Middle Ages The Church Blog Discussion 2

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Middle Ages: The Church

jwanner2 Mar 2, 2014 What is the role of the church in medieval life? How is the role of the medieval church different from today?

Annette Mar 4, 2014 The role of the church during Medieval times had control politically and spiritually. They were the highest rulers and centered people in the city. The church set standards for people and created laws and consequences for those laws which were carried out by the church. It provided health and education for people in the village and in the church people were equal. The church also collected taxes from everyone including peasants who would give the crops they grew to pay for the buildings and the priests wages. The medieval church is different from today because today church is more of an option for people to go to. The church has laws but they are additional to the people who go to them and it is not the basis of ALL society.

Liza Mar 4, 2014 The role of the church during the Medieval life was very significant and respected. The Church and its teachings were central to medieval life. As we know, in the feudalism hierarchy, priests and church come at the very top, which just shows the importance of how the people acted towards it. In Chapter 7, we learned how the Christian's devoted their faith towards the church. During the early Middle Ages, the Churchs most important achievement was converting the diverse peoples of Western Europe to Christianity. Some men and women even withdrew from worldly life to the monastic life.They became monks and nuns and used the Benedict rule which provided base heath and public services. There are many reasonings behind the church shaping medieval life during this time. Today, changes have been made and some people don't practice their religions as much as they did in medieval life.

Chrissy Mar 4, 2014 The church played a crucial role within the Middle Ages. Not only was it the largest building within the manor, but it was also the center of society. It held religious power as well as political and economic

power. It was the center of European culture, and had its own rules. One of their main goals was to convert Western Europe to Christianity. There were tough consequences to any who didn't follow the church and went against it. The church had the highest power, overseeing the entire feudal system including the monarch. The church had a lot of control, was the main source of power, oversaw everything, and was the head of the feudal system during the Middle Ages. Today, the churches role has decreased. They don't have as much power in society, they really only have power over those who follow them. As the world is moving fast around us, there are many obstacles that get in our way and keep us from the church. Therefore, instead of being the main role in society, church is pushed away and replaced with other important matters by our present society.

Mary Mar 4, 2014 Everyday life during the medieval times revolved around the Church. As more people turned to the Church, the more power it gained, till it was the strongest force in Europe politically and religiously. The pope even grew stronger than leaders of countries. It grew so strong to a point that if you were not Christian, you were under suspicion. The Church set standards in all parts of life. They told people how to morally live, how to worship God, how much to pay in the tithe, and what laws that they should live by. Today, the Church decides what people must do within the religious community. Even then, most people have to follow their countries' laws before they can follow the laws of their religion. Today, the Pope has religious power, but not as much political power as in the past. Also, the Church does not have as much control on people's everyday life in modern times.

Lacy Mar 4, 2014 In medieval life the Church held great power. The Church was the social center and a place of worship because it was often the largest public building in the village. Christian rituals and faith were part of the fabric of everyday life. The people's only contact with the church was the priest. In order for the Church to succeed and develop Christians had to pay a tithe, which was a tax equal to a tenth of their income. The role of the medieval church is somewhat different from today. Today the church has power but the White House holds greater power. Also today we do not have to pay a tithe to the Church. Instead we can donate money to help the church.

Suzie Mar 4, 2014 Unlike today's government, the government during the Medieval Ages relied heavily on the Church in political matters. During the early Medieval Ages the Church provided services for the local community; baptisms, wedding ceremonies, or funeral rites. Nuns spent their time educating the young and treating the ill. Monks spent their time copying Greek and Roman literature. In a time of warf the Church told each rival party to uphold a temporary truce, causing warfare to decline in Europe. However, as the Church grew in power, the entire system was corrupted. Monks no longer followed the Benedictine Rule, and could own land or have a family.Owning a manor's worth of land gave them as more political leverage, and broke the rule of poverty. Luckily Pope Gregory VII reformed the Church in 1073.

Katy Mar 4, 2014 The Church had a lot of authority in medieval time. The lives of people living during medieval times revolved around the church, in other words their most of their life was based on the Church. The Church was a social center, really important events like marriage occurred in the Church. It was the largest building in a community. People involved in the Church like priest would teach at schools or medicate others. Today the Church does not have as much power and authority as it did back in Medieval times. Today out lives don1t involve the Church a lot like in medieval times.

Pam Mar 4, 2014 The church was very important in medieval life. The Pope and the Church were at the top of the hierarchy, even above the king and queen. All laws and decisions had to go through the church. Today the church doesn't play a big role in government. Because of religious rights and freedom, almost every country keeps the church and politics separated.

Sheri Mar 4, 2014 The role of the Church in Medieval Life was to be the heart of the manor. Which meant it was the focal point for people in the manor. The church kept the people going, like a heart keeps you alive. It was most often the largest building, and it was a social event for the christians who were very devoted to their Christian faith. People revolved around the Christian Calendar. The role of the Church in Medieval times is different from today, because nowadays people have trouble finding time for church. Back then Church was one of the main events

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