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Excel is Microsofts popular spreadsheet software that enables the calculation and display of complex mathematical formulas.

Excel can assist you in this analysis of data. You can grade the students results and chart their progress. You can even allow the modification of data through web pages. If you teach, you keep student data so make the most of your available data and use it efficiently by evaluating that data with Excel. To Create a Worksheet !. "lick Worksheet from the Insert menu. #. $ight click on the tab for the new worksheet and select Rename from the shortcut menu. %. &ype in Grade Book and press Enter to save the change '. '. (ey in text into the worksheet as shown in the picture above. You may use different names and grades as you see fit. ). *nce you have all the data in, save your work by clicking Save from the File menu. +or+ "lick on the Save button on the toolbar To Enter Formulas and Functions !. In cell H3 type in Total Score. #. You will now type in the formula for calculating the total score for the student. In cell H4 type in =(D4+E4+F4+G4)/4 and press Enter 3. Position your mouse cursor over the fill handle (Small lack o! in the lower right hand corner of the active cell,. '. "lick and hold, drag down to cell H" and release. &his replicates the formula for the rest of the students in the list. If you have more students, simply drag the mouse down to the last row that has a student and release there. ). You may also wish to calculate the average for each graded item. -elect cell #$% and from the Insert menu click Function. &. Select '(ER')E in the Function name o! and click *+. .. &he range you wish to use will already be entered, so click *+ /. ,. '-ain dra- the fill handle to the last filled in column (cell H$% in the la . and release. 0otice the value in cell F$% is 12I3456. &his is due to the fact that there is no data in that column that is being averaged. 7. Enter 1 for all the exam grades in order for the function in cell F$% to calculate properly To Embed a Chart !. 8ighlight cell /3 to H". #. "lick /hart from the Insert menu and select the chart type that you desire from the list provided. %. "lick 0e!t to advance to the subse9uent step and click 0e!t again. '. &ype in a title in the /hart 1itle box and type in Student ID for the : axis 2. 2. /lick Finish to com3lete the 4i5ard and 3osition the chart as necessary. &. &. Save your 4ork.

6IF6 lo-ical o3erator in an E!cel 4orksheet on the data of, for example, a particular column in the spreadsheet. ; comparison with the marks will yield the corresponding -rades. <eneric formulas for more complicated comparisons are freely available and can be downloaded from the internet. &he formulas can be changed for cell references and columns to suit the re9uirements of the 4orksheet. =I>?;!@=#7,A>A,I>?;!@=%7,AEA,I>?;!@='7,A2A,I>?;!@=)7,A"A,I>?;!@=.7,ABA,A;A,,,,,

I made them up like thisC /5+!55=; D5+.7=B )5+)7=" '5+'7=2 %5+%7=E 5+#7=> "hange the formula ?cell reference and condition, to suit your needs. PRESE01'1I*0 Introduction Microsoft EowerEoint is located on both Macintoshes and IBM compatible computers. /lick on the S1'R1 utton. Ste3 7 Ste3 3 Ste3 4 Ste3 2

#ou le click on the folder marked 8I/R*S*F1 *FFI/E 9. #ou le click on the icon marked P*WERP*I01 1he 3ro-ram is started and no4 ready to use *r click on the P*WERP*I01 icon on the dock.

)o to Pro-rams. )o to 8S *ffice 7%%% SR:$. /lick on 8icrosoft Po4erPoint. 1he 3ro-ram is started and no4 ready to use.

/reatin- Slides For ;our Presentation When you 4ant to start a ne4 slide< on the menu ar at the to3 click on Insert +F 0e4 Slide. You can also view the "ommon &ask toolbar by going to (ie4 +F 1ool ars +F /ommon 1asks. "lick on 0e4 Slide in the /ommon 1asks toolbar ? =sin- the Insert 8enu Insert Items Into ;our Presentation G 0ew -lides C creates a new slide similar to 0e4 Slide on the "ommon &asksA task bar. G -lide 0umberC numbers your slides. G "omments C inserts a comment box. G -lides from >ileC inserts slides from another presentation saved on a disk,your eden4rci account, etc. G -lides from *utlineC inserts slides from an outline this will create a slide for you based on the outline you use. G EictureC You are not limited to the images in the "lip ;rt <allery. You may insert an image of your own ?for example, a .gif or .Hpg that you found on the web, into your presentation. <o to Insert and select Picture. If you want to use the clip art gallery select /li3 'rt. If you have a picture file saved on a disk, an account, or on a local drive on the computer, select From File. -elect the picture file that you would like to insert, then click I0-E$&. You can resiIe and move the image that you insert by clicking on it and dragging it to the desired location. G &ext BoxC inserts a box into which you can type text. G Movies and -oundC allows you to insert sound and video clips follow the procedure for inserting pictures to insert sound or video clips. G "hartC inserts charts via the M- <raph application. G *bHectC inserts items from different applications. -ome items includeC M- Excel "harts, Excel Jorksheets, <raph 7/ "harts, *rganiIation "hart, Jord 2ocuments, and Jord Eictures. G 8yperlinksC &o create a hyper link, highlight the text or image that you want to designate as a hyperlink. &hen go to Insert and select Hy3erlink. &he text that you highlight will change in color to indicate that it is a hyperlink.

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