) or f(3) or long division to remainder 8 + 4a 30 + b = 0 or 4a + b = 22 27 + 9a + 45 + b = 75 or 9a + b = 57 Solve simultaneous equations a = 7, b = 6

B1 M1 A1 [3] M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 [5] M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 [5]

(i) Solve 0.5 = e34k using ln or log correctly 1 ln 2 k = 0.0204 or 34 (ii) ekt = 5 or ekt = 0.2 with k numerical 1 t = ln 5 with k numerical k 79

7 1 2 5 7 6 5 0.2 (5 1 2) 1 3 5 0.3 or (0.2 0.3 0.5) 6 3 1 1 5 5 0 2 2 1 0 0.5

Matrix multiplication using 3 3 matrix



5.7 (32 31 30) or 3.6 (or transposed) 0.7

Matrix multiplication of 1 3 with 3 1 30.7 5 Eliminate y x2 + (8 m)x + 9 = 0 Use b2 * 4ac Reach (8 m) * 6 or solves m2 16m + 28 * 0 (* is either > or =) m = 2 and 14 m < 2, m > 14

A1 DM1 A1 [5] M1 A1 DM1 DDM1 A1 A1 [6]

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Paper 22 B1 B1

(i) 7 6 5 4 840 (ii) 2 6 5 4 or 240 (iii) 2 5 4 2 or 80

2 (840) 7 2 (240 ) or clear indication of method 6

M1 A1 M1 A1 [6] M1
2 3


V = (45 2 x )(60 x )x

Correctly reach V = 2700 x 165 x + 2 x

dV 2 (ii) = 2700 330 x + 6 x dx

A1 ag B2,1,0

Solve 3 term quadratic expression for 10 only 8 (i)

dV = 0. dx

M1 A1 [6] B1 B1 M1 A1

2 lg 3 = lg 9 or 2 lg 3 = lg 3 2 1 = lg 10 Use lg rules correctly to eliminate logs (e.g. 9(5x + 10) = 10(4x + 12)) x=6

34 y 3 4 y +3 (ii) Express in powers of 3 = 3 7 y 3 3( y 2 ) Correctly use rules of indices y=4

M1 M1 A1 [7]

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Paper 22


sin sin 60 = 80 250 = 16.1 = 104

M1 A1 A1
v 250 80 = = sin sin 60 sin

v 2 = 80 2 + 250 2 2 80 250 cos or

v = 280(.2) 500 t= v 1 hour 47 minutes or 107 mins

DM1 A1 DM1 A1 [7]

10 (i)

1 5 Use m1m2 = 1 in equation for BC [y 5 = 5(x 6) or 5x + y = 35] C (7,0) Use mCD = mAB and point C in equation of line 1 CD: y(0) = (x 7) or x 5y = 7 5 m AB =

B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [9] B1 B1 B1 M1 A1 M1 A1 B1 B1 B1 B1 [11]

(ii) At D x = 1 At D y = 1.2 Method for area not involving measuring 28.6 11 (i) tan x = 0.6 31(.0) or 30.96() 211 (= 31 + 180) (ii) Use cos2 y = 1 sin2 y 2sin2 y + sin y 1 = 0 Solve 3 term quadratic for sin y 30 and 150 270 (iii) cos z = 0.3 1.27 5.02 or 5.01 (= 2 1.27)

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Paper 22


3x + 5 + 1 4 (i) fg(9) = f(4) evaluated or fg(x) = x 1 21

M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [10] B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 B1 M1 A1 DM1 A1 [10]

(ii) Method for f1(x) f1(x) = x + 4 1 3x + 5 Put y = and rearrange x 1 x+5 g1(x) = x3 (iii) Rearrange two of

2(x2 4x 5) = 0 Solve 3 term quadratic 5 only

3x + 5 x + 5 = = x to quadratic equation x 1 x3


(i) 4 (ii) Differentiate v to find an expression for a 6 8 sin 2t Substitute t = 5 10.3 to 10.4 (iii) 14 (iv) Integrate v to find an expression for s s = 3t2 + 2 sin 2t Use limits 4 and 5 23.9

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Paper 23

dy 4 = k (x + 4) dx k = 30
dy x with x = 6 and x = p dx 3 p 0.003p or 1000

M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] M1 A1 M1 A1 [4] B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 [5] B2,1,0 M1 M1 A1 [5]

Use y =

Integrate 3x2 6x (y =)x3 3x2 (+ c) Substitute x = 4, y = 22 y = x3 3x2 + 6

(a) (i) 4 (ii) 3 (iii) 5 (b) (i) or 180 (ii) 6

(i) 1 + 6x + 15x2 + 20x3 (ii) Substitute x = p p2 Multiply out brackets to obtain terms in p3. (30 p3 + 20p3) 10




1 4 2 2 5 or C 1 = 1 4 3 2 2 5 3

(b) (i) C

B1+B1 M1 A1 [6]

(ii) X = C1D evaluated 17 12 9 8

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Paper 23


(a) B1

(b) B1+B1

(c) 24 x + x + 18 x + 3x = 50 or 24 + 18 x + 3x = 50 Solve for x (4) 12 7 Eliminate y (or x) 4x2 + 12x 160 = 0 (or y2 + 18y 88 = 0) Factorise 3 term quadratic x = 5 and 8 (or y = 22 and 4) y = 22 and 4 (or x = 5 and 8) Use Pythagoras 29.1 or 845 or 13 5

B1 M1 A1 [6] M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 M1 A1 [7]

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Paper 23 B1 AG M1 A1

(i) (ii)

(5 + 3 2 )
6+5 2

= 25 + 30 2 + 18 or 25 + 15 2 + 15 2 + 18

(43 + 30 2 ) = 2 (5 + 3 2 )

(iii) 5 3 2 (iv)

B1 B1 M1 A1

1 5+3 2
1 53 2 5+3 2 53 2

53 2 7 alternative for last 3 marks 1 43 30 2 43 + 30 2 43 30 2 43 30 2 49 53 2 7

9 (i)
82 + 152 AO = 17

(M1) (A1) (A1) [7] M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 [8]

17 2 + 17 2 30 2 (ii) AOB = 2 arctan(815 ) or arccos 2 17 17 AOB = 2.16

(iii) Complete, correct plan with s = r 82.7 (iv) Complete, correct plan with A = 432

1 2 r 2

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Paper 23 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [9] M1 M1 A1 M1 M1 A1 M1 A1 A1 [9] M1 A1 B1 M1 A1 B1

10 Use product rule 2xex + x2ex Evaluate gradient of tangent at P e + 2e = 3e Equation tangent y e = 3e(x 1) or y = 3ex 2e At A, x = 0 y = 2e or 5.44 Use m1m2 = 1, equation normal is y e = At B, y = 0 x = 3e 2 + 1 or 23.2 Area OAB = 3e + e or 63(.0) or 63.1 11 (i)
AQ = 3b a OX = OA + AQ a + (3b a )

1 (x 1) 3e

(ii) BP = 2a b

OX = OB + BP b + (2a b )
1 = 2 (iii) Equate vectors and solve 3 = 1 = 0.2 = 0.4

12E (i) Plot with (attempt at) linear scales v 2 4 6 8 v2p 24.9 45.4 65.9 86.4 (ii) v2p = a + bv Valid attempt at gradient b = 10.2 to 10.3 a = 4 to 4.5 (iii) Attempt to rearrange to Y = pv on y-axis (iv) Gradient is a y intercept is b

a + ... v

M1 A1 A1 A1 [10]

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Paper 23 M1

12O (i) Plot with (attempt at) linear scales ln t 0.69 2.08 3.18 ln r 3.09 4.90 6.33 (ii) Gradient is 1.3 Intercept is 2.2 ln r = 1.3ln t + 2.2 ln r = 1.3ln t + ln 9 ln r = ln t1.3 + ln 9 r = 9t1.3 (iii) Gradient is 1.3 Intercept 0.95 or lg 9

3.99 7.38

A1 B1 B1 M1 M1 M1 A1 B1 B1 [10]

UCLES 2010

2002 2011

Compiled & Edited By Dr. Eltayeb Abdul Rhman First Edition 2011

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