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International Mathematics Invitation Contests (Singapore) 2005 for Senior Middle School

(Time 90 minutes, Total Score !20)

Nationality: Name: Scores:

Multiple Choice (5 mar"s each) 1.



4 x 2 4 x 15 0





4 x 2 +12 x + 9 + 4 x 2 20 x + 25

can be simplifie as

2. '.

! 4x 2 "# $ # % 4x + # 2 2 &et M = 'x # xy + 9 y 4 x + ( y + 1' )hich of the follo)ing is tr*e+ ! M 0 " M <0 $ M >0 % M 0 Set the f*nction f - x, = x 2 2 x 24 then

/ 2. / f - x , has both the maxim*m an the minim*m ! )hen x - '/ 5. / f - x , has both the maxim*m an the minim*m " )hen x - 4/ 1. / f - x , has both the maxim*m an the minim*m $ )hen x 0 '/ (. / f - x , only has the minim*m/ )itho*t the maxim*m % )hen x - 4. 1f the si e lengths of an ac*te triangle are 2 ' x/ then the possible range of x is - , ! 1 < x < 5 " 5 < x < 1' $ 1' < x < 5 % 5 < x < 15 5. 2he maxim*m of the follo)ing is - , ! tan 4# + cot 4# " sin 4# + cos 4# tan 4# + cos 4# $ % sin 4# + cot 4# (. 2he sol*tion of ine3*ality lg x 4 < lg' x is

1 < x <1 100

" x > 100 %

1 < x < 1 / or x > 100 100

$ 0 < x < 1 / or x > 100

4. 5iao6hang )or7e a ho*rs last )ee7 )ith 89" b :*an per ho*r. 2his )ee7 the )or7ing ho*rs are 10; less than last )ee7/ )ith the )age rate increases 10;. $ompare )ith the total income of last )ee7/ this )ee7 his income - , ! increases 1; " ecreases 1; $ increases 1.5; % ecreases 1.5; #. 2here are 99 nat*ral n*mbers bigger than 1/ the s*mmation of )hich is '00.9 of these n*mbers are re *ce 2 each/ others are a e 1/ then the pro *ct of the ne) n*mbers m*st be - , ! o n*mber " even n*mber $ prime n*mber % perfect s3*are n*mber 9. &et S1 <12'=n S2 = 12 + 22 + + n 2 / S' = 1' + 2' + + n' / the amo*nt of possible sol*tions that )ill ma7e S1 / S2 / S' to be arithmetic series is - ,

! none " exist b*t only 1 $ exist b*t only 2 % inn*merable 10. 2he s*rface area of a c*boi s is 11/ )ith the s*mmation of length of si es is 24/ then the length of one of its iagonals is - , !2 ' " 14 $5 %(
II# $ill in the %lan"s (&art ', 5 mar"s each) 11. 2here are fo*r balls/ each one )as mar7e )ith n*mber 1 2 ' 4 an fo*r

ra)ers )ere also n*mbere by 1 2 ' 4. No) p*t one ball into one ra)er/ if there are >*st t)o ra)ers )hose n*mbers are the same )ith the ball?s in it/ then )e have @@@@@@@@@ 7in s of )ays to reali6e it.
5, <@@@@@@@@@@. 12. Set the f*nction f - x, = ax ' + bx + 1 f -5, = 4 then f -

1'. f - x, = a x 2

f -lg a , = 10


a <@@@@@@@@@@@@.

14. Set the f*nction f - x 2 4, = lg @@@@@@@@@@

x2 then the x2 #

omain of variability is

15. Set the f*nction f - x, = satisfy f -n, > 1(. 1f

- 2 , x 1 the minim*m nat*ral n*mber )hich )ill - 2 , x +1

n is @@@@@@@@ n +1

sin x + cos x = 1.5

then the val*e of sin x is @@@@@@@@@@@@

14. !fter scraping a triang*lar pyrami )ith the same length of lateral e ges from each corner of a c*be )hose length of si e is 1/ the c*bage of the left polyhe ron is
44 / then the length of the lateral e ges of the scrape triang*lar pyrami is #1

@@@@@@@@@@. 1#. $*t by the ellipse )hich is no longer than

' - x m, 2 + y 2 = 1 / )e get a chor from the beeline y = x 2 4
1' / an then the range of real n*mber m is @@@@@@@@@@@. 20

19. 2he s*mmation of all the threeAfig*res )ith 5 remaining ivi e by 4/ 2 remaining ivi e by5/ an 1 remaining ivi e by ' is @@@@@@@@@@.

20. 2)o >*nior mi le school st* ents of Gra e one an some st* ents from Gra e t)o ta7e part in a $hinese chess contest. Bvery t)o participants shall compete once/ an the )inner )ill get one point. 1f they ra)/ each of them )ill get half a point. S*ppose the t)o st* ents from Gra e one get # points allAtogether/ an everyone from Gra e t)o get the same score/ then there are @@@@@@@@@@@@ st* ents from Gra e t)o.
$ill in the %lan"s (&art %, !0 mar"s each)

x2 21. 2he circ*lar isc x 2 + y 2 = ' covers part of the ellipse + y 2 = 1 / an then )e 4

can cover the left part of the ellipse )ith t)o same rot*n ities/ )hose iameters are both @@@@@@@@@. 22. 2he c*bage of a li less cylin er is C. 2he ratio of price of material )hich is ma e for bottom an the flan7 is ':2/ )hen the ra i*s of bottom is @@@@@@@@@@@/ the cost of the cylin er is the least.

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