Kristen Hartman Resume

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Kristen Hartman

200 Brookside Drive, Belton, Missouri 64012 ~ (816) 807 2286

!o se"ure a #osition as an elementar$ edu"ator so t%at & ma$ use m$ skills and talents to 'etter t%e lives o( "%ildren and ensure t%eir su""ess.

Elementary Education Teacher Certification Missouri )erti(i"ation +lementar$ +du"ation ,ra-is. )urri"ulum, &nstru"tion, and /ssessment Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education Missouri 1tate 2niversit$ *,/ 4.7404.0 eM&5!1, em#%asis Honors: Dean6s 7ist, )um 7aude Certification after graduation *rades 1 6 1880200 May 2014 1#rin3(ield, Missouri Certification in Fall 2014

1tudent !ea"%er anuary 2014!"resent Helen Mathe#s Elementary School 5i-a, Missouri )o tea"% "lass o( 22 (ourt% 3rade students, en%an"in3 skills in"ludin3 team 'uildin3 and "riti"al t%inkin3. &m#lement multi#le "urri"ula in"ludin3 mat%emati"s, "ommuni"ation arts, s"ien"e, and so"ial studies, in"or#oratin3 )ommon )ore 1tate 1tandards and Missouri *rade 7evel +-#e"tations. &nte3rate te"%nolo3$ t%rou3%out learnin3 e-#erien"es durin3 8%ole "lass and small 3rou# instru"tion. )olla'orate 8it% edu"ators and s"%ool #ersonnel to "oordinate student learnin3 e-#erien"es. Di((erentiate instru"tion and im#lement a variet$ o( tea"%in3 strate3ies to 'est meet t%e needs o( ea"% individual student. !utor se"ond 3rade student on readin3 "om#re%ension and (luen"$. &nterns%i# ,ra"ti"um 1tudent $cto%er!&ecem%er 201' (or) Elementary School 1#rin3(ield, Missouri Di((erentiated instru"tion and im#lemented a variet$ o( tea"%in3 strate3ies to 'est meet t%e needs o( ea"% individual student, in"ludin3 4 students 8it% s#e"ial needs. )ondu"ted a"tion resear"% to en"oura3e more meanin3(ul small 3rou# "ommuni"ation. Develo#ed #ositive relations%i#s 8it% at risk students to en"oura3e a"ademi" su""ess. ,ra"ti"um 1tudent Se"tem%er 2011!May 201' Helen Mathe#s Elementary School, Fremont Elementary School, Bingham Elementary School ,lanned and tau3%t 8%ole "lass and small 3rou# lessons in a variet$ o( 1st t%rou3% 6t% 3rade "lassrooms.

1%i(t 1u#ervisor anuary 2011!"resent um" Mania, **C+ 1#rin3(ield, Missouri 1u#ervise and mana3e 3eneral em#lo$ees in t%eir res#onsi'ilities 1ettle "ustomer "om#laints, dis#utes, and issues. +nsure sa(et$ o( all "%ildren 8%ile on in(lata'le e9ui#ment and in (a"ilit$. 1M/:! 5ote'ook )erti(i"ation May 201' Missouri State ,ni-ersity 1#rin3(ield, Missouri

*utheran Student Center 1#rin3(ield, Missouri .resident anuary!&ecem%er 201' ;versa8 and assisted ot%er student 'oard mem'ers in res#onsi'ilities ne"essar$ to ensure t%e su""ess o( t%e student or3ani<ation. )olla'orativel$ #lanned and su""ess(ull$ im#lemented an alumni reunion to "ele'rate =0 $ears in "am#us ministr$. &irector of $utreach anuary!&ecem%er 2012 )ommuni"ated 8it% and en"oura3ed t%e attendan"e o( a"tive and #ers#e"tive mem'ers. &irector of Ser-ice anuary!&ecem%er 2011 ,lanned a variet$ o( servi"e o##ortunities t%rou3%out t%e "ommunit$ in"ludin3 t8o relie( tri#s to >o#lin, Missouri in res#onse to t%e 2011 tornado.

:ela$ (or 7i(e, ,arti"i#ant /"ril 2010! /"ril 2014 Missouri State ,ni-ersity 1#rin3(ield, Missouri ;#eration )%ristmas )%ild, ,arti"i#ant &ecem%er 2011! &ecem%er 201' Missouri State ,ni-ersity 1#rin3(ield, Missouri ;r3ani<ed t%e "olle"tion o( donations to #a"k over 100 s%oe 'o-es ea"% $ear. 1unda$ 1"%ool !ea"%er anuary!&ecem%er 201' 0i-er of *ife *utheran Church :o3ersville, Missouri st t% ,lanned and tau3%t 'i'le lessons in t%e 1 ? 6 3rade "lassroom. @oun3 /dult Aolunteer uly 201' 1ational (outh 2athering, *utheran Church Missouri Synod 1an /ntonio, !e-as Aolunteered over 100 %ours to various res#onsi'ilities to ensure t%e su""ess o( t%e "on(eren"e 8it% over 40,000 $out% in attendan"e. ,rovided en"oura3ement and su##ort (or %i3% s"%ool a3e $out%.


3&i-ersity and 4nclusion5 '$ 7inda +d8ards, 1ode-o March 2014 6a""a &elta .i 1o-em%er 2012! 201' 1ational Education /ssociation /ugust 2011!"resent
1"an t%e a'ove B: "ode to vie8 online #ro(essional #ort(olio or visit %tt#.00miss%artman#ort(olio.8ee'l$."om

Kristen Hartman
200 Brookside Drive, Belton, Missouri 64012 ~ (816) 807 2286

Mrs+ ennifer Mueller 60= 1. *re33 :oad 5i-a, Missouri 6=714 Mrs+ Candace Fair%airn C01 1. 5ational /venue 1#rin3(ield, Missouri 6=8C7 &r+ 0o%erta /ram C01 1. 5ational /venue 1#rin3(ield, Missouri 6=8C7 Mr+ 0odney 6issinger C01 1. 5ational /venue 1#rin3(ield, Missouri 6=8C7 Mrs+ Su7anne Esch 274= 1. Eansas +-#ress8a$ 1#rin3(ield, Missouri 6=807 1tudent !ea"%in3 Mentor !ea"%er >enMueller@ni-as" 417 44C 414= Missouri State ,ni-ersity 1tudent !ea"%in3 1u#ervisor )anda"eDair' 417 846 4262 Missouri State ,ni-ersity &nterns%i# 1u#ervisor :o'erta/ 417 846 =46= Missouri State ,ni-ersity eM&5!1 ,ro(essor 417 848 8802 um" Mania, **C 1u#ervisor and ;8ner >um#Mania1#rin3(ield@$a%oo."om 417 881 =867

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