Cim Minutes 20140326

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Channel Islands Mensa ExComm meeting March 26, 2014 Present: Saundra ing, President !

!ar" #nso$, Secretar" %aughn &Par$ie' Par$er, (reasurer )aura *anna, %ice President *anc" +o,en, Editor #-sent: Christine .au/tman I CALL TO ORDER

(his s/ecial ExComm meeting &to deal ,ith the +"0)a, u/dates and election /lanning' ,as called to order at 4:12 /m 3ia telecon4erence -" President Saundra ing5 II OLD BUSINESS

By-Laws e3in recei3ed a list o4 re6uired and suggested u/dates to our /ro/osed +"0)a,s 4rom the *ational re3ie, committee5 .e distri-uted &3ia a do,nload lin$ included ,ith the agenda' an amended set o4 /ro/osed +"0)a,s that incor/orate all the re6uired u/dates, -ut not all o4 the suggested u/dates5 (he amended set o4 /ro/osed +"0)a,s does not include a re6uirement to /u-lish a list o4 #ctions Still In E44ect5 (he *ational committee had suggested that ,e include this, -ut ,e ha3e no such re6uirement in our current +"0)a,s, and e3in did not $no, o4 an" #ctions Still In E44ect that ,ould ma$e u/ such a list &nor did an"one else on the call'5 Elections )aura, as chair o4 the *ominating Committee, indicated that all current o44icers are ,illing to continue in their current /ositions5 (he 6uestion ,as raised a-out ,hether ,e should -e /lanning 4or elections to -e held under the current +"0)a,s, or under the /ro/osed +"0)a,s5 7e do not ex/ect to ha3e the /ro/osed +"0)a,s a//ro3ed -" *ational and rati4ied -" the mem-ershi/ in time 4or elections this "ear under those +"0)a,s, so the consensus ,as that ,e should still -e ,or$ing under the current +"0)a,s5 (he current +"0)a,s state that elections ,ill -e held e3er" t,o "ears, in odd0num-ered "ears so no election /lanning is needed at this time5 By-Laws (returning to earlier topic) 7e discussed ,hether ,e should ha3e one0"ear or t,o0"ear election c"cles under the /ro/osed +"0)a,s &,hich currentl" s/eci4" one0"ear terms o4 o44ice'5 Mo3ed &)aura8*anc"' that ,e amend the /ro/osed +"0)a,s to include elections e3er" t,o "ears, on odd0 num-ered "ears Passed5

Channel Islands Mensa +oard meeting minutes, March 26, 2014


(here ,as some 4ollo,0u/ discussion ,hether it ,ould -e -etter to ha3e elections on the e3en0 or odd0 num-ered "ears5 I4 ,e s/eci4" elections in e3en0num-ered "ears, then it ,ill -e di44icult to hold elections this "ear &4ollo,ing rati4ication' under the schedule contained in the /ro/osed +"0)a,s5 I4 ,e s/eci4" elections in odd0num-ered "ears, then ,hether or not the /ro/osed +"0)a,s are in e44ect ,e ,ill ha3e elections in 2012 &and ,e do ex/ect to ha3e them in 4orce -" that time'5 Mo3ed &Par$ie8)aura' to acce/t e3in9s u/dated /ro/osed +"0)a,s, ,ith the u/date to the terms o4 o44ice and election c"cle discussed a-o3e, and send these -ac$ to the *ational :44ice 4or a//ro3al Passed5 e3in reminded us that under the current +"0)a,s, ,e ,ill need to ha3e a *ominating Committee in /lace -e4ore ;anuar" 1, 20125 (here ,as some discussion on ho, the current o44icers ,ill ma" to the ExComm under the ne, +"0 )a,s, ,hich s/eci4" onl" that the mem-ershi/ elects ExComm mem-ers, ,ho then choose the 3arious o44icers5 .o,e3er, no action at this time is needed5 III ADJOURNMENT

(here -eing no 4urther -usiness, the meeting ,as ad<ourned at 2:14 /m5 =es/ect4ull" su-mitted, !ar" #nso$ Secretar", Channel Islands Mensa

Channel Islands Mensa +oard meeting minutes, March 26, 2014


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