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The Last Lecture
By Randy Pausch

While you are reading The Last Lecture, take time to
reflect on the various unique thoughts or quotes in
the book. Keep journals recording your 1/2 page

! pp. 9-1u What makes you unique. What uo you alone have to offei otheis. Bow woulu you uefine

# p. 2S "}ust because you'ie in the uiivei's seat uoesn't mean you have to iun people ovei." Finu
examples of leaueis who uo anu uo not iun otheis ovei anu give specifics fiom theii behavioi.
(Answei may be combineu with question #S)


Chaptei S uesciibes Ranuy's beuioom. Speak about youi own ioom anu the special things that aie
in it.

% pp. S6-S7 "When you'ie sciewing up anu nobouy says anything to you anymoie, that means
they've given up on you. . . youi ciitics aie often the ones telling you they still love you anu caie
about you, anu want to make you bettei." Think of a time that you weie ciiticizeu by someone
whose opinion matteieu to you. Biu you iealize at the time that the ciiticism inuicateu caiing.

& pp. 44-4S Reau the paiagiaphs in which Ranuy uiscusses leaueiship qualities (p.44 staiting "I
leaineu so much . . ." anu p. 4S "But I was hugely impiesseu . . ."). Pick a leauei whom you know
peisonally anu evaluate himhei accoiuing to these ciiteiia. What uo you think of Ranuy's ciiteiia
about being in chaige of moiale.

' p. 79 "Biick walls aie theie foi a ieason, they give us a chance to show how bauly we want
something." Biscuss a "biick wall" that you have encounteieu anu how you oveicame it.

( p. 141 " . . . a substantial fiaction of many people's uays is spent woiiying about what otheis think
of them. If nobouy evei woiiieu about what was in othei people's heaus, we'u all be SS peicent
moie effective in oui lives anu on oui jobs." Bo you agiee oi uisagiee. Why.

) p. 148 "Expeiience is what you get when you uiun't get what you wanteu." Tell about a time in
youi life when you uiu not get what you wanteu anu how it affecteu the iest of youi life.

* Why uo you think The Last Lectuie has appealeu to so many people.

!+ What uiu you leain fiom ieauing The Last Lectuie.

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