Power Point Instructional Handout 1

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Getting Started in Power Point

Step 1:
The first thing to do when you open the program in Microsoft Office is to choose a template.

Step 3: Begin adding images. Click the Photo option on the top menu bar.

Step 2: Begin adding your specific content onto slides by clicking and typing.

Step 4: Format the image by clicking on the Format Picture tab on the top menu.

Created by Sarah Brown

Office 2033 D Duke Hall James Madison University

For more information please contact me at coveredinpaint@gmail.com

Making a Power Point more


There are a few tools in the Microsoft program that allow you as an instructor to create an interactive learning object for your students. This page will show you how to begin using those options.

Step 5: Insert a shape you would like to use as a hot spot. (students will click on) Arrows always work nicely. Step 6: Right click on the shape to format it. Step 7: Right
click again to see more options.

Choose Action Settings at the bottom of the menu.

Step 8: Choose what to link to your chosen shape and click OK. Continue adding slides to your presentation.

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