Working With Downloader Service Program: Super-Dl - Exe

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Working with DownLoader service program The program SuperDL.exe is in the Extract the file in a directory.

File *.zip you have to extract it on your ! in a directory. ". ower on the !. #. ower on the $o!on device. %. !onnect the device and ! via optical head ca&le. '. Dou&le(clic) on the file Super-DL.exe. *n the screen you will see the main window of program+ shown on fig. ".

Fig. ", -ain window .. From the main window /fig. #0 push the &utton, . *n the ! screen you will see the window+ shown on fig. #. There is a list with !*- ports of your ! /!*-"+ !*-#+ !*-%+ !*-'0. 1ou have to mar) that !*- port which you have connected the device &y the optical head ca&le. 2ext push the !onnect(&utton and on your ! screen you will see the message that the connection is done or not connection.

Fig. #

6. The device have to &e set in System mode in following way, ower(*FF the device. *n the device front face panel push -button and power-ON the device.
The device is in system mode (the display shows blank screen and Ready-LED is o .

3. From the main window push this &utton shown on fig. #. !lic) 41ES5 &utton.

. 1ou will see the message+

Fig. # 6. 1ou will see the window+ shown on fig. % a0. -ar) the needed file 4 *.bin5 and clic) 4*pen5 &utton. 7. 1ou will see the message+ shown on fig. % &0. ush 4*85 &utton. "9. *n the enclosed area on fig. ' will see telegrams /receive and send telegrams0. So if you see these telegrams+ the rocedure is started.

Fig. % a0 ATTE T!" #### !t is ver$ important which %i&e $ou have to down&oad. '&s.( check the second disp&a$ o% )*! +,-. : F#'r;'2 : " 9'.9;.96<"', .= The red number /0+1 means that the processor is 0+ 234. *i&es %or 0, 234 and %or 0+ 234 are. )5+v0+m.bin )5+v0,m.bin

Fig. % &0

Fig. ' "". Displaying on your ! screen the message+ shown on fig. .+ means that the rocedure is finished. ush 4*85 &utton here.

Fig. . "#. From the main window push this &utton . *n your ! screen you will see the message+ shown on fig. ;. ush 41ES5 &utton. "%. 1ou will see the message 4Start is done successfully5. ush 4*85 &utton.

Fig. ; *n the device you will see that the 4$eady5 LED lights up /green LED0+ so the devise is ready.

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